I’ll come right out and say it. I gave up some personal dignity last night. Heartfelt integrity even — because of holiday commercialism, of all things. As in… (*shuffles feet and looks sideways*) I gave into the Elf on the Shelf. I know. I’m more embarrassed by me than you are, I promise. And after years of winning? I lost. Plus, Tucker’s nine years old, which makes the whole losing to Elf even more humiliating.
How I Lost to Elf on the Shelf after Years of Winning
I’m weak when it comes to giving my son Tucker what he wants, but I’ve been able to avoid the creepy Elf on a Shelf for years. The elf wasn’t wildly popular until he was about four, and my first reaction was that the elf was creepy AF and so smug looking! Yuck.
I’ve bragged about winning, and one of my most popular posts each December is how the Elf is creepy. This year though, I lost. Here’s how it happened.
Last Year (or maybe the year before)
“Mom, all the kids in my class have an Elf on the Shelf. How come one never came here?”
“Probably because I think they’re creepy,” I said. He agreed they’re a little creepy and only mentioned it a few times after that. I think seeing 1,001 boxes of them at Target helped him know they don’t just show up at your house like a little brother but we never talked about it, so that’s my assumption. Honestly, I was glad he dropped the subject. Plus, it felt late in the game, you know? He was already seven or eight when this conversation began.
This Year. Last Night to be Exact…
“Mom, all the kids in my class have an Elf on the Shelf, and they do really funny things! Like Carlos’ elf took a house tour riding on his dog’s back, and Taylor’s elf made a mess of her mom’s flour for baking cookies because she wanted cookies!”
“But isn’t it creepy that he roams around your house at night?” I asked. I hadn’t told him about how I used to behead my barbies at night but still, he must have learned some of this while growing in my body, right?
“But mom, he doesn’t. He flies to Santa and comes back. Plus, I told you Carlos’ elf took a house tour on his dog’s back and that’s hilarious!”
I thought about it. A lot. I mean why spend almost $30 on something that is…
1. Creepy AF and
2. Has “magic” that’ll probably only be believed in this year and maybe next?
The whole “who knows how long he’ll believe” part was the initial trigger. When he was born, I’d have guessed he wouldn’t believe in Santa by now because I didn’t, but he believes completely. Also, like I said, I’m weak and Googled where to buy them. Once Robert got home last night, I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond ($2 cheaper than Target with better take-out restaurants on the way back home), and bought Buddy. Our new Elf on the Shelf. Tucker and I even registered his name online within minutes of him coming home, and Tucker was super excited about the online certificates we got.
I sorta hate the creepy (he’s so smug looking!) elf still… but friends? He’s actually amazing, as far as what he’s done for Tucker.
Tucker did his homework last night without crying because Buddy was watching. When I swore over something, he told me Buddy was listening. The best part was that he was so curious about how to handle him, and what to do, that he read the book. Without me saying “time to read!”
Like, he read the book by himself and then got all worried that we’d touched Buddy. Which meant that I had to read the book to figure out the rules, because WTF we’re not supposed to touch the elf? Nope. You can talk to him or her, and tell your deepest secrets in the plastic ear, but no handling. I had to convince Tucker it was okay that he’d touched Buddy since he’s nine.
“That’s probably only for little kids who might accidentally leave them on the floor and the dog could eat them.”
“Moooooommmm,” he said. “Even a dog knows an Elf is magic. They probably know how to talk to dogs telling them to back off and stuff. Still, I’ll put him out of Nugget’s reach.”
“Good idea,” I replied.
And then, he went to bed wondering about what Buddy would do. And so I did what I swore I’d never do after all these years of winning the elf, and lost. I posed him by the (leftover Halloween <—- whatever, don’t judge) candy, made a tiny mess, and wrote Tucker a letter from Buddy.
Sorry but he IS creepy, and so smug looking! GAH.
The letter says “Tucker, thank you to your family for adopting me. I like my name Buddy. Also sorry but I ate your candy.” I even made my handwriting look kid/eflish! Gross, right? Gahhhh, I’m about to turn into one of those moms, aren’t I? The ones that have to think of naughty things for their elves to do every night? I mean, remembering to move the elf each night feels huge in itself.
After I took this photo, I went more crazy mom, and put a little piece of chocolate on Buddy’s leg and wondered what in the world I’ll do tonight and the rest of December.
I can’t believe I’ve lost to a freaking holiday toy.
Also, I’m glad I did. Tucker’s first words after “NO, not yet, more sleep before school!” this morning were “I wonder if the elf moved last night.”
“I didn’t see,” I said, lying to my kid which is pretty much what the commercial part of Christmas is all about…
“Don’t look,” he said, and got up to investigate and then spent more time reading the book to find out whether he was supposed to leave the elf where he was or put him back on the shelf he went to bed on last night.
I suppose that in all, we’re winning, even though I’m going to have to set a reminder on my phone for the rest of the month to move the thing, and make him do something silly. Or, at least move him. Moving him is a win, right?
PS I didn’t buy the stupid sweater-scarf combo, and never will
PPPS He’s seriously creepy and smug-looking, right? Tucker thinks he’s cute, so whatever. But STILL!!!!
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, where this week’s prompt is from my awesome co-host Kenya Johnson of Sporadically Yours and is “The last book I read was…”
I wasn’t planning on writing about Elf on the Shelf, aka Buddy in this home, but it is the last book I actually read (also gross, because who wants to read about the Elf on the Shelf as the mom of a nine-year-old?). 🙂 Still, truth, and I was glad of it because the current book I’m reading is only so-so.
by Kristi Campbell
Lizzi - LOL! But also good it’s having a positive effect on T.
But LOL XDDecember 7, 2018 – 2:23 am
Kristi Campbell - YUP and it’s having such a good effect on T. He LOVES the damn thing.December 9, 2018 – 9:12 pm
Emily - This just cracks me up…My boys were already too old by the time Elf on the Shelf came out and in some ways, I’m relieved, mainly because it’s the pressure/stress to remember to move him every night and to come up with something creative! It’s like remembering to be the tooth fairy after they lose a tooth…one time my brother forgot to leave something under his kid’s pillow and he made the excuse that the tooth fairy must have been watching Monday night football – ha!! Anyway, In other ways (back to the elf), it is still so sweet when they believe….December 7, 2018 – 6:32 am
Kristi Campbell - i already forgot on night three so had to move him when Tux was upstairs… and then night four was epic based on a reader’s suggestion where Elf had a party – he took the last of the brownies Tucker and I made. Gah. I can’t believe I’ve caved in now!!! And omg we’ve forgotten the Tooth Fairy too. It IS sweet when they believe but also, he’s nine and I wonder wonder wonder about of course, ALL of it, you know?December 9, 2018 – 9:13 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - I do enjoy the creative things that people do with the elf. I saw one where his leg was broken and in a cast. So he was ordered not to move. I’m totally laughing at the ongoing predicament you’ve gotten yourself into. I didn’t know Buddy was so expensive. I’d love to prank my dad with the mysterious elf appearances but I think after it happened twice Buddy would get thrown away. I love how important the rules are to Tucker. ❤️December 7, 2018 – 12:46 pm
Kristi Campbell - I love the idea of a cast – I’ll have to remember that. I already forgot night three and had to move him when Tucker was upstairs the next morning. Then I did an epic night four where the elf had a party with “friends” (plastic figures from Tucker’s room). They all ate the rest of the brownies and made a mess… I set a second reminder on my phone. Oh also the Elf with the book and the box (and all the rules) was more money but there are fake elves that look exactly the same if you still want to prank your dad. I saw one for $6 but knew Tucker would need all the rules so I paid more…December 9, 2018 – 9:21 pm
Debi - Oh, pshaw! You didn’t “lose.” You found another outlet for your fabulous creativity! And as we all know — when our kids win, we win. And Tucker just won, big-time. 🙂December 7, 2018 – 1:07 pm
Kristi Campbell - Aw thanks. I just have to remember to keep being creative with him, when I’m feeling ready for bed. But you’re right – kids winning = us winning. And he DID win. Thanks for the reminder.December 9, 2018 – 9:22 pm
Susan - You are winning! I am so happy about Buddy joining your family! You are creative and shouldn’t have any problem coming up with places for Buddy to discover at night! Good luck!December 10, 2018 – 8:53 pm
Kristi Campbell - LOL thank you!!!!January 10, 2019 – 8:14 pm
Mike - Haha you caved! Plain and simple.,,I will meet Tucker someday and much sooner now that guys are just a quick flight away. I would cave in to what he wanted to. I LOVED reading the dialogue exchanges! 🙂 Gawd those things would creep my noggin out and his cup half full life view sees magic. That is priceless!! 🙂 🙂December 12, 2018 – 10:11 pm
Kristi Campbell - LOL I totally caved! YOU WILL MEET TUCKER 🙂 HAHA to the creep factor. It’s real. 😉January 10, 2019 – 8:15 pm
Christine Carter - One of my best friends bought our (friggin’) Elf- named “Little Kris” by my kids – like little Kris Kringle. The first time they saw it they literally talked to it for FIVE HOURS while it sat up top our dresser and told him every single detail of their lives. It was absolutely precious listening to them introduce “Little Kris” to their lives.
I had a love-hate relationship with it as well- even though we have now since retired the creepy thing to ornament status on our tree. My kids BELIEVED up until Cass was 13 YEARS OLD. Bless her. And Cade 11. And when the cousins told them the Elf wasn’t real (yep, they outed the Elf first, then the rest easily spilled over and it was meltdown mode) Cass cried to me and wouldn’t talk to me for an entire day she was so upset about it all. It was brutal. Cade, being the literal man that he is said he was wondering if it was all real, because how on earth could… and then he proceeded to detail the elf and Santa and all the ridiculousness that can’t be real.
The funniest part was that my kids both agreed that they still believed in Santa and the Elf because we couldn’t afford the gifts Santa brought and I was too lazy to move the elf every night. LOL
But those encouraging notes I left every single exhausting night? (I wrote in tiny little handwriting on a tiny slip of paper I cut out every freakin’ night before I moved the thing.)They were EVERTHING to my kids. It was my favorite part of it all because I was able to teach them about so many ongoing life lessons in real time and they soaked it all in. Cass still has some of her favorite notes up on her bookshelf.
And having them wake up every morning to see where Little Kris was hiding? PRICELESS. Oh, and yes, we had many crisis moments with ‘touching’ the Elf and the INTENSE fear that his magic would die…
Ah, those were the good ol’ days.
Girl, this is soooooo worth it.December 16, 2018 – 8:53 pm
Kristi Campbell - Aw friend!!! THANK YOU!!! I can’t believe I’m just seeing your awesome comment now but THANK YOU. The magic really is real. The one time I forgot to move Buddy, Tucker was like “well, he moved a little…” then, when Tucker went upstairs, I moved him and made a mess and stuff and he was like WHAT. it was awesome. I love that Cass and Cade believed for so long!! I kinda wish I’d caved in sooner now. Oh well. I’ll just have to be extra-epic.January 10, 2019 – 8:17 pm