THEN December 30, 2021, the eve of the final night of the year, another day, another second A blog post titled “What Not to Say Regarding a Loss People Tell You is No Big Deal” was fresh on my keyboard and in my heart. I was writing, processing, and mourning. I was ready to write. […]
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 Two weeks from now, we’ll celebrate the Fourth of July in the US. We’ll ooh and ahh our Independence Day, fireworks, and, in our family, the huge milestone of a first double-digit birthday. It’s hard to believe Tucker’s turning 10 years old this summer, and while all the Fourths of July are my favorite, 10 […]
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 As we sat around the dinner table tonight, I paused and looked at my little boy, who is – in his mind, a big boy – but remains little in mine because being six can’t yet be big. I also see that he’s no longer little-little. As I watched him open the straw for his […]
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 Just before drifting off to sleep, my son rolls over to check that I’m still there and grips my hand more tightly in his. I like to think that he’s locking my presence into his dreams. Sometimes, while lying in the dark or playing in the light, I think about all of the things I […]
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 Listen to Your Mother Show videos are out! I just got back from Tucker’s BigHuge Turning FIVE Birthday Extravaganza and Celebration, and discovered that special needs parenting is way better than sea monkeys. The Listen to Your Mother Videos are all over Facebook and Twitter, and I’m swept up in the fun of reliving one […]
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 Last night, I was abducted by aliens while I slept. One minute, I was peacefully slumbering in bed, and the next, I was standing outside, on the sidewalk, looking at two creatures that I knew were from outer space. Whether it was the glass of wine I’d had before bed or that they’d done some […]
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 The word autism entered my heart as a whisper. It later entered my brain as a possibility. Later still, it entered my life. I worried, bought a book on autism, devoured it, and then felt like that must not be what my son has. He was nothing like the boy in the book. “Maybe,” I […]
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 As a child, I thought that people’s lives happened on purpose. That you found love when you’d planned to, and that babies came when you decided that you were ready for them. At some point along the way, I realized that life happens accidentally while you’re still figuring out what it is that you don’t […]
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 Have you ever thought about life’s turning points? About how different your life might be had you taken a different route, a different job, chosen a different country to live in? Would your child be the same person had you had him earlier? Married somebody else? Grew up with a different family? Would you be […]
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 If I could live anywhere in the world, I’m not sure where I’d choose. The caves and snow of the mountains of Colorado? So close to the ocean that each morning its scent would bring me back to earth before hunger and here? If I could live anywhere, I’d like to live in The Land of […]
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This is the worst year ever but also, we have hope
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 In March, we were mourning a canceled Disneyland and Universal trip for spring break. “They’re saying it’ll just be a few weeks,” we said. We waited for the pandemic to pass. Celebrated spring break at home. Did everything at home. Waited for life to be more like what we were used to with busy schedules, […]
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 Who isn’t burned out right now? If we’re not stressing about how our kids (my kid, anyway) will learn online with accountability (!) for seven hours at a time, it’s wondering whether it’s okay to have family and close friends over for a backyard cookout. Whether outdoor ice cream shops are safe-ish, and whether a […]
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 My son builds worlds in Minecraft and I’m jealous. He’s got this world where the non-player-characters (NPC) are on virtual reality headsets, an annoyed worker who is the employee of the month, and they can pretty much fly and travel to wherever. Teleport even. I wish I could teleport. I want to travel. Wanderlust, Traveling, […]
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 Everything feels like a slog these days. I’d rather ignore my feelings and binge-watch Netflix instead. In years other than the dumpster fire that 2020 is, we’d be going through last year’s school supplies, buying items we don’t have, and getting excited for fall leaves and new friendships while hoping middle school is kinder than […]
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by Kristi Campbell
Lizzi - You still write so damn beautifully. I’m gutted for you about Nugget. I had an inkling when the pics dried up. Poor Tucks. Poor you all. And poor Nugget. Damn 😔August 13, 2022 – 11:15 pm
Kristi Campbell - As always, you’re my favorite. Thank you and I’m gutted too. It’s been a while and I’ve been thinking of writing but just well. Could not even say it out loud in my mouth or on this page, you know?
Poor Tucks for sure. My whole everything is that.August 20, 2022 – 10:03 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - I’m soooo sorry for your loss and just as sorry that I didn’t see that Nugget was missing 😒 I’m so glad Tucker had him for a while especially through one of the hardest and isolating times in our lives. Nugget was there. Much love to you all.August 14, 2022 – 3:20 am
Kristi Campbell - I think I made it impossible for anybody to see Nugget was missing. I just couldn’t. Thank you. Reading “Nugget was there” is love in itself. xoAugust 20, 2022 – 10:04 pm
Sara - Heart wrenching. I feel this deeply. Sweet Nugget. Love to you & Tux. <3August 14, 2022 – 9:23 am
Kristi Campbell - OMG thank you. I know you know that I know what you know about the feeling stuff that you know you’re feeling and…. xo mwah.August 20, 2022 – 10:05 pm
Julie - Oh sweet Nugget – you all were so lucky to have found each other, such a wonderful friend for Tucker and unique friend to you. And I’m so glad you did write it. We can measure our lives in dogs now, and our friendship in the dogs between us. Sigh, rest in peace sweet Nugget. ❤️🐾August 14, 2022 – 12:11 pm
Kristi Campbell - What a thing, to be able to measure our lives in dogs. I’ll never forget Zonk behind the Papasan and then later Aurthur missing him like cray cray… xoxo for real.August 20, 2022 – 10:07 pm
clark - The un-kindest math in the world is that which governs the relationship of our lives with our dogs.
They give of themselves so effortlessly, so naturally, we are tricked into failing to account for all they give us.
(Would we have it any other way? Their unconditional love is such a miracle disguised as the ordinary, we should forgive ourselves for forgetting how rare it is in life.)
And yet, we must account. And it is this inverse proportion of pain, (but really more of an ache that piles all of its future discomfit into the moment) to the joy we have that is the terrible price we pay.
And, none of us, regret incurring this debt, much as it feels like we do. With time we accept that our animals are a part of us, present or not.August 14, 2022 – 3:42 pm
Kristi Campbell - Clark. You kill me and help me soar with these words “the un-kindest math in the world is that which governs the relationship of our lives with our dogs.”
As you said, we never once regret incurring this debt of the best love ever.August 20, 2022 – 10:09 pm
clark - …quick note:
You are still every bit the bloghop hostinae that you’ve always been. My previous comment, while well-intentioned, is evidence of the atmosphere you engender for participants and your own writing ability which does this thing that whispers to all of us, “Write”
coolAugust 14, 2022 – 4:50 pm
Kristi Campbell - Gah.THANK YOU. I very much need for this whisper”write” to carry me again. I miss all of this.August 20, 2022 – 10:10 pm
Emily - Ohhh Kristi I am so so sorry for you and your family…what a heartbreaking loss of sweet Nugget. We had to say goodbye to our sweet Matilda this past June and we are still grieving and missing her everyday. So I get it — I really do. xoxoAugust 14, 2022 – 6:54 pm
Kristi Campbell - Gah Emily,
So sorry about Matilda. I saw the FB, and it’s so dang gutting. Hard to take. Also, did I see you took a chance on a new fluff?August 20, 2022 – 10:11 pm
Tamara - Ohh.. Nugget! I didn’t know! I’m so sorry. We’ve all been so out of sorts, but I’m thankful for FTSF this week. We’ve all had so much to say. The loss of an loved animal is at times as bad or worse as the loss of a loved human. I once read that it hurts as much, but not for as long. I have experienced that personally but it’s different for all.
Dogs are just.. they’re everything. I miss her for you.August 15, 2022 – 1:51 pm
Kristi Campbell - To be fair, nobody knew. I said nothing after putting it out there asking for experiences. Some were positive, and some were heartbreaking. I didn’t know where this was going and instead of asking and sharing, I hid. Until this, I guess.August 20, 2022 – 10:14 pm
A. J. Goode - Oh, Kristi. Our furbabies come into our lives and take a piece of our hearts with them when they go. I’m so sorry you only got to love Nugget for such a short time.
Thank you for sharing this. I needed the reminder to give my Rosie a few extra hugs and pets today.August 20, 2022 – 6:08 am
Kristi Campbell - Thank you. That you get it and feel this is everything.August 20, 2022 – 10:15 pm
Dana - It’s absolutely a real loss, and I understand your reluctance to write about it. We said goodbye to our Bear in April 2020, and I couldn’t post about it anywhere – the circumstances were bad, and well, I’m still grieving over two years later. I’m so sorry Nugget wasn’t with you longer; it’s never long enough, is it? Love coming here and reading your words again. Maybe I’ll join next time. xoxoAugust 21, 2022 – 11:06 am
Deborah L Bryner - I’m so sorry, Kristi…it hurts every single time, whether we have lost a dog, cat, gerbil, or goldfish…and each of our animal friends leave a huge hole in our hearts. Sending you many hugs and much love…September 16, 2022 – 6:53 pm
Karin - Kristi, It breaks my heart to read this. The time you all had with Nugget was too short, she was a special dog. Losing a pet is more than difficult. In our case, Odin, who could be a royal pain in the butt (as you know!) still holds a special place in my heart, even after all these years. They are all together now at the rainbow bridge playing together ❤️January 1, 2023 – 11:06 am