There are few things like music and scent that bring back past memories. Today, when I hear certain pieces of music, I remember crying, being swept completely into the song, and exactly where I was the first time I heard it. Here are 10 songs that make life better.
1. While watching the 1976 Olympics, I wanted to be a gymnast, in spite of never doing gymnastics.
Nadia Comaneci was on the television, and she could fly. She flew to Beethoven’s Fur Elise.
That song will always bring me back to watching her from a plaid couch while wearing plaid pants, and being amazed by a gymnast defying gravity.
Since crying in music class at that age is definitely uncool, I pretended a boy named Darryl stepped on my finger.
Take a listen. Doesn’t it make you cry a little bit too?
He wore jeans straight from the store so they were stiff and not properly faded.
I teased her about him, and drew pictures.
Funny, but this actually looks a lot like him.
Anyway, there was one night when we were in his car, going to pick my roommate up from work, and he had Metallic playing.
Instead of making fun of him, I really listened, and was hooked. Forever and always. My favorite song of theirs is One.
My eight-year-old can drum the beat on the kitchen table, and name this song in less than three notes.
If you only watch or listen to one video in this post, watch Tucker. His little prep thing with his hands? OMG PRICELESS. Seriously. It’s this one (oh and the kitchen table isn’t dirty, it’s like weathered, or whatever? I know. Gross, but cool. Ish.)
4. Pink Floyd. Wish You Were Here and Shine On You Crazy Diamond, specifically.
Oh friends!
There are so many more than 10 songs that make life better!
5. There’s the story about Billy Idol, and how much I loved him. He was the first concert I saw, at Red Rocks. My mom took me and my best friend. Later, he wanted to Rebel Yell with me.
6. Sinnerman by Nina Simone. I could listen to this over and over forever but will share a lesser-known song of hers called Go Limp, because I love how she laughs during it. There are a bunch of recordings of her singing this live, and each is a little different.
I wish I’d seen her live to join the audience in singing “Tu-ra-la-tu-ra-la-tu-ra-la-aye!”
There truly are so many more than 10 songs that make life better!
9. U2. I’ve seen them in concert maybe even more than I’ve seen Metallica in concert.
Each one that I’ve been to (and this has maybe changed over the years), they end with “40,” and everybody walking out sings along. “How long…”
Oh friends, just thinking about that fills my bucket.
“I will sing. I will sing a new song.”
Back then, that meant that I’ll sing and sing something the world’s never heard before. But you know, not in song. In something. Ideas, maybe. Actions? Something Bono-worthy.
If you ever have a chance to see a concert at Red Rocks, DO IT. It’s the best place in the world for a concert. Promise.
I can’t end this post without Simon & Garfunkel. I listened to their greatest hits on repeat my entire freshman year of college. Later, I saw them in concert. They were so old but they sounded exactly the same.
I used Bridge Over Troubled Water to write about how sometimes, a friend’s plans lead to the best idea of your life.
I sang “Sounds of Silence” at camp before I knew what duos were. Or duets, or whatever.
It’s hard to choose a favorite. I think I’ll leave you with this song. It’s both calming and energizing.
Hopeful and sad. Like all of the music that changes our lives should be.
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, in its new format where each week is a little different, old-school blogging style. This week is the listicle “10 songs/pieces of music that changed me.”
Yours truly of Finding Ninee
Kenya G. Johnson of Sporadically Yours
and this week’s special guest host Jen Kehl of, former goddess of Twisted Mix Tape Tuesdays (find her at the Stereo Sisters on Facebook).
by Kristi Campbell
Emily - Ahhh you brought up so many favorites of mine as well….but when you mentioned Simon and Garfunkel, I thought of the toast my dad made at my wedding. He spoke about how he always used to sing to me when I was little and used to continue to sing to me even when I was a teenager, including when he used to drive me and my friends to various places and I used to say, “daddy, don’t sing!” because I was embarrassed in front of my friends. He then ended his toast by saying that Simon & Garfunkel came to his rescue because they wrote a song called, “For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her.” He would constantly recite the first two lines of the song to me:
What a dream I had
Pressed in organdy
Then he joked that it was ironic because the only clothes he ever saw me in were denim! Anyway, just thought I’d share that memory because that song clearly made my life better.:)March 8, 2018 – 10:13 pm
Kristi Campbell - I just pulled that song up and am listening as I type – it’s so gorgeous. Simon and Garfunkel. What voices. I love that he made a toast at your wedding using that song. You’ll have to be sure to play it for The Dudes (although you likely have, as we do the songs that make our lives better). Thanks for the memory. The “organdy” part reminded me of Scarborough Fair, and for years I thought it was “parsley, sage, rosemary is mine.” I never could figure out the parsley part. Only they can sing a song about plants/spices and make it beautiful.March 10, 2018 – 12:22 am
JT Walters - I love this blog because it is apolitical, uplifting and most of all healing. I never took you for a Metallica fan but I agree with the song choice.
Top one hundred next time!!
. I love this week’s Finish the Sentence Friday!!March 8, 2018 – 10:17 pm
Kristi Campbell - You didn’t know I was a Metallica fan? I’m a HUGE one. Funny, how we don’t know stuff about our friends, but also, why would we? I used to write about them more, and drew a picture of me wearing a Metallica shirt when I’m 89 but that was before we knew each other! A good reminder I suppose. Thanks for that!March 10, 2018 – 12:23 am
JT Walters - Sometime it takes the quiet moments to get to know each other. When the iron is burning no one learns anything but pain, but striking when the iron is cold allows those simple moments to come closer together. I was totally into The Cure and Depoche Mode, did you know that?
I normally hate country music but Alex likes Luke Bryant. Eminem, The Weekend, Korn and metallic. At three he’d kick the back of my chair, in the car to change radio stations. He now just reaches forward and pushes my arm to change the station if he doesn’t like the song. Thank God I don’t have a CD player. Tucker will share and then change your tastes in music because there can’t be two Metallic fans in the house.
I basically liked any European Rockband because I was over there for a bit in the 1980(s).
Great to get to know you better.March 10, 2018 – 5:55 am
Kristi Campbell - I didn’t know you were into The Cure and Depeche Mode but I loved them both! I hate most country music, but there are songs I adore. LOL to not having two Metallica fans in the house. I hope you’re wrong about that!
I don’t have a CD player either. Great to get to know you better, too!March 10, 2018 – 10:44 pm
JT Walters - Does that make us cool or dorks we loved The Cure and Depeche Mode? Or maybe it just means we are us!
The iron is cold so we can find common ground and see how much we are alike and not different. This ground work is the fundamental building blocks of diplomacy and consensus can only be reached through diplomacy. That is why this FTSF is so important.March 10, 2018 – 10:52 pm
Lizzi - Reminds me of the old Twisted Mixtape Tuesday days. Used to love those; all the songs, and their relevance to each of us.
Wonderful.March 9, 2018 – 1:06 am
Kristi Campbell - Right? That’s why the TMTT Goddess Jen is hosting with us. I miss it too. A lot.March 10, 2018 – 12:24 am
Kenya G. Johnson - Yes I have 1001 too! This was a hard assignment. I love your choices and what they mean. If I could play the piano I’d want to be able to play Fur Elise and Greensleeves. I didn’t know Greensleeves was the name of that I just know it. But now I can buy it since I know the name. Anyway I have an app called Piano Tiles that Christopher and I play. That song is on one of the earlier levels and I’ve never been able to finish it without messing up. Maybe I’m too into it. You just used your thumbs and you have to hit the black piano keys as they scroll by and it gets faster and faster, but that one is soooo pretty. DId we think up this prompt that time we were talking about Nina Simone? I forget to go look for an autobiography. So the search is on again. Love Tucker drumming on the kitchen table!March 9, 2018 – 7:21 am
Kristi Campbell - Such a hard assignment (and LOL to you calling it an assignment because we gave it to ourselves but it’s so accurate but well, obvi more fun). I wish I could play the piano. Tucker got a keyboard for Christmas but I haven’t signed him up for lessons yet. I keep meaning to while he’s interested (he’s been asking for one for about a year now). Greensleeves has also been converted to a Christmas song called “What Child is This” which may be where you’ve heard it. When I was a kid and bored at church services (shhhh), I looked up the lyrics in the hymn book and could cry just thinking about the notes. LOL. Piano Tiles sounds cool. And I can’t remember if we thought of it talking about Nina Simone. Maybe? It feels likely but also it feels like we talked about that way longer ago than we were doing new prompts, so I’m not sure. I want to read her autobiography too (which I remember saying in that conversation whenever it was also!).March 10, 2018 – 12:28 am
Dana - I learned to play Fur Elise when I took piano lessons – that was my goal! Of course I quit not soon after and can only remember the first few bars. You have such varied musical taste – I appreciate that!
Oh, last year I saw Paul Simon in concert. I’m not a big concert goer, but that one really moved me. So many songs, so many memories.March 9, 2018 – 7:42 am
Kristi Campbell - WOW. I’m even more impressed than before. I do have pretty varied taste (but have a hard time with most country). OOOH you went to Paul Simon? I thought about it but I like them so much better together than I do them separately. I’m not as big of a concert goer as I used to be but some? So so worth it even though they used to be like $20/ticket and now the cheap seats cost what the floor used to!March 10, 2018 – 12:30 am
Paul. Brads - We all have a list that moves us. Greensleeves and Fur Elise are on mine. Love your list. Good postMarch 9, 2018 – 9:30 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Paul! I’d love to see your list here in this linkup! Greensleeves and Fur Elise should be on everybody’s list. So beautiful.March 10, 2018 – 12:31 am
Debi - I can’t believe I’ve never heard this Nina Simone song, which reminds me of “All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies,” an old mountain song (“all ye fair and tender ladies, take warning how you court your men…”) and also the Irish Lullaby (too ra loo ra loo ra…). It’s like my old fiddle teacher said once: there are only so many ways to arrange the eight notes we have. Eventually, math tells us we’ll run out. Until then, these variations are great!March 9, 2018 – 1:17 pm
Kristi Campbell - Ok now I have to find the Irish Lullaby that has that in it. I wonder if Nina Simone used that for this? I’m not even sure whether she wrote this song (she didn’t write most of what she played from what I understand but OH HER VOICE!!!). I love the idea of there only being so many ways to arrange the eight notes we have. Amazing to think all music is based on those same eight. Truly. May we never run out! I also need to look up the All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies. Thanks for that!March 10, 2018 – 12:34 am
Pat B - I remember loving to play Fur Elise on the piano. The tune of Greensleeves is also the tune of What Child is This. I was familiar with the Christmas carol before I knew of Greensleeves. I loved watching Tucker. That is so great that you have that on video.
The Simon and Garfunkel music brought back so many memories of another time.
Thank you so much for this prompt for the Listicle post!March 9, 2018 – 11:27 pm
Kristi Campbell - I’m so impressed that you can play Fur Elise on the piano, Pat. It makes me want to learn the piano but I’m not very gifted when it comes to playing music. I briefly tried the flute but well… I’m hoping my son will have more of an ear for it than I. He got a keyboard for Christmas (after asking for about a year) so we’ll see once he begins lessons. Thanks for the Tucker video comment – I love that I have it on video, too. His sweet little hands warming up. And oh, Simon and Garfunkel. Is it possible to not love their voices? I think not. Thank you for participating!March 10, 2018 – 12:38 am
Kerry - I love 80s music, mostly, but I do admit my list was a lot of sad stuff. I don’t know where I’d be, if not for such songs though.
Simon and Garfunkel are quite good, but nothing beats 1987’s Graceland, solo Simon.
I’m sure Tucker will never forget. I still love, even with having developed my own musical taste, a lot of the music my father listened to when I was growing up. I’ll never forget.March 12, 2018 – 3:54 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Kerry! I liked your list of mostly sad songs. I tried to play the flute, too but am simply not gifted that way. I hope Tucker remembers and you’re right – I still have fond memories of the music my parents listened to and even have some songs in my playlist today. Ah, 1987 Graceland. Good.March 12, 2018 – 4:05 pm
Sara - Good choices, good post. A couple of random comments: So Metallica’s One is based on Dalton Trumbo’s Johnny Got a Gun (which is why they used those movie clips). They recently (2016?) made a movie called Trumbo about how he got blacklisted in Hollywood. He’s played by Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad dude). I haven’t seen it yet, but I heard it’s really good. …My dad got to see Nina Simone in a small club in NJ, maybe 40 people in the whole place and he was sitting right in front of the stage. How much do we wish we could have been with him THAT night??
Love love love the Tucker hands video. Spot on.
Love you. Write on, sistah, write on! (Right on!)March 16, 2018 – 7:52 pm
Matt - Don’t laugh but whenever I hear Spandau Ballet and Human League the memories come flooding back.
I’m 46 now and my fave time was the 90’s!!!
Love this article…very well written!March 22, 2018 – 6:23 pm