In just a few hours, I’m going to BlogU. I’m catching up on some work this morning, haven’t packed, haven’t showered, and want to finish this post before leaving, but I’m excited. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. Getting to meet blog friends in person and see the few I’ve already met will be a blast.
I’d be lying though, if I didn’t admit to also being a little bit nervous.
To letting that bitch of a me-devil whisper meany-mean-mean-asshole things in my head. She makes me question whether I’m too old. Too fat. Too wrinkled. Not very funny.
She makes me worry that maybe I’m funnier, and kinder, and overall better online than I am in person. Maybe people won’t really like me all that much when they hear how loud I speak in my almost-a-man voice. When I say something dumb and awkward.
I told you she was mean. But I’m going to do my best to make her shut the hell up. Even if I have to use duct tape.
Because even though I’m a little nervous, I know that you guys are too. That really, each of us is looking forward to making connections more than we are looking for differences.
That when we walk into a room and feel like this:
I won’t really wear my Metallica t-shirt to the party. Probably.
I know that it’s really a little more like this, and that everybody feels nervous and worried and like maybe they’re not enough. Maybe we’ll be wondering if our kids are okay without us. Maybe, you, like me, feel a little bit sad about not being home for bedtime with your son tonight.
I remind myself that we’re all just people. Imperfect. Flawed. Too fat, too thin, too old, too young. That we’re more alike than we are different, even if we’re 20 years apart in age.
I know that I’ll have fun. That I’ll like you guys just as much in person as I do online, so why would that be any different from you liking me, too? Why is it that we beat ourselves up so much, feel anxious and inferior? Wouldn’t it be so much easier overall if we just remembered in the first place that people are mostly kind?
This morning, as I get ready for BlogU, I’m going to remind myself that we’re all mostly wanting connection. Friendship. Laughter and commonality. I’m going to remind myself of that as many times as I need to in order to believe it.
Guess I’d better go pack now. And shower. Because you will for sure like me better if I’m not stinky and greasy, right?
If I needed another reminder that this is going to be fun, I got it. I’m picking up Kate in a few hours to give her a ride. She texted me to be sure we have the right numbers and stuff. And to ask if I have a razor.
I replied.
HAHA poor Kate. I quickly redeemed myself though and let her know I was kidding.
And then I felt a little bit bad. Because maybe she didn’t think me pretending she had the wrong number was as funny as I thought it was.
So I told her that I’d share my razor with her. I’m nice like that.
No pubes though.
So yeah, I think it’s going to be a pretty fun weekend. Maybe I’ll even learn something, too.
by Kristi Campbell
Dana - Perfect thing to read while packing. Razor, check! I’m nervous too but I’m so glad you will be there. I can vouch for your in person awesomeness, and we can eat cookies and drink beer together.June 6, 2014 – 11:41 am
Kristi Campbell - Razor! Crap, I need to pack! And shower! YAY for cookies and beer. And for you. I’m glad you’re going to be there, too!June 6, 2014 – 12:14 pm
Don - Cookies and beer! I know who I’d be hanging out with all weekend!June 6, 2014 – 2:08 pm
Kristi Campbell - You should have come, Don. You could have brought some more beer because I think we may have run out.June 9, 2014 – 9:54 am
Kenya G. Johnson - Hilarious! Can’t wait to hear the report back and photos! Have fun!June 6, 2014 – 11:43 am
Kristi Campbell - I’ll be sure to take tons of photos, Kenya! (note to self, pack camera)
Thanks much!June 6, 2014 – 12:20 pm
Kelly L McKenzie - Enjoy! Such a fun thing to look forward to. Kate shaving in the local McD’s. Perhaps you could pick up some shaving cream as well? Oh and enjoy that bloggy U thing too! Hope you have the best time ever.June 6, 2014 – 11:52 am
Kristi Campbell - Kelly,
June 6, 2014 – 12:21 pm
Thanks! I think it’ll be fun. haha to Kate shaving at the McD! Better than in my car though, huh?
Natalie D - That’s EXACTLY how I felt going to BlogHer last year. And I’m jealous, you’re driving with Kate. Kate’s the best. But so are you. I’m jealous of both of you.
Have fun!!June 6, 2014 – 11:59 am
Kristi Campbell - Natalie, are you going to BlogHer this year? I am and would love to meet you!!!
June 6, 2014 – 12:22 pm
And yay, Kate! Sorry you won’t be at BlogU though
Natalie D - Yes, I am, so yay! I’ll get to see you there!June 6, 2014 – 12:27 pm
Kristi Campbell - DOUBLE HUGE BIG YAY!
June 6, 2014 – 12:35 pm
zoe - She-devil is SUCH an ignorant slut!!! Have a blast!!!June 6, 2014 – 12:03 pm
Kristi Campbell - HAHAHAH Zoe! She’s a mean slut jerkface! And thank you
June 6, 2014 – 12:27 pm
Emily - I’m sooo envious of you and Kate and the rest who will be at Blog U this weekend…I know I’d be nervous and think those same thoughts, but that once I got there I know I’d have so much fun with all of you. How could I NOT have fun with people who type the texts above? Anyway, can’t wait to hear about it (I hope you’ll post on it). Oh and my favorite pic above is the group one with the one person thinking, “my blog is dumb.” That would be me.
Have fun!!!June 6, 2014 – 12:06 pm
Kristi Campbell - Aw, Emily! I wish you were coming!!! And I will definitely post on it and share lots of embarrassing photos and stuff! Isn’t it sad how we all think our blogs are both dumb and that we love them so much at the same time?? We should realize that we’re awesome and fabulous. Well, you are anyway. I’m working on it.June 6, 2014 – 12:31 pm
christine - Why are you still here replying to comments? Shouldn’t you be packing a razor or something??
June 6, 2014 – 12:39 pm
No doubt you will have a great time, with our without your Metallica shirt. And your manly voice is endearing.
Kristi Campbell - Your comment made me go pack! And now, I’m back home to reality and preschool graduation next week and so much to do… but being behind was worth it. It really was a great conference. Thanks for liking my man voice.June 9, 2014 – 10:04 am
Kim - Bwahaha. You are freaking hilarious! Man, that she-devil of yours is a total bitch! Mine is too at times so I definitely get it.
Wish I was going to the conference as well. Would be a blast to meet so many of you. Hell, I also wish I was able to go to BlogHer in San Jose. It’s my hometown for crap’s sake! *sigh* Sucks to be kinda sorta broke. And it sucks that everything has to be so damn expensive.
Okay, enough with the pity party. Have a blast! Can’t wait to read about your experiences when you return!June 6, 2014 – 12:48 pm
Kristi Campbell - She really is a total bitch, Kim! Sorry to read that yours is as well. Your home town is San Jose? I read about a couple of people (I think somebody posted in Bloppy Bloggers) that they can no longer go so maybe you could score a ticket for extra-cheap? I’d love to meet you! And yeah, it totally sucks that everything’s so expensive. I’ll have to write about the conference and post some embarrassing photos! Stay tuned
June 9, 2014 – 10:06 am
Sarah - Oh, this post makes me SO JEALOUS! I would LOVE to be there, but then I’d be the one thinking, “I don’t know anybody,” or, “I want my bed.” Do you want to drop by SS on your way north?
For the record, I still remember your super cool sandals from LTYM, and I don’t think you’re old, fat, or wrinkled, and I DO think you’re funny. Maybe it wasn’t important to say that, but I did.
And I’m glad you wrote this out, because yeah, everyone’s probably thinking the same thing.June 6, 2014 – 2:11 pm
Kristi Campbell - I wish you’d have been there Sarah! We’ll have to get together soon and have the kids play together. I wore the sandals from LTYM! And I thank you so much for saying you think I am not fat or wrinkled or old and that you think I’m funny.
I think you’re pretty awesome yourself you know.June 9, 2014 – 10:51 am
Don - Oh my god, you women are so fucked up! See, I have to say fucked up because retarded is no longer PC and my limited vocabulary leaves me stumped when I can’t be politically incorrect. You’ll be the bell of the ball, dear, I just know it. Be yourself though. Don’t be fake. Nobody likes that. I’m totally jealous too. I’d love to drink beer and blow spit bubbles with Kate. Have fun! Lots of pics.June 6, 2014 – 2:13 pm
Kristi Campbell - HAHA you crack me up. And I’m never fake I promise. Damnit, I forgot to ask Kate to blow spit bubbles! We had huge fun though. For real. Wish you’d have been there. There was one man blogger – you’d have been able to have your choice of dancing partners at the 80’s prom. Although my friend Jessica dressed up as a dude, with a mullet.June 9, 2014 – 10:54 am
Lori Lavender Luz - I know you’ll have a wonderful time and that you’ll leave IRL people as in awe of you as we readers are. I speak with authority because I remember your man-voice!
(Kidding. I didn’t remember it that way.)
P.S. You were in my head with this post each time I go to a blogging thingy. Only I’m not as funny and I don’t own a Metallica shirt.
Enjoy!June 6, 2014 – 2:40 pm
Kristi Campbell - Aw thanks, Lori! I really did have a blast. Everybody should own a Metallica shirt
June 9, 2014 – 11:03 am
Yvonne - Kristi, I love this. You have such a talent for writing really serious stuff, and yet making it so funny! Or really funny stuff, yet making really important points. Or something.
I hope you have a great time a the conference!June 6, 2014 – 2:47 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks so much Yvonne! I really did have an excellent time. And I even learned some stuff!June 9, 2014 – 11:23 am
Marcia @ Menopausal Mother - I was absolutely TERRIFIED of going to the ERMA conference—to the point of having panic attacks. But an amazing thing happened–when I got there, I discovered women who were just like me, who shared the same fears and anxieties. We laughed, we drank wine together and we bonded like people who had known each other since childhood. I felt like I had come home to my tribe after all these years. It was one of the best experiences of my life, and I know it will be the same for you. I’d give anything to be there with you. And OMG you and Kate together—-WATCH OUT. WORLD!!!June 6, 2014 – 4:15 pm
Kristi Campbell - Marcia,
Thank you so much for getting it! I wasn’t having panic attacks (I’m so so sorry you were – that is hard) but I was truly nervous. But YES – women. People. Overall so kind and fabulous. Everybody was wonderful – so glad that your ERMA experience was fabulous too. And Kate is AWESOME in person. Seriously. One of these days, we’ll both get to meet you I hope!June 9, 2014 – 12:12 pm
Renae C. - I’ve never actually been to a blog conference and have no immediate plans to go, but I would have the same insecurities. I hope you have fun, Leonard!June 6, 2014 – 4:27 pm
Kristi Campbell - HAHA I had to read “I hope you have fun Leonard” twice to remember that was me for a minute there. Thanks, Renae! It really was fun – I highly recommend going to one if you can!June 9, 2014 – 12:13 pm
Nicki Gilbert - I am jealous of everyone who gets to meet you in person at BlogU! They are damn damn lucky to have you in your real-life awesomeness. Have the best time – and don’t forget your online friends who love you (and even more after reading this fabulously honest post) xoJune 6, 2014 – 6:04 pm
Kristi Campbell - I wish I were able to meet YOU – hopefully one of these days and I’ll never forget my online friends. Ever ever.June 9, 2014 – 12:48 pm
Drun Kenman - Have fun, Kristi! I expect a full report once you get back!!June 6, 2014 – 7:06 pm
Janine Huldie - Have a ton of fun Kristi. Can’t wait to hear all about it!!
June 6, 2014 – 7:56 pm
Micky Crawford - I’m still laughing! Have fun!!!! xoxooxJune 6, 2014 – 8:46 pm
Louise - Have a wonderful time! And, while I’m not there, rest assured you most certainly have better shoes than me
So you can keep that little jewel of confidence in your back pocket as you walk into the room.June 6, 2014 – 8:53 pm
Kristi Campbell - HAHA Louise! I ended up wearing a lot of flipflops. And you know what? It was totally fine. Completely. Fun, even!June 9, 2014 – 12:53 pm
Lizzi Rogers - I am now totally laughing my ass off at your convo with Kate. That’s AMAZING
I love how much fun you had before you even started the conference. You’re gonna have a totally awesome time, and everyone will love you. And you are beautiful. And funny – I hope you tell them your builder joke ;
HAVE FUN (and please please start a twitter hashtag of #NoPubes. I’ll start you off…June 7, 2014 – 3:59 am
Mike - How exciting and you’re going to have an incredible time, Kristi! The text screen shots were hysterical! You rock always our dear friend
June 7, 2014 – 4:54 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Mike! It really was a great time! You rock! Always.June 9, 2014 – 1:05 pm
Joy - The conference will be awesome and you will be awesome. They will all love you!
Enjoy yourself and have a glass of Cosmopolitan for me! xoJune 7, 2014 – 8:12 am
Kristi Campbell - Joy! I miss you! So good to see your sweet name here – it gives me much joy (get it hehe). They didn’t have Cosmos but I did have a glass of wine or two for you! Cheers friend.June 9, 2014 – 1:06 pm
Jean Baldridge Yates - OMG I am rolling! You are too funny and so honest! we all do think these things! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox jeanJune 7, 2014 – 12:31 pm
Sandy Ramsey - I wish I was going. There are so many bloggers that I would love to meet. I am beyond positive that you are going to be just fine. You’re right thought, we all do it and I know I would be. Have fun….can’t wait to hear all about it.June 7, 2014 – 5:12 pm
Kristi Campbell - I wish you’d have been there. It ended up being great but I do look fat in the photos.June 9, 2014 – 8:43 pm
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - OK, so Sarah and I considered going…how fun would that have been? But my stupid school year got extended and it would’ve been a nightmare and a half to squeeze it in when school isn’t finished yet. All the rest…about the shoes and the non-funniness and the missing my kid? Totally would have happened. I would be the “my blog is dumb” one in the picture – most definitely! I hope you are right smack in the middle of having an awesome time right now!June 7, 2014 – 5:56 pm
Kristi Campbell - Sarah as in AmyCake Sarah? Really??? I so wish you’d have been there (even if I have the wrong Sarah). I’m still the “my blog is dumb” in the photo, and I did have a great time, fat and all!!June 9, 2014 – 11:20 pm
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - Yes, AmyCake Sarah! If school hadn’t been extended it might have worked. We would SO have had a wonderful time being there with you. So glad you had a good time!June 10, 2014 – 12:18 pm
Jean - I regret not seeing this before the conference. I used the same thinking to calm myself down. For the record, who I met at the conference was who I read on Finding Ninee. Truly. It was great meeting you.June 8, 2014 – 3:05 pm
Kristi Campbell - Jean, I loved loved loved meeting you. I’m just way bummed that T didn’t get to play with R because they’d have had a blast. And even if they didn’t, we would have, watching them. Here’s to calming down and you are adorable. For real. So happy to have hugged you in person.June 10, 2014 – 12:17 am
Lana - How fun! I was cracking up. Hope you had a great time!June 8, 2014 – 7:14 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thank you! It ended up being fabulous and I could have not worried at all.June 10, 2014 – 12:21 am
Tamara - haha! You are funny. And we were all nervous. And most people have better shoes than me. And yes, I was nervous you’d all think I wasn’t cool or nice, but also nervous about leaving my kids for the first time.
And really, one of those things turned out just fine, but I’m not sure if I’m cool or nice.
What I do know is that the girl in my blog is the girl in this brain and this body, and my brain and body went to BlogU together, but they didn’t go to prom together because they’re LAME.June 9, 2014 – 2:48 pm
Kristi Campbell - You are cool. You are nice. You are amazing and exactly as I thought you’d be. I’m so glad I got to hug you and giggle with you and give you a cookie in person. For real. HUGE.June 10, 2014 – 12:23 am
Caroline - I love your graphics… and I can’t wait to hear about your trip!June 9, 2014 – 8:36 pm
Kristi Campbell - Aw thanks Caroline! I just read your post and we should talk about concerts!!June 10, 2014 – 12:35 am
BB - It’ll be interesting to hear how it went. I’ve had a few in-person meet-ups and they’ve all gone swimmingly!June 9, 2014 – 9:32 pm
Kristi Campbell - Me too. I think it’s amazing how much more alike we are than different even when we feel like the loser.June 10, 2014 – 12:43 am
Rosey Marie - Yep, I’m guessing you’re going to have a blast.
I’m visiting today from Marcia’s blog Menopausal Mother . She’s over there saying good things about you.June 9, 2014 – 10:18 pm
Rosey Marie - Yep, I’m guessing you’re going to have a blast.
I’m visiting today from Marcia’s blog Menopausal Mother . She’s over there saying good things about you.June 9, 2014 – 10:18 pm
Anna Fitfunner - Hope that you had a great time!
June 11, 2014 – 6:40 pm
Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life - I can’t believe I am just reading this now. That is how far behind I am! You are perfect just the way you are, and I can’t believe you let any of those stupid self doubts in! I am so glad I got to meet you in real life!June 13, 2014 – 8:47 pm