This week, my Ten Things of Thankful is Becky from Raising Loveliness. Becky invited me to participate in a truly inspired and important project to let moms know that they are amazing, and not alone. I’m honored to join 27 others on a mission to uplift and encourage mothers around the world as a contributor to the free ebook Awakening Wonder: Discovering Delight in Everyday Moments. Becky designed this inspirational ebook to help brighten your day as you reconnect with the beauty all around you. I am thankful for Becky and all of the other moms who were gracious enough to contribute to this lovely book, including my truly amazing friend Stephanie, from Mommy, For Real (I am also thankful for you, Stephanie).
I invite you to claim your free copy, right here. (yes, free)
There’s more, too (I know right?).
I recently wrote a post that I considered taking down. I needed to write about the agony I felt over a blog-friend trying to kill herself and her daughter. Thank God she didn’t succeed. Maybe Kelli will get the support she needs. Maybe Issy will, too. But what awful, drastic measures. I had a hard time with the entire post for a variety of reasons. Elizabeth at Rocks, No Salt Mommy noticed. She wrote this beautiful and heartfelt response after reading that I was wrestling with feeling like an asshole. Elizabeth, I am thankful for you.
I’m also extremely thankful for another awesome blog friend, Kathy at My Dishwasher’s Possessed. You see, her crazy dishwasher does interviews. Really fun ones. And this week, I was honored to chat with the Dishwasher and have our discussion published on Kathy’s blog. Check it out. Check Kathy out. Kathy, I am thankful for you.
To all the others who are here, today, I am thankful for you. Truly.
What are you thankful for this week? I’d love to know.

by Kristi Campbell
Chris Carter - I love to see that you are one of the contributors to Becky’s inspiring book series!!! I will be in the next one! 🙂
I love how you embrace the good things as well as embrace the painful things with authenticity and graciousness… it’s beautiful. XOSeptember 15, 2013 – 1:07 pm
Janine Huldie - I am so going to have to check out the book you are a contributor in and truly sounds like a wonderful series. Also, will say again that I think you did the right thing in sharing your feelings earlier in the week and thank you for always putting your feelings and self out there. Do hope the weekend has been going good so far and have a great rest of this Sunday now!!September 15, 2013 – 1:50 pm
Jak - Morning (in Jak-Time) Kristi *hug*
Sorry to hear about your friend and their traumatic ordeal. I have yet to read the entry, but I hope it’s still up so I can do so when having time. When I know there are posts about such tragic circumstances I tend to avoid them for a while…
Sounds like you had great friends to help pull you out of the murkiness and validate your feelings and assure you that you aren’t an asshole (if I’m gathering from context correctly).
I’m a bit skeptical about an interview with a dishwasher, but I will trust it went well!
Congrats on contributing to the book. Do you have to be a mother to check it out? O_o
Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of InkSeptember 15, 2013 – 2:33 pm
Considerer - Wow! Congratulations on your contribution to the book. That’s very awesome 🙂
This is a great entry for the week, and Elizabeth’s post was beautiful. She’s a wonderful, lovely person 🙂 It warmed my heart to see her response to your post. I’m so glad it helped 🙂September 15, 2013 – 4:43 pm
Sarah | LeftBrainBuddha - Lovely, Kristi! I downloaded the book last week but haven’t read it yet. I am contributing to the next book in the series, and I am so excited!September 15, 2013 – 5:34 pm
Kristi - What an emotional week! I don’t even know what to say, except to let you know that I do not assume that the behavior of one person is a predictor of behavior in another. Also, even when a person’s diagnosis includes violent tendencies as a symptom, it does not mean that the violence defines the person. I guess I’m just trying to say that there is no confusion in my mind that your son is not your friend’s daughter, and you are not your friend.September 15, 2013 – 8:14 pm
Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - I am thankful that I read your post and Elizabeth’s response. It was very brave of you to have the guts to post something that others were probably thinking as well. Never take it down.September 15, 2013 – 8:47 pm
Out One Ear - You’ve had an incredible week (ups and downs), Kristi. I’m glad I’ve been along for the ride.
September 15, 2013 – 9:49 pm
Michelle Liew - We will keep Kelli and you in our thoughts and prayers, Kristi…..and because you have a heart for others, just because….all will be well.September 15, 2013 – 9:50 pm
Maggie Amada - I really enjoyed the picture at the top of your post. I think some of our greatest disappointments come from expecting our children and other people to behave how we would like them to behave, not how they are. Acceptance is a gift that helps ourselves, our loved ones and especially our children.
BTW, I don’t think you’re an asshole, just honest. That being said, sometimes you need to be an asshole to be honest and that’s okay. It’s more than okay – it’s admirable.
Good luck and may you have many more things to be thankful for in the coming week.September 15, 2013 – 9:55 pm
clark - yow… is this blogosphere something, or what? I suspect I am showing my ‘virtual rube’…but the people and the relationships and mostly the interactions…direct, vicarious…assumed and inferred that is here in this place of the mind… I just really like it.
…to be somewhat selfish and self-centered, I read and watch and in-a-limited-and-not-the-least-creepy-way participate in a portion of your virtual life and think, ‘damn! If she can do *that*…why am I sitting around thinking I need to be careful and cautious and all the other self-limiting things that we do to ourselves?’
thanks for your blog and suchSeptember 15, 2013 – 11:16 pm
Kristi Campbell - Clark,
The thing is this. You’re not “sitting around thinking you need to be cautious…and all the other stuff” (sic). You’re doing what you do. And it’s amazing in itself. And yes, the blogospherere is amazing and perfect and flawed and thankful.
Thank you for you.
Me, too. Becky made that from one of the quotes I gave her from the book. You should check it out. It’s lovely.
Thank you.
I will never (maybe probably) take it down. And thank you.
Kristi AKA K2,
Yes, the behavior doesn’t define the person. Sometimes, though, it’s hard to see beyond it.
WOW awesome that you’re contributing next version (I didn’t realize she’d gotten that far yet but YAY Becky!!!
—September 15, 2013 – 11:27 pm
Kristi Campbell - Lizzi/Considerer,
Thank you. I love that she’s doing this book and I’m honored that she invited me to be a part of it. Truly and wholly.
Thanks, you.
Owe you a *hug* back. And congrats to you on your awesome new girlfriend> so cool!! And thanks so much for the support. Some stuff sucked. But mostly, aren’t we all so dang lucky????
Not sure if I should be putting my feelings out there so much, but why do we write if not for that…right? Write? Right write? Um. Yeah. THat.
YAY you for being in the next one!!! How amazingly cool and perfect 🙂
Congratulations. Becky is awesome. So are you.
—September 15, 2013 – 11:31 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - Congrats for being a contributor to the e-book. I’ve just downloaded it, waiting on my confirmation e-mail. Love the post by Elizabeth. That was wonderful of her.September 16, 2013 – 7:41 am
Tamara - I’m thankful for you too. I don’t even know how we “met” in this crazy blogging world. I wish I could remember how I “met” each of my favorites, but I realize it’s all of the favorites that I mostly can’t remember meeting! When it’s good, it’s good. So good, it takes your brain away. Kinda like parenting.September 16, 2013 – 9:03 am
Yvonne - Congratulations on being in that e-book. It sounds great.
This is a wonderful list, it’s so nice to appreciate others. And I love your wise words in the photo at the beginning.September 16, 2013 – 12:50 pm
Lanaya | Raising Reagan - Last week was full for you wasn’t it?? It’s amazing how much love and support we find in the blogging community.
I am thankful every day {especially in the wake of today’s DC tragedy} that I am alive and can hold my little girl for as long as she’ll let me.
Hugs mama,
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
Raising-Reagan.comSeptember 16, 2013 – 6:06 pm
Shay - I am thankful for so many things: The obvious ones, of course, and then, the things that I think about when I think I’m having a bad day. A bad day, really? But you can walk. You can talk. You can call a friend. You can write. You have a job. I know it sounds cliche, but I’m the most thankful for what people take for granted on a daily basis. And yes, I’m thankful for YOU and my other blogging friends, too, and the way we can put out our work on such a public forum! Thank God!!September 16, 2013 – 11:19 pm