Some of the cool kids like Stephanie at Mommy, For Real, Kate at Can I get another bottle of whine and Kenya at Here’s the Thing participate in this Monday Listicles thing. If you, like me, are on the dumb side and aren’t sure whether a listicle is simply a list that got tickled, I Googled it for both of us. You’re welcome. According to Wikipedia, a listicle is a list that has more guts. Specifically “a short-form of writing that uses a list as its thematic structure, but is fleshed out with sufficient verbiage to be published as an article.”
Northwest Mommy hosts the link-up party each week and I went to check her out. This week’s topic is 10 ways my partner’s awesome. Suggested by The Bonnie Bard.
So here goes. 10 ways in which Robert is awesome.
10. He’s mostly just as happy when I make sandwiches for dinner as he is when I actually cook. And if he’s not, I never see it.
9. Robert does all of the laundry. For real. I have no idea how this began, but I’ve found it’s best not to question these things.
8. When I quit my job about four minutes after Tucker was born, he didn’t even look a tiny bit worried. Sometimes, now, three+ years later, I do wonder what happened to that extra money we used to have. Surely the dusty purses and designer clothes and shoes in my closet cannot be wholly responsible.
7. If I asked him to go to the store right this very minute to buy tampons and wine, he would. Really. He’s done so before and didn’t even give me a hard time about it.
6. He’s super-smart about stuff that I’m super-dumb about, like history and geography. He really should go on Jeopardy. He’s that smart.
Just now, when I was finishing this drawing, I asked Robert what some obscure thing would be that I could put in the word bubble. Without blinking, he said “What language do they speak in the Maldives? That would be Dhivehi.” See? Super-smart.
5. He doesn’t make fun of me for being dumb about history and geography. He thinks I’m smart anyway and is genuinely proud of me for the stuff that I do know about.
4. Robert is not jealous. This may seem like a small thing. It’s not. I dated somebody who was so extremely jealous that that he managed to convince himself every single time I wasn’t in his sight that I was in danger of accidentally having sex with somebody newer than him. Seriously. Reassuring him was exhausting.
3. He almost always lets me sleep in at least one morning each weekend. This weekend, he let me sleep in both days. Also, he walks my dog every weekday morning, giving me another few minutes in bed and time to mainline some coffee before Tucker wakes up.
2. When I briefly entertained the idea that we should be trying harder to make a sibling for Tucker, Robert didn’t move out and flee to Mexico.
1. And the number one way in which Robert is awesome? Together, we made this:
by Kristi Campbell
Kerri - How about the time he didn’t freak out that you took Botox and blamed the rash on a centipede
And I cannot help but wonder, is Robert right now thinking: What did Kristi do that she is buttering me up?March 18, 2013 – 10:43 am
admin - Kerri, YOU are awesome. I’m sitting here in a room all alone laughing hysterically. I should have put that on the list! Oh well. And yes, he was VERY surprised when I told him that I was writing about him being awesome. He was so surprised in fact that it made me feel bad.March 18, 2013 – 11:30 am
Kenya G. Johnson - Awww, what a super sweet post. Girl you taught me something knew. I thought listicle was made up word. I also thought the word in the word bubble was made up. As for #4 – been there. So sometimes I think its weird for my husband not to know where I am. So sometimes I’ll call and say, “I just called to let you know I’m not laying in a ditch somewhere just in case you were wondering.” I am kinda jealous so I’ll also call and say, “I’m just calling to make sure you’re not laying in a ditch somewhere.” And I’m also really jealous of your #9.
Glad you linked up!March 18, 2013 – 10:53 am
admin - Really? I taught you something? Wow, that is COOL. Actually, I assumed it was a made up word at first too, but thought I’d better Google it because I wasn’t sure. Yay for something new!
That’s too funny that you call him to let him know you’re not laying in a ditch somewhere. Adorable. And, yeah, number 9 is a weird one. I have no clue how it started but I’m NOT going to ask about it. That’s for sure.March 18, 2013 – 11:32 am
Jamie@SouthMainMuse - Yay for doing laundry. That is wonderful. My husband would have no idea how to do that. And sleeping in — what a treat.March 18, 2013 – 11:18 am
admin - Thanks for the comment, Jamie! Yeah, sleeping in is a pretty big treat for sure.March 18, 2013 – 11:33 am
BonnyBard - HI! So glad you decided to join in today! Love your drawings!!
March 18, 2013 – 11:38 am
admin - Thanks for a great topic!March 18, 2013 – 11:50 am
Dana - As I am up to my eyeballs in laundry this morning, I’m totally jealous of your #9. And my husband actually tried out for Jeopardy – now it’s your turn to be jealous.March 18, 2013 – 11:54 am
admin - Wow, I am jealous! Will he get to be on Jeopardy? That’s cool!March 18, 2013 – 12:17 pm
christine - In 18 years, my husband never did laundry, mostly because I didn’t want him to. The last couple of weeks, he’s been doing laundry non-stop over the weekends. I have to say, it is wonderful. I wouldn’t ask your husband about it either. Just enjoy!
#6 cracked me up. First, that he came up with one for you so easily. Secondly, WHY does he know the language they speak in Maldives?March 18, 2013 – 12:07 pm
admin - Christine, I have no idea why he knows the things he knows. He LIKES that stuff. I guess that makes it easier to remember. Love that your hubs is doing laundry over the weekends!March 18, 2013 – 12:18 pm
Yona - Awe….#10 is the best. Great picture.
I love your little drawings…I was cracking up at the same expression for both types of meals. Cute! I also really like #6…funny!March 18, 2013 – 12:12 pm
admin - Thanks so much Yona! His expression really doesn’t change from each meal. Weird but I’ll take it!March 18, 2013 – 12:18 pm
Janine Huldie - Awesome and think you two did a great job with making Tucker. Oh and I loved the Jeopardy question. Yup, I am with you and have no idea what that even meant until read on, lol!!
March 18, 2013 – 12:28 pm
admin - Me neither on the Jeopardy question. I had to Google how to spell it because I was sure he was wrong. He wasn’t. Thanks for the comment!March 18, 2013 – 12:34 pm
just JENNIFER - Oh I love it! He sounds like a great guy. Love your last one.March 18, 2013 – 1:20 pm
admin - Thanks, Jennifer!March 18, 2013 – 4:54 pm
Emily - Robert DOES sound awesome – especially the laundry part. If he ever gets bored and wants to do another load or two, send him to my house. I’ve got plenty! Oh and thank you for googling listicles…I’ve really got to try participating – maybe next week!?March 18, 2013 – 1:27 pm
admin - Emily,
The laundry part IS super awesome. Trust me though when I tell you he is far from perfect. You should participate. If nothing else, it saves you from having to think about what to write about.March 18, 2013 – 4:54 pm
Sara - Love this one. Yaaay, Robert!
…and what a great reminder to appreciate the stuff you love about him. I found a lot of overlap about what I love about Kev.
Btw, I would have thought a listicle is a testosterone-filled list (for ex. 1. Watch Nascar. 2. Write name in snow in piss. 3. Beat up a badger….. y’know, that sort of thing). And just b/c it’s in Wikipedia doesn’t mean it ISN’T a made-up word. ….for that matter, aren’t ALL words made-up words?
March 18, 2013 – 1:55 pm
admin - Sara,
Funny how we like the same stuff huh? And HAHAHA to a listicle being a testosterone-filled list!
And oh. Totally got the “I’ll never get a pony face” with the revelation that I didn’t think of it still being a made up word. Something I should have realized, for sure. Being as pretty much anybody can enter stuff on Wiki and all. Sigh. Oh well, it’s a word now. After all, I typed it. And you typed it. It therefore exists.March 18, 2013 – 4:57 pm
Tamara - Loved this post! It’s so important to remember to focus on the good things instead of dwelling on the little, annoying things. What a beautiful list and a great reminder for all of us to point out what we love about our spouses more often!March 18, 2013 – 2:43 pm
admin - Tamara,
You have a cool name! And you’re so right – this linkup really made me think of all the reasons I love my husband. Usually it’s easier to remember all the reasons why he annoys me.March 18, 2013 – 4:58 pm
Stephanie @ Mommy, for real. - Love, love, love EVERY single thing about this. The pictures were SO perfect- the first one killed me. Oh, not to mention the beautiful actual photos of you guys. Wow. Your husband sounds so frickin’ awesome, for real. The laundry…the sleeping in…plus he sounds very mellow and even keel like my husband. Much unlike me. And probably you. No offense- but that’s why I like you. xoxo Way to bring it for the Listicles!March 18, 2013 – 3:22 pm
admin - Stephanie,
He can be super awesome. Especially with the laundry. And you’re so right that he is totally mellow and even keel. Unlike me. Or you.
So can I sit at the cool kid table for lunch this week then? Since I participated and everything?March 18, 2013 – 4:59 pm
Rachel - Aw, so sweet, and you’re going to be getting a lot of husbands in trouble with this post. I am personally walking the computer over to mine to show him a few of these that he never does…March 18, 2013 – 4:37 pm
admin - Rachel,
Ah, your poor hubby! I’m sure he can do tons of stuff that Robert can’t do. Like, fix anything? I even have to hang all the pictures on the walls. Because the drill we have, and the level? Mine before we ever met. He has a hammer and a shitton of worthless alan wrenches. That’s about it. Seriously.March 18, 2013 – 5:01 pm
The Dose of Reality - I love this list so much! I love that you admire each other’s intelligence.
I have to admit, I feel a little robbed that your husband does all of the laundry. I didn’t even know that was an option. I might just have to mention this to my husband who is also named Robert. If one Robert can do it….March 18, 2013 – 5:35 pm
admin - Thank you so much! And you’re right! If one Robert can do it…they all SHOULD right? Seriously, I have no clue why he started doing all the laundry. Probably he wanted to wear something that was dirty and I just waited too long. Thanks for commenting!March 18, 2013 – 5:39 pm
Sara - Love your list! My hunny does the same with dinner, as long as there is food for us to eat he’s happy. It makes hard days so much easier!March 18, 2013 – 5:48 pm
admin - Sara, you’re so right that it makes the hard days so much easier when they don’t complain about what’s for dinner. We eat breakfast dinners often, too. Thanks for visiting and commenting!March 18, 2013 – 5:53 pm
Robbie - Glad you linked up with Listicles! Love the pictures and cartoons. Sounds like a great guy.March 18, 2013 – 7:06 pm
admin - Glad YOU linked up here! Thanks for the comment.March 18, 2013 – 10:44 pm
Jen - Yea Robert! Boo for being on the phone when you should be playing chase. But yea, for laundry and smart stuff and Tucker!!!!
Mine will also go out at anytime and get what I want, but it’s usually “Dude, you drank all the milk, now what’s Isaiah going to have in the morning?” “Well, I’ll go out and get some.” “While you’re at it, get me some wine so I can have a 2 day hangover.”
hugs TTTx10
btw skipped a bunch to get to you, that’s how much I love you!March 18, 2013 – 9:46 pm
admin - Hahah to the “while you’re at it get me some wine.” I hope the 2-day hangover was milder than it sounds. ouch (whispered).
Thank you for skipping a bunch to get here. Some of them are mean anyway and don’t comment back. Just saying. Love you back my little crazy eye TTTx10 tweepie tweep. Nite.March 18, 2013 – 10:46 pm
Kate Hall - Awww, that is just adorable! What a great guy! Ok, the fact that he knew the language spoken in Maldives blows me away. Where is Maldives? That’s a country, right? Wait, is it? I’m homeschooling my kids and the best part is that I get to learn all the stuff now that I snored at in school. We’re studying Peru this week…I had to look up where Peru was. Didn’t even know Machu Piccu was there and I’m not sure if I spelled it correctly just now. I love your list. He sounds like a wonderful guy!March 18, 2013 – 11:51 pm
Kate Hall - Oh, and thanks for clearing up the whole Listicles definition for me. I thought it was just a word Stasha made up. All these months I’ve been doing it…who knew!March 18, 2013 – 11:54 pm
admin - Kate,
March 19, 2013 – 7:39 am
I have no clue where anything is. I’m sort of jealous you’re homeschooling right now because you get to relearn all the stuff I somehow managed not to learn or to forget. Ok wait, but I don’t actually want to home school. But I’m jealous that you’re going to be smarter than a fifth grader!
And I’m glad it wasn’t just me that didn’t know what a listicle was….
Robin Jingjit - I love how you said you don’t question it! So funny!March 19, 2013 – 7:59 am
admin - Well if I do, he might start to wonder why he’s doing it all…:)March 19, 2013 – 8:16 am
Ducky - I”m thrilled when Irishman does the laundry….except for mine. For some reason MY clothes are the only ones in the house that shrink under his cleaning procedures.March 19, 2013 – 9:38 am
admin - Ugh that’s a bummer that your clothes shrink. I’ve had to remind Robert to not dry my bras more than once. I think he’s got it down, now. Thanks for the comment!March 19, 2013 – 6:00 pm
Rorybore - Love the drawings! very nice.
Mine does his own laundry too. Well, if you can call remembering to put it in the wash at 11:30 pm and then remember to dry it sometime a few days later. I don’t interfere; it seems to work for him. LOLMarch 19, 2013 – 10:43 am
admin - Whatever works, right? I’d take it! Better than having to do it yourself.March 19, 2013 – 6:00 pm
Stacey - Shut your mouth. He does ALL the laundry?!? I am officially jealous. Mine will pitch in, but laundry duty is all mine. Your guy sounds like a pretty awesome, supportive guy! Definitely a keeper!March 19, 2013 – 11:22 am
admin - Thanks, Stacey! Trust me when I tell you that there are things he’s utterly worthless at as well. Like hanging pictures. Or painting the boy’s new room. The paint’s been sitting there for months now.March 19, 2013 – 6:01 pm
Misty@MeetTheCottons - awe, this is great!March 19, 2013 – 8:59 pm
admin -
thanks, sweets.March 19, 2013 – 11:38 pm
Alicia - Lost In Holland - wow, he DOES sound like the perfect man… especially the cooking and laundry part! I might steal him from you just for that.
My hubs shares many traits on the list – letting me sleep in and not being jealous and being really smart. though, he is more like dweeby math smart – like calculating sh*t rainman style in his head. Bizarre.March 20, 2013 – 9:43 am
Joy - I love this list! He really sounds awesome!March 21, 2013 – 6:57 am
Jessica - This is an awesome list. It makes me want to hug my hubby right now! I also think I need to check out Janine’s blog more often. Her blog hops might be the thing I need to cure my writer’s block! Thank you for sharing and thank you for stopping by my blog. I am a new follower
The Wondering BrainMarch 29, 2013 – 8:36 pm