Sometimes, when you hear stories about a grandparent when you’re young, you tune them out, and only remember parts. It’s not until you want to share family history with your own child that those stories become interesting again.
On our drive from Virginia to Colorado, we stopped in Dayton, Ohio, where my dad grew up. His dad lived across from the Wright Brothers as a boy. We went by the Wright Brothers house, and saw the house my grandfather was born in across the way. I called my dad, excited for stories that bored me in younger years.
The Wright Brothers House, Dayton, OH
“He invented a sprinkler that could water a square patch of grass,” I said. “Did he get rich?” Tucker asked. “He did. But guess what? A company in Japan stole his idea after the war and ended up selling them for less than his cost to make them, and he went completely bankrupt.” “That wasn’t very nice of them,” he said. “It wasn’t,” I agreed.
“But he never gave up, and ended up inventing a bunch of things during his life. When I was a girl, I thought everything had already been invented, but that was before cell phones or YouTube. Just think what the world will have when you’re my age!”
“What should my job be?” he asked. “Something that doesn’t exist yet,” I said. “But I think I want to be a singer,” he replied. “Then be a singer,” I said.
“My other great-grandpa was a miner, right?” “He was.” “Maybe I’ll do that then,” he said. “Ok.”
“Or, maybe I’ll be a Viking Warrior.”
“You can be anything, kid. Anything at all.”
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. This week, my co-host Kenya Johnson of Sporadically Yours and I are hosting a five-minute stream-of-consciousness with the prompt “Grandparents.” I should say that it’s really hard for me to post something so short. I mean, Google and all that. But five minutes is really fast and this is probably one of the first times I didn’t stop the timer to type more.
I’ll admit though, that this was my second 5-minute writing. The first one ended with this sentence: “I know he’ll cherish those times and this is the boringest blog post ever but the timer just went off.”
This has to be better than that, even though that one contained more facts than stories, like about the time Tucker told my dad a coat hanger looked like a bow, and my dad got out his hand drill and made the coat hanger into a bow with Tucker’s help. I’ve got it on video and have promised to upload it to his YouTube channel (which, of course, wouldn’t have been around were I his age!).
by Kristi Campbell
Dana - I’ll admit that I NEVER do the five minute free write. I’m just too uptight for that 🙂 But I had a story I wanted to write and it had to do with my grandfather, so voila!
The Wright Brother’s house across the street from where your grandfather was born? How cool. I think it’s cool to be in Kitty Hawk, NC…I hated history as a kid, but now I love to be places where historic things have happened.August 16, 2018 – 8:15 pm
Kristi Campbell - Five minutes is soooo short. I’m too uptight for that too but did it tonight. I’m glad you shared your story and I loved it. I hated history as a kid too. Now, I like it more (obviously). The Kitty Hawk thing – we didn’t really explore that. Just the Dayton background but we’ve been to Kitty Hawk too and I mentioned it.August 16, 2018 – 9:25 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - That’s so true wanting to know stuff that we used to half listen to. Oh I wish I could go back in time just to retain some of the stories I heard. The Wright Brothers house looks ginormous! I stopped my timer today at 2:51 seconds because I had another thought which led to the Facebook post. Anyway looking forward to the bow making video! 😀August 16, 2018 – 8:28 pm
Kristi Campbell - Same! It’s funny how much more important our parents, grandparents, and even our own stories get once we have somebody to pass them on to! I’ll have to post the video.August 16, 2018 – 9:26 pm
JT Walters - I will hold a descending opinion from your five minute blog. I have tried to be many things and all roads have led me back to what I am meant to be. I think it a matter of listening to hear your inner voice tell you what you are.
But I vote for Tux being anything.August 16, 2018 – 8:37 pm
Kristi Campbell - I think it’s great that all roads have led you to where you’re supposed to be. I’m not sure that’s a different opinion or not… Here’s to listening to our inner voices. Unless they’re crazy. LOL but really, here’s to finding our passions and following them.August 16, 2018 – 9:28 pm
Mike Vogler - Oh gosh, grandparent stories are amazing! I don’t have any children to share them with but as I’ve gone through stuff the past few years I came across some articles, information, letters that blew me away! Btw, my grandfather was an inventor too. Loved the post and oh btw…Hi Kristi! 🙂August 16, 2018 – 8:48 pm
Kristi Campbell - HI MIKE!!! I love that your grandfather was an inventor too. What did he make?August 16, 2018 – 9:29 pm
Sarah Balding - When I think of my Pop-Pop Hall, I think more of the stories he made up for us rather than actual true stories. He liked to tell the wildest stories, like trying to convince my sister that she was raised by deer in the woods, or having my 3 year old self convinced that he was going to put my new baby sister in a bag. But I have such fond memories sitting on his porch, laughing and drinking caffeine-free Pepsi. Thank you for sharing a little story about your grandfather and how it inspired Tucker to be anything he wants. I think a Viking warrior sounds like a supremely cool goal to shoot for. 🙂August 17, 2018 – 8:22 am
Kristi Campbell - What cool memories you have of your Pop-Pop. I love that he told you and your sister wild stories. I think a Viking warrior sounds like a cool goal too. Thanks!August 17, 2018 – 7:54 pm
Pat B - It would be so great to be able to tour either the Wright home of the home where your grandfather was born!
Sometimes as a person strives to research their family history they remember little things that relatives said or did that they’d completely forgotten until they started doing research. A great site to explore is if you haven’t already searched there.
Wow, you kept your post to five minutes. I totally failed at that!
I hope Tucker remembers all the encouraging words you say to him!August 18, 2018 – 11:56 pm
Kristi Campbell - That would have been really cool. My dad said that the Wright home used to be a museum. I think we went there when I was young but I don’t remember much of it. Thanks for the site. I haven’t heard of that before. I think this is the first time I kept it to five minutes!August 19, 2018 – 12:24 pm
TD - That is so cool that your grandpa had that life and those experiences.August 19, 2018 – 9:05 am
Kristi Campbell - I think so too! Thanks 🙂August 19, 2018 – 12:25 pm
Emily - I just love that conversation between you and Tucker! Speaking of being a singer, my middle dude now writes and sings rap music and records himself and posts it on Sound Cloud. It’s pretty funny because my husband listens to it because he actually thinks it’s good music!August 20, 2018 – 11:10 am
Kristi Campbell - Really? That’s SOOO COOL! Do you like the music too?August 20, 2018 – 5:42 pm
Kerry - Short time to write about such a full and well rounded topic. I love history, mine and my family history and all the rest of it. I will write out the stories my grandpa told us and call it Grandpa’s Stories Are the Best Stories.
Sounds like you guys had some fun on your move drive.August 22, 2018 – 4:50 pm
Kristi Campbell - It was so short! I could have gone on and on. Definitely write about the stories your grandpa told you – perfect name! And yeah, we managed to fit some fun in on the move which was really nice (and made it more bearable).August 22, 2018 – 4:53 pm
Christine Carter - That is SO COOL he invented the sprinkler! WOW. And of course, unbelievable his idea was stolen and he went bankrupt. Sigh. I loved reading your conversation with Tucker. I could just picture it. And I just love your love and encouragement you pour all over him. You’re such an amazing mom, Kristi. <3August 23, 2018 – 6:23 am
Kristi Campbell - Aw… you’re TOO KIND wonderful friend! He invented the sprinkler that sprayed a square area, but not the sprinkler sprinkler. And I know – so sad that his idea was stolen! And yeah, Tucker’s easy to be awesome with. 🙂 <3August 24, 2018 – 2:19 pm
Allie - Clearly the Wright Brother were very rich:)! Damn! Cammy wanted to be an inventor for a while. Oh, my head was about to explode with all his invention ideas. I can’t imagine if he wanted to be a singer, shoot me k=now. LOL! AllieAugust 24, 2018 – 7:57 am
Kristi Campbell - Yeah, the Wright Brothers were very rich! I wonder where the money came from – like if their dad invented something?? Hmmm…. Knock on wood about Cammy wanting to be a singer now, girl! 😉August 24, 2018 – 2:17 pm