On Moving Across the Country
It’s the middle of the night, and I’m awake with thoughts on moving to Colorado. Or, more specifically, I’m awake with thoughts of everything that needs to be done. I worry I didn’t check behind the table under the television for marks on the wall. I pick up my phone; email myself a reminder to remove the hooks from the bathroom and replace them with ones less sentimental.
To say this move to Colorado is kicking my butt wouldn’t be all-the-way fair because it’s All The Things before the move that are doing me in.
Pretty much everybody who knows me recognizes my Olympian procrastination skills. Not to brag or anything, but I’m so good at it that I only recently(ish) tossed the un-read article about procrastination my dad gave me back in college.
Here’s the thing. I thought I wasn’t procrastinating with this move.
I was Magic Erasering (totally a word AND a verb) the walls days before I truly needed to. I fixed the broken blind in my bedroom, even though I didn’t actually have to. “They’re just renting,” people say.
But I want them to love this home. I have.
Selfishly, I want them to take care of it because we might be back here, in this home, in three years. If I, as the owner, don’t do All The Things, how can I expect them to do any of them?
I worked at getting this home ready to be lived in by somebody else. Saw it with fresh and critical eyes. Fixed All The Things.
Also, this week is kicking my butt.
We had to buy a new refrigerator tonight, because ours broke. Yes, it’s good it happened now, because what would our renters do?? But also, it’s One More Thing, you know?
And the cleaning people knocked the toilet paper roll off the wall, and I thought, ONE MORE THING but then was all “Kristi, be less dramatic. You can get the Biggest Things done, and leave the rest. The renters will be fine.”
But then, I took the drywall screw off the wall, after I’d decided to fix it myself, because it looked like this and was no big deal because I thought that spackle stuff would fix it just fine:
No big deal, right? TP holder’s been replaced a dozen times.
Then, when the screw was off, it was all soft and mushy. The drywall crumbled. She must’ve knocked it really hard with her “back.”
My five minutes isn’t up, but it’s on pause…
Our realtor in Colorado just FaceTimed us with her walk-through of the new house. And it’s beautiful and has a barn door between the master and the bath.
“But wait. Where’s the washer and dryer?”
“Were they included?” she asked.
“Um.” “We assumed,” we said.
ONE MORE THING. But a thing for when we get there, which feels less horrible somehow.
Timer resumed. So there’s excitement and craziness and Tucker’s
Timer paused. Our realtor in Colorado just FaceTimed again, which is awesome and wonderful because she wanted to let us know that the lock box doesn’t work, (which is good to know but also One More Thing, and I hope so much you’ll forgive this long rant stream-of-consciousness going on for longer because now I can’t remember when the timer was on or off, and it’s most definitely more than five minutes because I just looked at it and it’s still on pause from before, or the before this before. I don’t know).
(not knowing how to spell “consciousness” is One More Thing, tonight, FYI)
Part of me is all “stop talking” but the other part is like “but you have something to say and even though it’s boring, maybe typing right now will motivate you to NOT wake up at 4am to worry about Magic Erasering, and instead, you’ll go back to sleep or read a book or write a better blog post than this one.”
STOP NOW IF YOU ARE ANNOYED by this not being 5 minutes. I almost deleted the following for a future post thinking “OMG SO LONG” but then was like “who’s website is this anyway? And also when am I ever going to write this so who cares?”
(as in I’m keeping it even though the 5-minute thing is past laughable now) (and stop if you need to and obviously I’m keeping the stream-of-consciousness that I can’t even spell!)
PS On Moving Across the Forest
Ok so even though way *way, way* above should’ve been the end of this too-long-for-a-five-minute-post, I had this idea about “Move” where I’d write about being stressed about moving to Colorado but then write about moving across the forest.
For the two of you still here… thank you.
This past weekend, we visited my husband’s family in Tennessee. I didn’t want to go. Not because I didn’t want to see them, but because I’m feeling maxed out completely on the stress of moving and All The Things to do before we can kiss the front door with tears, and thank this house for our memories here (and yes, everybody does that you weirdo).
In Tennessee, we went to the mountains both days. Saturday, we visited the dam, and Sunday, went to Roan Mountain. We hiked across these amazing trails that must be hundreds of years old. They’re near the Appalachian Trail, and we saw real hikers, with gear and backpacks and everything.
Moving through the forest, I was in awe. The ferns and the moss on the trees was so green it looked fake. Neon fake.
And somewhere, somehow between wondering about the neon green growing on trees here, versus trees there, I forgot about all the things.
All The Things became a bunch of stuff. Which then turned into my hearing my footprints, my breathing.
Noticing the calm, and the smell of Christmas trees. Every now and again, Tucker’s squeal, when he found a piece of mika because I’d told him it was my favorite as a girl.
I used to collect it, and it was so hard to get home because it flakes so easily.
I have several pieces of mika in my car now that will likely come with us on our move to Colorado.
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. Tonight’s prompt is “Move” with a 5-minute stream-of-consciousness (that I can’t spell), put on with my co-host, Kenya of Sporadically Yours.
by Kristi Campbell
Lizzi - It turned out beautifully in the end. And ‘consciousness’ wasn’t your spelling bête noir after all 😜June 15, 2018 – 1:31 am
Kristi Campbell - LOL guess not. And what this? Not beautiful but whatever, it’s the doing it right? Right???June 16, 2018 – 11:44 pm
Lizzi - It IS doing it, and getting it done, and I guess each thing you accomplish is one less you still have to do. So there’s that. You’ve got this. Might not all pan out how you think, but you can do it 😘June 17, 2018 – 1:52 am
Kristi Campbell - You’re so right. Thank you. I CAN DO IT. I think. Maybe.June 23, 2018 – 11:57 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - I hope this “consciousness” is spelled right because I copied and pasted it from your post. Just last night after I was done and editing I asked Siri how to spell it because she spells it out where I can just type as she’s spelling. The word that I had there was just a placeholder because I was waisting precious seconds trying to spell it right.
Big move big post. I completely understand. I hope you slept past 4 and peacefully.
I gave up on the toilet paper thing in the drywall. We have it on a stand now and the wall is all smooth. I’m pretty sure I wrote a post one time about trying to fix it while my husband was gone and ended up calling someone to come and repaint the entire bathroom. He never knew it was repainted and maybe I never wrote about that. LOL!
I’ll have to google mika because I don’t know what that is. So in ALL THE THINGS, did you still have a end of school party yesterday? Or is that this weekend?June 15, 2018 – 8:40 am
Kristi Campbell - I think your “consciousness” is good (cc’d and pasted from comment) because I don’t have a little red line. I can’t stand the programs/ apps that DON’T give you a little red line when you spell it wrong, but also sometimes, the blue (???) something lines are wrong about grammar. I think those went away a long time ago but I still remember them.
Boom to asking Siri! You’re better at this than I am (which I think I said last week too).
I wish I read this before the guy came to fix the TP. I think the stand thing is way better and if the renters break one (which they will), I’m going with Kenya advice and getting the stand thing with the smooth wall.
I don’t remember you writing about that but maybe I missed it or it was before I knew you or or??? You should write about that! Stuff we never told? Ugh though that could get weird.
The end of school party was yesterday (Friday) that we’ve done each year but mostly with neighbors. This year, we invited his whole class and cub scouts and neighbors and it ended up being really awesome.June 16, 2018 – 11:49 pm
Kristi Campbell - PS I don’t know if I spelled MIKA right.June 16, 2018 – 11:50 pm
Kristi - Oh, Kristi, big hugs to you! Our move across states is still fresh in my mind, and our little move across a few towns is going to be complete next month, so I can relate to so much of what you are saying. It will be OK, I promise!June 15, 2018 – 3:14 pm
Kristi Campbell - I remember when you were moving and thought of you several times. Thank you for the big hugs, I’ll take them for sure! And sometimes across town is just as hard too so best of luck to you. It’s never easy!! And thank you again.June 16, 2018 – 11:51 pm
zoe - inhale deeply, relax and exhale….Soooo impressed that you even wrote!!! xo thinking of you!June 16, 2018 – 2:28 am
Kristi Campbell - OMG I need to breathe better. Thank you, sweet Weeniebutt friend. xoxoJune 16, 2018 – 11:52 pm
Pat B - Your post reminded me a little of my own as you were moving among the trees in the forest. That’s great that Tucker was able to find a piece of mika. Finding those little treasures are so exciting to some children and to some adults. 🙂
Soon this move will be finished, and perhaps you will have some more calming deep breaths.June 16, 2018 – 7:10 pm
Kristi Campbell - When I read your post, I thought about that, too. How you walked and ended up near the tree and fence… such a reflective place. Thanks much – I love that he found mika. It’s still in my car as it’s so fragile and I’d rather it stay there until he can put it somewhere in Colorado. Appreciate the reminder that the move will be over soon. It feels like TOO MUCH but I know it’s just a blip really.June 16, 2018 – 11:54 pm
Dana - I love your perspective, and this type of post is amazing because we can follow your journey along with you (and laugh a little on the way).
You got this. Because you have to, and you’re a mother and a strong woman. xoxoJune 17, 2018 – 9:04 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks for saying that. I was excited about it mostly because I didn’t care at all if it was “good writing,” which reminded me about old-school blogging when I didn’t care that much except just “had to write,” which isn’t always the case. I have another post in drafts right now that’s similar but I was going to publish and then the move got in the way then all of a sudden, it was FTSF. Anyway. Thank you! Your trip looks amazing by the way.June 23, 2018 – 11:59 pm
Emily - Moving can be so stressful, but I think your stream of consciousness post is perfect to express what moving feels like…it’s exciting and sucky and exhausting all at the same time. Personally, I am excited for all of you — I can’t wait to hear about it once you are there!June 17, 2018 – 9:12 pm
Kristi Campbell - It’s weird how stressful it is, even when you think you’re ready. I guess we’re never ready. Also, it’s interesting how much my “love” of certain possessions turns to “we don’t need this” as it’s the tail end of packing. Thanks much, friend!June 24, 2018 – 12:00 am
Hillary Savoie - Kristi, I just love this post. Thank you, as always, for being so honest and real…and YOU. I feel where you are right now, and I am sending you positive thoughts for your getting All The Things sorted…and also for recognizing that there is no such thing. And I am so pleased that you disappeared into the woods for a bit and lost yourself in green and the sound of Tucker’s squeal. I am also happy that you let the 5 minutes go by…and you told us about how…because, yes.June 18, 2018 – 9:12 am
Kristi Campbell - You’re too kind, friend. I love it because it feels like blogging used to, if that makes sense. I mean, I don’t love love it, because it’s dumb, but its dumbness is what I love. And obviously, I’m totally behind because I’m just seeing these comments, from, um… Effingham, Illinois (the effing part feels appropriate somehow as all of the past days have had some effing problem to deal with – or six). The woods was transforming. I need to go look at the photos again and try to get the feeling back.June 24, 2018 – 12:03 am
Sara Hinnant - Love love love that you want to “move across the forest!” I recently went to an endocrinologist b/c I have so much shit going on and a lot of it definitely stems from depression but I wanted to weed out what was from perimenopause or diabetes or shitty nutrition or whatever so I could really focus on the depression aspect. Anyway, they did a gazillion tests (which I don’t have results from yet), but the doc basically said, “Spend more time with trees.” And not A tree, but a forest. The Japanese have done a bunch of studies about how spending time in forests can change your neurotransmitters and MAKE YOU HAPPY. You de-stress, your memory improves, your vision improves. It’s a wonder drug. Forests. So I’ll be right there with you. See you on the other side of the forest!
p.s. Sorry the pre-move has been so overwhelming, but you’re rockin’ it (*toss, toss*) and I’ll gladly help with the post-move stuff, if you like. 🙂June 19, 2018 – 11:01 pm
Kristi Campbell - HELLZ yes come help. We’re in Effingham, IL. I don’t know when we’ll be around but mostly, the trees thing. As I read your comment, I thought about other times I’ve felt totally at peace and really happy, and so often, it’s been around trees in a forest (or around people I truly love like YOU) but there’s got to be something to the forest. Maybe the quiet and other-worldly-ness of it? I’m not even as afraid of bugs there as I am usually.
Thanks for the encouragement *toss, toss* and the offer you might regret about help 😉June 24, 2018 – 12:05 am
Debi - I’m NOT moving, but your brain sounds like mine. “I have to do that thing for that client, and also when do we need to label Sammi’s clothes for camp? Shoot, we need sugar and broccoli and face wipes from the store, maybe I can go on the way home from the orthodontist…do I need to bring a check to the orthodontist? No, they take credit cards. OMG, the bank! I have to deposit all those checks! I’ll do it after work tomorrow. Siri, remind me tomorrow at 8:30am to bring my checks for the bank. Do I have a meeting tomorrow afternoon? No, it’s totally open! I could go get that tank top Ronni needs for her show…but isn’t there that thing I needed to do for my client?…” I could use a walk in the forest!!!June 20, 2018 – 9:54 am
Kristi Campbell - Maybe it’s the mama brain? Or the human brain? Although I’m pretty sure my husband doesn’t do that, so maybe it’s a woman brain thing? Hm. LOL to Seri reminding you. I’d be a goner without my iCalendar reminders. I have them all set for two alerts and then I add an alert a day or two ahead to remind me it’s coming up. I still forget but… Here’s to walking in the forest. I hope you get one soon.June 24, 2018 – 12:08 am
Aaron Smith - Great post! Very poetic.June 26, 2018 – 11:51 am