Initially, I began writing about how I wish I was better at knowing what brings me joy outside relationships with other people. I wrote a little about how the blogging world has changed, and how I’ve changed, but with less than 45 minutes before promising this week’s Finish the Sentence Friday will go live, I realized that while it’s important to write that, and to explore the difference between blogging then and blogging now, I don’t currently have time to do that topic justice without sounding whiny or hopeless.
After ditching that particular way of wishing I was better, I thought about a more global aspect. How so many of us are struggling with personal things, and world things. I’m so much more aware of the world’s struggles than I used to be. Often, news from our “president” has me in tears. The stupid education IDIOT?? More tears.
In my 20’s, I was immune to the pain of how much hate exists in this world. How much hate and exclusion exists in human hearts, that I assume are designed just like mine except mine thinks everybody is the same on the inside. The “HOW!?!?!” of it is depressing, and I want to change it. I want to change the world.

I Wish I Was Better At Changing The World
To change the world, we need to be active in it. We need to see the marginalized, and fight for those different from us. I decided to write about that and remembered the post I wrote almost five years ago now (OMG).
It’s called “Change The World: 30 Ways in 30 Days.” Because I’m limited on time and thoughts and all of it, I’m simply telling you where my head is today, and directing you, if you choose, to read this post from 2014 about how to change the world in 30 days with 30 ways. I think you’ll like it. I crowd-sourced ideas, because you know – inclusion and the world is big with some very excellent thinkers and idea-makers.
Click here to read it.
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. This week’s prompt is “I wish I was better at…” Also? I really wish I was better at not procrastinating writing these posts. And maybe, procrastinating in general, now that I think of it. 😉
by Kristi Campbell
Janine Huldie - What can I say, but honestly needed this reminder that we can indeed make a difference and that there is indeed some good still left in this world. I mean I most definitely cannot listen to the news lately without getting upset with the current person that seems to be in charge of the country or his cabinet, including and not limited to the current education secretary as in all honesty I am at a loss for words on how stupid and out of touch they all are. That said, I want to believe that if we do act that we can change this and more. So, again thank you as this gave me just a small amount of hope that maybe just maybe we can make that happen. At least I want to hope and have faith in that.April 4, 2019 – 8:12 pm
Kristi Campbell - I so want to have faith in that we can change this current situation, too. Sometimes it feels hopeless, but I have to remember that once, women voting felt hopeless. Freeing slaves felt hopeless. People DO change the world. I just hope it happens before our kids are adults, you know?April 5, 2019 – 9:25 pm
Lizzi - LOL your last bit tho!! I read an amazing post yesterday about procrastinating. I’ll see if I can find the link for you.
Changing the world matters so much, and I believe a lot of same-on-the-inside people are doing lots of things to effect that. Thank goodness!April 4, 2019 – 11:15 pm
Kristi Campbell - Leave it to you to get the last bit and not skip it over, thank you. And I LOVED the article you shared on Eli’s page about procrastination. I think it makes total sense, and also like that I’m (we’re) not lazy, we’re anxious and super-smart. Something like that, anyway. 😉April 5, 2019 – 9:26 pm
Kerri - I remembered that post! You’re pretty awesome. Let’s get back to changing the world!April 5, 2019 – 7:37 am
Kristi Campbell - You did? How fun is that? I mean for me, that’s super-fun. And here’s to going back to changing the world. You are! Go superwoman!April 5, 2019 – 9:27 pm
Tamara - I think that post would have been right before I knew you! Or right when. Sigh. So many blogger quotes from people who have dropped off this. Boo!
Also, I feel you so much on this.
I wish I was better at it too. It’s like my old idealistic self never imagined he who shall not be named and his bunch of blathering idiots.April 5, 2019 – 8:52 am
Kristi Campbell - OMG I miss them so much. It’s sad, how many have gone away. I wish we were all better at it. OMG to the whole blathering idiots. Exactly that.April 5, 2019 – 9:28 pm
Debi - Thank you for reminding us to change the world. We could all list things we want to do better for ourselves — I’m grateful that you’re thinking even bigger.April 5, 2019 – 8:54 am
Kristi Campbell - It’s true though that there is a lot about myself I want to change, which maybe happens first before being able to change anything about the world, but OMG I so want to change the world. So much. Gah.April 5, 2019 – 9:29 pm
Christine - I SO get not having the time to invest in so many things I want to write… OR energy.
I LOVED that post you referred to. I forgot about it and my gosh, it’s still so powerful in every way.
I loved everyone’s suggestions in it and will share it again on my page SOON!April 6, 2019 – 6:11 am
Kristi Campbell - Aw thanks, my sweet friend! Gah to wishing for more energy. All. The. Time! xoxoApril 6, 2019 – 6:37 pm
Dana - You may procrastinate, but at least you show up each week. I’m currently sucking at that.
I think the best changes happen when we crowdsource – we can’t do it alone. The problem is that some people think they can. Hopefully that person will not be re-elected;)April 9, 2019 – 11:28 am
Kristi Campbell - From your words to life itself as far as that %$#@#$%^%$#@ NOT being re-elected. Gah. Here’s to crowdsourcing, and awesome friends like you!April 11, 2019 – 6:44 pm