It’s hard to believe that it’s been only 48 hours since I was stressed out about having my almost-six-year-old son’s first birthday party. Because his birthday is in July, and falls on a holiday, and also because he’s never really cared about having a birthday party before going to some, we’ve taken trips, gone to the beach, and celebrated his birthday fairly privately.
This year, though, he wanted a For Real Party, and we gave him one. We went over the top of the top with it, and it was completely worth it.
Checking out the 16 Superhero balloons and some of the goodies for the goodie bags on the table.
I don’t have deep insights or even f’real writing to share tonight, and this post may read more like a journal entry more than anything else, but I want to remember this weekend, to fill those of you who have been so kind with your encouragement about his first party in, and to say that I’m thankful.
Thank you for being here. For caring about Tucker and for your messages and emails. Whether you relate to what it feels like to be a special needs mom or are a writer or are just here by accident – thank you.
My son’s first birthday party with friends was one I was stressing over, for a variety of reasons. I was worried about whether his friends with special needs would be able to find quiet places in our gym if they needed a break, and I was worried about all of his friends being fed and hungry, as lunch wasn’t scheduled until after the obstacle course, bounce house, and an hour of swimming. Having 16 hungry five and six year olds might not ever be a good idea. I worried about my son having fun, about his expectations for fun being bigger than the actual, about what the parents would all do while the kids were swimming, about how so many of us would change and dry off before lunch, and 1,001 other things that moms who are holding their first birthday party with friends for their kids worry about.
Tucker’s party ended up being glorious.
Almost all of my photos of Tucker having fun (ALWAYS) end up being of the back of his head, but I found these two, showing that he had a blast yesterday. I feel confident in saying that his first party-with-friends was a success. One of his friend’s moms texted me to say that her son said it was “the best birthday party ever” and shared that another mom said the same, on their way out the door.
There was a bounce house, some Superhero games, swimming, and then pizza and cupcakes.
It was awesome, and while I was stressed about it, Saturday’s party rocked.
Today, Sunday, my husband had to work so Tucker and I visited our local waterpark. We had to wait for a bit in line but ended up with hours of fun, until they kicked us out for lightening.

Left: Tucker ROCKING the line to get in, and Right: him, in, during a break from the water.
As I said, this is not a writerly post but an update one and one to say thank you to all who said “YES! You will rock this!” “Tucker will rock this!” when it came to his birthday party this weekend. Thank you.
It turned out that he rocked it after all.
Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group
by Kristi Campbell
Mary Hill - I know what you mean by stressing over birthday parties. I am glad Tucker got a real one this year and he rocked it. Sounds like a great success!June 15, 2015 – 1:19 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Mary and yeah, it was an awesome success in spite of my stressing about it 🙂June 15, 2015 – 11:02 pm
Nicki - This post fills me with joy, Kristi! Of course I KNEW Tucker would have a blast, and that his friends would love it, and that it would be the “best birthday party ever” but so wonderful to read that that is indeed how it went, and that you had fun too. For all the stress our kids’ birthday parties create for us, it’s so hugely rewarding and worth it when they are over and successful :).
Rock on Tucker! Big birthday love to you all.
xxxJune 15, 2015 – 1:34 am
Kristi Campbell - Thank you Nicki!!! It was so awesome. I already miss it and I so thank you for your KNOWING it’d be amazing and for reminding me to not stress and well of course tons and tons of love back at you. You still in Amsterdam? Please tell me you’re having a blast? Unless you are not of course.June 15, 2015 – 11:05 pm
Kerry - Sounds like a super fun party.
Those things always cause more anxiety beforehand, but the actual event turns out great.
My sister was in tears the morning of her son’s first birthday party, having a house so full of guests and wanting everything to be perfect.
Having family and friends there is all that matters. Those bouncy castles, a pool, pizza and cupcakes would make it fun for any child, or adult for that matter.
Happy Birthday to your little boy and hope you have a great week ahead.June 15, 2015 – 4:20 am
Kristi Campbell - Kerry, it was truly a perfect party! Everybody had such fun and it was truly worth it. Aw to your sister – it does cause anxiety! We want so badly for everything to go well and for our kids to have fun and and and!! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!June 16, 2015 – 12:40 pm
ivy - BEST PARTAAAY EVAAAAAAAAAAH! WOOHOO! Man I wish I coulda been there! I so woulda rocked that superhero theme! Does Tucker have a favorite superhero? Mine is Silver Surfer…. man of concscience yet cool enough to surf the cosmos on a freaking surf board!June 15, 2015 – 5:59 am
Kristi Campbell - Ivy – it was awesome and I so wish you could have been there! You’d have rocked it! Tucker’s favorite superhero is Iron Man right now, although Spiderman and Hulk are up there too! Silver Surfer – I don’t think he knows that one yet but love that he’s a man of conscience and surfs the cosmos! So cool!June 16, 2015 – 3:20 pm
Lizzi Rogers - Ahhh so glad it all went well 🙂 Perfick.June 15, 2015 – 6:00 am
Dana - Yay! I am so, so happy for both you and Tucker. Best birthday party ever is quite the accomplishment! I will admit that while I usually am thankful that the stress of planning kids’ bday parties is behind me, I do miss the joyous exhaustion that follows a day that makes your kid deliriously happy. Enjoy every second of it.June 15, 2015 – 6:58 am
Kristi Campbell - Dana, thank you! It was such a fun day and weekend. This is the last week of school too so there’s more fun stuff – end of year performances, ice cream trucks at school… it’s pretty awesome! And I definitely will enjoy every second 🙂June 16, 2015 – 3:32 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - Best birthday party ever has got to be the “bestest” compliment. I’m so glad everything went well! Lol to the back of the head pictures. You can still share them 🙂June 15, 2015 – 7:11 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Kenya! I’m so glad that everything went well too and you’re right – I could share the back of the head photos!June 16, 2015 – 3:33 pm
My Inner Chick - YOU rock!
Tucker rocks!
It is beautiful that you have one another, darling. xxxJune 15, 2015 – 10:03 am
Kristi Campbell - Aw thanks, Kim!!! And I agree that it’s beautiful that we have one another! <3June 16, 2015 – 3:35 pm
Janet Ochs - I’m so glad it went well and that Tucker had a great time! I’m looking forward to the day we can do that with Chris.June 15, 2015 – 10:05 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks Janet! I hope you’re able to do one with Chris so so soon!!!June 16, 2015 – 3:39 pm
Kristi - Hurray for a successful party! I’m so glad it went well and everyone had a great time.June 15, 2015 – 10:09 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Kristi! Me, too!! 🙂June 16, 2015 – 3:41 pm
Michele - YAY – you did it! I’m so glad that it went so well and that Tucker and his friends had so much fun. Though, really, with you running the show, I don’t think that was ever in doubt. 🙂
And now you get to celebrate all over again in three weeks – the plus of an early birthday party!June 15, 2015 – 11:20 am
Kristi Campbell - Michele! YAY! Thank you so much for your kind words and yay for more celebrations in a few weeks!June 16, 2015 – 3:45 pm
Jena Schwartz - This makes me so happy, for all of you!June 15, 2015 – 11:22 am
Vanessa D. - Way to go Tucker and Mom!
I’m so glad everyone enjoyed the party.June 15, 2015 – 11:58 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks Vanessa! It really was wonderful.June 16, 2015 – 3:46 pm
karen - We just had AJ’s 6th birthday party last weekend and it IS stressful…and expensive. Since he’s our only we make sure to give him what he wants, plus I want to get to experience it all too!!!
Tucker looks so thrilled with it all! Sounds like he had a awesome party and will have great memories.June 15, 2015 – 12:06 pm
Kristi Campbell - Karen,
So glad that AJ’s party was such a success as well! I hear you about giving them what they want since they’re our only kids!June 16, 2015 – 3:47 pm
Kathy Tyson - Awesome…for all of you!!!June 15, 2015 – 12:34 pm
Christine Sass Organ - That is so great! So happy for you.June 15, 2015 – 1:05 pm
Pattie Thomas - I am so damn happy that Tucker’s party was a success! Your posts about your boy always make my heart swell. Six! Six? The years go rolling by… <3 you.June 15, 2015 – 1:35 pm
Tamara - Turns out you rocked it too!
It gives me confidence for our big day/weekend coming up. So much to celebrate this time of year.June 15, 2015 – 1:59 pm
Kristi Campbell - Tamara, your big day/weekend will be glorious and you will rock it!June 16, 2015 – 3:52 pm
Christine Carter - OH that is just WONDERFUL NEWS!!! YAY FOR SUCCESS!!! I am just soooo happy it all turned out GLORIOUS!!!June 15, 2015 – 1:59 pm
April G - Such a sweet post. Of course you and he rocked it. You are his momma and you’ve been great. So glad you had a good time.June 15, 2015 – 3:48 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, April!! We really did have a fantastic time 🙂June 16, 2015 – 3:53 pm
Emily - Just so happy to read this. I know it sounds cliche, but this post made my day, truly. Hooray for rocking birthday parties and most of all, I’m so glad that Tucker had FUN!!June 15, 2015 – 6:07 pm
Kristi Campbell - Emily, thank you!!! It was such a relief that it went so well and YAY that it made your day!! <3June 16, 2015 – 3:55 pm
Scott - I’m glad it turned out so well! Happy birthday to your little man!June 15, 2015 – 6:33 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks Scott!!June 16, 2015 – 3:57 pm
Beth Siebert - Kristi you are such an awesome Mom and Tucker rocks everything. I am so glad it went well for all of you. Your victory is all of our victories especially for those who will never be there for the kid party.
Now don’t get yourself into the bigger is better every year because this year’s party was perfect.
I bet you are exhausted, happy, elated and a bit relieved. Any video?
Same thing happens when Alex is having a great time. I am so busy enjoying watching him having fun somehow pictures either do not get taken or they are of the back of his head too!
Congratulations!June 15, 2015 – 10:40 pm
Kristi Campbell - Beth,
Thank you! You’re an awesome mom!! HAHA to getting into the bigger is better every year! 🙂 I don’t think I have any video – I’m lucky that I got photos!June 16, 2015 – 4:52 pm
Mimi - Thank you for this awesome update! Tucker is so lucky to have you as his mama. I’m beyond thrilled that he had a ball and that it was such a success!! Congrats!! Happy early bday to Tucker! xoJune 16, 2015 – 12:00 am
Kristi Campbell - Thank you Mimi!! I was so pleased with how well it all went!! Thanks for checking in about it too – that was sweet!June 16, 2015 – 4:55 pm
Echo - YAY! I am so glad that it was a success!It feels good, doesn’t it? All the stress before melts away when you see them happy!June 16, 2015 – 12:14 am
Kristi Campbell - Echo – it feels SO good! And yes – the stress really melts away with their happiness! 🙂June 16, 2015 – 4:57 pm
don - Awe. I hate kids’ parties, but I love you and I’m glad that Tman had a blast with his friends. Was this at some facility that you rented or what?? It looks awesome. Nice work, momma. Also, you look great the next day, so you must not have worked hard enough.June 16, 2015 – 1:09 am
Kristi Campbell - Don! LOL to hating kid’s parties. I liked this one but maybe because it was Tucker’s first with friends. And yeah, we had it at our gym (Lifetime Fitness – it’s a chain so maybe you know it) so they did all the hard stuff. They even cleaned up after pizza and cupcakes so I win. And I love you too Mister. Good to see you here – I miss your crazy self.June 16, 2015 – 5:07 pm
Sandra - Totally awesome blog post, and honestly, the “journal entry” kind are my fave (because I’m nosy and want to know how other people rock their world). Let me tell you, I wasn’t even at Tucker’s party, and I can’t tell all the way from my home here in Winnipeg, Canada, that you hosted the best bday party ever. I have four kids, and never, ever have I done anything close to what you have accomplished. Special needs children or not, there were a ton of people, so my hats off to you darling, you are the Queen! You do realize the little sweetheart is going to expect you to top this next year 🙂June 16, 2015 – 1:35 am
Kristi Campbell - Sandra, good to know that you like the journal entry blog posts – I always feel like mine are boring but maybe I need to rethink that! Thank you for your super kind words and encouragement – I really appreciate both! And haha to him expecting me to top this next year – you’re probably right!June 16, 2015 – 5:09 pm
Jessica Drummond - Yay! Sounds like a splendid day for Tucker.June 16, 2015 – 1:59 am
Lisa Moskowitz Sadikman - Happy (early) birthday Tucker and a big high five to you Kristi for putting on what I hear was “the best party ever!” I love the pic of him in the pool. We do and want so much for our kiddos and when it all works out, it’s like winning the lottery. xxJune 16, 2015 – 4:23 am
Blooming Autism - Fantastic photo’s, thank you for sharing. Never doubted you could both Rock it 🙂 xJune 16, 2015 – 8:34 am
Kerri - WOO HOO Go MAMA!!! you did it and it was awesome and incredible and I am so freaking happy for youJune 16, 2015 – 10:32 am
Kristi Campbell - I did it Kerri! It was awesome and thank you thank you thank you!June 16, 2015 – 5:15 pm
Valerie Newman - I’m glad the first party was a success!June 16, 2015 – 8:38 pm
Allie - Yay Kristi! Yay! So excited that everything went well. But, I kind of new it would. I remember the stress, I do, but I also remember the “what was I worried about?” about feeling. And I love that you followed up with a mom and Tucker water park date. You are the coolest mom!June 16, 2015 – 10:31 pm
Kristi Campbell - Allie! I heard you met Mimi today! How awesome (and I’m jealous of you both) and also, yeah, I am in the whole “what was I worried about?” part right now, although it also seemed I had a LOT to worry about at the time 🙂June 16, 2015 – 10:53 pm
Christina Amore - So happy everything went well, and Happy Birthday to Tucker!June 16, 2015 – 11:05 pm
Sarah Lowe Banner - Oh man we love you guys 🙂June 17, 2015 – 1:26 am
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - I love love love this post and you know why because we just did the same thing this weekend – same day, even, because you and me? We rock. Like rock stars.
I am so happy that the party went well and Tucker had a wonderful time. I am also so happy that you guys went a bit overboard for yours, too. 😉
Love you all!June 18, 2015 – 1:57 am
Kristi Campbell - Lisa we so so rock like rock stars who rock! I’m glad that you had your party this weekend too and that you also went overboard! I can’t wait to hear more about it! Love YOU all!! xxooJune 18, 2015 – 11:03 am
Elizabeth - So glad it went so well! We were the same way – celebrating privately for years until he asked for a party. He wanted a dinosaur themed party and like you we went overboard and he rocked it! 🙂June 21, 2015 – 1:16 pm
Kristi Campbell - YAY for going overboard and our little dudes rocking their parties!! 🙂 🙂 🙂June 22, 2015 – 1:05 pm