It’s been a few weeks since I did a thankful post, and I’m very thankful for the fact that my co-hosts have been forgiving of that (and thankful for the article that Zoe sent me).
I am beyond thankful for the fact that I was able to have THREE margaritas with an IRL friend recently, and did not end up dancing on a table, as I may have done, in younger, more carefree days.
I’m also thankful that I have a PAC mom tribe who is there for me in commiserating that snow days suck, that my IRL and blog friends are beyond awesome. Thanks, too, to Lizzi for understanding that IRL got in the way of posting for thankful for the past few weeks.
I’m thankful that my husband has a good job, although it means that he is gone on too many weekends, and that I would, in other circumstances, hate his job because of it. He has a Good BigJob so that I am able to not have my old life of a Good BigJob, and, instead, have a flexible little-medium job. I’m thankful for that.
I’m thankful for sledding.
And, it’s quite possible that I’m going to be thankful for Benadryl and Duct Tape. I just found out that we’re having another snow day at school tomorrow. Funnily enough, Kate from Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine? just featured my tweet about snow days on Chicago Parent.
She’s got like a bazillion Twitter followers, so for her to put mine up is well – yes, I’m thankful.
Anyway, without the further thankful stuff, I need to give a shout to Clark and Phoenix/Mike – you both know why I’m thankful for you, I hope.
Moving on to the topic.
Shit that you, too, can do on another snow day, or Easy DIY Snow Day Projects:
- The Tampon Box Carwash
- Does your kid like Spiderman? Mine does! So I’m thinking an intricate web is in order, in which I duct tape him to the wall, tell him he’s trapped, and hide. I figure that if I build this game up for a good 20 minutes before hand, that it will at least buy me a shower some Facebook time while he’s eagerly anticipating his cool rescue.
- Duct tape would likely make a super cool Mummy. Just saying. Toilet paper is cool, but very easily escaped.
- Make some cookies. If you don’t know how to make them, eat them. It’s okay and pretty much the same thing when you’re locked in the house. Also? You’re totally expunged from any cookie-eating guilt. Being cold and at home with young children burns more calories than running. Proven fact. Google it.
- Build the worst snowman on the planet. Who cares if it doesn’t have a nose, or a face, or has a tick-filled sprig of pine on its head for hair. You just killed 45 minutes of time, and your kid will be proud and remember your blissful memories the entire time snowman dude is melting. Really. Forget the scarf, too, as that just means more laundry for your husband.
- Face-Time the Grandparents and tell them that they’ve got 6 hours to book a flight and come play with their grandson. They won’t come, but you’ll spend 2 hours laughing about it and telling everybody on Twitter how clever you are.
- Got a boy? Does he have problems with handwriting like my son does? Encourage writing his name in the snow. With pee. It’s not only therapeutic, but encourages fine motor skills, bladder control, and will be beyond awesome on your holiday card if your family doubts your kid’s ability to function.
You’re welcome. Seven easy DIY snowday activities. And being thankful for them. What are YOU thankful for?

A Fly on our (Chicken Coop) Wall, Considerings, Finding Ninee, Getting Literal, I Want Backsies, Mother of Imperfection, Rewritten, Thankful Me, The Meaning of Me, The Wakefield Doctrine
by Kristi Campbell
Lizzi Rogers - *giggles* is it wrong to hope that the holiday card would include all your names written in the snow, just to show T how to do it?
I think Benadryl treats are a smashing idea.
And seriously no worries about Real Life. I’m glad you prioritise it. I know we all love the blogging, but it’s not as important 🙂 BUT. I am glad you’re back. March 17, 2014 – 4:57 am
Janine Huldie - Honestly I am hoping that I don’t have to do anymore snow crafts or entertainment for this year, because I seriously am snowed out. Not sure about you, but I have my fingers crossed for spring now to be upon sooner rather then later! But seriously wishing you a great week now and less snow also 🙂March 17, 2014 – 7:26 am
Kristi Campbell - I so hear you, Janine. I can’t believe school is cancelled AGAIN. I’m so ready for snow and hope you don’t get this storm where you are because even sledding is becoming a bit of a chore.March 17, 2014 – 11:48 am
Nicole @ Work in Sweats Mama - I’m a firm believer in the calorie-cancelling properties of being stuck inside with kids all day. Calories simply don’t count/register on snow days. Or sick days. Or business trips. Or when you’re standing up while eating!March 17, 2014 – 11:22 am
Kristi Campbell - True that, Nicole. Any calories burned in any of the above (especially the business trips) are completely void. Nill, even, maybe possibly even burning ones for others!March 17, 2014 – 11:26 pm
Clark Scottroger - …man! to have had duct tape when growing up…and (in all seriosity ) simply to think of the (cool potential) of duct taping small humans to the walls and/or the ceiling!
rule you do!
no! I am from Y Chromeville and… and! the commonly cited ‘defect’ that we never ‘grow up’ is, actually, correct and therefore I can say with complete moral authority and the backing and support of my fellow Chromevillians… that were I of an age and my mother thought of the duct taping thing, I would be nothing but ‘YES!’March 17, 2014 – 12:15 pm
Emily - I am currently on hold for a ridiculous amount of time just to make a dr. appt. so I guess I am thankful that I have the patience to keep holding…at least I get to read blogs and comment at the same time! Love your thankfuls and those snow day crafts…I have no idea how we escaped the snow this time up here in NY, but we do have the frigid temps so I do feel your pain so to speak. Hang in there and keep eating cookies!March 17, 2014 – 12:29 pm
Kristi Campbell - UGH to being on hold at all and thanks so much for coming here while you were doing so!! And I actually am sortof amazed that you all skipped this storm. Weather is weird. And icky.March 17, 2014 – 11:28 pm
Tamara - hahah! It’s not the worst snowman in the world. I’ve seen the worst one.
And we Face-timed my mom three times yesterday. We had something perhaps worse than a snow day. A sick day! Fun times, right?March 17, 2014 – 1:28 pm
Kristi Campbell - You’ve seen the worst snowman? Do tell! And so sorry to hear that your house is under the throws of a sick day. SO much worse than a snow one. xo Hope everybody is feeling better (well, Scar, anyway as it sounds like she’s the only affected one so far?”.March 17, 2014 – 11:34 pm
Sarah - Fabulous list! Going to hunt up the duct tape now. Actually, I’m surrendering to the TV. I’m just SO DONE with this winter. Do, carousel? When the snow melts?March 17, 2014 – 1:43 pm
Kristi Campbell - Yes, to the DC carousel when the snow melts. Is it going to melt? For real? Ever? Like it’s really truly going to go away? See you in June, friend. 😉
Ok fine it’ll melt before then but UGH really? Feels like never. Or June. We did tons of TV today too.March 17, 2014 – 11:35 pm
Courtney Conover - Wow, Kristi. Just…wow. I didn’t think there was a place on the map that was getting more snow than us, but it looks like you guys get the prize. (But, then, it really is just a toss up because our school district had a snow day late last week.) *Big sigh*
I’ve bookmarked this post for when Scotty goes to school.
But, hey, look at it this way: It could be worse — you could be like me, having two small kids who aren’t in school yet, so EVERYDAY this winter has been like a snow day. The level of cabin fever I feel should be deemed criminal.March 17, 2014 – 2:22 pm
Kristi Campbell - True, true, that it could be worse and I thank you for the reminder, Mama C (will always think of you as both Mama C and Courtney, hope that’s okay). I know what you mean about cabin fever. I hope this week brings you warmer weather and time out of the cabin. Dare I wish it? Even, maybe POSSIBLY, time to yourself? You deserve it and I hope it happens. 😀March 17, 2014 – 11:53 pm
Dana - Ugh. Another snow day. I’m thankful that my husband shoveled today, and that I was semi-productive and cleaned out a few closets. But if it snows again, I’m losing it!March 17, 2014 – 5:16 pm
Kristi Campbell - You cleaned closets today? I’m impressed. I did nothing so productive. Although I did manage to order my face lotion online. That counts, right?March 17, 2014 – 11:54 pm
Mike - Thank you for the shout out and YES we absolutely know on Thankful! Phoenix, “The link didn’t work…” Me, “Phoenix, Kristi is one of our closest friends, knock it off.” Him, “I’m on narcotics.” Me again, “Point taken.” How about some Benadryl cookies?? I don’t need either…just need a buzz today. Lordy, have the kids back East been IN or OUT of school more days this year?! That is just ridiculous! The mummy game sounds fun except I’m horrifically claustrophobic to be bound and tied up. But, I wouldn’t mind commencing that on an awesome girl (with easy break-a-way ties)! “Writing” your name in the snow…absolutely for a boy. With a buddy…pee “sword fights” are even better! No snow this year during our horrible drought. Going to consider making a dead-grass-man instead. We ADORE YOU ALWAYS, our friend! 🙂March 17, 2014 – 5:38 pm
Kristi Campbell - Yes, Phoenix was on narcotics, but he was correct – the link was NOT working and I’m so sorry for that. Fixed, and tested now. You shouldn’t have questioned his skills as he did, after all, save humanity.
Adore you back, awesome friends. Much.March 18, 2014 – 12:27 am
zoe - So I sense a bit of sarcasm in your list which means I am not supposed to fess up to actually letting my kid practice #7 by repeatedly doing #1 in the snow… he was so enthralled with it and had kidney issues as well as a learning disability… I mean its just a natural solution, right?
Ok… we also made duct tape spider webs across a doorway and you had to get to the other side without getting stuck by the tape… you get stuck you have to start over… HOURS of fun! HOURS! HOURS! I hope Im making that clear… HOURS! we also did that with string and three bells tied into the web… if a bell rings you gotta start again… HOURS I TELL YA!
Good article … hope it is imformative and inspiring for you!March 17, 2014 – 9:10 pm
Kristi Campbell - HAHAHAH Zoe, you ROCK for having actually done a duct tape spider web in the doorway and I’m using you as testimony if anybody ever says I’m unconventional. Same with the peeing in the snow thing because I actually do believe it’s a pretty brilliant solution to helping kids. The lengths we go to! I’m impressed by us (ok you). Thanks so much for the awesome encouragement!!! Did you make the pee snow a holiday card? Because I’m totally gonna.March 18, 2014 – 12:29 am
zoe - NO!… and I was so pissed when I read Lizzi’s idea! HAHAHAHA PISSED! I CRACK MYSELF UP!March 18, 2014 – 3:43 am
Kristi Campbell - Hm. So not to BRAG or anything, but it was actually MY idea as stated in number 7. The problem is going to be that it’s gonna be hard for me to add “Mommy” to the list without stomping all over it. Penises are better for this sort of thing.March 18, 2014 – 8:08 pm
Out One Ear - Linda Atwell - Oh, I’m thankful for sledding too. Although we rarely get snow. So I’m so sorry that you’ve had so many days in a row of snow–although (again) we would welcome a little bit more than we got this year in Oregon. (Not much more), but we’d be willing to take a little of the snow burden from you–like maybe four or five hours, then it should melt and go away like it usually does. Ok. Maybe we would take an entire 24-48 hours, again, as long as it was gone and we could drive our cars. But then again, I don’t have to worry about snow since I’m in Mexico! Finally, I love your snow day projects. One clever lady. p.s. I can’t tell you how awesome it is to be in the warmth. I’m having margaritas, but for a different reason. To keep cool and hydrate I don’t think margaritas actually hydrate, but that is my story and I’m sticking to it.March 18, 2014 – 12:26 am
Kristi Campbell - Margaritas totally hydrate, especially in Mexico. While I’m beyond jealous, I do hope you enjoy your trip, Linda. And yeah, the snow can just go away already.March 18, 2014 – 12:33 am
Deb @ Urban Moo Cow - Oh, honey. I’m so sorry!!! That snowman will only be the worst until H is old enough for me to make one. And then mine will be.March 18, 2014 – 12:00 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks Deb. Still recovering. All these snow days have definitely put a cramp in my blogging. I mean IRL work schedule. Argh. Can’t wait for your crappy snowmen with H photos!March 18, 2014 – 8:09 pm
Lady Lilith - Lol. Your posts are priceless. I got such a good laugh out of it because this winter we were in your shoes one way or another. For me, my girls did some sensory with shaving cream and ended up covering the whole house in it. Needless to say I spend the next two days cleaning up.March 18, 2014 – 1:17 pm
Kristi Campbell - Aw thanks, Lady Lilith, I hear you with the shaving cream too. Once, a friend suggested that in order to get Tucker to have fun writing letters, that we spray it on the wall of the bath. Needless to say, he preferred to spray it in our faces and it’s now hidden. Well.March 18, 2014 – 9:45 pm
Stephanie Smith Sprenger - ANOTHER snow day? That is ridiculous. Laughed out loud at the pee writing- that’s even better than our snow day last year when we wrote in the snow with food coloring. We sprayed it out of the little bottle they give you in the hospital for spraying water on your hoo-ha after childbirth. Who knew they’d be so handy? xoMarch 18, 2014 – 5:51 pm
Louise - I don’t think you should give up on dancing on the table top quite yet…. that’s a level of careless free I sometimes aspire to re-discover.
I have a male friend who I’m beginning to think secretly reads my blog. I did this whole bit in my last thankful post about how I know no one who dances anymore; we are out for drinks; and he suggests we find a group to go and dance. Not sure about tabletops – but perhaps I might still venture out to raise a roof at the 25+ club… Or a gay bar. I remember feeling a bit old last time I did this (circa 3 years ago) but it still sounds once in an ever little while fun.
Boo to snow days; yay to IRL friends; and yay to your tweet fame!March 18, 2014 – 11:10 pm
Kate Hall - Ahahaha, I love the last one! I think the snowmen are great. That first one looks like an artist’s sculpture. The profile is really good. Thanks for the shout-out. 🙂March 19, 2014 – 11:38 am
Kenya G. Johnson - I heard some more people are getting snow Tuesday. I hope those people aren’t you. LOL. As for that last one, I think Christopher would have to go with Chris.March 21, 2014 – 10:34 am