Today, I am thankful, that, back then, I went on a blind date with this guy. I’m going to show you, rather than tell you, about a wedding, a birth, a life, and an anniversary.
I came home from our first date, and I knew that I’d marry him. He came home from our third date, and knew he’d marry me. And, marry we did. We had a wedding, even though it wasn’t a first one, for either one of us.
We took vows. And then, we were Us. Husband and Wife.
We went on a Honeymoon. To one of the best places on earth. We swam. We relaxed. We ate. We were called Mr. and Mrs. Campbell.
We bought a house. A not-so-great-house. It had walls. Walls we didn’t like.
And so, we tore them down.
We rebuilt. A lot. To make it look more like this. Still not perfect, but ours. We made a home.
And added more details along the way, like this blue glass backsplash in the kitchen that I love.
I got pregnant.
Which led to making our almost-here baby boy a room of his own.
And then, we brought that little boy home. Became family. Realized what Real Love actually is.
We watched our little boy grow.

Yes, his t-shirt says “I know I’m cuter than other babies”
Develop. Learn to walk. Sometimes, he needed the aid of a friend.
We watched him grow some more. And felt like the luckiest family on all of the earth.
Because, in many ways, like all of us, we were. And we are.
We watch our baby grow.
And grow.
We laugh. We play. We have moments.
We are family.
Happy, happy anniversary to my husband Robert. I’m beyond glad that we found one another, and created This. This imperfect, perfect, amazing family.
I love you. And I am thankful.
This has been a Ten Things of Thankful Post. What are you thankful for today?
OOPS. I should also say that I’m super awesome honored and thankful to have been on Scary Mommy on Friday. Thank YOU.

by Kristi Campbell
zoe - That might be the loveliest post I’ve read all week. Happy anniversary! and you know what? I think the kids shirt is right! He Is cuter!September 29, 2013 – 11:40 pm
Michelle - What a wonderful uplifting post! Sometimes we just need to sit and reflect on all that we are thankful for! I know you didn’t intend it to be, but it was a good reminder. Thanks you!September 29, 2013 – 11:51 pm
Chris Carter - Ahhh… taking in the lovely in all your loveliness, my friend!! What a BEAUTIFUL story of all that is true and all that is right and all that is real and all that is perfect in this world. Your pictures say it all…
HAPPY anniversary. CHEERS to an incredible family filled with so much joy and so many blessings to BEHOLD…September 29, 2013 – 11:56 pm
Kristi Campbell - Zoe,
Aw. Thank you. I think he’s super cute, too. Like maybe the cutest, ever…
Thanks YOU. And yeah, sometimes, it’s important to Remember, with a capitol R.
Thank you so much. Cheers, right back at ya. For real.
—September 30, 2013 – 12:45 am
Considerer - Happy Anniversary. What a privilege to see your beautiful story here, and to be able to share in a small portion of these joys in your life. This is an absolutely gorgeous list of Ten, and I’m so happy you have such a huge dose of Wonderful to be thankful for 🙂
Brilliantly done, my friend 🙂September 30, 2013 – 2:39 am
Kathy at kissing the frog - Happy anniversary!! I love your t-shirts – the blond with the two brain cells and the “cuter baby.” 🙂September 30, 2013 – 2:44 am
Out One Ear - Happy Anniversary!September 30, 2013 – 3:19 am
Kenya G. Johnson - Awwww sweet. Love this post and the pictures! My husband and I met on a blind date too. I think I had him at “Hello”. 😉 Love the renoation!September 30, 2013 – 6:49 am
christine - What a lovely story! The photos you chose to include were great. I see you are a family who loves a funny t-shirt, too. Awesome.
That renovation was huge!! Amazing what taking down a wall or two can do to a house. The new area is gorgeous!
Happy Anniversary!September 30, 2013 – 7:31 am
Janine Huldie - Kristi, Happy Anniversary and seriously loved all the pictures. You truly do make the perfect family and just so glad you have each other. And you are right so much to be thankful for!! 🙂September 30, 2013 – 7:33 am
Kristi Campbell - Considerer,
Thanks, you! I feel pretty lucky this week for sure.
Thank you!
Yeah, funny t-shirts are so under-rated.
Thanks! Awww. Love that you had your husband at “hello!” Happy.
The renovation was huge and horrible. But totally worth it once it was done.
And thank you!
Thanks, friend.
—September 30, 2013 – 8:54 am
Tamara - That’s wonderful. I love that you realized you’d get married two dates before he did! I had that happen with an ex. I realized we’d be together way before he did. I’m not sure how I convinced him but it worked. Temporarily, of course.
Beautiful, beautiful family.September 30, 2013 – 10:31 am
Michelle Liew - Kristi! Congratulations!!!!! And truly love at first sight. Happy anniversary and my thoughts and prayers for you and your wonderful family!September 30, 2013 – 10:35 am
Jessica - This is so awesome, and you are pretty much the cutest family ever. I love it. Last Friday was the 10 year anniversary of me meeting my husband on a blind date. I’d love to say we have this same happy story, but as our marriage is dissolving, that’s not the case. However, you bring me a lot of hope that there may be someone better for me out there on the next time around! I’m so glad you two found each other; I love happy love stories. Congrats and Happy Anniversary! 🙂September 30, 2013 – 10:51 am
Denise Farley - Happy Anniversary to you Kristi and to Robert and Happy, Happy to Tucker:) You look beautiful and happy, handsome and cute (baby Tucker, except he’s a little boy now so make that cute little boy Tucker). Lovely post. Thanks for sharing this. September 30, 2013 – 11:17 am
Dana - I read this on my phone at 6:30 this morning; what a wonderful way to start my Monday with smiling happy faces. Happy anniversary to you and Robert, Kristi!September 30, 2013 – 11:43 am
donofalltrades - I love posts like this.
You’ve got a great looking family there, Kristi! You should totally have one more baby though.September 30, 2013 – 12:06 pm
Cathy - What a tribute and great pictures! It often takes going down many roads before you find the one that leads you home. I’m so glad you found your way. Happy anniversary, Mr. & Mrs. Campbell.September 30, 2013 – 12:08 pm
Kristi - Happy anniversary! What a beautiful story.September 30, 2013 – 12:23 pm
Natalie - The Cat Lady Sings - Gorgeous reflections, gorgeous photos. Indeed, much to be thankful for!September 30, 2013 – 12:48 pm
Emily - Love all your photos (and especially both yours and Tucker’s t-shirts — hilarious! After I gave birth to Matthew, I bumped into this woman who was pregnant with her 3rd and already had 2 boys like I had. She wore a t-shirt around that read, “Not Finding Out.” I so wish I had had that t-shirt when I was pregnant with my 3rd because the pressure from the outside world to find out and see what I was having was so annoying!) And, I also love your sweet story. Happy Anniversary! The three of you make a beautiful family…September 30, 2013 – 1:44 pm
Catherine Gacad - what a beautiful summary! an amazing story of your family. happy to read this.September 30, 2013 – 6:06 pm
Kate - Love this and the way you shared your story! So sweet. You should make it into a book for Tucker 🙂September 30, 2013 – 6:59 pm
Sarah | LeftBrainBuddha - Ohmigosh I WANT YOUR KITCHEN!!! So gorgeous.
And this post is just ah-mazing, lady! Happy anniversary to you! mwah!September 30, 2013 – 7:49 pm
Mytwicebakedpotato - I loved this 🙂 great pictures and lucky, blessed life! Congrats to you!September 30, 2013 – 10:10 pm
Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - Imperfectly perfect! That’s the best kind of family to be! Happy anniversary.September 30, 2013 – 10:24 pm
Urban Moo Cow - Loved this, as always, K. And you are GORGEOUS. Really and truly. Happy anniversary and many happy returns. So glad to call you my friend.September 30, 2013 – 10:35 pm
Janet - Awesome recap of your relationship. Happy Anniversary!!!October 1, 2013 – 12:22 am
Julie - Happy anniversary you two!October 1, 2013 – 12:23 am
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons - Lovely pictures and happy anniversary!!!October 1, 2013 – 8:26 am
Stephanie @ Mommy, for Real. - I love that so much! Made me misty! And how gorgeous are you? Happy Anniversary, anniversary twin! 🙂 You were waaaay more thoughtful than I was this anniversary. I hope your husband enjoys that gorgeous tribute. xoOctober 1, 2013 – 4:00 pm
just JENNIFER - I love this post, Kristi! You guys are a super good looking family.October 1, 2013 – 7:54 pm
A Morning Grouch - Beautiful! Love the photos. This is my favorite part: And felt like the luckiest family on all of the earth.
Because, in many ways, like all of us, we were. And we are. – No better feeling on Earth than that.October 2, 2013 – 8:52 pm
Kate Evans Hall - Aww, this is beautiful! I love it! I love the pictures! Is that the Masonic temple? What a neat way to share your history together. This is really great.October 3, 2013 – 9:24 pm
Rachel - Loved SEEING the story of your family! Just awesome!October 6, 2013 – 11:23 am
Mike - LOVED this post, Kristi!! Talk about a constant huge smile of reading along with the pictures! Where was your honeymoon at?? OMG I’m in love with your kitchen! I love hardwood floors but am so glad I don’t have them because of my kid. Your wedding photos are spectacular, along with Tucker and Chief! Ok, gotta go scroll back up and drool at your kitchen again now 🙂March 10, 2014 – 6:31 pm