Is there anything cuter than a little kid with a big backpack walking into school? Ok fine, there may be a few slightly cuter things like, oh, I don’t know…a naked sleeping baby snuggled up to a wrinkly sleeping puppy or something. But seriously, little kids with big backpacks? Adorable! Today is school photo day for Tucker. He’s three and gets a school picture! How cool is that?

Tucker walking into school with one of his teachers.
by Kristi Campbell
Sara - The backpacks are pretty cute, but I’m a sucker for the sneakers. Little big man wearing what seem like great big sneakers (but really they’re just itty bitty).
Melts me.September 24, 2012 – 11:07 pm
Kevin - I still have my son’s first back pack (always will).
Yes too cute.September 26, 2012 – 10:30 pm
When I Mentioned… | Finding Ninee - […] there may be nothing cuter than a little kid with a big backpack, I forgot about how freaking adorable a little boy in a mis-matched outfit carrying a dorky […]October 17, 2012 – 9:55 pm