There are places on earth and moments in time when you know you’re part of everything. You feel life as it is now, as it was, as it will always be. You’re connected to everything, and everyone. The good and the bad. You’re both small and vast, and think of everybody and see them being both small and vast, too. Some of the places that let you feel this are known for their magic; they’re sacred and universally acknowledged as so. So how to feel vast and connected to everything?
Visit the beach, the air full of salt and potential, and stare at water that doesn’t end until it hits another shore. Maybe, another continent. Hold your arms out. Jump and feel free. Think about where the water between your toes today ends up in a month. In a century.
Dance On Top Of The World.
Dance on the top of the world, where the air is thin, and big horned sheep graze next to glacier lakes so beautiful and perfect that you feel beautiful and perfect, too, if only for a moment.
Be in the mountains, where city light is hundreds of miles away, with stars so much more breathtaking and plentiful than any you’ve seen before. The sky then isn’t just up there, it’s all around you, and you feel the stardust inside of yourself. Inside of each of us. You’re vast, and connected to everything. Stare into the past and the future. The now.
There are places on earth man still knows nothing about, and you hope it’ll always be that way. While you appreciate technology, it feels right that there are depths and heights where humans can’t survive. You like that humans don’t know all that lives at the bottom of the sea, or all that lives past the Milky Way.
It’s vast, this universe we live in, although it doesn’t always feel that way as we fold laundry, worry over the not-green-enough grass in the yard. As we worry about ourselves, and tell ourselves to get over ourselves already, while knowing it’s not really that easy.
Every once in a while though, it’s possible to feel vast and connected to everything, even in a backyard. Close your eyes, and think about the neighbors, and push your brain to think about their neighbors, and then theirs, and within seconds, you picture a mom in a third world country, wondering what she’ll feed her children tonight. You see her while you see your baby’s feet in the grass.
Strive To See Everybody.
Strive to see everybody. To really, truly see them. In that, somehow, some way, we see ourselves, too.

You know you’re no better, and no worse than she is, and you’ll recognize that privilege is a privilege – that it’s not deserved, or earned. It just is. You’ll feel guilty about that, and then enraged, but then, you’ll do something meaningful to reinforce that connection. Maybe it’s donating money, or time. Maybe it’s calling your state representatives to become another good voice in all of the noise. You remind yourself that doing something is doing something, and that if each of us DO something, we become the helpers.
There are places on earth and moments in time when you know you’re part of everything. Each of us are both vast and small. We’re here for a blink, and a lifetime. You want to make it count, even when that feels impossible.
Let’s make it count together, ok?

This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, with the photo prompt (above) “Vast,” provided by the talented and lovely Mardra Sikora.
by Kristi Campbell
Rebecca - Just so beautifully written, Kristi. I can feel so connected to everything (the beauty around me and the people I converse with), but at the same time feel small and alone. Your post reminds me that it is so important to stay connected to others, to our inner selves, and to the natural world. And you are so right- together we can make a huge difference in this world and it starts with just doing something good. It can be as simple as spreading kindness and empathy to everyone we meet- just as you do, my friend.❤️July 25, 2019 – 8:54 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, my friend. It’s a weird thing, isn’t it… feeling so connected to all the people around us, and yet, so lonely and small. Standing on the beach though, it is power and connectivity, and all of it. Ms. April is that, and I am vowed to connect more with our neighbors here because of your stories about her. Here’s to doing the good, and spreading kindness and empathy. xoxoJuly 25, 2019 – 9:46 pm
Linda Atwell - You write such beautiful pieces. I’m always thrilled to find something from you in my email box. 🙂July 26, 2019 – 12:17 pm
Kristi Campbell - You’re too kind. Thank you!! <3July 28, 2019 – 4:13 pm
Lizzi - Those ‘vast’ moments are so few and far between, but when they happen it’s absolutely magical. This feels like you captured it perfectly 😊July 30, 2019 – 2:21 am
Kristi Campbell - It’s true that they’re far and few between but wow. When they happen? Boom. I love that feeling. And thank you!August 1, 2019 – 6:07 pm
Christine Carter - THIS. IS. BEAUTIFUL.
Thank you for your powerful words and message here, Kristi.
SOOOOO inspiring. And those photos are BREATHTAKING.August 11, 2019 – 7:09 am