When I was in fourth or fifth grade, I had purchased a Rolling Stones Peechee. Because I thought the tongue thing was cool. Edgy. I didn’t actually know anything about the Rolling Stones then. I just liked the bright yellow peechee with the flaming red lips and tongue sticking out.
Back then, one of The Cool Boys saw my notebook, and asked me if I liked The Stones. Of course, I said “YES!” because I was an insecure fourth or fifth grader, wanting to be cool. I wasn’t even really into music yet, with the exception of trying to sing Morgana Jones on my parent’s stereo system.
I just wanted to be cool.
I still do.
I’m Not Much Smarter Than a Fifth Grader. Even now.
And the fact is, I don’t really know much of the cool music these days, as most of the time, I just plug my phone or iPod into my car, and listen. And bop along to stuff that was maybe, possibly cool, once.
Or not. Maybe, it was never cool. I’m okay with that.
Some of the songs that I’m not sure are cool or not, but that I love to listen to, and might, possibly skip if anybody were likely to hear them include It’s Raining Men, by “WE YOUR WEATHER GIRLS.” I know all of the words to this and cannot help myself from bopping to it: (like right now, I’m bopping in my chair, going “It’s raining men!!” “I’m gonna let myself get absolutely soaking wet!!!” WHHOOOOP!! Mother nature is a single woman too? Perfection. She rearranged the skies. Also, look at Gloria’s boobies. OMG. Plus, the video is just fucking historical. Hysterical. Whatever. Both.
AND. HOWARD JONES. I saw this dude in concert, in the 80’s. It was amazing. I’m not necessarily embarrassed by this song, but I might change it if a 20-something from work were to enter my car.
Because, well. It takes me to a place that I miss. That I miss, a lot. I remember FEELING 1984. So much. And this song was such a part of it.
I’ve talked about this next New Order song before. It was the inspiration for my Jeep’s license plate.
God, I still miss that Jeep. So much.
“Hhhhhold on! It’s never enough, it’s never enough until the heart stops beating!” Here, listen for yourself.
Some other excellent music from Back Then (that I’m not at all embarrassed about) includes ONE from Metallica. Excellent, forever, and I wouldn’t even switch the song were a 20-something from work enter the car while it was playing.
What music embarrasses you for liking? OH AND DUDES. Speaking of music, I’m featured on Raised on the Radio today, talking about how On Demand might be spoiling our kids. Please go check it out.
Also? WANT TO PLAY? Link up with Jen Kehl, the coolest music master that I know.
by Kristi Campbell
Bianca @ Rant Rave Crave - I love It’s Raining Men. I sing it all the time & it drives my husband nuts!February 25, 2014 – 12:28 am
Kristi Campbell - HAHAH to driving our husbands nuts! That, alone, is worth it.February 25, 2014 – 12:46 am
Joanna Sormunen - Great choices! I love Raining men from The Weather girls also. Great song and great video. My songs are from the 80s and 90s era also. It’s so good that retro is hip, no need to be so ashamed anymore, LOLFebruary 25, 2014 – 1:17 am
Kristi Campbell - YAY for not being ashamed any longer! Thank you!February 25, 2014 – 1:45 pm
Sarah Almond - It’s Raining Men is forever etched in my mind from Friends, because Chandler’s Dad. DUDE! Howard Jones! I have not one but TWO Howard songs on my phone. You know who wasn’t on anyone’s lists that I just thought of? That boy with the man voice-Rick Astley. Hmmmmm…
Metallica, awesome every time. No guilt there. Just sayin.
February 25, 2014 – 2:23 am
Kristi Campbell - Wait what did that Rick Astley guy sing? I can’t remember so many names – just those one hit wonders!
And yeah, no shame in Metallica. Ever.February 25, 2014 – 1:45 pm
Mike - I have to hang my head in shame that I’ve never heard of these songs until now. Though I have heard of The Weather Girls and Howard Jones (that video stopped with an error though). And yes of course I know Metallica. Told you when you posted about your new car and put up the CJ Jeep pic that I love them. Hot girls in a CJ with the top down (the Jeep’s)…sexy as ever! Add a cute dog riding shotgun is even better. Embarrassing song? Thinking, thinking… OH! Lordy…ok, here goes…”Stacey’s Mom” by Fountains of Wayne. Good post, Kristi! I’ll go check out your guest post now
February 25, 2014 – 3:34 am
Kristi Campbell - I don’t know Stacey’s Mom, Mike! I’ll have to check it out!!! Remind me to tell you the story of when my dog Arthur jumped out of my jeep. On a Sunday. In the mountains. It was awful. (he was okay but surgery cost me like $1200 which took me forever to pay off)February 25, 2014 – 1:47 pm
Tamara - I love Howard Jones!!! “No One is to Blame” and “Things Can Only Get Better” are my top picks, though.
And in 5th grade, my brother put a Metallica sticker on my binder. (remember those?) And a lot of the boys in school were really impressed so I just smiled and nodded when they asked if I was a fan.
(I would be, but not yet in 5th grade)February 25, 2014 – 7:33 am
Kristi Campbell - Howard Jones rocks!!! That whole album was boss. HAHA to your brother putting a Metallic sticker on your 5th grade binder and you being cool because of it. Love it.February 25, 2014 – 1:48 pm
Janine Huldie - You totally had me smiling about It’s Raining Men and will tell you One by Metallica totally brings me back to my first love in high school, who played the drums in a band and was obsessed with this song. And like you still now wouldn’t change this song if it was on the radio for anything and can recite all the words. Aww, the memories
February 25, 2014 – 7:39 am
Kristi Campbell - Indeed to the memories, Janine!!! It’s Raining Men is just too catchy for it’s own good.February 25, 2014 – 1:48 pm
that cynking feeling - I had no idea that the group singing “It’s Raining Men” was called The Weather Girls. Teehee.February 25, 2014 – 9:25 am
Kristi Campbell - That’s funny! At the beginning they say “Hi! We’re your weather girls!” Love when something like that clicks
February 25, 2014 – 1:49 pm
Michelle Liew - Got to love the Raining Men song! A great mix!February 25, 2014 – 10:27 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Michelle! Me too!February 25, 2014 – 1:49 pm
Nina - I’m so unhip that the only ones I recognize from this list are New Order and Metallica. I’m one of those people that like music in general but aren’t big fans of anyone in particular. I’ll go so far as to getting their CD but I won’t research who they were or go to concerts. I like music that moves me, either physically or emotionally, and it’s hard to tell what kind of genre does that, or how they even do it. I know almost instantly if I like it or not!February 25, 2014 – 10:35 am
Kristi Campbell - I know instantly whether I like something, too, Nina. But you’re missing out on not going to concerts! They’re such a blast!February 25, 2014 – 1:50 pm
Emily - I miss that place too – that 1980s place. I guess that’s why I constantly have my satellite radio tuned to the 80s station. Until my kids yell at me to change it.
February 25, 2014 – 12:25 pm
Kristi Campbell - I miss that 80’s place too and SO have that same station on my presets! So far Tucker doesn’t usually make me change the station. Yet.February 25, 2014 – 1:51 pm
Lady Lilith - Talk about music I am way behind you. I am still in the Baroque/Classical time period.February 25, 2014 – 12:43 pm
Kristi Campbell - I don’t even know what that is so it’s me who is behind!!! Argh!February 25, 2014 – 1:51 pm
Dana - Did you know It’s Raining Men is Homer Simpson’s favorite song? I do, because every time I hear it with Matt he tells me that. Just gives a whole new level of coolness to the song, doesn’t it?February 25, 2014 – 12:43 pm
Kristi Campbell - Dana, I had NO CLUE that it’s raining men is Homer Simpson’s favorite song but I might like it even more now. And how does Matt know that???February 25, 2014 – 1:52 pm
Quickstepp Melissa - Psssttt, come here I have to tell you something…
At no time is Metallica and New Order not cool. They are always cool, well, except for that period in the late 90s when Metallica were being douche nozzles. I’d also throw Howard into this list.February 25, 2014 – 12:54 pm
Kristi Campbell - HAHAAH to that period in the 90’s that Metallica was being douche nozzles. That was SUCH a disappointing phase for them. I remember trying to like their album and was just bummed.February 25, 2014 – 1:53 pm
Jessica - I’m sorry, but these are all cool songs (especially Metallica)! I’d never change them for some silly 20-year-old.
February 25, 2014 – 1:47 pm
Kristi Campbell - Yes, Metallica is the one I’m quite proud of. The It’s Raining Men? Not so much. I still love it though!February 25, 2014 – 1:54 pm
beth teliho - it’s raining men! Awesome song. So fun. And you’re right…that video….LOL. I know the Metallica song, too. My brother was HUGE into Metallica. In high school, I remember loving The Violent Femmes…oh blister in the sun…so many memories! haha.February 25, 2014 – 2:34 pm
beth teliho - Oh and WHAT? So cool you had your own special vanity plate! JEEPS ROCK! unless you’re driving on the highway. and then they’re loud. And windy.February 25, 2014 – 2:36 pm
Kristi Campbell - Like a blister in the sun!
When I’m a walking, I strut my stuff, and I’m so strung out. (something)
I’m high as a kite; I just might stop to check you out!
Let me go on… like I blister in the sun
Let me go on… big hands, I know you’re the one!!! WHOOT.February 25, 2014 – 9:45 pm
Getting Literal - Sharing here too.February 25, 2014 – 3:28 pm
Sandy Ramsey - Oh yeah, baby! And that was just for the jeep! I don’t know how I have missed Raining Men on my iPod all this time?!?!? Metallica ROCKS! Kristi, you are so cool…I want to come over to your house and play!February 25, 2014 – 3:32 pm
Kristi Campbell - Sandy Sandy come over please! Like red rover (get it?). You must add Raining Men. It’s like a woman freedom song, or something. Same with I Will Survive (which damnit, I should have included here).February 25, 2014 – 9:47 pm
Lisa @ Golden Spoons - I was born and raised in the South on country music. I still love it and listen to it 80% of the time, but I am sometimes embarrassed to admit that depending on who I am talking to. I remember taking a field trip when I was in middle school maybe and everyone on the bus was singing “Friends In Low Places” at the top of our lungs!
February 25, 2014 – 5:45 pm
Kristi Campbell - OMG LISA!!! Ok so the ONE and ONLY time I did karaoke, I sung Friends in Low Places. I was SO SOS SO bad that the karaoke guy who was running the word machine or whatever got on stage with me and helped me sing. As in I LOVE that song but was so bad at singing it…although a bus full of people would have made me excellent, I’m quite sure.February 25, 2014 – 10:00 pm
Marcy - I had to Google peechee. I never heard that term before, but I totally remember those Rolling Stones ones. Cool.February 25, 2014 – 7:05 pm
Kristi Campbell - Really? You googled Peechee? I’m not sure whether to say thank you or wonder if it was just a term utilized by me and mine!!! Still, ha
February 25, 2014 – 10:09 pm
Julie Chenell DeNeen - Okay first of all, I noticed you G spot right away. AHAHAHAHA I crack myself up. Number two, I always read these music posts and never know any of the songs…because I have musical taste like a nine year old girl…BUT I KNEW YOURS. So that means you have the musical taste of a 9 year old girl. You’re welcome.
February 26, 2014 – 2:17 am
Denise Farley - Nice post, musical selections Kristi. What woman doesn’t like the Raining Men song! Catchy, feel good tune. Howard….no one is to blame….New Order. Never got into them probably because I never listened to them. duh. Metallica? If I live to 90 I’ll still be listening to Metallica:) I miss the 80’s too. February 26, 2014 – 2:30 am
Jen Lauren Schneider Kehl - Uhm. Exactly what is embarrassing about this playlist? Are you dissing me because I would fully admit loving ALL those songs. OK maybe not Metallica. I saw Howard Jones too! We would have so been friends in high school!February 26, 2014 – 2:38 am
thedoseofreality - It’s Raining Men is just the greatest. The end. P.S. Is it wrong to still miss my Trapper Keeper? ;)-AshleyFebruary 26, 2014 – 9:37 am
Kristi Campbell - HAHAHAH to the Trapper Keeper and thank you for the words I was looking for!!!February 26, 2014 – 11:38 pm
Kerri - This is why we are friends. Because I too would have Metallica on a mix tape with Howard Jones.February 27, 2014 – 12:35 pm
Anita@ Losing Austin - I never know who sings anything- or the name of any song. Except maybe, ‘It’s Raining Men’ which is now stuck in my head. Thanks.February 27, 2014 – 3:56 pm
Brittnei - That jeep reminds me of the 90s when the movie Clueless came out lol. I’ve heard of some of these people but I’m not into music like that really at all so I’m like you. LOL.February 27, 2014 – 4:47 pm
Jenni Moore - “Funky Town”! I dunno if I’m embarrassed bc Im still a 20 something, but Im still aware of the song’s embarrassing quality.March 1, 2014 – 12:20 am