There’s this pretty cool tagging exercise going around in which writers talk about why they do what they do, and share their writing processes. It’s my turn!
Ok fine, it was my turn a while ago but we had Important Life things going on, such as Tucker’s Preschool Graduation, which included out-of-town guests, a rockin’ party, and a bounce house.
They include me realizing that I have a little baby who is now five years old. That my little baby is an almost bigkid. To celebrate, we went on a party-on excellent 4th of July beach vacation (on which I came to the conclusion that special needs parenting is better than sea monkeys).
Aaaaand, my Listen to Your Mother video is out! If you haven’t watched it, I’d love for you to do so. I read to a live audience of f’real people, and not a single one was a stuffed animal that I am aware of. Plus, the other videos are amazeballs.
Anyway, here’s the deal. Writers and bloggers tag one another and we share about ourselves and our writing processes.
Originally, I was tagged by the talented Allison of Go Dansker Mom, who said that I have three years to answer (which means I’m actually early). She said I was freakish. I think she likes me back! Allison writes about being a mom, writing, crafting (but not in the icky way because she’s super cool), cooking, and fitness. She is fabulous. I once even got to see her adorable self on a Google Chat, to talk about my blog. She’s cool on that format, too.
Then, I told Kim that of course I’d like to be tagged when she asked because she’s the brave, brave superpower behind All Work and No Play Makes Mommy Go Something Something. She shares about her awesome kid, is funny, and is also hugely inspiring to anybody who has suffered postpartum depression, bipolar 2 disorder. She’s not only hot, but deep. And brave. Did I say brave?
Then,one of my very first blog HEART HER HUGE friends of all time, Emily from Oh Boy Mom, tagged me in her amazing post. Emily writes about maintaing humor through motherhood, raising three boys, and, more recently, about her 9-year old son (Little Dude), who was diagnosed with a rare type of pediatric tumor. Emily realized that no matter what challenges each of us are going through, that laughter – and writing about it – is key to happiness. Emily has always been a wonderful friend, and has given me tooManyToCount pieces of advice about motherhood and a-typical child rearing. And life. Emily is good at life.
Because I was
so slow in replying to the above tags too busy to write a post about writing, the introspective and compassionate author Yvonne, of Inquiring Parent (and book Drawings in Sand) had time to ask me if I’d like to be tagged as well. Of course! Because this amazing woman taught me that the difference between self esteem and self compassion is actually not only significant, but super important. Yvonne practices what she preaches, and documents the process in a way that is inspiring and relatable. If you don’t know her, go now.
Finally (and OMG if I’m leaving somebody out PLEASE feel free to call me out), the hilariously funny and touching Marcia of Menopausal Mother tagged me (she’s got a book coming out!) as well. Marcia is the mother to four (and grandmother to one) and possesses a husband who was willing to pose for a picture wearing a miracle gut girdle. Marcia is somebody whose writing transcends age and experience – she’s relatable to all of her readers. Men, women, menopause, and life, she’s got humor and heart covered.
I’m telling you – if you don’t know these women, you should.
Feel free to stalk follow them now. I’ll wait. They’re worth it.
Okay then! Here are the questions I’m supposed to answer:
1. What am I working on?
I’m working on not being an asshole. Finding balance in parenting, writing, advocating, working, wifing, and personing. It’s harder than it sounds. The personing part, most especially.
Want the more professional answer? I’m working at part-time as a marketing director for a data destruction and electronics recycling company and am the DC Editor for SavvySource, where I share cool stuff for kids to do in DC.
And yeah, the other stuff. Like being an air-traffic controller for my Ninee-finding son, and navigating life, as I navigate life. I guess that’s what I’m working on.
Writing-wise, there are five (for real five) cyber-dust-gathering novels simpering in my hard drive right now. Which I’m not working on. But I will be, soon. Because I really really want to write a book. So I’m working on finding time to work on a book. Or to shift priorities, or something.
2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
While I write primarily about special needs parenting and seeing the beauty in how and who my little boy is, I write about other stuff. How I felt grief over him not being the boy I’d dreamed of. And being unbelievably thankful for the boy he is. I write about my life, and being a skank in the 1980’s. About being abducted by aliens and realizing that I don’t want to change my past. About the whateverness, and being stupid.
I like to think that while special needs parents come here for understanding, compassion, and – when needed – a place to cry and vent, that it’s important that none of us define ourselves completely through our special needs parenting experiences. We have life.
We have beauty.
Sadness. Celebrations. And really, we’re more like everybody than we’re not, so I try to not just be a special needs parenting blog. Because togetherness. Empathy and wonder.
I write about what’s happening in my head and in my heart, and, a lot of the time, that means writing about special needs and autism. But not all of the time.
I write when I’m inspired to. Getting inspired to write usually stems from one of the little moments – a grin at a playground, a conversation with another parent about what we wish you knew about autism and special needs, a worry about school crushing my son.
I’m inspired by lightness and darkness, both within and outside of myself.
I’m inspired by the moments and the years.
By this amazingly fabulous, special, brave, and overwhelmingly awesome little boy.
3. Why do I write what I do?
I began Finding Ninee when Tucker first started his Preschool Autism Class. I’d quit my comfortable (70-hour/week) job when he was born, and had spent the past three years hanging out with my little guy. Having my first and only baby at 40 made me look at life’s priorities. Having special needs and autism enter my heart and my home made me want to share my story.
Originally, this blog began as a memoir. I was excited about it, and wrote thousands and thousands of words. I googled “publishing a memoir” and read that a publisher would rather shave a cat than read another memoir, said fuck it, and decided to blog.
I knew nothing about blogging when I started. Nothing. I had no idea how many bloggers there were, or that it was something that would suck my time when it came to connections and social media and all the rest.
I also didn’t realize how rewarding and amazing it would be. That I’d find for real friends, and that I – with my tiny words- would make some mamas out there feel less alone. That part is pretty mind-blowing and inspiring, and keeps my sanity during the darker moments. It makes the darker moments light.
4. How does your writing process work?
I don’t have a writing process.
Which is to say, that it goes something like this. “I should write something”
And then I decide to wait until I’m inspired to write, and do important things like researching and working on finding a solution to obtain world peace.
Or, something like that.
Of course, my most brilliant and inspired ideas come when I’m not in front of the computer. One of my most popular posts, “A Land of Empathy and Wonder,” which has been featured on Scary Mommy and The Mighty, was one I thought of while sitting on the toilet. It was a Finish the Sentence Friday prompt (before I was a co-host) and it was something like “If I could live anywhere, I’d live…” and I couldn’t think of a single place I wanted to live. I was actually going to skip linking up that week, until BOOM! Inspiration (on the toilet). It happens.
Ideas and inspiration come during walks, driving, at the grocery store, and they come when I’m lying in bed with my son, waiting for him to fall asleep. Sometimes, when they come, I write them down, and they look like this:
Sometimes, I don’t have paper with me so I email myself a reminder.
Later, I look at both paper and emailed message and wonder WTF I was thinking about. Most of the time, I have no idea.
Tagging: It’s my turn to name three bloggers that are free to participate in this “Why do I write what I write” game, or, blow it off. I’m not judgy that way (possibly because I blow stuff off all the time). Here they are!
Echo, who is just cool and fabulous and blogs at The Mad Mommy (she homeschools and stuff and totally gets why some playground moms are dicks so you’ll love her).
Kerri, of Undiagnosed but Okay, who you probably know because she was one of my first BFFs forever and her daughter and Tucker are pretty much negotiating dowries right now.
and Kristi – not just because of her awesome name but because she is awesome and the owner of Thankful Me. Plus, she agreed to be tagged and will probably actually play along because well, she’s awesome.
That’s it! Happy Friday and feel free to consider yourself tagged if you’d like to be and share your writing process.
by Kristi Campbell
NJ @ A Cookie Before Dinner - I am so glad you did this! I tagged Alison and it is fun to see this travel!
I end up sending myself a lot of voice messages when inspiration strikes. It took a bit of time, but my idea bank is over flowing at this point. It’s nice not to struggle for content anymore. Now, I struggle for time to write it instead.July 18, 2014 – 4:27 pm
Kristi Campbell - I’m glad I did it, too, NJ! I didn’t realize that you’d tagged Alison so really I should thank you because she then tagged me! I like the idea of a voice mail message to myself. So often, the emails to myself are too cryptic and I can’t remember what I meant to say. And yeah, I hear you on finding the time to write, too…July 18, 2014 – 4:59 pm
Emily - First, I am completely honored about what you said about me. I’m not just saying that. No one has ever said I’m good at life before and that really means a lot to me!! And I heart you huge right back! Second, I laughed OUT LOUD (for real) at your line, “I’m working on not being an asshole.” That just made my day so thank you. And third, oh what would I do without your pictures? The way you depicted your writing process was just perfect and so YOU.:) BTW, I didn’t promote this post too much (it was published on Brain Child earlier this week), but I’ll give you a link here because I kind of think it ties in to the Our Land series. I’m not saying you should publish it, but I wrote about this little girl because she helped me see things in perspective even more than having my own son with medical issues. Here’s the link: 18, 2014 – 4:33 pm
Kristi Campbell - Emily, I love adore love huge love your Brain Child piece. Wow. Heartbreaking and heartwarming and I’d LOVE to run it on Our Land. And what I said about you is absolutely true – I think you rock at life. BTW, was getting in Brain Child hard? I really want to be there (although I haven’t written anything for them or anything). I just want to be in BC. Like the cool kids.July 18, 2014 – 5:19 pm
Emily - Like I said before, of course you can run it on Our Land – I’d be honored (again) as always….As for Brain Child, I guess it didn’t seem that hard because it was the only piece I ever submitted to them. I suppose I thought it “fit” for their publication and alas, they agreed. Even though they say they pay, they didn’t. They only pay if you’re in the print version but they said this would be a good stepping stone for me to get in there. Meanwhile, I can’t think of anything else to write for them at the moment so oh well. But in all seriousness, you’d have no trouble at all writing something for them – they’d totally accept something of yours. I personally guarantee it! 🙂July 18, 2014 – 5:32 pm
Kristi Campbell - YAY thanks and of course anybody trolling these comments STOP READING NOW OR ABOVE and read Emily’s post on Our Land instead!?!?!? 😀
I have no idea what to write for them. I think it’s the name “Brain Child” that makes me want to say I’m published there. Weird or whatever true.July 18, 2014 – 11:59 pm
Marcia @ Menopausal Mother - OMG I had no idea you were tagged so many times for this! I can see why—because you are so damn good! Thank you for the awesome shout out. You absolutely ROCKED this tag game and I am DYIING LAUGHING over your last 2 drawings about trying to be creative then switching over to Facebook…sooooo me! Love you, Lady! <3July 18, 2014 – 4:43 pm
Kristi Campbell - HAHA to switching over to Facebook Marcia! Thank you so very much for tagging me, too. I appreciate it and had a blast writing this!July 18, 2014 – 5:20 pm
Izabella - I really enjoyed reading about your journey to find writing inspiration It is so relatable how life’s everyday moments can spark creativity in unexpected ways Your reflections remind me to embrace those little inspirations and let them guide the process Thank you for sharing this encouraging perspectiveNovember 7, 2024 – 4:30 pm
Joan Stommen - I was tagged awhile back and freaked out cause there was a deadline! I like your approach better….getting around to it…or not! The line I love best here is “I’m inspired by lightness and darkness, both inside and outside myself.” What a beautiful way to express what it means being a writer! This was a fun piece to read…you use humor and honesty really well!July 18, 2014 – 4:44 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks so much, Joan! In all honesty, I do better with a deadline because, as you can see, I just wait and wait to post when there’s no pressure. I think the lightness and darkness in and outside of ourselves is something that all writers can relate to. I’m glad you did.July 18, 2014 – 6:22 pm
Janine Huldie - You know I love you so very much and I thoroughly enjoyed this deeper look into how you think and how true wheel spin to produce such awesome writing and pure genius here all the time. To all those that tagged you thank you to them, becaus I seriously can’t believe you hadn’t already done this blog tour slr eady, but still so glad you did, because like I said I very much enjoyed your answers here 🙂July 18, 2014 – 4:52 pm
Kristi Campbell - Janine, happy SITS day!!! I can’t believe I haven’t done it until now, either and yeah, no genius here at all but thanks for pretending that there is!!!July 19, 2014 – 12:08 am
Kenya G. Johnson - LOL to #4. That’s how I’m feeling but today I’m actually getting around to reading some posts. And I ACTUALLY closed facebook so I don’t hear any bings and bongs of people responding. I’m alone for three and a half more days. Do you think I could write a book in that time? Sure would be nice.July 18, 2014 – 5:00 pm
Kristi Campbell - I get around (usually mostly sometimes almost always sometimes) to reading the posts. It’s the whole Facebook BLEEPS and BLOOPS while trying to be inspired. And looking at the clock because it’s usually like around now (12:13am) or later.
And dude! YES. You ahve 3 1/2 days? You could totally get a draft at least? Um, maybe. Ugh. Enjoy the silence, no matter whether you do or not. Silence is awesome, even when it’s not. Ok it’s not awesome when it’s not because night time should mean snores and checking on wee ones and all that… but those moments BEFORE bed? DUDE! you could totally get some 1/2-drafts done? Or at least catch up on non-kid friendly TV 😉July 19, 2014 – 12:15 am
yvonne - Ha, ha Kiristi – your writing process is a lot like mine! Both the “Facebook is fun” part and the getting ideas in the toilet. Or out walking or wherever.
I really enjoyed learning more about your work and everything.
And since I’m in a hotel with only 30 minutes of wifi, this comment better be short! Thanks for the nice things you said about me, and for introducing those awesome bloggers – I will check out those I don’t know soon. (When I have more than 30 minutes!)July 18, 2014 – 5:20 pm
Kristi Campbell - Yvonne,
YAY to having a no writing process, and doing so when inspired!!! Whoot! 30 minutes left of wifi and you commenting is the biggest compliment ever – I hope the rest of your trip is amazing. And I think you are awesome big time. Always. And will forever thank you for turning me onto the difference between self esteem and self compassion because OMG thank you. You so rock.July 19, 2014 – 1:15 am
Considerer - Um so now you have to teach me to personing, wise one…
I think I probably maybe suck at that sometimes. But perhaps everyone does, but I’d like to be better at it.
I like your not-a-process historical gathering of things all together in one place that I kind of knew already and am just happy when you write.
I still think you’re better when you’re under pressure, because most of the pieces I fall hard for, you complain that you did it in a rush, in 20 minutes.
Mostly I like you, and your writing is an added bonus 🙂July 18, 2014 – 5:23 pm
Kristi Campbell - I’d be more than happy to teach you the personing thing, once I finalize it, which is soon, I think (stay tuned). I suspect you’ve already got it though and know when you’re not.
I am better under pressure. Always. Sadly and happily. And none, recently. Sigh. I like you, too, Lizzi. and thank you for liking me.July 19, 2014 – 1:25 am
Considerer - How long does it take? I’m a bit fascinated now. Do you feel better? How might I already got it? *confused*
You are good under pressure. Very good. But pressure will happen and you’ll write again 🙂 YAY LIKE!July 19, 2014 – 10:25 am
Kristi Campbell - It varies as far as how long it will take. You’re on the right track though. And wait. The pressure comment. Um, is that your not-so-subtle way of saying you don’t like the stuff I write when not under pressure?July 19, 2014 – 11:47 am
Considerer - Ack, well it’s reassuring to know I might be on the right track. We’ll see when you let me in on the big secret 🙂
Umno. I like what you write ALWAYS, I just fall in love with the stuff you write under pressure. It *gets* me right in the middle of my soul…July 19, 2014 – 12:59 pm
Elizabeth - What a great idea and terrific post. Very enjoyable. I am looking forward to checking out all the other blogs. Thank you!July 18, 2014 – 5:46 pm
Kristi Campbell - So happy you enjoyed it, Elizabeth!!! Considerer yourself tagged, if you want to play! I always hesitate to tag people because I’m awful at finishing these things but please play if you’re interested!July 19, 2014 – 1:43 am
Elizabeth - Thank you! Do I get three years to do it? Lol! 😉July 19, 2014 – 3:00 pm
Kristi Campbell - Yes, take all the time you want to Elizabeth!! It took me a LONGGG time 😉July 19, 2014 – 3:36 pm
Dana - I feel like crap now, because I was tagged and still haven’t written. Although only one person tagged me, so I still have time, right? I love your writing process; it’s working well for you! Five books? Wow. I’ll be first in line when you publish!July 18, 2014 – 6:02 pm
Kristi Campbell - Dana, don’t feel like crap – I think Allison tagged me in May or something. I don’t even know because I suck at this stuff so badly. Also consider yourself tagged by moi. FIVE BOOKS that are sitting there. Unwritten and unfinished and just lying there as ideas. GAH. And I’ll hold you to that, if I ever get off my fatass and publish, m’kay?July 19, 2014 – 1:44 am
Echo - Thank you for tagging me, although I don’t think I have a writing process, like, at all! We’ll see how this turns out though! Your illustrations always crack me up!July 18, 2014 – 6:34 pm
Kristi Campbell - Well duh then do it like I did and say you don’t have one because hello I have no writing process. I mean real people I guess do but whatever to them and you’re welcome and I can’t wait to read what you write. About writing. Or whatever.July 19, 2014 – 1:46 am
Mike - This was great, Kristi! I send myself email notes ALL OF THE TIME! Probably bordering on OCD ha, ha 🙂 I think your “personing” is absolutely spectacular! Not to mention your other gazillion wonderful qualities. I was most interested in #4 and I contemplated my own answer. I don’t have a process either per se. I like to write about real life experiences and often I use my photography as a foundation to write around. If that makes sense 🙂 You know I love your cartoon drawings always! Have a wonderful, safe weekend 🙂July 18, 2014 – 7:18 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Mike! I’m glad I’m not alone in sending myself email notes. It’s quick and easy but sometimes I have no idea what I was talking about when I read them later. And your photography is awesome so I love that you use it as a base for writing.July 19, 2014 – 1:27 pm
Lana - I think you’re amazing, and the fact that you were tagged by FIVE people is additional proof. Your blog is one of my favorites, and it was so fun to read more about you. Have a great weekend!July 18, 2014 – 7:31 pm
Kristi Campbell - Lana, thank you so much – I love your blog right back! And happy birthday again to your cool sweet Grandma. I hope your weekend is fabulous!July 19, 2014 – 1:30 pm
Rea - We are so much alike in our writing process. Can’t describe it enough because really, you’ve described it really well especially the “Facebook is fun” part and “I really need to write” part. HAHA. I think that you write about interesting things. All the best to you and your upcoming book! 😉July 18, 2014 – 7:54 pm
Kristi Campbell - HAHAH to Facebook is fun, Rea. It really is a distraction and so easy to waste time there in those “I should write something” moments!! Thanks so much!July 19, 2014 – 1:51 pm
Michele - LOVE this post, Kristi — the list of other writers to check out, the pictures, the inspiration found while sitting on the toilet… 🙂 Truly, the story of your evolution as a writer and blogger is inspiring to this relative newbie blogger a and the idea of making dark moments lighter is beautiful.July 18, 2014 – 8:00 pm
Kristi Campbell - Michele, you’re the bombdiggity! And here’s to making the darker moments lighter through our writing. Also? You may be a relative newbie blogger but you’re awesome and fabulous and I love your blog and you and you’re already doing big beautiful things with your words.July 19, 2014 – 1:52 pm
Wendy Besel Hahn - I love that you think of blog posts while on the toilet. Miss you!July 18, 2014 – 8:34 pm
Manal Gogogirl Broeckelmann - Inspiration comes at the weirdest places and you have to be prepared. I think you should write a memoir anyway. I’m your fan:)July 18, 2014 – 9:35 pm
Shay from Trashy Blog - I am just like you in that I have paper and pen with me EVERYWHERE. I can’t remember a time that I haven’t. I call all of the different versions “my little Harriet the Spy writing notebook.” I try to hide it because when I get caught whipping it out (that’s what she said), my family and friends inevitably go, “Hey! What are you writing down…are you going to write about me??” The level of anxiety/excitement depends on the person to whom I’m talking. 🙂 And wow–you’re a great speaker! I’d have been so nervous I would have shat myself right up there on stage. I loved hearing your story!July 19, 2014 – 2:59 pm
Kristi Campbell - Paper and pen everywhere and Harriet the Spy because fucking DUH!!! HAHAHA to them knowing you’re whipping it out. I got totally busted taking a photo of a guy at work by another sales guy so I never used the pic (even though they don’t even know I blog) because I HAD TO HAD to remember the moment. One of these days (when I’m more sure for real none of them read the blog), I’ll haveta post about it. LOVING your shorts by the way, although I often read them on my phone (sorry).
And dude, my hands were shaking like a crack whore on um, I dunno. rehab?July 19, 2014 – 11:05 pm
Tamara - I love that you did this. I did it awhile ago and it’s fun to watch it travel.
I think I get inspiration the way you do, but never on the toilet, for some reason!
I write whole posts in my head while staring at walls. Walls!
I work hard at not being an asshole. Mostly it works, save for like two people on this earth.July 20, 2014 – 8:26 am
Kristi Campbell - I saw it a while ago as well and um, well, yeah, am doing it now so yay, right? Walls are good for posts. Here’s to not being an asshole, or at least working on not being one!!July 20, 2014 – 11:47 pm
Sarah @ LeftBrainBuddha - Martin Luther, according to legend, attained his insight on the doctrine of justification by faith while “in the privy,” so you’re in good company 🙂July 20, 2014 – 9:26 am
Kristi Campbell - Hey hey then!! Thanks for that. I’m in good company. Whoot!! 🙂July 20, 2014 – 11:47 pm
K - Ha! I love what you said about looking back at your draft notes and being all “WTF was I thinking about”…sometimes the best ideas arise from that though!
And I love that you write what you do…I haven’t been here nearly as much as I’ve wanted to lately but your words never fail to put a smile on my face…I still think you should publish your memoir someday! And I didn’t know you liked to write novels as well…that’s awesome!!
xoJuly 20, 2014 – 12:04 pm
Kristi Campbell - K – so true though. Some of the very best ideas do come from not knowing what we wanted to talk about. And dude. You’re doing the good good thing – getting a degree and being brilliant and amazing. Also, holy crap!!! You’re going to be a junior in September right? OMG I feel so old. 😉
well the novels… they’re simpering b/c I’m not paying any attention to them. Maybe one of these days. Maybe we should write one together.July 20, 2014 – 11:50 pm
Kelly L McKenzie - “I really should be writing something … Facebook is fun.” Well I cannot stress enough how good this makes me feel. There is someone out there who is behaving in the same manner as me. God but that feels good. Oh boy. Cannot tell you how my mind wanders as I plop into my chair and so professionally face the keys …
Thank you. When I next bang out a post I shall think of you …July 20, 2014 – 9:03 pm
Kristi Campbell - UGH I really should be writing something now but whatever, WINE is fun too right? I’m so happy that my flakiness (and being human) makes you feel more human because DUH facebook IS fun. oh and yeah. the mind wandering. Wait, what? What was I saying? Writing is fun? Oh. Jus got a FB notification.July 20, 2014 – 11:52 pm
Sandy Ramsey - Kristi, you are the shit!
That is all.July 20, 2014 – 10:06 pm
Kristi Campbell - Well then, I guess that’s it. Should I say Hhahahah or thank you? Guessing thank you so um yeah. The shit 😀 GRINJuly 20, 2014 – 11:53 pm
Sandy Ramsey - I meant it in the best possible way. The pun never occurred to me…until now.July 21, 2014 – 7:26 am
Kristi Campbell - hahah yay then. You’re the shit too, sweets. <3July 21, 2014 – 10:54 pm
Chris Carter - Ah, I love this Kristi!!! It really is those little moments that inspire that fire within that is lit by such a small flame… amazing how that happens, isn’t it?
I love everything about this post. And everything about you.
Keep working on that book. I too, want to write one… been thinking and praying on it for some time now.
But priorities are mumbled jumbled… I wish I could go sit in some cottage for a month, ya know?
In time, for you…
And hopefully for me too.July 21, 2014 – 11:32 pm
Kristi Campbell - It’s so true, Chris! The little moments.
I know what you mean about wishing for a cottage for a month – that would help. We’ll get there though. We WILL.July 28, 2014 – 5:47 pm
Allison McGrath Smith - I loved this. I loved your explanation of the different things you write about. I too don’t want to be defined by my status as a special needs parents, because I write about many other topics, other than autism.July 22, 2014 – 12:43 am
A Morning Grouch - i love this post. i read 90% of it the other day and then made sure to come back to it today and finish. i’m also working on not being an asshole, and send myself ridiculous emails and texts so i won’t forget an idea to write about…..which almost never transpires into a post because by the time i get the reminder i forget all context. ah well. and i agree with Manal – write a memoir!July 23, 2014 – 1:17 pm
Misty - don’t know what kind of books you’re writing, but know what you should write! you should write and illustrate a children’s book! that way kindergarteners only have to learn one name and will meet the standard for identifying the author and illustrator! i looked, once, for a social story about special needs that i could give to patty’s class. you would write an awesome-sauce special needs social story!July 23, 2014 – 5:37 pm
Kristi Campbell - Misty,
I’m not really writing anything but have a fiction novel started, a memoir, a special needs life thing, and definitely want to do a children’s book!! Thanks for the idea of making it a social story about special needs!July 28, 2014 – 6:07 pm
Kim - This is all around awesome! I love that you’re like so many of us out there when it comes to writing and ideas. “Uhh, what should I write about? Shit. I don’t know!” I’m a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl so I get it.July 28, 2014 – 5:19 pm
Kristi Campbell - Here’s to flying by the seat of our pants, Kim!!July 28, 2014 – 6:07 pm
Linda Atwell - Out One Ear - Obviously, I need to spend more time on the toilet! Of course I enjoyed every part of this, like I love every word you write. I guess I read this to see what inspires you. Right now I think the internet and blogging can sure suck a lot of time out of my day. When I do write, I’m glad and often feel like doing a happy dance. So as much as I enjoy writing and getting stuff actually down on paper, I dread the time my butt has be in the chair instead of hiking (or traveling) or whatever else I want to do that day.
BTW, this is off this subject, but I read a comment your husband left–possibly when you won your award or did your reading. Anyway it was something about you being the best mom in the world (in his opinion) and it touched my heart (AGAIN). My eyes welled up and and I had to get a Kleenex. We sure are lucky in the husband arena.August 2, 2014 – 2:03 am
Viviene Grace Bigornia - I love the way you write. It feels like you’re just talking to me and I laughed quite a bit reading this post! haha… And by the way, your writing process is pretty much like mine.. “I should write something” lol
http://www.thejourneyofawoman.comAugust 4, 2014 – 3:37 am
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - Can’t believe I missed this one – saw you in the Literacy Musings linkup. *waves hello* XOJune 16, 2015 – 10:42 am