Last night, after gingerly sneaking out of my sleeping son’s room to the familiar sounds of his gentle snores, the quiet creakiness of a house after dark, and my guilt for leaving him while he’s asleep and unable to protest, I retreated to my office to write. I needed the soothing taptaptap of my keyboard. I needed the quiet, and a glass of wine. I needed to figure out why, with all of the amazing fun that Tucker and I have had this summer, I felt so damned sad.
This week began as many other summertime weeks have, with too-late bedtimes, playgrounds, bounce houses, belly-laughs, and mindlessly boring but encouraging imaginative play. It also began with the stress of not being able to fulfill my commitment to my job as the sitters I’d counted on for those hours cancelled four out of five of the days (seriously).
At first, I assumed that I was stressed out and feeling sad because of breaking my commitment. And then, I realized that there is more to it than that.
I’m feeling sad for the end of summer.
I’m sad, because Tucker starting kindergarten in less than two weeks is, in many ways, the beginning of the end of his childhood.
While I know that he will be a child for years and years and years, and will always forever be my baby even when he towers over me, kindergarten feels like The Milestone that, when reached, means that life as I’ve known it with my son will never be the same.
Did I do enough with him this summer? Have I done enough to prepare him to be in a classroom with a lot of typical children? Will he be afraid? Overwhelmed? Picked on?
Have I done enough to let him know how much I love him this summer? Have I done enough to celebrate youth, his ever changing childhood, and celebrate the him that he is, has been, and will become?
Have I done enough in this life of mine? Have I done enough, ever?
I suspect that, as with many of life’s difficult questions, that the answer to all of these questions is both yes and no.
No, I have not done enough. I can do more.
And yes, I suspect that I have done exactly enough.
I have to believe that I have created a summer full of beautiful memories for my little boy. I know that he, and all of us, found glory and wonder at the beach, at his graduation party, at Dutch Wonderland (twice, as we went again this past weekend, just for the day), and waterparks, zoos, playgrounds, and even here, at home. Playing with Legos, playing hide and seek…playing. Even when it didn’t feel fun – to me – at the time, it was gratifying, afterwards.
When it comes down to it, this week has been incredible in many, many ways. It’s been more than enough, and has been full of little moments and big ones. Ones that will help to prepare Tucker for school, and ones that will help prepare me to have the faith that I need to watch him fly.
I’m thankful, for this week, and this summer. My last summer before my son goes to kindergarten.
In particular, I am thankful for an incredible post. While reading it, I was both sad and sympathetic for the little girl who feels like an outsider. Then, I was crying, because how can somebody who is so full of giving and glitter not know how wonderful she is? That Lizzi spent much of her post dedicating it to Happy Birthday me is humbling and inspiring and the best birthday gift ever. Thank you. Thank you.
I am thankful to now be a Huffington Post Parents contributor, and learned that my Listen to Your Mother video has been shared in special needs groups across the world, and that people are being amazing about it. I have had people reach out from all over to thank me and tell me “ME TOO!” Confirmation that the internet can indeed provide comfort, compassion, and community. We are not alone, my friends, even when it feels like we are. (I am also choosing to ignore the meanie mean assholes who forget that the internet, and us, and our sharing, starts with US, and with sharing).
Yesterday, the Listen to Your Mother DC cast members met for brunch. To say that we bonded during the rehearsal and the show is an understatement. These women are incredible and amazing, and I left feeling uplifted and full of love for people that mere months ago, I did not even know. They are now incredibly important to me. If you haven’t watched their videos, you totally should.
This week, I shall not lie, has been hard. Like I said, I lived it, incredibly blessed and happy and amazed, and also incredibly sad.
I know that I am sad because my little baby is entering kindergarten. I also know, that maybe, possibly, both of us, will be just fine.
A Ten Things of Thankful Post.

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group
by Kristi Campbell
Kathy Radigan - I felt this way each time my kids started kindergarten, but really felt it four years ago when my last baby did!! I too felt as if some of my sweetest days were behind me. It goes so fast!!! I will say that I adored kindergarten all three times and the kids are just way too cute, but that doesn’t make the endings any better!! Much love to you my friend and congratulations on your well deserved success!!! xoxoAugust 25, 2014 – 12:24 am
Kristi Campbell - Kathy, thank you so much for your kind words and reminding me that I’m not alone in this!! It so goes too fast and makes me wonder what I’ve done with all of this time, really… I so appreciate your encouragement and am SO happy I had the honor of meeting you in person this summer!!August 26, 2014 – 12:31 am
Mytwicebakedpotato - Here’s to a great start of school!! Hang in there, mama 🙂August 25, 2014 – 12:27 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, MTBP!!! You, too!!August 26, 2014 – 12:32 am
Kristi - You have done exactly enough, but I understand the reflection that comes with change and milestones.
Happy birthday!August 25, 2014 – 12:35 am
Kristi Campbell - Yeah, the reflection is, perhaps, the hardest part of all. Wondering what we should have could have done… thanks, K2.August 26, 2014 – 12:33 am
Kathy at kissing the frog - Honestly, I feel this way at the end of every summer. Did we do enough, and that they are growing up. I know I have great memories of our summers, so I hope they do, too. Good luck with kindergarten – you’ll both do great. 🙂August 25, 2014 – 2:26 am
Kristi Campbell - Thank you Kathy!!! Sometimes, this summer felt so very very long, and now? I’m so not ready for it to be over. 🙂August 26, 2014 – 12:34 am
Mike - Now that Phoenix and I actually have a community of bloggers who choose to follow us or reciprocate comments…this summer I’ve been blessed with learning about the hottest topic, bar none. That being Moms and their children’s upcoming start to Kindergarten. It’s been fascinating to read all of the emotion that has existed in it’s most raw form with those mothers. From an outsiders viewpoint from me to you as both your real life friend and blogger friend – I can assure you did more than a GREAT majority of mothers, Kristi! It’s only relevant on a different level, yet quite the same, in that I’ve asked the same questions. Did I do enough with him this summer? Have I done enough, ever? Those 2 self-questions of yours zeroed in like a marksman at my heart. Hence, I’ve been pounding out bucket list items and road trips (some all in the same) with my own kid, Phoenix. You are blessed with decades upon decades of time left with Tucker who, I say again, is going to achieve beyond your wildest dreams! 🙂 I’m getting in as much time as I can in “doing enough” with a kid that has an hourglass with only limited sand. And yet, those 2 questions will forever haunt me. It’s a fact. I sooooo related to this and thank you for listening to another one of my dang rambles! Your writing affects me in a great way. Huge kudos always to you for that, our friend 🙂August 25, 2014 – 3:21 am
Kristi Campbell - Mike. You HAVE done enough with Phoenix this summer, I promise. You HAVE done enough with him, this life. He knows. I promise. And thank you… xoxo
There’s so much more I want to say, but. Well. Hugs and love and peace.August 26, 2014 – 12:36 am
Dana - I really should not have read this as soon as I got up on the first day of school. I already have a beginning/end story bubbling inside me, and this is making it overflow. I understand your sadness that is mixed with thankfulness. I am so proud of the impact your LTYM reading has had on so many parents, and I am so glad I was able to see it in person.
You are right – you and Tucker will be just fine. XoxoAugust 25, 2014 – 6:30 am
Kristi Campbell - Our first day isn’t for another week, and I’m already weepy and terrified and all of the stuff. While I *know* he will be fine, I also am well. Anyway. You get it, and thank you Dana!! <3August 26, 2014 – 12:38 am
zoe - 🙂 nuff said!
& HAPPY BIRTHDAY!August 25, 2014 – 6:39 am
Kristi Campbell - You crack me up Zoe.August 26, 2014 – 12:53 am
Kenya G. Johnson - Looks like Tucker has had a wonderful summer. Kindergarten for Christopher doesn’t seem so long ago but he’s going into the 4th grade. I can remember feeling sad. More so because it was the real beginning of serious school. Of course I had tears at the drop off and on day two when he actually took the bus. But I think it gets easier, especially once you know he’s had a good day. 😉 This quote is so freaking true it hurts knowing it – Making the decision to have a child – it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. – Elizabeth Stone. Way to tell the truth Elizabeth. :-/
That snake in the water float gave me the heebeegeebees.August 25, 2014 – 7:03 am
Kristi Campbell - Kenya, I know I will have massive amounts of tears at drop off (or the bus, I’m not sure what’s better). It just goes so so fast!! And that quote is so so true. I’ve heard it before but without the first line which makes it even better. Thanks, Kenya. I hope 4th grade is awesome to Christopher!August 26, 2014 – 10:02 am
Janine Huldie - Aww, Kristi, you know I totally get it and then some and I still am not wanting to admit this is the last week of summer here even as much as I know it is. I also (as you already know) am totally weepy over Emma starting Kindergarten next week. We got her teacher and room assignment on Friday. She has the “nice” teacher – the one I was told that everyone just loves and would be great for her. So, I know I should be sighing a big sigh of relief, but still all over the place myself. I like you definitely have a lot to be thankful for, but not going to lie still totally emotional here, as well. Hugs to you today and just know again I get it completely!August 25, 2014 – 8:00 am
Kristi Campbell - I know you get it Janine! I wish you lived closer so we could go have a cryfest breakfast on Tuesday!! We don’t get to meet Tucker’s teacher until Thursday – so fingers crossed and OMG how did today come so quickly??August 26, 2014 – 8:26 pm
christine - I’ve sent 5 kids off to kindergarten and two off to high school. I get sad at the end of every single summer. My kids love summer, as we do many of the things you do with Tucker. Tucker will remember these summers you packed full of fun. I promise. You’ll have lots of summers to do it again and again. Yet when they go to kindergarten, it is a change. A big one. It’s the start of them becoming big kids. Of becoming more independent beings. It’s great for them, but so darn difficult for us. You have done more than enough, and you’ll keep doing it as long as you are alive. 🙂August 25, 2014 – 8:05 am
Kristi Campbell - Christine, I know that we have lots of summers to come, but this is the one that well, yeah, becoming big kids! Thank you so much for your sweet comment!August 26, 2014 – 8:27 pm
Michele @ A Storybook Life - What a bittersweet time (and post). You have made a full summer of memories that both you and Tucker will cherish for many years to come! Kindergarten is going to be a big change, but an exciting one, too. Here’s to lots more good memories to be made over this school year! And I am so, so thankful to have met you and all the LTYM ladies this year — absolute highlight. We are here for you!August 25, 2014 – 8:34 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Michele!! I’m so glad that I met you and all of the LTYM ladies this year as well!! And yeah, the kindergarten thing – it’s kinda sad. It’s like he’s not a little baby anymore. Which, duh, but still. *sniff*August 26, 2014 – 8:31 pm
Kerith Stull - As moms, we always seem to second guess ourselves. What a sucky thing we do to ourselves! In the immortal words of “Frozen”…. Let it go! And Let Tucker go a little, too. This going to be a fantastic year for both of you! You’re going to rock this out!August 25, 2014 – 9:24 am
Kristi Campbell - Aw, thank you Kerith!! Here’s to letting it go (and I still haven’t seen Frozen!) and not doing this to ourselves!August 26, 2014 – 8:32 pm
Lizzi Rogers - Ohhhhh beautiful, beautiful Tucker 🙂 I love those photos of him – especially the upside-down tongue-poking-out smiley one 😀 It does sound as though you’ve had a largely, on the whole, incredible summer with him, and I’m sure you will have created very many cherished memories for him.
And you know what, as ever, it’s because you CARE. You KNOW that these things are important to him, so they become important to you, and you PAY ATTENTION to them. And that’s what (for me) puts you firmly into the ‘really, really great mom’ category. You’re not just letting parenting happen (though I daresay it also does) but you’re intentionally doing things SO THAT he has an awesome time, and SO THAT he knows you care, and SO THAT he knows he matters hugebig to you.
And that won’t change, even if Kindergarten makes everything else different.
(and also thank you, my sweet friend, for linking me and for liking that post so much…bless your boots, it felt like the very least I could do on your birthday and well, I wanted to. And I’m afraid I hijacked FTSF cos I wanted LOTSOFPEOPLE to see how fab you are 😀 It worked. And they ALL agreed 😀 )August 25, 2014 – 10:16 am
Sarah - Virtual hand holding! First day was today for MoCo.August 25, 2014 – 10:35 am
Kristi Campbell - Sigh. Thanks for the virtual hand holding, Sarah!!August 26, 2014 – 8:33 pm
Allie Smith - Kristi, my heart hurts for you. I remember last year, when my baby went to kindergarten, I lost my sh&&! Its so hard to let them go. I understand your fears, too. But you have.done everything possible for your son. You made it momma…he’s going to FULL kindergarten. Also, having met him, I am confident he’s going to thrive!August 25, 2014 – 12:11 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Allie. Seriously, thank you. I am pretty sure that I will completely lose my shit, too. On Tuesday, and maybe a few times before then as well.August 26, 2014 – 8:34 pm
KeAnne - Hugs. Today was my baby’s first day, and I’m having soooo many feelings. I hope it’s a good day for him. It is a huge milestone and like you, I hope our summer was full of fun and great memories.August 25, 2014 – 12:55 pm
Kristi Campbell - Oh! KeAnne! How did it go? I hope it was amazing and of course, sending huge hugs back. So hard this letting go stuff is!!!August 26, 2014 – 8:37 pm
Yvonne - Kristi, I can relate to your feelings. When my older daughter started school, I felt so sad. It did help that I read a magazine article at the time, in which the writer said that children grow up, and we should just accept that and that feeling sad about was childish and being in denial. It took me a long time to realise that no, it wasn’t. It was accepting my feelings. It’s utterly okay to feel the way I did and that you do.
As to whether you’ve done enough – of course you have. If you hadn’t done enough you probably wouldn’t be worrying about whether or not you had!August 25, 2014 – 4:11 pm
Yvonne - Just noticed that should say “It did NOT help that I read a magazine article at the time…”
Autocorrect at work again!August 26, 2014 – 4:45 am
Kristi Campbell - I’m so glad you clarified that Yvonne, because I was all like “wait, it’s childish to think that it’s sad?” But you’re right. No, it’s not. It’s part of what it is and it’s about accepting reality, our feelings, and all of it. And thank you for saying if I hadn’t done enough, I’d probably not be worrying about it!August 26, 2014 – 8:49 pm
Elizabeth - I share your sadness at the life change you are facing – you are in my thoughts and virtual hugs! I am certain you are doing great, Tucker will do great, and his progress and success will be deeply gratifying. 😀August 25, 2014 – 4:28 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thank you so much Elizabeth. I very much appreciate the virtual hugs and knowing that I’m not alone!!August 26, 2014 – 8:49 pm
Tamara - That’s what I keep believing – that we will all be fine. And even knowing that doesn’t always help me. I think it does on a surface level but the deep-rooted pain of my own kindergarten experience is still so alive down there, and only Scarlet’s inevitable flourishing will raise me above.
Hey that’s good. I may use that in my own blog! (just kidding)August 25, 2014 – 4:57 pm
Kristi Campbell - We HAVE to believe they will all be fine, right? I mean, what else is there? Still though, ohmygod. And you should totally use that in a blog post!August 26, 2014 – 8:50 pm
Roshni - I’m sure there will be a riot of emotions as is normal for such a big transition, but I’m positive that he will make friends, his teacher will be empathetic and understanding, and he will have a grand party of a time every day!!August 25, 2014 – 5:33 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thank you so much, Roshni. From your lips!! I hope his teacher is amazing and that he really has so much fun!August 26, 2014 – 8:51 pm
Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - Ahh, that end of summer feeling. I had it in that limbo time between being a student and having a child who was a student; it never seems to go away. (There’s also a Sunday night feeling that never goes away, either.) You know it’s going to be harder on you than on him to go to kindergarten. Just remember the words a wise friend told me: you don’t cry when they go to kindergarten (or graduate). They’re SUPPOSED to that and we should rejoice. Cry if they DON’T.August 25, 2014 – 8:13 pm
Kristi Campbell - Dyanne, I know that Sunday night feeling!!! And yeah, it’s like the summertime one but for me, now, the summertime one is just almost overwhelming. I can’t believe that my one and only baby is five now, and no longer really a little little kid, ya know? And yeah, I *know* that’s what they’re supposed to be doing, and that we should rejoice. I’ll try to do that rather than just feeling nostalgic for baby-him!August 26, 2014 – 8:53 pm
Linda Roy - Oh Kristi, so many of these questions gnaw at me too. I’m always wondering if I’ve done enough or been there enough and the time does go by so quickly. But it sounds like you and Tucker have had an amazing summer together and that you have been there for him so amazingly. It’s tough when they start school and you realize they belong to the world a bit more with each passing year. Deep breath! Hugs to you. 🙂 August 25, 2014 – 8:18 pm
Emily - I remember that terrified pre-kindergarten feeling too…I was sooo scared for him and what lay ahead. But, you are so right when you say he will be just fine, because he will! Yes, there will be bumps in the road, but you know what?? There are bumps in the road for every kid, whether special needs or not. That is something I have discovered with my 3 dudes….you and T have so many adventures ahead — I can’t wait to hear about them! And, you so make me want to try out for LTYM next year….maybe, just maybe…August 25, 2014 – 9:44 pm
Kristi Campbell - Oh Emily, you’d be incredible at LTYM!!! Seriously!! It was such an amazing experience – truly awesome. Thanks for the reassurance that Tucker will be just fine – I do know all kids face bumps, and well, I know you get it too, so I don’t need to go into the “somebody will make fun of his words” thing with you (and please God, don’t let them make fun of his words!!!).August 26, 2014 – 9:08 pm
Rookie Parenting - I’m sure you have done more than enough to prepare your little one for kindergarten. You have given him the most useful tool — your love. He knows that no matter what happens, he will always stay happy and strong because he knows he has you.August 25, 2014 – 9:47 pm
Out One Ear - Linda Atwell - Krisit: I don’t remember feeling this way when my kids went to kindergarten, but I do remember this when my son went off to college. (More on that in a bit). I do remember worrying the school would lose my daughter. She wanted to ride the bus and I followed it to school and snuck in to make sure my daughter found her desk. She was rather annoyed with me. Maybe I told you this story earlier. I’m getting old. I forget a lot. I know Tucker (and you) will do fine. But I too, suffered from end of summer blues when my kids were in school. More because we’d been having so much fun and now we were going to be on a schedule. The school’s schedule. Some days I resented that schedule. Some days I loved it. Now on to my son leaving for college. I had such mixed feelings–the ones you expressed in this post. One part of me was giddy for the new experiences he would now have on his own. One part of me cried for the little boy who was leaving home, leaving me to be an empty nester. It was hard. It is hard. But you both will get through this, survive, and create so many more memories during his incredible school years. I’m sure there will be a field trip soon. I’m sure you’ll volunteer and wa-lah, a new memory.August 25, 2014 – 10:02 pm
Kristi Campbell - Linda,
I love that you followed Lindsey’s bus and snuck in to make sure she found her desk!!! I have not heard that story before and love it! I think that the having fun during summer giving way to a schedule has something to do with it all as well. And I am SO volunteering for every single field trip!!! Thanks so much for understanding and for the reassurance, you. I really appreciate it, so much. AND OMG COLLEGE!!! Gulp.August 26, 2014 – 9:13 pm
Lisa @ Golden Spoons - I am certain you will be fine, but I know it is hard – so hard! I am thankful that your beautiful words have made it to so many through HuffPost & your LTYM video (and I’m only a little jealous because Huff Post hasn’t even bothered to respond to any of the three pieces I’ve sent them!). August 25, 2014 – 10:09 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Lisa. I’m sure it’ll be fine, too, but OMG my heart, ya know?? And hang in there with HuffPo, okay!August 26, 2014 – 9:25 pm
Anna Fitfunner - Hey there: I remember that first day of K magical time, even as my kids are starting school in older grades. It was a bittersweet time as Da Boyz outgrew baby-hood. But I found that we had a lot of new types of adventures, less diaper-driven and more watching them evolve more into their own personalities. I know that Tucker has plenty of personality; you really will enjoy watching him grow into a less toddling, more capable wonderful kid. Best of luck — your family is going to have an awesome year!August 26, 2014 – 1:09 am
Nicki Gilbert - Your gratitude is inspiring, Kristi, as is your fear… The good thing about beginnings and endings is that they keep right on coming. It sounds like you and Tucker have had a wonderfully special summer together – I’m so glad for you both. Wishing you and Tucker luck and love for this very special, scary, great chapter in both your lives. He is amazing, and his mom is amazing. August 26, 2014 – 1:29 am
Tarana - Big moment, Kristi! I hope kindergarten goes well for your little guy. I completely relate to your fears even though I still have another year to go.August 26, 2014 – 3:52 am
Kristi Campbell - So big, right? Thank you so much and I’m happy to share our successes with you to copy in a year!!August 26, 2014 – 11:27 pm
Erin Gaynor Putman - Your best is enough dear. It’s just right for awesome beautiful Tucker.August 26, 2014 – 9:07 am
Chris Carter - I finally saw your LTYM speech!!! WOW. I am still in tears…
You are so amazing Kristi. I am so excited for all your success as a writer, and a leader in embracing motherhood as YOU know it to be. Countless lives and hearts are lifted and blessed by you.
I love this post. Because as always it speaks the raw and genuine truth of every mother out there.
You did enough. You are enough. And your sweet boy will always and forever be blessed by his mama.
Congrats on the HuffPo gig as well!!! I clicked over and I am a FAN!!
Always a fan. 🙂August 26, 2014 – 2:41 pm
Kristi Campbell - Oh! You just now saw it? Well thank you huge, for watching it!!! And thank you for being a fan on HuffPo!! I’m totally not amazing – you are amazing – but I also believe that together, all of us, making words and putting them out there, is amazing so there’s that… You give me so much hope and encouragement, even when I feel sad and wonder why why why I do this. I thank you for that, and for being such a wonderful friend.August 26, 2014 – 11:29 pm
Pattie - Your Tucker is going to be fine next week. You will be fine as well. The kids do grow up too fast, I liked 3-5 the most and was quite sad when my daughter started kindergarten. Just think, you can always volunteer and think of how much fun that will be!
Always love reading your posts, you have a lot of love in you and it spills over into your posts.August 26, 2014 – 3:17 pm
Kristi Campbell - I’m so sad because 3-5 is and has been amazing. I know the rest of the years will be as well, but wow, they happen fast!August 26, 2014 – 11:38 pm
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - Dutch Wonderland – less than ninety minutes from our house! Again, you dance so close to us and I had no idea. One of these days, we are going to have to figure out how to run into one another on purpose.
Kindergarten…don’t be sad if I tell you that it’s a lot like you said. The end of the babyhood, a distinct milestone and change in the dynamic – all of it. Kidzilla went there my baby and came out my big girl. Sigh. But it’s good. All of it is good. Yes, they grow up too too fast, but if we spent too much time thinking about that, we’ll miss the next thing. Just grab on, my friend, and hold on tight because it is a great and crazy and scary ride ahead!!!August 26, 2014 – 5:35 pm
Kristi Campbell - Please we MUST find a way to meet on purpose on accident on purpose!!! We did the Dutch Wonderland a little last minute (like the night before decided and drove up and back the same day) and now (DUH) I remember how close you are!!
I’ll try to not be sad that it is, indeed, like I said and that Kidzilla went in a little kid and emerged a big kid but OMG I’m so not ready! I mean, I’m ready I guess but OMG!!! Hanging on tight. Thanks for the advice <3August 26, 2014 – 11:49 pm
Rebecca - I imagine I am going to be you when the day comes for me. The possibilities are so fun and so damn scary at the same time. Though I will say it’s incredibly wonderful that you can sooth yourself with some taptaptap (and wine) because that’s what will keep you sane. That and knowing your baby is always your baby, no matter what. <3August 26, 2014 – 5:52 pm
Kristi Campbell - Rebecca, yeah, sweets. It’s not not easy and well. The taptaptap only means that I am lucky enough to have lovely mamas like you come here and tell me that I’m not crazy for bawling at my son entering kindergarten!!! Here’s to staying sane and thank you so much for your sweet sweet comment!August 26, 2014 – 11:54 pm
Stephanie Smith Sprenger - Yes, yes, yes. You captured this so perfectly. I would write more, but I’m sniffling. Gorgeous photos. I can’t wait to hear how kindergarten- goes Tucker’s got this, and so do you. But still. Sad. Hard. August 27, 2014 – 12:20 am
Brittnei - That baby picture of Tucker with that quote is priceless! I have several blog friends that are in this same place and I am overwhelmed reading about how all of you must be feeling at this point in your children’s lives. It’s so wonderful, yet you all are so right…it’s the end to a certain part of their lives and a new beginning. How wonderful that you were recognized by the Huffington post! Congrats on that. I knew you had the ability to affect people in that way because you definitely affected me in that way for sure. I was sad the past few days because a new place in our lives has had me lose yet another friend….another end but new beginning right? I’m moving on and not looking back. Me and hubby know we are doing the right thing. Tucker is going to be such a great student. I’m looking forward to hearing how things go. I know it’s not for 2 more weeks but still! 🙂August 27, 2014 – 1:02 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Brittnei!!
The whole kindergarten thing is NUTS. It’s like, all of a sudden, we have to realize that our little babies aren’t babies. I’m so sorry to hear that a new place in your life has lost you a friend. No matter the ability to realize that it does make for a new beginning, any relationship ending that way is hard. Breaking up with a friend has to be one of the hardest things ever (and if you’re not familiar with Stephanie and Jessica’s HerStories Project, it’s all about that).
Only you and your husband know what is right for your family and shame on those who judge, because judging others is not our place. Hang in there and hugs to you, sweet friend.August 29, 2014 – 11:36 pm
Jen Lauren Schneider Kehl - You are so amazing and so so brave. I can’t imagine sending Isaiah off and he’s 9. I can openly admit that part of my decision to homeschook is selfish, he is still with me. I can also admit that there are days I want to drive right to that school and drop him off and come home to peace and quiet. But you, you have done so so so much to further people’s understanding of children who are not typical, and you should be so proud of yourself, and of this wonderful boy that Tucker has become! xoxo August 28, 2014 – 9:57 pm
My Inner Chick - Kristi,
you will be okay, dear. Seriously.
you both need this & Kindergarten is FUuuuuuN))
—-now you can focus a bit on your passions, writing, & changing the world.
xxAugust 29, 2014 – 1:10 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, sweets. From your lips. I think and hope and mostly know you are so right. xxoo. Here’s to focusing on our passions! xxAugust 29, 2014 – 11:37 pm
Joy @ icansaymama - I get this so very well Kristi, do you remember how much I was terrified of school? He will be fine, I am so sure about that, and you certainly have done enough and more, my friend!
Sunny will have to start all over again in school, too, with everything new except for his teacher and I am terrified about that again, too. But I trust he will adjust to it again as he did last year and I hope he will love school again like he used to do.August 30, 2014 – 3:13 am
Kristi Campbell - Joy, I definitely remember how worried you were about Sunny’s school transition and also remember that he did very well with it! Thank you for the reminder, though. While I know in my head and heart that Tucker will likely thrive in kindergarten, well, of course I’m worried. Here’s to both of our amazing little boys doing so very well and loving their teachers and classmates and finding joy and love in school! (growing up is hard though!)
xoSeptember 1, 2014 – 1:42 pm
don - Awe, you sappy dame you.
I feel much the same about Cool as he’s begun kindergarten. I feel better knowing that we’re in a really good school district, but he is smaller than a lot of the other kids and maybe slightly less athletic, etc. and he’s starting to ask about that sort of stuff. All I can do is point out how awesome he is in other aspects and try to convince him that he actually is pretty good at sports, but he doesn’t buy it. Sigh….
We’ve never had any concerns with Ace, and I don’t foresee worrying about Gman either, but Cool is a special bird, just like the Tman. They’ll both be fine though and one day we’ll laugh and wonder why we every worried about them in the first place. Kudos on the Huffpo thing. It should have happened much sooner.August 31, 2014 – 12:36 pm
Kristi Campbell - Yeah yeah, I know I know. Aw, poor Cool. He’ll find his place. I know he will. Plus, who wants to homeschool? So yeah, he’ll find his place! Here’s to us laughing and wondering why we were so damned worried about them! Can we drink BLL to celebrate?September 1, 2014 – 1:45 pm
Tricia - Oh yes, you will both definitely be just fine. Mine starts Kindergarten in a couple weeks too and although her routine will be the same as her previous two years at this school, Kindergarten really is this big Milestone that makes everything feel so different. Congrats on Huff Po and all the LTYM sharing!August 31, 2014 – 2:25 pm
Kristi Campbell - It really really is such a huge milestone, isn’t it? Scary and wonderful but so scary. You still have a few more weeks? Is it horrible that I’m a little jealous of that? Thanks so much, Tricia!September 1, 2014 – 1:51 pm