Helping mommy with the bags way too early in the morning
We’re back! Oh dear blog, I missed you!
The flight to Denver was perfect. Tucker was perfect. It seems dumb now that I was so worried about him behaving well on the flight. He blew us away with his coping skills and overall excitement at seeing planes, riding in planes and being an awesome kid. He even received a private invitation to meet the pilot (which he respectfully declined without screaming – a major win).
Snow! A white Christmas! It was “colder than a well-digger’s ass” outside (hillbilly expression, courtesy of the hubs and one that I don’t actually really understand). Despite the freezing temps, being dedicated and overall fabulous parents, we played with Tucker in the awesomeness that Colorado snow is. If you’ve ever been to DC and experienced the ugly melty mush that usually passes for snow here, you know what I’m talking about. Colorado has snow that you can blow like a dandelion. I miss it. And Tucker loved it.
See the difference in the top level photos and the bottom ones? That’s why I need a new camera. The bottom photos were taken by my dad.
We saw Monsters, Inc. in 3D and Tucker wore his 3D glasses. For about 10 minutes. It rocked anyway. Plus, you know that popcorn never sucks. Look at him shovel it in.
We had a really loud, really delicious and really fun meal with Tucker’s Meemo, Papa, aunts, uncles and cousins. There’s something extra cool about having so much family in one location. It doesn’t happen as often as it should. My dad took some photos but I don’t have them yet and I’m pretty sure that none of them will take anybody’s breath away because trying to get a picture of eight adults and three kids sitting still, smiling with their eyes open and looking happy is pretty much impossible.
And…a supercool visitor – my biological aunt (sister to my birth mother). Yup, you read that right. She was amazing. And sweet. And we already love her. Do you think we look alike?
Meemo, Robert, Tucker and I went to the Denver aquarium. The tigers didn’t swim for us, but I love aquariums in general. By the way, if the makers of Good Times Burger chain (“we’re gonna be big”) are reading this, would you please bring your kickass guacamole burgers out to Northern Virginia? Thanks.
We also got to hang out with my two best friends (Julie and Sara) and their family (family is singular as they are sisters and share the same parents). Julie’s dog got a puppy for Christmas that I wanted to steal. Sadly, Robert used his “I’m playing God” voice and boomed loudly several times “No puppies. No babies.” Meanie.
Julie’s daughter was kind enough to chase him through the house and let Tucker try and destroy her adipose. He loved it so much that Robert ordered him one right then and there (sometimes Robert can be so dang cool).
To wrap up the holidays, we went to a light show at the local botanic gardens. The photos came out kindof crappy but trust me when I tell you that it was worth it and that whenever we’re in town for New Year’s Eve, we’re going there.
Tucker received a Peyton Manning Bronco’s jersey. Here’s why this is cool. For years, Robert’s favorite player has been Petyon Manning. He claims that Manning is one of the best quarterbacks ever. He probably is but I love telling him that John Elway was so much better. So now that they’re all happily together, working for the common goal of getting the Broncos to the Super Bowl…well, I couldn’t resist. Robert really should thank me, don’t you think?
And last but not least, for those of you who were wondering, I come by my addiction and love for Apple naturally…(Macbook not shown)
What were some of your holiday highlights?
by Kristi Campbell
Emily - Sounds like you had an awesome holiday…(I love aquariums too). Our break wasn’t nearly as exciting as one of my son’s injured his knee playing basketball so we spent a lot of time indoors…we plan to make up for it over President’s week vacation though! 🙂January 2, 2013 – 6:36 pm
Jennifer - You know this is different from your usual posts but I really love it. It’s fun to see all the photos and hear about your holidays. Happy new year! Oh I like your other posts too lolJanuary 2, 2013 – 7:33 pm
admin - Thanks, Jennifer. Ya, it’s a little different but I wanted to get some photos in there and it’s hard to be funny when I’m talking about how much I miss Colorado’s snow…January 2, 2013 – 7:52 pm
Sam - Your holiday sounds fun. What great pictures too. Thank you far sharing all that you do. And I think you look a little like your aunt but with lighter eyes and a different nose. Do you know your birth mother too? I’m guessing you we’re adopted or something?January 2, 2013 – 7:36 pm
admin - Sam, thanks for the nice comment. I met my birth mother one year ago November. And yes, I was adopted when I was a baby. I always knew.January 2, 2013 – 7:53 pm
Marcia - Even thought its not funny I really enjoyed this post. Glad your back!January 2, 2013 – 8:04 pm
Marcia - Actually you have very same noses!January 2, 2013 – 10:13 pm
admin - Yes, the bottoms are exactly the same! 🙂
Thanks for the comment…January 2, 2013 – 10:15 pm
Rachel - I totally relate to be more nervous than need be about how my child will react to things, especially things like riding in planes. And I’m completely jealous that you have snow!January 2, 2013 – 10:44 pm
admin - Ugh Rachel, I’m totally jealous that we had snow in Colorado too! No fucking snow here…
Thanks mucho for the comment!January 2, 2013 – 10:50 pm
Roshni - wow! What an amazing time you all had!! Wishing you all a wonderful year ahead!January 3, 2013 – 1:16 am
Joy - Oh, how I missed your blog and your comments! Good to have you back! Thanks for sharing all the wonderful things that you did! Our holidays were not as exciting as yours.January 3, 2013 – 3:00 am
admin - Joy! I missed you too! Happy new year!January 3, 2013 – 12:30 pm
Sara - Tucker is so cute I can hardly stand it. Nice pics.
Your aunt looks nice (good friendly Colorado stock) 😉January 3, 2013 – 10:09 am
admin - Thanks Sara. And she was super nice. To think I was nervous about it. Silly me…January 3, 2013 – 12:31 pm
Robert - Peyton is numero uno. He broke John Elway’s single season records. He has led the Broncos to the NFL’s best record. Denver and all Bronco fans should thank Peyton and the University of Tennessee (for your outstanding punter and two defensive lineman as well) as they reflect great credit (not to mention 13 wins) upon their team, the great state of Colorado and others.
Now to the important part. We need to teach our Tucker to read NFL defenses, audible at the line of scrimmmage, the play action fake, and to throw to the outside shoulder on sideline patterns. Tucker or TD Campbell needs to buy his Momma a new house that she will hopefully let Daddy live in.January 8, 2013 – 9:52 pm
admin - Daddy’s gonna be lucky to live there, talking about Peyton being better than John Elway…Just saying…January 8, 2013 – 9:53 pm