I apologize for the lack of posts for two days. I’ve been crazy busy trying to remember how to be a non-lapsed professional and remembering why that’s important.
I have a couple of almost-complete posts ready to go, but have vowed to not subject you to them until I am able to proof them with less tired eyes. In the meantime, we received Tucker’s first school photo today. Bittersweet. On one hand, how eeeping adorable is it that a three-year old has a “real” school photo!?! On the other hand, and although it’s not my favorite photo of my son (he looks distracted and a little weird), perhaps because of the traditional school setting, he looks so grown up…sigh.
Happy Tuesday. Share your kids’ school pics!

First “real” school photo. Sigh.
by Kristi Campbell
Love&Giggles - he is so handsome!!!!!!October 10, 2012 – 3:22 pm
Cathy - School pictures at three?!!!October 11, 2012 – 9:56 am
admin - I know Cathy, crazy, huh!!??October 11, 2012 – 10:59 am