It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve posted a true Thankful post. Sure, I reminded everybody that grammar matters recently, but haven’t shared much about my own life and what I’m thankful for. I want to do so today though, as it’s our ONE YEAR anniversary/birthday thing of Thankful. Can you imagine? I’m thankful for the reminder to be thankful (Lizzi).
There’s a reason for me not posting as much recently in general, and I think it’s mostly a good one. We’ve had Memorial Day weekend, we had today, and we had all of the days between.
We’ve been nurturing friendship.
We had Memorial Day, spent with my husband Robert’s parents. Which included tractor driving,
Making new friends that don’t look, or sound, exactly like we do….
All Terrain Vehicle riding with PaPaw Peckerwood. Said with love and respect, even though some of the relatives didn’t get that. We had Tucker “opening it up” in the field and seeing cows and riding down the river, and steering, and breathing. Breathing life, and love, and outside, and farming.
We’ve had being silly.
And we’ve found caterpillars, and have been brave enough to let them crawl on our hands (well, Tucker has, anyway. me, not so much.). We’ve talked about Spring, and caterpillars, and summer, and butterflies. We’ve wondered where the cocoons are. We’ve been outside. We’ve been outside, and we’ve been wondering and exploring, which is, allByItslef magic.
Tucker flew. High, high up in the air, and he was not afraid. He laughed and loved it. He waited patiently in line for it (that, right there, is number 2,438 because this boy? waiting in line?).
I wish I had a photo from the angle in front of him, rather than the one in back. He was laughing and loving and so happy happy to be flying. He was also about 15 feet in the air. While my heart was terrified, it was also full of flying. And love. And hope, because maybe, one day, or all of the days, this boy will fly high without me.
This boy will jump and fly. To the clouds. He will be brave. He IS brave.
We’ve had me being unbelievably mad at my husband for tearing up two bushes that I wanted to stay. Until I didn’t, because Tucker got to choose orange flowers and a Japanese Maple tree, to replace them with.
We have the One Year Anniversary of Ten Things of Thankful. We have Clark letting me guest post my rant to him at Wakefield.
And that Lizzi sent me a mini-glitterbomb of a card out of the blue (thank you, Lizzi, you are totally the (glitter) bomb. We have cake, and we have Tucker giving you a kiss, tonight.
And we have the reminder that we should always be thankful for what we have. For Being Outside, Letting Go, Thankful, and Tractors and Cows.
Because you know what? Even when it feels like we aren’t, we are thankful, somewhere on the inside. For life. For outside. For friendship. For playgrounds, and butterflies, and bees, and sand, and trucks, and this awesome, amazing, and full-of-wonder, colorful life.
Oh and cake. Check them out here.

Your hosts: A Fly on our (Chicken Coop) Wall, Amycake and the Dude, Considerings, Finding Ninee, Getting Literal, I Want Backsies, Mother of Imperfection, Rewritten, Thankful Me, The Wakefield Doctrine
by Kristi Campbell
Robbie - AWWW the picture of riding with PaPa is adorable! Yay for nurtruing friendships 🙂June 2, 2014 – 12:14 am
Kristi Campbell - Robbie, I agree – nurturing friendships is the biggest of the big 🙂June 2, 2014 – 12:39 am
zoe - Oh wow!!!! I think this could be my favorite all time post!!! It was times like this when my boy was in his element that I knew his future was secure…he will be fine and happy and find his way to his calling…I loved this!!! Made me teary with remembrance…that Tucker boy is gonna fly into his future or farm or be a naturalist or a dr. Doolittle…he has such potential!!!June 2, 2014 – 3:32 am
Kristi Campbell - Zoe, really? Thank you for saying that. I find that I have less and less time to post and when I want to be thankful, I want to be thankful. I agree, and hope, and pray that you’re right – Tucker will find his flying. His calling, and his life, on his own. (HOPE)June 2, 2014 – 10:47 pm
Courtney Tjeerdsma Fitzgerald - Your words are so beautiful and so are the pictures. Life is full of so much goodness. Thanks for the beautiful reminderJune 2, 2014 – 3:51 am
Lizzi Rogers - Ohhhhh but this is BEAUTIFUL! I love, love, LOVE my gorgeous Tucker-kiss. And that your heart was full of flying 😀 *happysigh*June 2, 2014 – 6:13 am
Janine Huldie - That last picture of Tucker made me smile so much and loved his kiss goodnight. But seriously, all wonderful things and loved the simple fact that most were about outdoors with the weather finally being so gloriously summer-like here, too. 🙂June 2, 2014 – 7:44 am
Kristi Campbell - I’m so glad you liked his kiss Janine! I loved it too. Our sitter actually took it…Outdoors is awesome and I feel like such a better parent when we do more of it.June 2, 2014 – 10:48 pm
Melissa Senecal - Being outside is always a wonderful thing! And us living in the country, we have cows right next door. We even have a new little one!! I’m sure Tucker will one day fly high and you will cry with your heart full of pride.June 2, 2014 – 8:29 am
Kristi Campbell - Being outside is so bigbig. I’m jealous of the cows you have next door. We have to drive seven hours to PaPaw’s farm but well obviously totally worth it.June 2, 2014 – 10:54 pm
Dana - That flying contraption looks awesome! My heart would be a little terrified too, but those are usually the experiences our kids love the most.June 2, 2014 – 11:22 am
Kristi Campbell - Dana, you are wise, because yes, those are, of course, what our kids love the best.June 2, 2014 – 10:55 pm
Kerri - Oh brave boy…but braver mamma for letting him fly. I love your thankful list and that you call his grandfather pecker and get away with itJune 2, 2014 – 11:46 am
Kristi Campbell - AW. You get it. Thank you my lovely dear friend for getting it.June 2, 2014 – 11:02 pm
Lanaya | Raising Reagan - Tucker is such a handsome boy! I love how much he is getting to experience. The tractor ride and the cows looked like fun 🙂
I hope you are doing well love!
I hate being so busy and not being able to catch up all the time.
LanayaJune 2, 2014 – 12:19 pm
Kristi Campbell - I hope you’re doing well too, Lanaya! I miss your happy beautiful face (and Reagan’s) but yeah, the busy just sucks with not catching up. I can’t believe Rea will soon be SO OLD!!!! OMG time flies.June 2, 2014 – 11:06 pm
Drun Kenman - He’s adorable, Kristi. Absolutely adorable. June 2, 2014 – 1:01 pm
Emily - Love all of these, as well as the precious photos. I know this was a minor part of your post, but I can totally relate to being annoyed about the bush. Jon does stuff like that all the time – cutting down and/or putting up things in the garden without consulting me. Well actually he usually DOES consult me and the one time he didn’t, he sticks this ugly looking tree in an odd spot in our yard. Luckily, my dudes hate it there too so we were all screaming at him to move the tree somewhere else after he had spent hours planting it. He said he’d move it, but he hasn’t yet. You can be sure we’ll stay on his butt until he does though.:)June 2, 2014 – 1:41 pm
Kristi Campbell - Emily – you rock for getting the part of the post I was trying to skip over but actually was one of the biggest parts of our weekend. I couldn’t believe Robert tore up TWO BUSHES that were just fine where they were. His excuse was “they are bushy and collect too many pine needles.” LAME. However, sigh, it does look better now. After you know, like money and time and ugh. Make Jon move the tree 😉June 2, 2014 – 11:08 pm
Sarah - What a great trip to the farm! What a fabulous learning experience for Tucker! You guys have been having such great times. That bouncey thing is super impressive.June 2, 2014 – 2:53 pm
Kristi Campbell - The farm was awesome, and yeah, the learning stuff and exploring stuff has been amazing the past couple of weeks.June 2, 2014 – 11:17 pm
Tamara - Scarlet did one of those jumping things last year. I was in awe of her – to even think, “Yeah, I want to get into a harness and fly over this fair.” It was awesome.
Our kids are brave!June 2, 2014 – 5:03 pm
Kristi Campbell - Our kids are SO brave. May we learn from them. Always.June 2, 2014 – 11:22 pm
Comfytown Chronicles - Beautiful, wonderful, magical magic. I love how kids can make you see all the little WONDERS and magic in everyday life again. SO great he got to be on a FARM and see all those creatures and to FLY. He’s such an angel, he should fly. June 2, 2014 – 5:43 pm
Autism-Mom - I love it when my son surprises me, trying new things, adapting to situations that previously were impossible for him.
When that happens, it’s all about you, mom. You made it possible through your total acceptance of him. Be thankful for that, too! 🙂June 2, 2014 – 6:38 pm
Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life - It looks like a great Memorial weekend for you. I loved the cow pic! My kids did that jumping thing when they were little (two of them did anyway, I believe the youngest was still in a front pack) and they loved it! Your post reminded me of more carefree days. I think we need to work at getting some of that back here.June 2, 2014 – 7:13 pm
Kristi Campbell - I loved the cow pic, too, Michelle, and can’t believe I thought about not including it because this blog and cows? Not that much. But this past weekend, cows were our awesome reality. Here’s to carefree days. I think we need more of them as well.June 2, 2014 – 11:27 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - Big grins over here. That was a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. I love that Tucker was fearless with the flying thing. AND caterpillars because I can’t – that’s my cryptonite. I had to scroll quickly passed that one. PaPaw’s house looks like a wonderful experience for him. The last picture is my absolute favorite.June 2, 2014 – 9:23 pm
Kristi Campbell - I love that Tucker was fearless in flying, too Kenya! UGH to yucky caterpillars and all bugs, really. I am trying to be better but yuck. The last photo was my favorite too – his babysitter took it.June 2, 2014 – 11:29 pm
Sandy Ramsey - THIS is the one! This week, this is the post that made my heart burst open! Oh, Kristi…the wonderful things in this post make me smile big. I am so proud of Tucker and I know how happy all of these wondrous things made you. Thank you so much for sharing it all 🙂June 2, 2014 – 9:32 pm
Kristi Campbell - OH SANDY!! I can’t tell you how much your comment means to me. I hardly ever post this way with so few words but really felt that it was important this week and I love that you saw the wonderful. Thank you!!June 2, 2014 – 11:30 pm
Lisa @ Golden Spoons - That last picture of Tucker is absolutely priceless! I love it! We do indeed have much to be thankful for. Although rarely link up, I do so appreciate the reminder every weekend!June 2, 2014 – 9:51 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Lisa. I don’t link up every weekend so shhhh… and hey you! We’re going to meet next weekend! YYYYYYAAAAAYYYYYYYYJune 2, 2014 – 11:35 pm
Courtney Conover - SO glad I chose to visit today! What lovely pics, and that one of Tucker on the ATV…if Scotty were peering over my shoulder as I read this post, he surely would have remarked on that one in particular because he is obsessed with those things. (I think I’ll pull up your blog in the morning and show him…)
Also, so prophetic that you guys are rocking Groucho Marx glasses, as Scotty actually took his to bed with him tonight. lolJune 2, 2014 – 10:28 pm
Kristi Campbell - AWWW no way that Scotty took his glasses to bed? Tucker does that, too, with his favorite toys. Love!!June 2, 2014 – 11:48 pm
Alison - Ah, such wonderful, beautiful things to be thankful for. Tucker is a gorgeous boy!June 3, 2014 – 9:27 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Allison. I agree that he’s a gorgeous boy! 🙂June 3, 2014 – 11:49 am
Anna Fitfunner - Hi Kristi: as always, you have wonderful posts! Pics of Tucker in all sorts of heartwarming situations. I liked the tractor, and then on to the caterpillar, and the flowers, and and and. Either you’re a really gifted photographer, or Tucker is having the time of his life! Probably both!June 3, 2014 – 11:09 am
Stephanie Lipinsky Rufa - This looks like a great way to spend the weekend. And the cow pic? That is amazing. June 3, 2014 – 11:31 am
Natalie - I have to say I am thankful every time I take the time to look at one of your thoughtful and beautifully written posts and realising I am not quite so alone. I loved the image of Tucker flying high and I am sure he will continue to fly even higher! Thanks for making me smile and take the time to realise how amazing our children really are 🙂June 3, 2014 – 3:31 pm
Lisa C - Congratulations on the waiting in line 🙂 That’s HUGE. LOVE.June 4, 2014 – 7:14 am
Jean Baldridge Yates - I am so late on adding this but I have to say I love this so much it is impossible for me to express jeanJune 4, 2014 – 2:25 pm
Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - That picture of Tucker blowing a kiss? Worth a million thankfuls!June 6, 2014 – 12:11 am
Misty - i totally dread the day when p and j want to ride the rides at the amusement park or fair. or maybe i just dread the day when we have to trudge through the crowds at fairs and amusement parks?June 6, 2014 – 12:31 pm
Linda Atwell - this is a perfect thankful post. I liked every single part. It made me smile.June 12, 2014 – 11:45 pm
Karl - Tucker’s braver than I, ’nuff said. And you guys are looking hilarious in Groucho mask but i see they’re missing the mustaches.December 29, 2014 – 1:49 am