I remember the Halloweens of my youth. I remember the year that my mom forced us to wear coats in a snowstorm, ruining our costumes, and having a blast anyway; the lucky, hyper recipients of extra candy because the wussy kids had obviously stayed home.
One Halloween, my brother and I dressed as old men, using my dad’s clothes, some bad makeup to draw scraggly beards on our faces, and a walking cane. That cane is the reason that we came home with candy at all after a couple of bullies tried to steal it on a dark corner between houses. Yup. I defended sugar with a cane, and I’d do it again.
I remember being a princess, a tiger, and a Raggedy Ann, and I remember ignoring my mom’s warnings each year to not eat anything on the way home. She first had to rifle through our loot, throwing all homemade popcorn balls, candied apples, and items in unsealed wrappers in the garbage.
They were sure to have LSD or razor blades buried within their sweet stickiness.
I remember the years between being too old for trick-or-treating and those when costumes became cool again, worn at beer-fueled parties. The clever among us snubbed the skanky Wonder Woman, sluttly nurse, and hooker-teacher costumes for ones based on current events.
I was particularly proud of the year that I won a contest at a local bar for my $12 ghetto-DIY ensemble of painted sweats with stapled construction-paper flames on them. I was a Firestone Tire right when they were being recalled for catching on fire.
Halloween was pretty much my night.
Some of the other clever costumes I look back on with a smile are The Girl Next Door, who was dressed like this,
…and some random dude who had built a little table around himself, complete with lamp and alarm clock.
He was a One Night Stand, and they probably got married.
Much later, I remember the Halloween when my son was just under four months old, and how adorable he looked in his baby dinosaur/alligator costume. I can still hear the buzz of children, see the lights and decorations, and almost smell the pride I felt carrying him around the neighborhood.
As I greedily held out his little bucket for treats that he was unable to eat, I could barely contain the excitement and sugar in my belly, knowing that the following year, he’d be able to waddle along on his own, wowing people by saying “Trick-or-Treat!” because surely he’d have an incredible vocabulary at the age of 15 months.
The next, dressed as a cowboy, he toddled the sidewalks with his friend who was dressed as a native American princess.
Afterwards, I assumed that next year would be the one to bring his vocabulary.
The year after that, he was a fireman, his tiny girlfriend a cat, and her daddy was a tree. Brilliant, and still not the year that brought me a little boy who could really say “Trick-or-Treat!” with any regularity or enthusiasm.
That was the year that I had begun to realize that his little girlfriend understood the concept, said “trick-or-treat!” and just looked braver. More sure. Or something. That was the Halloween before I knew that my little trick-or-treater was developmentally delayed and that there was a reason that when people opened their doors and said hello, that he tried to walk into their homes without bothering to look at them.
That was the year that everything changed. It was the one in which the “something’s wrong something’s wrong something’s wrong” whisper in my heart turned into a blaring alarm and the one in which my staring-up-at-the-ceiling nights led me to use my own words to ask about my son’s lack of them.
It was the year in which we got help.
And the next Halloween was the one in which Tucker was again a fireman, but this time, with a red uniform instead of a black one. And, it was without his little girlfriend.
Last year, my son Tucker was Superman, and my husband and I dressed as the Supers, sure that us being in costume would help alleviate some of his anxiety, and help him to more freely approach homes in pursuit of candy.
Mostly, it worked. We even got to appear next to Sandra Bullock in an article on NBC Today.

What. We’re cool. Robert’s wearing a fake belly. In case you were wondering.
And here we are now, on this Halloween.
This Halloween, Tucker doesn’t know how far he’s come.
But I do.
He also doesn’t know how behind he still is, in so many ways.
But I do. He doesn’t know that I’m so so proud of him being excited to wear a really cheap and crappily made Batman costume.
He just knows that when he’s wearing it, he IS Batman.
This year, he gets that we’re going trick-or-treating, and he’ll mostly almost always say “Trick-or-Treat!” before hastily grabbing his candy. He won’t see how deliriously happy it makes me when he stops and waves to a boy up the street who recognizes him and says hi. He won’t see how far he’s come. But I will.
I will.
And we’ll rock this crappy Batman costume and he’ll rock the kindergarten parade at school tomorrow. While he may not look at all of the parents smiling down around him, he’ll look at the kids.
That he’s going to have fun because it’s supposed to be fun? That is my new Halloween. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
I may wear a witch hat and a cape, and bring a little thermos filled with wine while we trick-or-treat though.
After all, it’s still my night too.
Note: The following has been going around a variety of blogs and on Facebook over the past couple of years. If you know the source for me to credit, please let me know. Anyway, here it is:
Tonight a lot of creatures will visit your door. Be open minded. The child who is grabbing more than one piece of candy might have poor fine motor skills. The child who takes forever to pick out one piece of candy might have motor planning issues. The child who does not say “trick or treat” or “thank you” might be painfully shy, non-verbal, or selectively mute. If you cannot understand their words, they may struggle with developmental apraxia of speech. They are thankful in their hearts and minds. The child who looks disappointed when he sees your bowl might have a life-threatening allergy. The child who isn’t wearing a costume at all might have SPD or autism. Be kind, be patient, smile, pretend you understand. It’s everyone’s Halloween. Make a parent feel good by making a big deal of their special child.
This is a Finish the Sentence Friday post, in which writers and bloggers finish a sentence and “link up” their posts. This week’s sentence was “One Halloween, I…”
Your hosts:
Me: Finding Ninee
Dana from Kiss My List
April from 100 Lb Countdown
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by Kristi Campbell
Janine Huldie - On our way home (stuck in traffic) from the Jim Gaffigan concert and just couldn’t stay away and glad I did because I totally loved your walk down memory lane from start to finish. And I may just surprise you and link up as I wrote a whole Halloween photo bomb post today for tomorrow. Like I said couldn’t stay away! Happy Halloween 😉October 30, 2014 – 10:13 pm
Kristi Campbell - YAY YOU, JANINE for linking up and your Halloween post is awesome as always. <3October 31, 2014 – 12:32 am
Allie - Omg, omg omg!!! Barrett used to walk into people’s house, too (and mentioned it in my post – what are the chances!!!:)). One year I swear, I dragged him out of five or six house. IN one he used the bathroom! I was mortified, but of course now think it’s funny. I hated popcorn balls – yuck. I’m mow off to check out the Sandra Bullock thing. I think you have been holding out on me…October 30, 2014 – 10:15 pm
Kristi Campbell - Dude. what also are the chances that we both did this “my last un-special-needs-thing” post? Great minds, I guess.October 31, 2014 – 12:33 am
Brittnei - Hahaha at your remark about the two who probably got married. Tucker’s face when you all are dressed up behind him in your costumes is classic. The fireman costume looks so fun!October 30, 2014 – 10:39 pm
Kristi Campbell - They probably did get married! Or they should have because minds like that maybe belong together maybe!!October 31, 2014 – 12:34 am
Vanessa D. - Best ever adult costume was a girl with a cardboard chair over her head and about twenty pink balloons under it – all wrapped in saran. She was gum under a chair. And look at your guy rocking that batman costume. I always waited too long to shop for costumes so we got stuck with Robin.October 30, 2014 – 11:01 pm
Kristi Campbell - OMG the gum under a chair? WOW brilliant!! Crap that I never thought of that!! UGH I’m actually bummed I never thought of that!! Robin is cool in his own way..October 30, 2014 – 11:56 pm
Janet Ochs - I loved reading the history. I can relate – I’m about a year behind you. The little things make for such happy moments. Fingers crossed for tomorrow night for Chris! I hope Tucker has a great time this year.October 30, 2014 – 11:09 pm
Kristi Campbell - Janet! I’ve been thinking about you and Chris recently and wondering how you are doing. We should do a lunch or coffee as I truly would love to catch up!! In the meantime, here’s to the little things meaning so so much.October 31, 2014 – 12:00 am
Linda Atwell - Out One Ear - I love all the memories. And you put them together so well. Lindsey told me today that she and Nick are buying lots of halloween candy. But they are turning off their front porch light and sitting in the dark and eating it all themselves. Well, I guess whatever it takes to get the loot, huh?
As far as your thermos full of booze–I’ve never really liked the taste of alcohol, but after my 10th chiropractic, 3rd massage, and 2nd acupuncture treatment (and there is still pain in my shoulder), I’m thinking about becoming an alcoholic. And I won’t apologize for this new goal. I do like slushy drinks in the sun though. So I might start this treatment in St. Maarten with margaritas or pina coladas or whatever tropical drink comes near me. I’ll keep you posted. Happy Halloween to Tucker and (you and your hubby too). I hope you get tons of sweets in your plastic pumpkin. (If that’s what you use???)October 31, 2014 – 12:40 am
Kristi Campbell - Linda,
I think that sitting in the dark and eating a ton of candy sounds pretty fun and even a little romantic! I’m bummed to read that you still have so much pain in your shoulder after all of the visits. That totally sucks and I think booze is an acquired taste so I’m confident if you hang in there and keep trying, you’ll find that it’s pretty yummy. Especially when consumed on a beach in St Maarten.
Happy Halloween to you too! And yeah, he uses a plastic pumpkin. 🙂October 31, 2014 – 4:48 pm
Kelly L McKenzie - Pssst. You cannot imagine my delight when I read about you and your thermos. YES! I miss that. The walking about with my “traveller” of coffee and a little something extra. Oh my. And my pal and I thought that we were so special. No one else did this. And tonight I read that you do and I remember. Thank you.October 31, 2014 – 1:52 am
Kristi Campbell - Kelly –
HAHAH to the thermos and thanks for getting it! Feel free to make a little thermos tonight and pretend you’re with us!October 31, 2014 – 5:49 pm
Lizzi Rogers - *snorks* The One Night Stand is a genius 😀 I’m glad you had fun Halloweens, and I’m glad that this one is shaping up to be a really good one. Keep advocating, my friend. You do BRILLIANTLY at it. Gorgeous writing, gorgeous Tucker. Love it – right down to the crappy Batman costume 😀October 31, 2014 – 2:07 am
MyTwice BakedPotato - Loved this post 🙂 Halloween resurrects so many memories for me too. Hope this year is a good one 🙂October 31, 2014 – 2:13 am
Heidi Hotzler North - yes, we totally relate and have experienced that thought of this is the year he’ll get the concept, say the words, not run in the house etc…getting better each year and that’s everythingOctober 31, 2014 – 2:26 am
Ruchira Khanna - Loved to read about your youth halloween stunts.
Tucker is looking precious as a batman, and I wish him to take on the world with his mighty arms 🙂
Happy Halloween
Boo!October 31, 2014 – 3:19 am
Michelle AKA Crumpets and Bollocks - Supermom totally beats tires on fire and whips and stuff. Love it.October 31, 2014 – 8:50 am
Kristi Campbell - Aw, thanks, Michelle!October 31, 2014 – 5:51 pm
Dana - So much to say!
1. My mom used to go through all of my candy too. I was convinced there was a razor blade a Milky Way somewhere.
2.James had a frog costume when he was a year old, similar to Tucker’s alligator. And just as freakin’ cute.
3.The captions you give to Tucker to go with his priceless facial expressions are awesome.
4. Matt used to put a beer bottle in each coat pocket when it was his turn to walk with the kids.
5. I love that message that goes around Facebook each year, although it really should apply to every occasion year round.
6. I hope Batman has a great Halloween!October 31, 2014 – 9:33 am
Kristi Campbell - Dana!
1. To this day, I do not buy unsealed candy, assuming that it’ll get thrown away! Maybe that was a real thing when we were kids? Probably urban legend though…
2. AWWW!!!
3. Thanks mucho! His expressions make it easy!
4. Wise, wise man.
5. Me too – it’s an awesome message. I wish I could find the original source.
6. Thanks! You guys too!!!October 31, 2014 – 5:57 pm
Emily - For some reason, this post really resonated me…ALL your posts do but this one did for a variety of reasons — the nostalgia of my own Halloweens, the trick-or-treating with wine (doesn’t everyone do that?!), but most of all how you showed the progression of Tucker’s Halloween experiences…I can relate to this with all of my kids, but in different ways. One, whose developmental leaps could be measured in his trick-or-treating. Another, with how his friendships have changed/evolved over the years and who he trick or treats with and how last year, he stayed home to trick-or-treat with his younger brother (with no pressure from me, I swear) who had mostly NO FUN last year, which leads me to Dude #3…last year he was wearing a giant afro wig to hide his bald head. This year, he said to me just this morning on the way to school, that he wants to get a haircut because his hair is too long.:) So yes, it’s everyone’s Halloween!October 31, 2014 – 9:35 am
Kristi Campbell - Emily,
Aw, thank you much! It’s been really incredible watching Tucker make so much progress each year. It’s hard to believe that we’re now in a place that felt SO SO far away a few years ago when it comes to saying “trick or treat” and everything. Awww to Big Dude staying home to trick or treat with Little Dude last year – so sweet. I love that he needs a haircut already. That makes me happy.
And anybody who doesn’t trick or treat carrying a thermos of wine is missing out!
I hope you have a great night tonight! We’re just sitting here waiting for it to get dark enough to go out (and for pizza).October 31, 2014 – 6:01 pm
KeAnne - Love it! AND I too adore Halloween. I hope your little one has a great night!October 31, 2014 – 10:59 am
Kristi Campbell - KeAnne,
Thanks so much! Happy Halloween!! 🙂October 31, 2014 – 6:01 pm
Nicki Gilbert - “Girl Next Door” and “One Night Stand” – AWESOME!
Reading your journey, and Tucker’s, through a Halloween lens is so inspiring, mind-opening, wonderful, Kristi. Thank you for always sharing so honestly and perfectly! Love the “Not all kids can say Trick or Treat, Be Kind” reminder.
Happy Halloween to you, Robert and Tucker, and oh yes, wine most definitely! October 31, 2014 – 11:56 am
Sarah - I, for one, am extremely comforted to have such a capable-looking Batman out there protecting us all. Tucker, you look phenomenal! Go out there and get a bag full of candy!October 31, 2014 – 1:03 pm
Kristi Campbell - Sarah,
YAY! I hope you and your kids have a fantastic evening too! Happy Halloween!October 31, 2014 – 6:02 pm
Jhanis - Oh you guys are gonna rock it Kristi! I don’t have memories of Halloween because we never did this when i was a kid, so it has been fun creating Halloween memories the past few years.
ps. Tucker looks so cute in his Batman costume!October 31, 2014 – 1:06 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Jhanis! He’s loving being Batman and is so proud of himself. It’s awesome. I’m glad you are having fun creating fun Halloween memories! Your plant zombie thing was awesome!!!October 31, 2014 – 6:26 pm
Roshni - I’m so done reading all the judgy posts about poorly-behaved kids on Halloween night! There could be a multiple of reasons, for crying out loud and I truly wish parents and other adults would get off their high horse at least this one night and let it be *fun* for the kids!!
I’m looking forward to all the pics of your awesome Halloween, and thanks for the great idea about the wine!! 😀October 31, 2014 – 1:11 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Roshni and truly there could be so many reasons – maybe even just too much sugar!! Here’s to it being FUN and not a lesson on how to act like an adult when you’re a kid!October 31, 2014 – 6:33 pm
Scott Hansen - He’s Batman!!! What a cutie!!October 31, 2014 – 2:33 pm
Elizabeth - This is one of my all-time favorite posts by you, and there have been many. I love how you took me down memory lane to your own costumes and Halloween experiences, and then to Tucker’s Halloween’s and his triumphs. Just love it!October 31, 2014 – 3:22 pm
Kristi Campbell - Wow, thanks, Elizabeth! I appreciate your kind words so much! They mean a lot coming from you 🙂October 31, 2014 – 8:08 pm
Sara - Love this. You. Him. <3October 31, 2014 – 4:29 pm
Kristi Campbell - Love you. Him. Us. Past. Now. All of it.October 31, 2014 – 10:44 pm
Pattie Thomas - I really like this post. As always you are full of compassion and understanding. And lets not forget about empathy. I hope that a lot of people will read your post today and be ready for all of the kids, every one of them, tonight. I am sharing you as best as I can. Have a lot of fun with Tucker. Because Batman!October 31, 2014 – 5:05 pm
Chris Carter - That is the best damn batman I know!!! LOVE to you both while you enjoy and embrace the progress and the potential and all the beautiful moments in between!!!October 31, 2014 – 6:10 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thank you Chris! He’s so the best Batman. He was really shy again tonight but he did it. Mostly, he did it.October 31, 2014 – 11:28 pm
Stephanie Smith Sprenger - First I was laughing and then I was crying and I LOVE the last thing from FB and wherever else. I will share it all over the place. So happy and proud-for-you-and-Tucker that he is rocking Halloween this year. Hope your parade was super-fun. (Izzy’s was, but there were like 2 dozen Elsas. At least.) Happy Halloween- wish I could share your thermos of wine with you- I have a witches hat, too! October 31, 2014 – 8:21 pm
Anna Fitfunner - Tucker looks awesome! He’s totally got that Dark Knight thing going on.
So, your illustration had me a little confused. Was The Girl Next Door one of your prevous Halloween costumes? If so, I think that we need to hear more about what happened that night! 😉October 31, 2014 – 8:58 pm
Shay from Trashy Blog - Oh, Kristi, how I’ve missed you!! Life has been SO incredibly busy with work and the kids and writing and working out and traveling and just living, but you and every other writer who’s a mother who has many interests knows about that. Anyway! The kids totally crashed after a week FULL of Halloween activities, so I got a few minutes to visit my old faves. I’m still writing my heart out, so stop by for a visit sometime if you feel like it. Either way, I’ll come back here! Miss talking to you!October 31, 2014 – 10:46 pm
Kristi Campbell - Shay!!! I get your Trashy Shorts on my phone every day and they’re the highlight of my email but my phone sucks at replying and well, I miss you too! And yeah, this whole busy thing? It seems like it’s getting more crazy as our kids get older or whatever. Still though, I totally miss talking to you too, love! Because sister from another mister. Or maybe the same one, given our pasts… hmm.October 31, 2014 – 11:30 pm
Shay from Trashy Blog - AWWWWW, I love you!!!!!November 1, 2014 – 10:28 am
Wendy Falconer Gassaway - Love the funny, love the poignant, love the hope!November 1, 2014 – 4:40 am
Amy Hyde Goodwin - Wow. This was so touching, so . . humbling. In a world where everyone seems so focused on best costume, politically correct treats, and what-have-you, your posts really zeroed in on what’s really important: the kids. Thank you so much for sharing this.November 1, 2014 – 1:42 pm
Anne Krietlow - I had tears and a smile at the same time. Thank you for writing this. I wish everyone was aware of why a child is at their door. I have a daughter about to turn 18. She has struggled with a different disorder since 4th grade, turned to drugs and alcohol to self medicate when nothing else was making her feel like everyone else. She completed treatment and has been in full recovery for 2 months. She had no friends to celebrate Halloween with this year and instead took her little sisters trick or treating. To the people that opened their door to my dressed up teenager and made her feel funny, shame on you. To the ones that smiled and made her night better, and maybe even slipped her a chocolate, I will always be grateful. Because she CHOSE the right thing, and I am so proud of her. And I am so proud of your little man and all of the progress he is making. And proud of all the mama’s who are proud of their little people.November 1, 2014 – 1:45 pm
Kristi Campbell - Anne
I have a 20-year-old-step daughter and she has also turned to drugs and alcohol to feel seen in her past and I thank you for getting where we are with my son now and also our step daughter who I took trick-or-treating at 15 and had people yell at us and omg people just need to get over themselves!!! I heard somebody last night say that some girl was too old and I wish so much now that I’d have said something!!! I planned to but then “lost” my husband and son and just moved on like so many of the times we all do…November 2, 2014 – 12:11 am
Anne Krietlow - It’s hard though to stop all injustice without becoming that raving lunatic lady, lol…. I KNOW, I’ve been that lady 😛 But I think the most important thing we can do is just feed their self esteem. Feed it until it’s bursting out of them. That way when they meet the kindness they can accept it as truth and when they meet with the inevitable judgement they can move on without letting it affect who they are. I wish I had done more of that with my oldest. I feel like in some ways I tried to change her into something she couldn’t be so she wouldn’t have such a hard time. Didn’t work, wow… I cringe looking back. Well intentioned but it did a lot of harm. I learned though!November 2, 2014 – 12:44 am
Kristi Campbell - I so love the idea of feeding their self esteem until it can’t take the good or the bad. I wrote recently too about the difference between self esteem (which is so reliant on others) and self compassion and really yes you so have what I believe to be the right idea. I want my son to know he’s amazing, not perfect, but perfectly himself and be able to know that the smoke up his butt is smoke but also the insults are just lame — which is what you said. Thank you so much for saying that!!!November 2, 2014 – 11:17 pm
My Inner Chick - I just love clicking over here into your positive, loving, interesting life, Kristy.
You educate, & YOUR VOICE resonates into the universe.
xxxxx Kiss from MN.November 1, 2014 – 2:00 pm
Kristi Campbell - Well trust me, it’s not always positive but well thank you so much. I just hope that one day, somebody speaks to my son differently than mean because maybe they remember that we’re all so much more alike than different! XO TO YOU FROM DCNovember 2, 2014 – 11:18 pm
Julia @ Frantic Mama - Hi Kristi–
I loved this post! I can relate so well. I’m so happy that Halloween was looking a bit brighter for you this year. This was the first year we took our son (age 4) trick-or-treating b/c I just KNEW the other years he wasn’t ready– “too” shy, sensitive, anxious, etc. He wouldn’t have been into a costume or saying “thank you” to every single person we saw…many of the things you mention and that are in that amazing paragraph you shared going around the internet. Thanks for sharing this!
~JuliaNovember 1, 2014 – 3:19 pm
Kristi Campbell - Hi, Julia,
Thanks so so much for commenting. Tucker, while he did so much better than I expected, wanted to go home so much earlier as well. I think it took all of the other Halloweens for me to not be (completely) bummed that he just wanted to go home. Really, I thought he’d stay out longer but he didn’t. And, like I said ,trying to not dwell on that. He had fun, and that is what counts! And thank you again!November 2, 2014 – 11:22 pm
Lisa Moskowitz Sadikman - This is such a great perspective on Tucker’s leaps and bounds Kristi! I really appreciate that reminder that all kids experience events and situations differently and uniquely and really our role is to receive them with kindness. My 3yo barreled through the door of a neighbor’s house last night without saying a word because she needed the bathroom and at that moment it was more important than getting candy. My immediate reaction was embarrassment, but the woman was so KIND and just took her hand, led her to the bathroom and asked if I could hand out the candy while she was gone. That was better than eating a full-sized Snickers 🙂November 1, 2014 – 5:32 pm
Faith, Hope, and Love - I had to hand over my popcorn balls and candy apples too! It’s funny how we special moms categorize our “special” memories by life events. We are always saying things like, “That event happened before cancer” or “Oh yeah, that incident happened after our trip to Boston Ronald Mc Donald House” I’m glad Tucker was able to really participate and enjoy this Halloween this year! November 1, 2014 – 8:29 pm
K - I love this post, and OMG Tucker is too cute in his Batman costume!! He looks so proud. 🙂 Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween.November 2, 2014 – 3:08 pm
Kristi Campbell - How was your Halloween, K?? We had a pretty good one here. I can’t complain although I have like 5 extra bags of candy because last year we ran out!!November 2, 2014 – 11:24 pm
Miriam - I can so relate as progress means everything, that parents of children that do not have special needs take for granted.November 2, 2014 – 7:05 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks much for your comment, Miriam and I so agree that progress is everything and that people take their milestones for granted.November 2, 2014 – 11:25 pm
Allison - Damn you! I went from laughing at you being a Firestone Tire to getting teary over your son’s progress. Hope it was the happiest Halloween for everyone involved and razor-blade free (which my mom also worried about every year).November 3, 2014 – 1:04 pm
Kristi Campbell - Your mom worried about razor blades too? What was the deal? Was there some story on the news back then?? Was it even ever true? And really, it was a super awesome Halloween. Tucker trick-or-treated for less time than I thought he would but it was fun. Good. Happy. And I carried my wine around and owned that too. 🙂November 3, 2014 – 8:14 pm
Raymanda Floden - Kristi, I LOVE IT!!!! I love all of it, I love that in each year you have found the joy and are able to do the Halloween thing no matter what. We have several special needs kids who wander our hood looking for treats, and all the kids encourage them and we as the parents know them and engage with them on their level. So that it is a FUN experience for ALL!!!!!! You go girl!!!!November 3, 2014 – 8:19 pm
Beth - I loved this post…I have never really enjoyed Halloween…I have always found it a little stressful…apparently I was missing the thermos of wine!November 4, 2014 – 12:40 pm
Kristi Campbell - Beth,
Yes, the thermos of wine helps keep the stress levels of the craziness that Halloween is down a bit. 🙂November 5, 2014 – 9:29 am
A Morning Grouch - Their days are our days, their nights are our nights, their moments are our moments, too, in so many ways.November 4, 2014 – 6:39 pm
A Morning Grouch - Their days are our days, their nights are our nights, their moments are our moments, too, in so many ways. And also, there were some people near me who actually found needles in their kid’s candy this year. What the eff?!November 4, 2014 – 6:41 pm
Kristi Campbell - AMG – are you serious?? Needles? That’s so awful! I always thought the razor blade thing was an urban legend. Ugh. That is horrible!! And yeah, their days and nights and moments are ours, too. Thanks so much.November 5, 2014 – 9:30 am
marcia @ Menopausal Mother - Tucker is absolutely ADORABLE in all of the costumes! I’m laughing at your stories from halloweens past because they sound so much like my own. Good for you for defending your candy with a cane!!!November 4, 2014 – 7:20 pm
Kristi Campbell - haha, thanks, Marcia! I’d defend candy with a cane again if I had to!! And oh man, we’d have had some fun doing those Halloween pasts together!November 5, 2014 – 9:31 am
Just Donna - You ARE supermom!
November 4, 2014 – 10:17 pm
Rabia @TheLiebers - I love how certain holidays or occurrences can have memories so tightly tied to them. I think it’s awesome that your Batman will be participating so well this year.November 6, 2014 – 11:12 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks so much, Rabia! The things that we remember associated with holidays or life experiences are pretty incredible. I can’t remember to get my mail half the time but I can remember what it felt like to defend my candy as a kid!November 6, 2014 – 6:43 pm
Jolene Philo - I know this post was about Tucker’s progress as measured from one Halloween to the next. But it also shows how far his momma has come in recognizing her son’s strengths and struggles, in accepting and loving him as he is, and in doing all she can to advocate for him. Thanks for adding this to DifferentDream.com’s Tuesday link up.November 6, 2014 – 8:24 pm
Kristi Campbell - Jolene,
It most definitely is also about me, and my acceptance, and pride in his accomplishments, and all of the special needs things forever. Thanks so much for hosting the awesome Different Dream linkup and for commenting. <3November 6, 2014 – 10:00 pm
Elise Hopkins (Kids Included Together) - Wow!! Thank you so much for writing this beautiful piece on Tucker’s progress through the years. There is no time like the holidays to reminisce on the past years. I love that you have noticed all of his progress. As a special educator, I always have to remind myself that it is so important to highlight and celebrate my students’ progress and growth instead of comparing them to what is considered “grade-level” (despite the constant reminders through Common Core assessments–ugh!). Thanks for sharing this window into the past few years of your life. I’m so proud of Tucker, too! Keep it up, mom!November 9, 2014 – 7:38 pm
Angel the Alien - Glad he had fun on Halloween! Its one of my favorite holidays! Earlier in the week of Halloween I subbed in a special ed classroom for kids with autism, and the social skills teacher did a lesson on Trick-Or-Treating. They had to practice going up to the door, knocking just loud enough and only three times, saying Trick’Or’Treat, taking just one candy, not walking into the house, and saying Thank You. At the end, they got to keep a piece of candy and practiced opening it! Also some of the kids had communication devices, and the teachers programmed “Trick or treat” onto the home screens so the kids could bring it with them. 🙂November 9, 2014 – 9:32 pm
Ginny Marie - I’m so glad you linked up with the Spin Cycle! What a great Halloween post. I saw that little blurb about special needs kids going around Facebook, too, and thought it was pretty neat. 🙂 You are a SuperMom even when it’s not Halloween!November 10, 2014 – 8:14 am