It’s 11:33 pm on Sunday night and I’ve just now had the opportunity to sit down and write a quick thankful post.
And, the fact is, I’m thankful that I’m just now getting a chance to sit down and write it, because life got in the way.
Whenever Real Life gets in the way, I’m thankful, as that is how it should be, all of the time. Which is partially bullshit, as sometimes, I’m resentful of real life getting in the way. But this is a Thankful Post, so here goes.
To get the superfluous but amazing out of the way first, let me just say that the Denver Broncos are going to the Super Bowl!!! We haven’t been to the Super Bowl since 1999 (I think), and am beyond thrilled that not only is John Elway (EEEP) involved again, but that his guidance over Pey Pey (my IRL friend J’s term for him) has allowed them to GO TO THE FREAKING SUPER BOWL. Friends, the Denver Broncos are going to the Super Bowl. And I’m just happy about that. Thankful. Dumb, I know it’s just a game, but it’s Colorado, and I miss Colorado and well, I’m thankful that the Broncos are going to the Super Bowl.
I’m thankful that life got in the way when we took Tucker to the playground, in the pretty much almost dark.
For a kid who hates to swing, this one LOVES spinning. Loves. I got dizzy just looking at him. I’m not sure he ever got dizzy.
He was Super Twoff (Super Strong) and showed us while climbing down the stairs like this (AND OMG scary).
Life got in the way when we found cool Styrofoam stuff and had to build custom car washes from it after a too-much-indoor day.
Life got in the way of me posting a Thankful post because Tucker had to poop at a restaurant tonight. That is its own post because it didn’t happen. Let’s just say that auto-flushing toilets are NOT everybody’s friends, especially little boys’ who just recently got used to pooping in a toilet in the first place, and, well, GROSS.
Mostly though, tonight, life got in the way when YOU GUYS were so amazingly supportive of my sadness, and doubt, and almost-rant about wondering who googles that being a special needs mom sucks.
Even more so when a “life sucks to be a special needs mama” came to remind me that it DOES suck, and that not all of our special needs experiences are the same. It made me wonder about the term “special needs” and how I’d made it sound like we’re all dealing with similar issues.
We’re not.
We’re not dealing with similar issues, any more than any family is.
All of us have our worries, our doubts, our fears, and our hopes.
Every family. Every person.
And all of them are important. All of them are different, and I get it.
I get it that we are not all the same. That I am lucky and blessed.
For me to blanket special needs was wrong. This particular Google Mama’s son experienced a medial malpractice horror 13 years ago and she Googled something about special needs sucking today, and, then, took the time to reply to me.
To educate me, and to reach out.
She took the time to remind me that I am blessed – more than blessed – and that Tucker gives me hugs.
I’ve reached out to her via email and hope to share more of her story soon. I am thankful that all of us are here, pain and games and dreams and playgrounds, and all of the in-betweens.
I am thankful that Tucker is where he is, even though he is so behind.
I’m thankful for you, Special Needs Google Mama, for reminding me that I’m lucky.

by Kristi Campbell
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - Oh no – my comment got lost. I must have tried to submit too quickly after I submitted one on your Special Needs Google Mama one in another tab and it yelled at me for submitting comments too quickly.
Your blog told me to slow down because I was submitting comments too quickly. That has to be a first. 😀
Now, what did I say…
I said I was glad that your real life got in the way because you’re so right – real life SHOULD get in the way. If it doesn’t, we should probably all do some serious checking.
I said I liked what you said about everyone having different circumstances. I think – and this is just my humble little opinion – that the term “special needs” is both far too narrow and far too broad. It means too many different things and can be interpreted so many different ways. And none of them is wrong. But it runs such a wide gamut that I think sometimes those who live on one side of it may feel like those who live elsewhere on it don’t belong there. But it’s like you said – everyone is here together and yet we’re not together. Ugh – isn’t life like that all over, though?
And at that point I said I was rambling. And then I said it was awesome that a connection was made between you and Special Needs Google Mama maybe. I said I was glad you sneaked your TToT in just in the nick of time and I’m glad I was up way too long past a reasonable bedtime to see it pop in so I could read and comment.
You’re an awesome person and an awesome mom!
Now I’ll shut up.January 20, 2014 – 1:02 am
Kristi Campbell - Aw Lisa,
Where do I even start? That you stayed up to comment? That you are amazing? That you submitted to quickly? (LOVE THAT)
Real life so totally should get in the way and well, yeah. Special Needs is TOO BROAD, you’re right, and I’m thinking of doing a post on it soon, for Our Land. I’d love if you will be willing to give me a sentence or two…
And yes, it is life, that we’re all here together and are confused and scared and special needs doesn’t even play into that…
YOU YOU YOU are the awesome person, and I hope that by the time I finish typing this, that you are sleeping soundly and amazingly and have the best dreams and rest ever.January 20, 2014 – 1:16 am
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - Yeah, I was definitely multi-tasking and the computer yelled at me. :/
Our Land…sentence or two…sure? Not sure what you’d like but I’m happy to help!
I’m so glad I was awake to comment – nobody’s TToT should go unnoticed!January 20, 2014 – 3:51 pm
Considerer - It’s a bit like ‘spectrum’ isn’t it, the term ‘special needs’? It covers from here to there to everything in between. And anyone using the general term cannot be accused of aiming to exclude or show favour to any particular sets of circumstances within that range. I’m glad you’re in dialogue with this lady, and again showing your open mind and open heart to learning about and supporting more people.
I’m glad you let life get in the way. I’m glad your priority is your son. And I’m pleased that you’ve written this late at night, to join in, but also to show us that really, RightNow and RightThere is what matters. Not here, not online. But there, with you, smiling, laughing, showing off his strength and creativity and twinkly wonderfulness.
(Also, I used to go down stairs like that. Sometimes still do, just to see if I can. I can.)January 20, 2014 – 1:08 am
Kristi Campbell - I suppose it IS a bit like spectrum, and thanks for pointing that out. And aw, he does have big time twinkly wonderness. He really really does. As do you. Thanks for getting that I need Real Life RightHere more than I need this other stuff, and for forgiving me for joining so late every week, although that’s never my intent.January 20, 2014 – 1:19 am
Considerer - Intent be hanged. You’re DOING the right thing.
And thanks 😀 Here’s to being TwinklyWonderful (cos you are too) and SLEEP! Get going, thee, and goodnight xXxJanuary 20, 2014 – 1:27 am
Kristi Campbell - Aw to the TwinklyWonderful. Twinkly is awesome. xoJanuary 20, 2014 – 11:49 am
zoe - Wow…lisa and lizzi covered it didn’t they? Right on down to “get to bed” so I am gonna totally cheeze out and say … “yeah…what they said…” that and “GO DENVER!”January 20, 2014 – 3:42 am
Kristi Campbell - GO Denver! 😀January 20, 2014 – 11:50 am
thedoseofreality - I always feel exactly the same way about real life getting in the way! And congratulations to the Broncos…I am happy for them, too! I really wanted them to be playing The Panthers so I could bet my uncles lots of money and trash talk over email, but alas it was not meant to be! ;)-AshleyJanuary 20, 2014 – 8:18 am
Kristi Campbell - Sorry that your trash talk with your uncle is out the window but yeah, I’m pretty happy for the Broncos!January 20, 2014 – 11:57 am
Janine Huldie - I love that life got in the way here and seriously look how much fun Tucker was having. absolutely perfect and this is what it is all about, Kristi. And seriously, never ever let the stupid and insipid Google searchers get to you, because Tucker is amazing and just perfect the way he is. Hugs and know that in my heart I love you, Kristi! 🙂January 20, 2014 – 8:24 am
Kristi Campbell - Aw Janine, you are so sweet and I love you back! Life getting in the way is exactly how it’s supposed to be. Also, I emailed the second google searcher and am hoping that she’ll share some of her story. She was really nice about it. 😀January 20, 2014 – 12:03 pm
clark - (hey!! I’m up early to comment…well, actually I’m…as a matter of fact (aamof) I’m at work in the Monday) but, …but! it’s early to me.
…yeah, I’m vamping* mostly because I’m in one of those…’what-is-it-I’m-doing-here-online’ phases.
this place, the blog and the internet and all that stuff *is* real life. Those who would make a distinction are those who do not really appreciate what the virtual world really is… (why, yes, of course *I* do!).
I always enjoy coming to because I am able to see parts of myself that are not always readily available.
(yeah…I know I was talking about the non-difference between the RL and the VL… where was I?**)
I think I’ll save my long explanation for why there should not be made such a big distinction between RL and the virtual world until another vid chat.
(and this is another reason why I like you, I suspect there are Readers scratching their heads at this Comment…but I suspect you are smiling as you read.***)
Now if I could only find the reset on the RL workplace I could getting something done today.
*no, not what you think it means…if under tha age of 1,000, better go and google that thing
** yeah, I am at work…what a scary concept that is, no wonder I’m comfortable in the virtual world
*** the good ‘yeah I do that!’ smile, not the ‘oh you poor poor….’January 20, 2014 – 9:18 am
Kristi Campbell - 9:18 is up early? You go, dude! You’re right. The online world really is a real place, too. I just end up feeling guilty when I am so late with my week’s thankful because I miss you guys. Of course, I have a four-year-old to remind me to be HERE, present, rather than *here* present, ya know?
Totally smiling as I read. *I* do, too! I need to be off to RL workplace too. Sigh. Happy Monday dude. Thanks for the excellent smiles and words.January 20, 2014 – 12:15 pm
Cyndi - I don’t always get a chance to comment, but…
the BRONCOS are going to the Superbowl! I grew up in Colorado – spent the first 22 years of my life there. 🙂
As for the Google Mama…sigh. My mom and dad adopted my brother who has the mentality of a five year old. And life doles out its ups and downs, no? My brother is 57 years old and if anything happens to my parents, he comes to me. But, he’s a good guy and we’re lucky to have him in our lives.
Aww, you’re an amazing mama. You keep doing what you’re doing and have a wonderful week. 🙂January 20, 2014 – 9:37 am
Kristi Campbell - Cyndi,
I miss Colorado and YAYYY to the Broncos! I’m so excited. And I didn’t realize that you have a special needs brother. I’m sure he’s a wonderful edition to your very full and busy life. I hope that you have a really wonderful week too – full of light and creativity.January 20, 2014 – 12:28 pm
Ginny Marie - My youngest would not go on an automatic flushing toilet for a long time, until she was big enough for it to not automatically flush while she was sitting on it! I think she was traumatized by those things.
I’m glad that the special needs mom reached out to you. I read your post this weekend but I’m not sure I commented…sometimes I lurk. 😉January 20, 2014 – 10:12 am
Kristi Campbell - Auto flushing toilets are SCARY! Plus, he got icky water on his legs and was totally bummed about it. And I’m glad that one of the Google mamas reached out, as well. Thanks for reading. And lurking 😉January 20, 2014 – 12:30 pm
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - Auto-flush toilets ARE scary – Kidzilla hates them, too! (That might be the other thing I forgot that I said in my original comment.) She used to cover her ears and scream in public bathrooms. Now she covers her ears and holds her breath, then usually says “that was not too loud.” Progress.January 20, 2014 – 3:55 pm
Brittnei - Oh my goodness! I’m happy for the Broncos too! I’m a Cowboys fan, but I said if it wasn’t going to be them, I wanted it to be Pey Pey hehe. I feel like I knew you wrote a post like that about special needs but now I’m wondering if I’ve ever actually read it. I can totally understand you saying it out of frustration if it was anything negative because sometimes even my son AND husband can be on a little on my nerves (hehe), but I find that when they are, it’s always my own fault because of how I’m looking at things and how impatient I’m acting. From not even reading that woman’s comment, I’m glad she told you you are blessed, she is right. I have come across variations of “special needs,” situations too. This lady’s was malpractice, one situation I saw was from vaccines. I hate that you have to keep hearing that Tucker is behind. I’m not sure why, but I just feel like he is going to come around to a level that people won’t feel like that anymore one day. I think he is such an awesome kid. I love reading about what he says and how he makes all those strides in learning and growing 🙂January 20, 2014 – 10:24 am
Kristi Campbell - Brittnei, with the cool-spelled name:
COWBOYS? Oh no. Huh. At least your second choice in Pey Pey is admirable 😉
I actually just wrote the one I referred to hear on Thursday night. You may be thinking of another older one called “What it feels like to be a special needs mom?”
And thanks for your awesome kind words – Tucker IS an amazing and wonderful kid. He’s the coolest kid I know (although I am a little biased). I hope you have a great day!January 20, 2014 – 12:32 pm
Jessica - Congrats to your Broncos! I would have been happy with either outcome, since I am a New England girl, but I love Colorado, too. I figure it was a good thing for them, with all they’ve been through this year — shootings, fires, floods, etc. I know it made Boston feel happy to win the World Series. Now I hope Denver wins the Superbowl!
I’m glad you had such a good weekend with Tucker, and that you were able to talk to “Google Mama” about her situation. My heart goes out to her!January 20, 2014 – 10:25 am
Kristi Campbell - My heart goes out to Google Mama too. It’s making me think that there are a lot of Google mamas. Tons. Maybe millions, even at times who feel that way raising typical kids. Parenting is hard anyway…throw in some medical issues, fighting with insurance, and yowza. And YAY to the Broncos! I’m glad that you’ll be rooting for them!!January 20, 2014 – 12:36 pm
Kristi - It seems we’ll be rooting against each other in the Super Bowl, but how exciting that each of our teams gets to play! 🙂
The dialogue with Google Mama provides lots to think about, doesn’t it? I think that we all want to find understanding, and so we seek out those who are in similar circumstances. Of course, our circumstances are all individual, no matter how alike we are, and so sometimes we feel lonely and misunderstood. I think that it is important for us to focus on the similarities and be willing to withhold judgement on the differences, and I feel like your blog does an excellent job doing that. Hopefully Google Mama will feel that connection and be able to find the support she seeks.January 20, 2014 – 10:38 am
Kristi Campbell - Uh oh, to the rooting against one another but still that makes it more fun. And you’re right – the Google Mama dialogue does give me a lot to think about. I also completely agree that we are all very similar more than we are different but yeah, feeling alone and stressed out and unsure…it’s hard at times. So much so. Happy Monday, Other Kristi!January 20, 2014 – 12:40 pm
Tamara - I’m glad she reached out to you, and you to her. I imagine there is a wide range. Of course I don’t know, but I’ve known very high functioning special needs kids, and I’ve known very low functioning. It’s a difference, for sure. Looking forward to hearing more from her.January 20, 2014 – 11:38 am
Kristi Campbell - Yeah, the wide range makes for gigantically different experiences for sure and I feel badly that I didn’t take that into account when writing MY experience, ya know?January 20, 2014 – 12:45 pm
Chris Carter - Well I had a lot to say in response to so many things you shared- but after you mentioned Google Mama’s plight- everything came to a screeching halt and I gasped.
I so hope and pray she shares her story here…It sounds horrific, and I can only imagine what she has endured.
You just never know- it goes to show ya, doesn’t it? And the term, “It’s all relative” is quite profound in it’s practice.January 20, 2014 – 11:45 am
Kristi Campbell - Chris, to it all being relevant – yes, it does go to show. I’m thinking a lot about shared experiences though. For me, being a special needs mama only sometimes sucks and it doesn’t suck THAT bad, but well, it still sucks. So I feel like I’m still “allowed” to be sad about certain things even though others have it worse. But then I feel guilty about that. I need to write about it and hope that Google Mama will contribute.January 20, 2014 – 12:47 pm
Chris Carter - I worked with so many people from so many walks of life in inpatient and outpatient residential psychiatric settings as a therapist- and I always say “Pain is pain is pain….”
Your pain is no less than someone else’s pain. PAIN is pain. Don’t ever feel guilty for feeling your pain.
Sure there are various circumstances that are different and varied in ‘degrees’- but pain? It’s much like joy.
You simply can’t measure it up against anyone else’s. It never works that way- it can’t.January 20, 2014 – 11:05 pm
Kristi Campbell - Chris,
I believe that pain is pain as well, although have too little empathy for not-pain that is only used as such, if that makes sense…but yeah, to the measuring part. You are wise and amazing my lovely friend. I hope to have your outlook at some point. xoJanuary 20, 2014 – 11:19 pm
Sarah - Yay for life getting in they way, and you going along with it. That’s my issue: life tries to get in the way and I shoo it off. That’s why I’m trying to be more “present.”
It is incredible that you ended up making a connections with the googler. Isn’t it wonderful that you posted about your anger and sadness and that they she came forth, and you both learned more from it? This whole event makes me happy.January 20, 2014 – 1:50 pm
Kristi Campbell - Yeah it’s easy to shoo life. I think I’d be more able to but Tucker freaks out when I bring out the laptop, and my “office” is down a level, which I don’t feel okay about being in when he’s home…so ugh. But yeah, too much TV for sure.
This whole thing makes me happy too! I think she’s going to share her story. 😀January 20, 2014 – 10:18 pm
Yvonne - Real life getting in the way is just how it should be! My kids used to do the same thing on the stairs and I got scared, but they showed me it was safe!
I missed your other post on Friday but will read it after read this. Good that you were able to connect with the woman who googled and got your blog. Your thoughts about special needs and how everyone’s experience is different are something it’s easy to overlook and yet so important. And we all have our worries and fears. I consider us very fortunate that our extremely premature baby grew up without any major issues, yet every now and then I will worry that we don’t know what the future has in store for her. But then the same is really true for anyone.January 20, 2014 – 1:57 pm
Kristi Campbell - Yvonne, the stair thing is scary! But Tucker’s now managed it over and over so I’m becoming more confident (and just for REAL knocked on some wood just in case).
I think we all worry, and maybe that’s the point more than special needs. Google Mama has made me think, for sure. You’re right. None of us knows. Maybe THAT is the point? Thanks for a great comment.January 20, 2014 – 10:29 pm
Out One Ear - Linda Atwell - I’m so glad the being a special needs mama reached out to you. I didn’t know how to respond to that post because I could’ve been that mama. Not all the time. But some of the time. I love my daughter. She wasn’t what I expected and now that years have passed, I’m glad of that. If we got everything we wished for, if life went according to plan, we might not be the people we are today. But for me, there were times/moments that parenting my daughter did suck. I was overwhelmed with her outbursts, her frustration, her…. I wish it wouldn’t have been that way. And yet there were times I was overwhelmed with love for her and her struggles. I understand that not all kids are the same. Even parenting my typical son–once in awhile–sucked! His instances seemed fewer and further apart. Anyway, am so glad there may be a change of heart on this issue.
I don’t follow sports–but I do treasure moments when life does get in the way. It means you are living it the way you are supposed to. I so wish I lived closer to you Kristi. I hope you come to Oregon someday. I’d love to meet you in person. (And Tucker too.)January 20, 2014 – 4:23 pm
Kristi Campbell - Linda,
I’m thinking of doing a compilation post about all of it. Something like what sucks and what doesn’t but I’m not sure it will work as well in reality as it does in my head. If I do it, you will be among the first to be invited. Also PLEASE do an Our Land? People here need to know more about Lindsey and you and Lindsey and Nick…
Also please don’t get me wrong. There are times when it sucks really really badly here too. When I am preparing for an IEP on Wednesday (EEEP), and don’t know the best things to do, and don’t have insurance backing for my Best Great Plan, that sucks, big. It sucks big when Tucker stops trying to talk because nobody knows what he’s saying. It sucks when he head-slams us for sensory input. So much of it sucks. I suppose that I was writing as much to me as to Special Needs Google Mama, actually. I’m sorry if I made you feel isolated and uncomfortable in knowing what to say. I don’t know what to say most of the time.
I’d so love to meet you in person. And Lindsey and Nick. And maybe on a trip! Because traveling to Costa Rica?? Also, my birth mother lives in Oregon now…so I may be going in the summer (maybe).January 20, 2014 – 10:33 pm
Linda Atwell - Out One Ear - You have the kindest heart Kristi and I knew you didn’t intend for me to feel the way I did. It’s just that parenting is hard work. I know you’ve had good and bad days too. So no worries. I figured it was my problem, not yours. I’d consider your offer of the Our Land. Yet I’m not sure I’m in the same league as the rest of your writers. In addition, my manuscript was recently evaluated and I’ve received the edits from a small Oregon press. I’m actually so sick of the manuscript–but I want to finish and get it to publication if at all possible. And the edits/insights were incredibly valuable so I’m plugging along.
BTW, please know that you could never offend. I admire your honesty. I just felt that woman’s pain and wondered what had happened that day. I’m anxious to hear the “rest of the story” if is works out. And if you come to Oregon, I’ll be furious if you don’t contact me.January 20, 2014 – 11:33 pm
Lisa @ Golden Spoons - I am glad life got in the way and that you let it! Sometimes, I forget to let it. I took my oldest daughter to a public restroom when she was 3 and failed to warn her about the auto flusher. She FREAKED!! To this day, she avoids public restrooms at all costs (I sear she goes all day at school without peeing once!). while the auto flusher is gray in theory, I am convinced the person who invented it did NOT have hong children!January 20, 2014 – 5:00 pm
Kristi Campbell - Oh Lisa, I think Tucker holds it like crazy as well!! It’s horrible and so understandable. Those stupid auto-flushes freak me out when I’m not expecting them.January 20, 2014 – 10:54 pm
Dana - I’ve been stressed today because my kids are home and real life has prevented me from doing the blogging thing…but you are right – real life SHOULD get in the way. We’ve gone for a walk, made chicken soup and matzo balls, and spent holiday gift cards at Dick’s. Everyone’s real life is different, right? I love how you make the effort to connect with your readers who really need the connections, Kristi. I look forward to your sharing Google Mama’s story if she wants you too.January 20, 2014 – 5:10 pm
Kristi Campbell - UGH DUDE!!!! I just got email notification that school is cancelled here tomorrow. WTF!?!?!? I’m so mad. And sad. And wondering how this even happens. Yeah real life should get in the way but also? FFX county is WIMPY. Like those old trash bags (remember them?). I think Google Mama will share her story 🙂
Is your kids’ school cancelled already? Seriously this blows me away. It’s like not even freezing yet.January 20, 2014 – 11:11 pm
meeshie - pffft.. My Giants are not in the Superbowl and therefor the Superbowl isn’t worth watching! (I will totally still watch it for the commercials though. lol)January 20, 2014 – 5:33 pm
Kristi Campbell - HA I guess it’s always worth watching for the commercials although my son disagrees so I won’t likely see all of it anyway!January 20, 2014 – 11:23 pm
Roshni - Isn’t the internet wonderful?! It gives us nasty trolls for sure, but it also lets us connect with each other in ways that would otherwise not be possible!January 20, 2014 – 5:52 pm
Kristi Campbell - Roshni,
It really is wonderful. And she ended up not being a troll at all but a very lovely woman who has been delt a shit hand, so I’m glad now that I found her!!ALSO WELCOME BACK!!! YAYYAYYAYAYY 🙂January 20, 2014 – 11:30 pm
Sarah | LeftBrainBuddha - I’m so curious to learn more about your connection with the mom who googled you! And making cool car washes is an awesome way to spend the day!January 20, 2014 – 6:15 pm
Kristi Campbell - Sarah, I’m curious how it will play out as well but she’s started to share her story with me and I’m looking forward to how to share it with you. And yeah, car washes are awesome. Big time.January 21, 2014 – 12:02 am
Magical Mystical Mimi - Um, you lost me at you’re a Denver Bronco’s fan.. 😉 And yay for real life getting in the way and yay for Tucker! Mostly yay for you, for your honesty. At the end of the day I just think we’re all moms with some pretty special kids no matter what society, dr.s or real life labels us.
Stopping by from Bloppy Bloggers.January 20, 2014 – 6:51 pm
Kristi Campbell - You’re right. Being a mom is bigger than any special needs because we’re all just moms. And HELLO the Broncos totally deserved this~~~January 21, 2014 – 12:08 am
Jennifer Steck - Woohoo! I’m so glad the Broncos are headed to the Superbowl. Now, back to business…Tucker is so cute. Who wouldn’t stop to build a car wash out of styrofoam? Very creative. I always know when I come visit that I’ll get a sincere and honest view of real life. I look forward to it, Kristi. January 20, 2014 – 11:46 pm
Anita Davis Sullivan - love when life gets in the way- I’ve been letting mine do that a lot more lately.January 21, 2014 – 1:47 pm
Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - Real Life SHOULD get in the way, especially when it includes a sweet boy spinning on a tire swing (that made me nauseous just looking at the picture) and showing off his super strength and patiently building a car wash.January 21, 2014 – 11:18 pm
Kristi Campbell - I know! That tire swing! I had to look away when he was doing it. Crazy. The car wash was pretty cool though…January 22, 2014 – 7:53 pm
Stephanie Smith Sprenger - I am on my iPad so this is a short dumb comment. Go Broncos! And I loved your follow up to the google mama- awesome. Izzy was terrified of those toilets and I learned that you can cover the sensor with wet paper towel. Totally helped. Sorry if someone already said that. xo
January 22, 2014 – 4:03 am
Kimberly - Look and you and the loads of comments missy 🙂
I’m glad that real life is getting in the way. That’s what we all need to do. Let those little blips take over and make us happy.
I just have to point out that the picture of him coming down the stairs reminded me of the exorcist coming down the stairs like that. That movie scares the shit out of me.
Go Detroit Lions…wait…I don’t watch football. I think it’s mostly because I tried to learn it when I was dating Shawn. He is a lover of the lions and I think it’s hard to follow football when the team you’re watching is garbage.
Sigh..January 22, 2014 – 2:35 pm
Go Dansker Mom - So sweet, I love when real life gets in the way, too. Healthy perspective. (AND PS I am a Redskins fan so this happy football elation feeling is foreign to me)January 23, 2014 – 8:55 pm