I’m late to the party. I’ve been sick. Tucker’s been sick. He got better, and I didn’t. Not soon enough, anyway. All whining aside, today’s a bit of a celebration in the land of Ten Things of Thankful. This week marks it’s 25th, and, as Clark says, those of us who are missing the Y chromosome (as in, are XX, hubba, hubba) enjoy our anniversaries. And birthdays. And holidays. And any day that means our partners (XX and XY either/both) are expected to be extra-kind, provide on-demand back-rubs and not grumble through a movie genre that may or may not rhyme with dick pick.
Anywho. On this auspicious of occasions – and I’ll get to what I’m thankful for rightnow in just a moment, I promise – it turns out that there’s a bit of drama ensuing amongst our lovely co-hosts and participants. None of it includes me of course, as these days, I’m as pure as the driven flake. For starts, Jak, one of our loyal participants each week, suggested naked cake. I’m not sure that I want to know exactly what he meant, but it led to discussions (which I proudly ran with) about Clark running naked through fields, wielding a cupcake in each hand while wearing a strategically placed-hat. Lizzi feels like she needs to pooh-pooh this for the preservation of her imagined modesty, but I suspect that she’s much more wrapped up in the fact that Jak and Dyanne are rumored to be like, well Jak n’ Dyanne, if ya know what I mean. Mm hmmm. Christine thinks there’s no way, but I suspect that she’s much too busy trying to shed her nickname of Pig Wrangler to really grasp the true undertones of this lovely budding relationship.
With the episode highlights from this season’s of As the Thankful Bucket Turns now wrapped up, let me go ahead and share what I’m thankful for. First, I have to shout out a big ol’ Hallelujah to the fact that antibiotics exist and are easily obtainable here. Not that Dyanne will need them because Jak is a careful guy. For us, it was pink eye, which I didn’t even know adults could get. There are some lovely (as in horrible, awful, but effective) eye drops that we’re able to plop in and be cleared as “no longer plague carrying” within 24 hours. Yay, antibiotics!
People to talk to. I’d be less-than-honest if I told you that I was even-a-little comfortable with the fact that Tucker is going to kindergarden in less than a year and I have no idea what to do. I don’t even know where to start asking about the benefits and faults in available programs. There are too many – as in totally, maybe, not enough – choices. Try to mainstream in public schools? Choose a private school and pay for college now not knowing whether it’s worth it? I’ve been talking to a friend of mine and have actually (for real maybe almost) considered starting a school. Of course, I need like a few million bucks and a few thousand hours, but really, if you have advice, I’d love it. I’ll be posting on this later this month (or so) because for real, I want your advice. It sucks that we have to risk wondering what the best option is for our kids that don’t fit the mold. A mold that was very poorly designed in the first place (and eff you GWB who made it so much worse with idiotic standardized testing that does absolutely nothing for anybody but make schools churn out kids who have no clue). Sigh. Rant over. I’m thankful to have people to talk to so that I don’t allow my anxiety over the whole thing to drive me to drink (more), pull out my hair, randomly yell at strangers, or whatever.
You. Readers, supporters, sometimes-needers, moms and dads and daughters and sons and the unattached who want to give, or receive advice. You have no idea how less-than-alone I feel each time one of you reaches out to share your story, concern, thankfulness, advice, and hilarity. When it comes to raising our special kids, I’m looking at a bunch of you right now. I had made a list but then got worried that I’d leave one person out, and am not willing to make anybody feel left out, just because I’m tired. I’m pretty sure that you know who you are. Thank you for being fantabulous.
My dad. It’s was 1:22am here last night when I got off the phone with him after an hour and 41 minutes. He gave me some great ideas about schools and the politics involved. He gave me names. Names of people who will likely listen.
Also. I. Have. Poop.
For Tucker, pooping has sucked. It didn’t suck when he first got potty-trained as he just asked for a diaper. Pooped in it, and life went on. He peed in the potty. Recently, his program at school changed, and he started pooping in his pants, everyday. It was horrible, nasty, dirty, and disheartening. Times a lot. I didn’t understand why he was doing it, all of a sudden. Turns out, they were transitioning him to a more free environment at school each day, which is when it started. I’m convinced it was related. He was freaking out about the transition and pooping in his pants. EVERY FREAKING DAY!!!
My friend suggested a toy bribe. We’d unsuccessfully tried this before, so I wasn’t sure, but dudes. Success. Tucker has pooped in the potty every day this entire week. For the first time ever. SUCCESS. Huge, amazing, ten things success.
And now, for some naked cake. Drumroll…who will be jumping out of the cake? Who will have strategically placed icing and who will let their bits waggle in the breeze? Wait? What? Shuddup, you pervos. Beth, yes, I’m talking to you. We said naked CAKE. Not naked people.
I’m thankful for naked cake.

by Kristi Campbell
Considerer - BOOM! FIRST COMMENT! I’m getting good at this 😀November 25, 2013 – 1:34 am
Kristi Campbell - Considerer,
You were indeed, first. And second! Whoot! Ooh, I need to go check out what Jack figured Christine said and what’s up with her digging holes. We’re in the holes? Uh-oh…
YAY for poop! And I though that the naked cake was pretty rockin’ myself. Heh.
Jak n Dyanne. So it’s true then? You’re confirming this rumor?November 25, 2013 – 10:02 am
Considerer - *settles in* Right, let’s do this properly 🙂
Your intro is THE BOMB. Made me grin so much, and thanks SO much for that imagery, again. But it’s nothing compared to what Jak figured Christine said chez moi, because it seems like our dear Pig Wrangler is not only too busy trying to shed her moniker (instead of her clothes) to participate, she’s also busy digging BIG HOLES and dropping us into them…
And Jak’n’Dyanne….awwwwwwwwwwh! Too cute 🙂
Your list is most excellent. Whenever you post on ‘WTH do I do about school?’ I’m sure that you’ll get loads of good advice – you know so many good and sensible people around here – one of them’s bound to have a reasonable suggestion.
Glad your Dad’s such a marvellous guy and chatted and helped so much.
And though (again) I never thought I’d say this, YAY FOR POOP! 😀
I LOVE YOUR CARTOON! That is a most totally awesome way of nakeding a cake 😀 Kudos for that *hi-fives*
Glad you’re on the mend *hugs*November 25, 2013 – 1:40 am
Jak - ACK! ALL the TToT scandals are loose on the Blogosphere! Must attempt to contain them >.<
I may have possibly brought up the Naked Cake… and yes, it may be best to remain ignorant to what I had envisioned… And as for Pig Wrangler, I am almost positive Christine coined that for herself, but there may be a smidgen of truth in it all… I'm still working on getting Pigwrangloria to go "viral"! I will do my best to avoid planting seeds of suggestion for any further TToT Anniversary activities/events/fuckinglyawesome ideas! Except maybe Vegas…
And you are right, I am very careful. If the rumors were true, and I am neither acknowledging nor denying, Dyanne would have nothing to worry about. But she was curiously sick this week as well…
I really like your idea about Clark, and it's a shame it was never able to come to pass. Perhaps once the blog hop hits 50? Certainly 100, but by then there may be the expectation of full blown open-relationship, free lovin' orgies. Just saying… you heard it here first.
Sorry to hear about all the illness going around, but it sounds like it's beginning to get better (and for Tucker completely back to normal?). I've been tending to the Ladyfolk all weekend after she caught some kind of bug… not sure what exactly, but it isn't pretty.
I've since nicknamed her Squirtle… if you know what I mean…
Having no children of my own, I am definitely not the best with the school advice. I do think that the transitioning played a part in Tucker's behavior, though. I believe this same thing happened (happens?) with my ex's son. Not exactly sure of the "why" but any transitioning would often be met with resistance and or similar behaviors you've explained. Hopefully there will be some people able to more fully assist and advise. Also, that toy bribe was something we used at the time for training/encouragement and it worked really well. Glad you are having some success with it!
I LOVE your Naked Cake! That is amazing! It's wonderful you were able to get a post in this weekend (I recall you saying you've been missing here/there) and trust me, you definitely weren't late to the party. I'm likely the only one ever hitting that status!
The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of InkNovember 25, 2013 – 1:43 am
Kristi Campbell - JAK!
HAHA it’s all your fault then, for suggesting the naked cake, right?? Scandals and rumors are much too fun to contain, really, I think. I’m digging the idea of Pigwrangloria going viral!
Wait, Vegas? I love Vegas. Love.
Hmmm, that is quite curious that Dyanne was sick this week as well. Could these things be related?
Yes, it’s too bad that Clark chickened out on his whole running naked through a field thing with a cupcake in each hand. That would have been marvelous indeed. Oh and I’ll pass on any of the free lovin’ orgies, m’kay?
I’m sure your Ladyfolk LOVES the nickname Squirtle – not. Good of you to look after her though.
Interesting that your ex’s son also had problems with the transition. I think sometimes, it’s their only way of saying “hey wait a minute! what’s going on??” Thanks for the congrats on the success with pooping. It’s a pretty big deal and I’m more than excited.
YAY for naked cake!!!November 25, 2013 – 10:06 am
Jak - @Lizzi – Only first because I was writing some epicness! Cheater!November 25, 2013 – 1:45 am
Janine Huldie - Sorry you and Tucker were sick this weekend and hoping you are both on the mend now. No one was sick here, but seriously haven’t been online as much as usual with Lily birthday this weekend, so I am a bit out of the loop myself. Anyways, also wanted to say yay to the pooping on the potty and just so thankful that my girls are indeed potty trained and that I will never hopefully ever have to go through that again!November 25, 2013 – 7:07 am
Kristi Campbell - Janine,
Thanks. Yeah, we’re both finally on the mend. He recovered pretty quickly, whereas mine has lingered but maybe that’s a sign that I need to sleep more!! Happy birthday once again to your sweet Lily!
Yes to never potty training again. Ever.November 25, 2013 – 10:08 am
christine - Your intro was marvelous. I get distracted every time someone says Jak and Dyanne in the same sentence. That song immediately moves into my brain and I can’t think until the song is over. Luckily, I only know about 1/5 of the words…
How wonderful that you can talk to your dad for an hour and a half that late at night about such important things. Sounds like you two have a wonderful relationship.
Ugh to the pooping in the pants. Really glad you found a working solution to that disaster. (I’m sure you and the teachers are more so, but still, I’m happy for you all.)
As for kindergarten…such a hard decision. I would suggest going to the private schools you could feasibly send him to and talk with the principals. Sometimes, private is better, because they don’t have to go through so much red tape in order to do what is best for the child. Some, though, don’t have the resources to handle much outside the “norm”.
And lastly, way to bring the naked cake!November 25, 2013 – 7:22 am
Kristi Campbell - Christine,
That song will now be in my brain ALL day, even though I’d successfully exorcized it last night. Yes, I’m happy that we finally figured out the pooping in the potty thing, too! A pretty huge milestone!!!
Sigh. Kindergarden. I’m sure it’ll be fine, but it’s so hard to know what to do really. Both now, during the transition and then, when he’s supposed to know more than he does! Yikes.
YAY for naked cake!!!November 25, 2013 – 10:10 am
thedoseofreality - Crying with laughter…LOVE the Jack & Dyanne joke…and naked cake is my favorite kind of cake. Oh wait, that sounds wrong. You know what I mean, right?! ;)-AshleyNovember 25, 2013 – 7:58 am
Kristi Campbell - Dose Girls’ Ashley,
I totally know what you mean. 😀November 25, 2013 – 10:10 am
Tamara - If you started a school, I guarantee I’d do anything to join it. Or I’d do your publicity photography. So there’s that.
Also, my sister used to get pink eye a lot as a kid and maybe it was terrible, but all I saw was a girl missing school because of an itchy eye. So I did what anyone (in)sane would do and I touched her eye and then touched my own.
Guess what happened? Nothing. Maybe I’m immune or very (un)lucky.November 25, 2013 – 8:29 am
Kristi Campbell - Tamara,
I’m saving this comment forever because YOU HAVE to be the official photographer! Whoot!
Also I’m laughing my ass off that you used to touch your sister’s eye and then your own hoping you’d be able to stay home. HAHAHA!! That’s hilarious. And also weird that you never got it…November 25, 2013 – 10:11 am
Emily - Ok, so if you’re even slightly serious about starting a school, you should try to talk to CC McCarton. She’s a developmental pediatrician in NYC who started a school maybe 5-7 years ago. I know she did and does all kinds of fundraisers and the tuition is insanely high, but I’m sure the school is phenomenal.It does sound like for next year, you have choices, which is GOOD. I always say, go with your gut. They tried to put our son in a self-contained classroom and we knew that wasn’t right for him so we advocated (had to hire a lawyer) and got him placed in the right classroom with support. There is no perfect solution, but sometimes you can make it closer to perfect with the proper nuancing (is that a word?). Anyway, always happy to talk further about this…I know you’ll figure out the best possible choice for him!November 25, 2013 – 9:42 am
Kristi Campbell - Emily,
Thanks so much! It’s so encouraging to know that other people have started schools successfully. Yeah, we do have some choices for next year, and I won’t really know what’s missing until we look more closely at our options. Obviously, the best thing if for Tucker’s needs to be met in public schools, but it’s hard to know whether they will be or not right now. I’m talking to his current teachers about it and they’re beyond amazing, so we’re really lucky there.
Thanks for the offer to talk more about this! I’ll be taking you up on that for sure!November 25, 2013 – 10:14 am
donofalltrades - How do you keep up with all of this crapola?? So many blog hops so little time!!
Sorry everyone is feeling sick. Maybe if you guys would take better care of yourselves and not lick door knobs and such, things would improve in that department.
I’d love to help with the school thoughts, but I have no idea about Virginia schools. I assume, based on Virginians, that they suck, but that’s just a guess. Lol.
Good luck!November 25, 2013 – 11:21 am
Kristi Campbell - Don,
Actually, the county we’re in in VA is good for autism-related stuff. It’s a beta-test site for PAC (preschool autism classrooms) so we’re lucky there. It’s more next year, when I don’t really want Tucker in a self-contained class (all ASD kids but can be older as well) so I don’t know what the best option is…private? I hope not.
And yeah, I don’t really have time either which is why this sucked. I posted it at midnight last night. That says a lot.
And wait. We’re not supposed to lick doorknobs? NO FREAKING WONDER and why has nobody told me that? Fuck.November 25, 2013 – 11:31 am
clark - …hello?……HELLO??!
(what the hell, no one here! I know the invitation said…Christine’s Sunday the 25th! plain as frickin day)November 25, 2013 – 11:59 am
clark - ..have I mentioned how I seem to lose track of Comments in the second half of the Sunday, when you youngsters start to make the rounds at, like what…9:30 pm?
ayiiee… being sick is no fun….well, let me take that back, in certain circumstances it can be, but usually it requires that you are not responsible for anyone else and you can lie on the bed and try and keep the windows from moving around on the walls…though I favorite thing is to get at up like 1:45 am and wander the house in my robe doing a narration that involves being ill and the strange location I seem to have found myself in…hope you feel better.
yeah, them rascals at the TToT is something… how is it even possible to scrunch down in my chair…when the party gets boisterous…when this is all virtual?! years and years of practice, I guess.
I will say this as affirmation of what I think are your strong points, when it comes to the welfare of others, particularly family-others, your instincts are always dead on.
ya know?November 25, 2013 – 12:07 pm
Considerer - @Jak – I didn’t even CLOSE to cheat, buddy – I had TWO comments posted (succinct and gorgeous) while you wrote your epic :p
And no orgies. There’s utterly the wrong balance of people for that. Nope, not even for our 100th.
@Kristi – I have NO IDEA except she keeps doing it and making the situation far far more fraught than it needs to be.November 25, 2013 – 1:07 pm
Kristi Campbell - Clark,
Yeah, yeah, I was late to the party but I brought naked and defiled cake, so there’s that! HAHA to scrunching down in your chair when the party is so boisterous. I fully expect you to remedy that by our 50th, m’kay?
Aw to having dead-on instincts. That’s quite lovely of you to say!
Hello? HELLOOOOO????? The 25th right? Damn calendar.
I couldn’t find the reference to burying us in holes. Sigh. Maybe she’s hidden it as it’s all part of a master evil plan. You DO remember what happened to the pigs right? They became food.
Agree. No orgies.
Agree also that you totally beat Jak in comment one AND two while he was busy typing. 😉November 25, 2013 – 1:25 pm
Denise Farley - Glad to hear I wasn’t the only late party goer. LOL
So sorry that you and Tucker have been sick. Sucks. Hopefully, you guys are 100% before the weekend:)
I have full confidence that should you decide to, you would have what it takes to open a school:) Keep us up to date on that!November 25, 2013 – 1:57 pm
Kristi Campbell - Denise,
Me too to not being the only late one!!! Thanks, I hope we’re better by the weekend, too. For the first time, I’ve actually lost my voice. Which just made me the most ideal partner ever, right?
I’ll totally keep you up to date on the school.
Aw. Seeds? Wait, we’re talking about Clark running naked through a field and you bring up seeds? I think this may need to take a new direction…November 25, 2013 – 11:00 pm
Jak - I can’t help that I read and type slow >.<
As for other things… the seeds are seeds and shall do as seeds do when loved and cared for. As for "ratio" arguments, I'm pretty sure Clark disagrees. It seems "May the odds be ever in your favor" panned out for him for once!November 25, 2013 – 2:05 pm
Sara - I saw the letters that spell “thankfully” at the top of the post and saw the “F” “U” first and then was sure you were trying to spell eff you and somehow misspelled it. I’m embarrassed and amused how long it took to get my mind to let go of F.U. and actually READ what it said. Ha!
Hoooooraaaay for Tucker pooping in the potty! Every day this week! That’s awesome and huge and congratulations, Mom! ….I don’t like to brag, but I also pooped in the potty every day this week. Just sayin’. 😉
I hope you get lots of good advice on schools. At least you don’t live somewhere like SanFran where you have to sign your kids up shortly after conception if they’re going to have any chance to get in (and it costs as much as college, to boot!). Ugh! Where did we (as a nation) go so wrong??? Good luck!!November 25, 2013 – 2:42 pm
Kristi Campbell - Sara,
I still see F U every time. I like it that way, actually. And yes, HOORAY for Tucker pooping in the potty this week. He even instigated it! For real, said “I poo potty” which is a lifetime after having to ask him.
Also, huge congrats to YOU for pooping in the potty EVERY day this week. I missed a few (no pants though, thank goodness) so you win that award.
Yeah, I hear you about San Fran. And NYC. Although the more I learn about it all, it’s not really true that you “have to” and that if more parents didn’t, it would be hugely improved. Still, when it comes to your own kid, why risk it right?
Although if we’re going to make changes, the answer is not paying for college, now. Sigh.
XoNovember 25, 2013 – 11:03 pm
Sarah - Poop on that poop! I am 100% totally convinced with you that it had to do with the school transition. Glad you got it sorted, though.
Secondly, I am SO INTERESTED in all your thoughts and progress and talking to people about starting a school. Spill it as it comes. Please.November 25, 2013 – 2:48 pm
Kristi Campbell - Sarah,
I guarantee that I will spill it as I see it and as it comes. I’m doing an observation of Tucker’s PAC (preschool autism class) tomorrow after seeing the non-categorized class last week. We’ll also start looking at kindergardens soon. And if you have insight, thoughts, concerns, etc, please spill it as well!!!November 25, 2013 – 11:04 pm
Sarah - Oh, and glad to hear everyone is recovering!November 25, 2013 – 2:49 pm
Beth teliho - Aw, I’m so sorry you guys were sick! Hope everyone is feeling better soon. And Yay POOP! I know this can be one of the most difficult things for them to consistently get. Especially boys! Hope the trend continues. I know I held my breath with both my boys until both were five. I still get accidents from time to time! But they are more from laziness than anything now….
Anyway, school: gather all the info you can, and then go with your gut. You’ll know what to do.
Perv? Moi? *bats eyelashes* what ever do you speak of?November 25, 2013 – 3:11 pm
Kristi Campbell - Beth,
Thanks, sweets! Thanks for the reminder that poop isn’t easy no matter what and for telling me that I’m not alone in that it’s okay to worry when they’re five!
And yeah, school. Will do.
YES YES YOU. PERVO. In the best of ways. I think it was the “no dry seat in the house” that got me…but mmmm Alexander S. He’s mine.November 25, 2013 – 11:06 pm
Out One Ear - Linda Atwell - This naked cake stuff, like your usual posts, is hilarious. I like my cake frosted, but I’d be willing to eat cake naked (alone) if someone brought me some. Hint, hint.
The part about school is scary, I guess. For me, I still didn’t realize to what extent Lindsey had issues and just sent her to the local grade school. This generation parents so differently than our parents. We like to be so much more involved, and with our special kids, rightfully so. I think I’m just lucky Lindsey did well in spite of her mother going along with whatever the school suggested. . 🙂
And congrats on the pooping. I say whatever works is what’s good. I was lucky (again) in that dept. both my kids potty trained easily. I have no idea why. I even potty trained my nephew who was having a harder time with pooping. My sister loved me afterwards. I really can’t tell you how I did it because I’m sure Tucker would be traumatized. All I can say is that I loved Evan (my nephew) dearly and he loved me. He rarely did anything wrong…. Back to my daughter, I had so many other struggles with Lindsey, I’m glad potty training wasn’t one of them. 🙂
Happy thanksgiving to you and your family, Kristi. I hope you will be done with the amazing antibiotics by then.November 25, 2013 – 5:35 pm
Kristi Campbell - Linda,
Thanks for liking the naked cake!! When it comes to schools, I think it’s actually a problem that we have so many options because then none of them look perfect, you know? And we start to second-guess ourselves so much and it’s hard to NOT believe that x program vs. y program would actually make a bigger difference because so many of us have had programs that DID make a difference (here it was PAC and ABA but impossible to know scientifically if it would have happened otherwise – my guess is no, but without a test to test, well…) Sigh. We’re going to see what the team suggests, after Tucker’s main teacher is back (been out for 5 weeks due to personal reasons).
Thank you for the poop congrats!!! I’m glad that wasn’t one you had to deal with when it came to Lindsey.
And!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Linda! You’re such a great friend. And yeah, I hope the antibiotics kick in more by then too. My eyes are fine. I just lost my voice (weird??).
xoNovember 25, 2013 – 11:10 pm
Louise - Poop’s a big deal. I cheered for your success on that front. We had problems the other way last year. As in the “I’m holding this in and NEVER going ’cause it’s yucky and btw mommy I don’t feel good and suddenly look about 5 months pregnant.” My daughter’s issues might have been tidier – but still no fun. Over a year later she still mostly refuses to go in the potty (unless she’s in a good mood and decides to “make me so proud”) Thankfully she at least has a sense of public/private and so – until now – only poops her pants at home. But all that to say – we’re still working it out and I’m hoping she doesn’t have issues at school.
As for your school stresses – I hope you figure out something that works. It’s a big step – and I’m not sure I can quite imagine the added stress/decision/thought that goes into it when you have a child with additional needs. All the best on that front.
As for the soap opera analogy – wow, I apparently need to read more frequently, because I missed a bunch of the pre-naked-cake show 🙂 Like sand through the hourglass …November 25, 2013 – 9:04 pm
Kristi Campbell - Louise,
Poop IS a big deal!! Thanks for the cheers. We had a similar thing when we first potty trained where Tucker just didn’t go for five days. We panicked when we heard the docs would just get it out themselves, and gave him a diaper. Ugh. Good job on getting your daughter to not have issues at school!
Thanks for the encouragement about school. ANd hahaha to being introduced to the soap opera aspect of it! Love it!November 25, 2013 – 11:12 pm
Joy @ i can say mama - Why for heaven’s sake did you say that your list feels inadequate?? Seriously, yours is far more creative than mine! xo Loved the introduction! 🙂
Sorry to hear that you were sick. Hope you are feeling better now! As for the pink eye I have had it before, too. It is a bacterial infection so anyone can get it. It sucks but I am glad that the antibiotics helped quickly.
The school question… *sigh* I totally get you. You know how much I struggled. And we only had two options to choose from. I wonder how difficult it must be with plenty of possibilites at your hand, always wondering if your choice is wrong or right. I am sorry that I probably will not be able to help you with this since your system is totally different from ours but I am sure you will get plenty of good advice from others who are familiar with the system over there *hugs*.
Last but not least, happy happy happy that Tucker pooped in the potty!!! That’s huge!! Yay! Sorry though that he had to got “through” so many pooped pants before he succeeded. That must have been frustrating for him.
Take care, dear friend! Mwah!November 26, 2013 – 4:46 am
Chris Carter - Oh man- I HATE pink eye!!! Been there done that many times, my friend. And it ain’t pretty. Literally.
I do pray you find your answers with school for Tucker!! And I am THRILLED that you are having success with his pooping in the potty!!!! That is HUGE my friend!!!
I don’t watch the Ten Things soap opera, or I would chime in on that one… 😉
Love your list- all of it!!November 26, 2013 – 11:57 am
K - So sorry to hear you’ve been sick…I’ve been sick too. 🙁 I’m glad you’re feeling better though!
Good luck with the school thing, and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
It’s wonderful, as always, to read your words. xoxoNovember 27, 2013 – 12:11 pm
Kristi Campbell - Joy,
I just felt like I did it at the last minute, which is when I do everything, sadly *refer to your procrastination post please.
I’m feeling better but have crappy voice and cough. Tonight, Tucker said mouth. Which means maybe it hurts??? UGH, we don’t know. Supposed to drive almost 7 hours tomorrow for the holiday but ????
I know how much you struggled with the school question, too.. I am still struggling with it but will have another observation day on tuesday. the thing that sucks is that it’s almost “pick this or that” which I’m NOT fine with…thanks for all…November 27, 2013 – 9:29 pm
Kristi Campbell - Chris,
I know. Sucks. I pray for you and hope you are okay..so much.November 27, 2013 – 9:30 pm
Kristi Campbell - Kerry,
OMG I read!! How damn scary!!! For real scary and that nurse? Was a bitch! Not just stupid!!! UGH. I’m glad you have such good friends at school. Commented over at your place but for real. So glad to know you and so sad (and maybe she learned something??_) about that jerk of a nurse!!November 27, 2013 – 9:32 pm
Mike - Obviously plenty has transpired since you wrote this. That was interesting to read about Tucker and the school. Fascinating how sensitive kids can be to even subtle changes in routine. Though the “free environment” was probably quite abrupt huh, Kristi? Enjoying the journey backwards (my reading) always 🙂February 28, 2014 – 1:21 am