Remember last week when you were treated to a good laugh, Rumple style, because I was lazy brilliant enough to ask Rich to guest blog for me? Well, friends, this week, I’m over at his place with my list. Yup, the way I described it over there is that basically, I’m returning the favor but sortof without the favor part because let’s face it. He’s slummin’ it and I still have a post for this weekend. Win for me, yes? Yes! Turns out, late night Facebook chats create a cool intimacy (and no, not the weird kind, freaks) and a bit of dementia on Rich’s part. I’ll sully his pages forever. Heh.
Side note: Somebody more ambitious than I am should mail him one of those portable things that people use to steam clean their clothes. He seems to think that his wife’s hot flashes improve her memory. While I have not yet experienced the hell and relief (hello, no more tampon accidents!!!) that menopause is, I’m sure the hot flashes suck. But, because Rich is a man, and, therefore an idiot, I feel like sending him one of those machine things will help to jog his memory in general. Especially about why he has to sleep in his crotch-steak-stained sweatpants so that his poor wife may be allowed a few minutes of enjoyable rest in her 60-degree home each night. Any takers? I know, an appealing offer. He’ll thank you later. If not, you can blame me.
Go on, check out my Ten Things of Thankful post over at his place and thank him (see, you’re thankful too! yay.) for willingly agreeing to be my beotch. I mean, um, my lovely, kind and generous friend once again. You can find out why I don’t care what the royal baby’s name is and why I am thankful. Best? You can link up with us and tell us about you being thankful that _______. Ten times, even. You know you want to.

by Kristi Campbell
Courtney - Aw, come on, you don’t care about Prince George of Cambridge??? What kind of American are you, NOT caring about the Royal Baby! Seriously, I am happy for them, I wish they could be left alone. Love your list. No bird poop in hair is something to be thankful for…July 27, 2013 – 12:16 am
Kristi Campbell - LALALAALALALLLA you did NOT just tell me the name, did you? Please say no. Sigh. And yes, I’m happy for them to, as I am all new parents and agree they should be left alone. By all of us!!!! I just don’t get the fascination of following them…that’s all. July 27, 2013 – 12:55 am
Rich Rumple - HAHAHAHAHA! The first comment and now you know the name!!! I love it! Thank you so much Courtney! I couldn’t have done it better myself! So, you’re all sweetsies at my place and you come back to your own and drag me through the dirt! lol You’re a riot and I’m happy as a lizard in a cricket cage that you’re there. Many Thanks!July 27, 2013 – 1:23 am
Kristi Campbell - DUDE I DO NOT KNOW THE NAME. I refuse to have this happen and so did not drag you through the dirt, I merely suggested, nicely, that since you seem to think hot flashes work in your wife’s favor when it comes to memory, that you find a way to emulate the experience for yourself. Really, I’m just looking out for you.
—-July 27, 2013 – 1:46 am
Stephanie @ Life, Unexpectedly - Oh, it was glorious! Thank you for being the way your are 😉July 27, 2013 – 3:06 am
Considerer - I love your post over at Rich’s. I don’t know whether the lowered tone originated there or slid in sideways last week, but ‘tampon accident’? How the hell can you have an accident with a tampon unless you put it in the wrong…no! [/END IMAGINATION]
No, you’re gonna have to clear this one up…I know you’re turning into a bit of a lush of late, but…just no. That cannot have happened!July 27, 2013 – 3:56 am
clark - … Knights pawn to Queens Bishop!! very clever, very clever!
No, I promise not to try to introduce different rhetorical voices into these here comments here, just to try to cover my total lack of preparedness for the weekend of wandering the metaphorical streets of TTofT-ville.
(I’m feeling like the guitar player in the band that follows Jimi, standing off-stage watching him take out his can of zippo lighter fluid… a sense of peace descends on me, there is no need to try and match that…just enjoy the mastery….and hope that I can learn to play the trumpet in the 5 minutes before I go on stage)
lolJuly 27, 2013 – 7:33 am
Janine Huldie - Heading over now and god only knows what awaits me, lol!! 🙂July 27, 2013 – 7:48 am
Rachel - Why’d you have to go and get Rich’s poor wife involved? What did she ever do to deserve being involved in you and Rich Rumple’s shenanigans? 🙂 Headed over there…July 27, 2013 – 8:43 am
Kristi Campbell - Stephanie,
Thank you for appreciating our weird brands of humor!
I’ll have to clear the whole tampon accident thing up for you privately. This blog has class, after all. Something for you to look forward to in a dozen years!
Thank you sir. You can introduce different voices here any time you like. Awesome imagery with the guitar player in the band that follows Jimi! I hear trumpet music!
HA. Hope you like it! It’s a little different from some of my lists!
Rich wrote a post saying that his wife’s hot flashes help her memory saying that he doesn’t experience the same benefit. So I thought we’d be nice and help him to find a way to emulate the feeling – a steam cleaner would likely work!
—July 27, 2013 – 11:19 am
Considerer - zomg it’s *that* bad! *runs for the hills*July 27, 2013 – 12:16 pm
Kristi Campbell - Haha Lizzi, not that bad!July 27, 2013 – 7:33 pm
Kristi - Hot flashes improve memory? Something to look forward to, I guess. 🙂July 28, 2013 – 2:15 am
Considerer - P’raps, but *they* don’t know that, I can say what I want and everyone’ll believe me 😉
Mua. Ha. Ha!July 28, 2013 – 3:59 am
Mary K. Hill - Hi, thanks for sharing your post. It was straight forward nad simple. Reallyu enjoyed reading. Thanks again.July 28, 2013 – 5:19 am
Michelle Liew - Hot flashes improve memory? That’s new!!July 28, 2013 – 11:44 am
Michelle Liew - Then again, Rich always comes up with something new!July 28, 2013 – 11:54 am
Joy@icansaymama - I feel the urgent need to reveal the royal baby’s name… 🙂
Cool list that you have posted over at Rich! xoJuly 28, 2013 – 3:13 pm
Katia Bishofs - You are hilarious. Both of yous as my 4-year-old had recently started saying for some reason.July 30, 2013 – 1:55 am
SocialButterflyMom - Yes, you should have come to BlogHer! Food was actually really good…and plentiful. I think I’m still awake from the Folgers coffee and donuts booth.July 31, 2013 – 8:08 am