Welcome to my life as it was from 1990 to 1994, friends! Next week, we’ll take a look at finally maturing a bit (I didn’t) from 1995 to 1999.
Ahhh, the early 90’s.
1990 to 1994: grunge, ripped Levi 501’s, a trip to Mexico, the bar at 11:30pm, troll dolls and an attitude. Huh. Let’s see. I’m not sure where to start. Perhaps in the middle somewhere. If I had to guess, it was 1991-1992 when my friend Julie and I lived in a cool old apartment in Denver’s Capitol Hill. I worked at a place for a psycho boss who liked my ass (literally, not ghetto-talk -he was a total douche) enough to promote me and then punished me for refusing to worship him by placing his extremely mean mother on my team (and by team, yes, I was supposed to actually supervise his crazy mother, who owned the building – not exaggerating). That particular job* didn’t end up counting toward my career in a single way.
Anyway! My roommate Julie and I had some excellent times. Some were probably illegal and may have looked like this:
Julie’s sister Sara (my other IRL BFF) also lived with us for a bit. Because the psycho-boss didn’t pay me enough to keep me in my bad habits, I drove limos (which is how the Billy Idol story happened). Look, here I am with my limo-boss (not to be confused with the psycho asshole boss mentioned a minute ago) at a bridal show in a mall:
My limo boss Dan the Limo Man and me at a bridal show. This was back when mullets were still for-real cool! They really were.
A typical night for me and my roommates (when I wasn’t driving) was to get home from work at 5:30 (because back then, working late meant working until 5:20), eating dinner (usually out or Kraft Mac n Cheese – special healthy nights included adding broccoli or tuna fish to it), boyfriends, phone calls that consisted of sitting on the floor near the actual phone jack, The Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Under the Bridge or Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit playing on the radio, and waiting for Star Trek, Next Generation to come on.
We had a million conversations about whether the actors were stoned (they were). My favorite episode was the one in which Tasha learned that Data was “fully functional.” Swoon. (well, I mean not swoon…but sortof…)

Remember Papasan Loveseats? Yup.
Somehow, during that time, I ended up with a long-time boyfriend. Like years-long. Anyway, on our first trip to Mexico together, we renamed each other Benito and Lupita. Fun times. One of the best memories is that he glued a troll-doll to his truck.
Sadly, she was stolen at some point on the drive back to Colorado. Weep.
I can’t remember specifically what we were listening to on the long drive back, but it likely included this awesome song, that is STILL on my iPod, by REM:
Cigarettes and ice skating. While there may be other decades when this was cool, I was not there. I was, however, here. Like my ripped jeans? They were a fashion statement. I was a little tumbleweed, and I was proud of it. I was also orange because of a tanning bed addiction that I regret to this day.
The 90’s was also a decade of attitude. Me, thinking I was a badass knowing every.single.word. to Gangsta’s Paradise by Coolio. Years later (like 2009), I remember my husband asking me how a middle-class white girl knew every single word, and sung them with such feeling. Turns out, a middle-aged blonde mama -who is way past her prime- still remembers every single word. In fact, while looking for this video to share with you, I just sang it out loud..and didn’t miss a note. I know. That makes me either awesomely awesome or awesomely pathetic. Right now, I’m swaying and doing that ultra-exaggerated head move thang that conveys heavy emotion and song…
Keep spending most our lives living in the gangsta’s paradise…
So I gotta be down with the hood team…
I’m living life do or die, and what can I say…Tell me why are we so blind to see…that the ones we hurt, are you and me?
I’m also totally annoyed right now because I just spent the last 25 minutes trying to record ME singing this song to you with the background of the actual music…and there’s no music! GAH.
Anyway. I mentioned that the 90’s were full of attitude. They were also full of BACK. I had this trendy friend named Coby, who had a t-shirt that read “Coby’s Got Back.” I was so jealous but realized, even in my younger and dumber days, that the fact she was black, cooler than I was, and actually HAD back meant that she was able to wear a t-shirt that I’d only now be brave enough to wear.
You can do side bends or sit-ups,
But please don’t lose that butt
Man. The 90’s were fun. Oh. Right. 90’s attitude. Here’s mine:
*-The job I talked about? Here’s a cool thing about the weird and wonderful world of blogging. My friend Stephanie is friends with a woman named Lori who worked at the same place with the same psycho-boss and we recently reconnected because they were in TTYM Denver together and Lori saw a “congrats” comment or something from me to Stephanie – awesome, right?
If you’re into this whole “looking back at my life thing” with me, here are the past few weeks of Twisted Mix Tape contributions:
The 80’s part 2: It’s Never Enough
The 80’s part 1: To All The Me’s I’ve Loved Before
The 70’s part 2: When a Friend’s Pain Leads to the Best Idea of Your Life
The 70’s Part 1: 1979 and The Angst That Was
The 60’s: Do Fish Feel Sad When They Eat Their Friends?
Relationships: Better Off Without You
Memory: The Memory of Music through the Years
This has been a Twisted Mixed Tape Tuesday production, Einsteined by Jean Kiel. What are your favorite songs from the 90’s? Join us. It’s fun to reminisce.
by Kristi Campbell
karen - OMG…I remember the clothes, the hair, the attitude…what was I thinking? LOL…
thanks for sharing and I know if some photos of me ever got out…I would be mortified.July 16, 2013 – 6:28 am
clark - (oh man! I am a decade early with my clever little Kristi and Jen sub-plot!! You may not visit the Doctrine until I adjust for the time.)
“Hey! what the hell are you staring at?!? this is a private conversation ‘tween me and the girl… buzz off!!”
(talk about balance of the universe and karma and shit… but I think I did manage to not go and look at *your* first version of last week’s Post (or maybe it was the week before)….see?? I didn’t look then…)
(ya wanna tell these geeks to move along? man, that what I get for having one the popular girls for a friend…no damn privacy) ( I think I’ll clip my ‘episode’ and save it for the 2010s)
(and for god’s sake don’t tell Jen)
“Hey gimme some room, get the hell out of my way!!”July 16, 2013 – 7:29 am
Janine Huldie - I have still have such a soft spot for this decade, because I pretty much went from high school to college at this point in my life and I too had major attitude at this point in my life. Such great music still and I still listen to Nirvana, when in doubt. And I probably have a picture of me somewhere doing similar to you in that last one just because I could!!July 16, 2013 – 7:36 am
Dream - Such a great, thought-provoking post! I completely understand what you mean about the attitude of that time of life. Sometimes, attitude is everything. I acted like a shark when I was really only a guppy. Its almost embarrassing looking back and knowing what I know now.July 16, 2013 – 8:38 am
GirlieOnTheEdge - Kick ass post my friend, kick ass lol. I am in awe that you included Sir-Mix-A-Lot! I was working as manager of a music store back then and I so remember when BGB came out. We could not keep either the single or the cd in stock. Makes me smile/laugh every time I hear the song – talk about a hook….
*Yes, awesome!!July 16, 2013 – 9:33 am
clark - damn! I didn’t save or screenshot or any-damn-thing to preserve the original Post!
(but then again, I am probably paying, karma-wise, for the 3 or 4 record albums I got people to ruin by steaming the cover of the album (John and Yoko…long apocryphal story).
I will being putting up a back-dated, life-stage correct story in my Post. (now that I have some visuals).July 16, 2013 – 9:59 am
Considerer - WOW! This is epic. I remember all these cos it was when I was first exposed to radio that wasn’t classic fm (which is good, but different).
But then in 1991 I was only 8, soooooo….
Guess that makes me the bratty kid of the gang here *wonders whether to sing about Clark and anybody up a tree…*
Can I play with you guys? Pleeeeeease? I found some awesome NEW shiny toys for ya:
The NEW SLTS – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNUTYHJrutw
The NEW Gangster’s paradise – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOfZLb33uCgJuly 16, 2013 – 10:10 am
Michelle Liew - Yes, the 90s were so fun, I am a true G & R gal. Thanks for the memories! http://petsawarenews.com/?p=388July 16, 2013 – 10:20 am
Tatum - I was in HS and College for the 90’s. For pics of that error, just place your black box here.
I’m very impressed with your Gangster Paradise (Coolio was so COOL) prowess. I can’t remember the words to any song…seriously, I’m lucky I can sing the ABC’s.
However, this gem for the early 90’s…well, it doesn’t take much memorization.
July 16, 2013 – 11:37 am
Tatum - That should say era, not error…but either is correct in this case.July 16, 2013 – 1:11 pm
troy P. - I still remember seeing the Sir Mix A Lot video for the first time, and my Roman Catholic mind short-circuited as I pondered, “Can they really show that on tv???”
Hey, I’m just relating – stop flipping me off already!July 16, 2013 – 1:26 pm
Pets Aware - Yes, the 90s were so fun, I am a true G & R girl. Thanks for the memories!July 16, 2013 – 2:19 pm
Richard Rumple - My God… a gangsta, doper, and a rebel… a girl after my own heart! lol Great trip down memory lane. It’s amazing the attitudes we share… 20 years apart… but still very similar! You were hot back then… what happened? lol Just joking of course. Really a well done and hilarious look at your past. But… do you know every word to “Nuthin’ but a G Thang”? 🙂July 16, 2013 – 2:22 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - Well at first you lost me with Star Trek, NG. I would have totally respected you if you had said Seinfeld. Then I read your cartoons and totally remembered Data and Captain Picard – so then I felt small because that means I watched it too. LOL to Coby. I couldn’t have worn the shirt either. I didn’t inherit “back” from my mom. I got my dad’s. So in my 40’s I have one which I kinda like if I can find the right jeans to hold it together. But as soon as a lose the fat I need to lose there goes my a$$ets!July 16, 2013 – 2:45 pm
Lori Lavender Luz - I can totally vouch for the 3rd paragraph and the last photo, hehe. I shall not say whether or not you held that pose for the entire first half of the decade.
I kinda wish we could rewind and watch ST:TNG together.July 16, 2013 – 3:17 pm
Sarah | LeftBrainBuddha - Love the ripped jeans, the mullets, the REM, the Nirvana. SUCH a cool decade!!!July 16, 2013 – 4:06 pm
Yvonne - This is such a cool post. Probably I just think that because you sound so like I was in the 80s. Except I never had a job like driving limos – wowee! And I never went ice-skating or smoked cigarettes. Okay so maybe not so similar… but the feel of it, that attitude – yeah I can relate.
I love your cartoon drawings, too.July 16, 2013 – 5:06 pm
Stephanie @ Mommy, for real. - You were SO awesome in the 90s! I loved the 90s! And i’m sorry, but how f*cking cute were YOU? If I’d known you then, I would have worn ripped jeans and smoked cigarettes with you (OK, fast forward just a FEW years for me for the cigarettes. 1997, maybe?) and we would have been cool together. And Everybody Hurts is still one of my all time favorite songs and makes me want to rip out my own heart. I cry almost every time I hear it. Sniff.July 16, 2013 – 6:38 pm
Kerri - Right now I have livin a gangsta’s paradise looping in my head. Thanks for that.July 16, 2013 – 7:11 pm
Katia Bishofs - You are cool, Kristi. Like waaaaaaaaay cool (that was my Wayne’s world impression). I had no idea you drove limos, I LOVE that you did that! You’re also an original. I love how you treated the images in this post, the “removed” one, the strikethrough faces, the way your (?) cartoon’s hair partially covers the back of the sofa. I love you.July 16, 2013 – 7:18 pm
Jen - Kristi, I worship you. You ARE a badass now and forever. I think I would have been afraid of you if I knew you way back when. PLUS you were a hottie. Your boyfriend with the tank top, priceless. Were you drunkskating too?
AND Tasha and DATA??@@!!! I really couldn’t take that episode, and the whole idea of their relationship. UGH. Does that make me racist? OR maybe I will be in the future?? Do you think they were high? REALLY? Maybe it was you? LOL love you so much awesome list!July 16, 2013 – 9:22 pm
Anita Davis Sullivan - True story- I had to do a team building exercise where we did a song or cheer or something…. I wrote a parody to “Baby Got Back” and with the help of two glasses of wine, performed it with another woman. This was last night. This morning, in our 8am meeting, we were asked to repeat the performance. At 8am in work attire, with no wine… oh my. I still can’t believe that really happened!July 16, 2013 – 10:25 pm
Lance - Love the pictures. At least there was Nirvana here.
I started college in 1988, ended it in late 1992, then spent my 20s in the decade doing dumb dumb dumb stuff, like marrying a punk rock drummer in 1998 (divorced since).
good stuffJuly 16, 2013 – 10:35 pm
Rachel Demas - Oh, man. I could do without the 90’s. I guess I didn’t have enough attitude. Then or now. None of that music seems to have stood the test of time for me either, although I love the fact that you put Nirvana next to Coolio. The pictures are pretty priceless though. I wore a penguin outfit like that in the 90’s as a wedding banquet waitress. Good times!July 16, 2013 – 11:35 pm
Slu - Wow!!! What a story!!! lol…
Seriously… What a story!!! And Nirvana & R.E.M to boot. Ha.
Really enjoyed, SluJuly 17, 2013 – 12:03 am
Middleage Monologues - Ah man…I almost put Baby Got Back on my list and you get extra cool points for putting Coolio on your list like I did! HAAHA! Oh and THANK YOU for keeping it real about the old cigs…we all smoked them…I know that I did…like they were going out of style! BTW…I always enjoy your art in your posts and I was laughing my ass off at all of you sitting in that Papasan Chair! Too CLASSIC!July 17, 2013 – 12:34 am
Angela McKeown Momopolize - Oooooh my! Gotta’ love the 90s. The photos are awesome! 🙂July 17, 2013 – 1:59 am
Daniel Bental - Kristi , u will always be a special friend.July 17, 2013 – 2:05 am
Out One Ear - You look like a movie star in that picture with the limo boss. Your life is fun to follow. I can’t remember mine. Not not because of drugs. Because I’m getting old. So I continue to live vicariously through you.July 17, 2013 – 5:33 am
Tracy@CrazyAsNormal - I can’t even comment on your music because STAR TREK! I’m geeking out a little bit right now. Sorry. :/July 17, 2013 – 12:13 pm
Deb @ Urban Moo Cow - Love those photos. Just awesome. And Gangsta’s Paradise? Hellz yeah. I listened to that a lot when I was studying abroad in Rome. It played over and over for some reason. Never knew the words, though. Guess I wasn’t as cool as you. >:)July 17, 2013 – 1:45 pm
Kate Hall - Love it! Love the stories along with the songs. Love the troll, the pictures, everything! I felt like I was back in the early 90s reading this – for real. And now I’m 20 years older. Holy crap.July 17, 2013 – 3:48 pm
Kevin Dickson - You read about what eventually happened to Psycho Boss, right?
I think all those photos are back up on Fram’s bulletin board beside other photos of Sally.July 17, 2013 – 6:58 pm
Donetta - This was an awesome list. Cool stories too. I remember wearing the Levi’s in High School except we ‘pegged’ our pants at the ankles. Meaning no matter how skinny the bottoms were, we would pull all the material to one side, fold it over, then roll it up, but only twice so it would hold. lol. These were my High School – 90 to 94 years. Later in 1997 I purchased my first pair of bell bottoms, much to my grandmother’s dismay, who had two daughters and had already seen this style. lol. I still love REM. And I live in a very rural area, population 400, and I know all the words to Gangster’s Paradise. It somehow sounded so hard core to know this song.July 17, 2013 – 10:35 pm
Jak - Hmm you were pretty hardcore in the 90s! All that attitude, Gangsta’s Paradise, and ripped jeans. The trend was so amazing they eventually recreated it later on jeans pre-made >...> on your climb to the top of the limo business dun Dun DUN!
Great music selections and I’m happy you’ve embraced your “back” and would proudly wear a shirt saying so!
I love your drawings!
Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of InkJuly 23, 2013 – 9:34 am
Elizabeth - The “make it so” drinking game, lol! Ah the memories!February 17, 2015 – 2:02 pm