Growing up, my neighborhood was full of open doors; our kid-herd bouncing from one house to another for a bathroom break, a snack, or a bandaid needed due to a roller skating race on the steep blacktop at the elementary school. Sheet forts lined chain-link fences and our parents had no idea where we were until dusk, when they rang a cowbell signaling it was time to come home.
I’ve always wanted to be the home with the open door; kids spilling in and out. It’s harder with an only child, but that makes me want it even more. We got close to being that open door home in Virginia (although it did take years of lonely motherhood).
I want my son to be part of a pack, chasing water, balloons, and one another.
Our last day of school/Tucker’s birthday/water gun fight had become an annual tradition. I mean, look. This video makes me happy.
When we moved to Colorado, I was excited to have a larger yard, big enough to erect temporary barriers and attack-spots for the splash party. Learning there was an extra week of school due to snow days only meant we’d simply postpone a trip scheduled for that week until later in June. With this being a harder year school and friend-wise for Tucker, I’m determined to make this tradition happen. Epic, if possible, because I’m all about epic birthday experiences for my soon-to-be-double-digits-years-old sweet boy.
In the past, we’ve invited Tucker’s entire class and all the neighbors we knew. This year, Tucker initially didn’t want to invite the girls from class because there’s one girl who, at the beginning of the year was “beautiful with blurry hair” and now is “a meanie and I don’t want her at my house.” Not sure I want to know the full story there.
“We’ll invite just the boys then,” I said and tried to figure out how to do so given that the student directory only has five email addresses for his classmates. I contacted his teacher who offered to stuff paper invitations in Friday folders, where parents receive test scores, graded homework, and notes about school events and all the upcoming whatevers going on. Friday folders felt like promise, and paper invitations is something I can do.
I spent some time on them, as paper invites are so “ago.” I thought they turned out nice.
So I sent them in for Friday folder distribution, and waited.
And waited.
If we’re friends on Facebook, you may have seen my mini meltdown/rant about hardly anybody RSVPing. As in THREE people sent an RSVP. The paper invites went out last Friday (almost a week ago), and three people have let me know whether they’ll be here eating pizza and cake and send their kids to squirt one another with water.
This is when I love Facebook, because friends, you rock. Somebody suggested I contact our local fire department and let them know we’re new to the area. “Maybe they’ll do something,” she said. A mom from the neighborhood whose son Tucker doesn’t know well offered to bring her kids, as did a friend and former co-worker (that I haven’t seen in 15 years). Plus, y’all were so great to commiserate with a panicked mama about how annoying the lack of RSVPs in general is (thank you).
Panicked me ended up making an evite for the few email addresses we have, adding the (entire) cub scout troop, and emailing his teacher begging him to send an email reminder even if it means inviting the whole class. Feel free to come over (or send your kids) if you (or they) don’t have plans May 31 from 4:30 to 7:30.
I don’t know how this year’s water gun birthday party will turn out, but I’ll leave the door open and hope for the best.
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, with this week’s (photo) prompt provided by the fabulous Mardra of
PS – in wrapping this up, a mom from school texted me saying her son will be here. So that makes five coming so far, including his cousins and our sweet nextdoor neighbor.
by Kristi Campbell
SpecialMomma - This post makes me miss you and Tucker even more! Your end of the year birthday celebration for Tucker last year was such a wonderfully awesome event for kids and parents. I love how you go all out for Tucker and invite so many people. (I get anxious with more than 8 kids at my house.) I know that it WILL be EPIC just because you are hosting it! I wish I could be there again because it was my favorite party of the whole school year. So fun, so chill, so sweet!May 23, 2019 – 8:18 pm
Kristi Campbell - I so wish you and your kids could be at his party! Last years was such fun and I absolutely loved it. I really miss you all too. Sigh. I did get another RSVP today so it’s looking a bit more promising.May 24, 2019 – 4:27 pm
Lizzi - Fingers mega crossed for a huge turn-out for lovely Tucker. Bravo for making it happen if at all possible.May 24, 2019 – 7:23 am
Kristi Campbell - Thank you thank you! From your fingers to reality. I hope it’s fun for him!May 24, 2019 – 4:31 pm
Debi - Not having kids show up to your kid’s party is THE WORST. And, in fact, flakiness is the one thing I tolerate the worst in friends. One of my older daughter’s friends had the flakiest mom I know, and she would RSVP yes to things and then either not show up or call during the party to say they weren’t coming. Knowing how it raises my blood pressure, I eased out of that friendship. I don’t like it when plans change, even just taking the guest count from 10 to 8! I hope the party is amazing – great for Tucker and manageable for you. As for my life now: last night was my older daughter’s 17th birthday, and all 8 of the kids I invited to surprise her were there, happy and sweet and all loving on my daughter. The good stuff always rises to the top!May 24, 2019 – 2:33 pm
Kristi Campbell - I completely agree – it’s like this whole new level of anxiety and worry that you’re (and your kid) is a loser or something. I’m sure that people will continue to reply and enough will come but the huge majority of people invited haven’t let me know one way or another. It’s frustrating! I don’t blame you for easing out of the friendship of the flakey cancelling person. Awww to your sweet girls 17th – I’m so glad she had great kids to help her celebrate. That sounds perfect.May 24, 2019 – 4:33 pm
Tamara - I totally have blurry hair!
And I really love this. It gets harder too, the older they get. My kids have summer birthdays and it makes the inviting odd. Scarlet’s best friend or former best friend is turning out to not be so and she hasn’t realized it yet. And my heart is breaking. This stuff is hard as heck. I hope he has a beautiful party. I wish we could come! Scarlet has blurry hair too and is not a meanie.May 24, 2019 – 9:53 pm
Kristi Campbell - The blurry hair thing is one I didn’t initially understand. I assumed like Scarlet’s a little curly and wildly beautiful… but when I saw this girl, she has light brown hair, not nearly as amazing as yours or your beautiful girl’s but he saw something there.. Gah to the invites and former best friend turning out to not be. It’s SO HARD. OMG. How will we do this? I mean, we will do this, because we will but yes, hard as all the hecks and worse bad words. Thanks for the sweet wishes for a beautiful party. I wish you could come, too.May 25, 2019 – 10:01 pm
Mardra - Oh the things! I predict:Mom will stress, kids will have fun, EPICness will be had because- your team is epic ready. 🙂
Also, how many of those invites made it to the paper pile on the kitchen counter that never gets seen? Or is that how Friday Folders only worked at our house…May 25, 2019 – 7:42 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, you. Mom WILL stress, for sure, and whatever kids show will have fun but omg is there anything like being in Junior High again other than being there with a kid? Gah. And yeah, I get it about the Friday Folders. I think it’s more that since we moved, it’s so much harder for both of us. Everybody knew him for him, back there, you know?May 25, 2019 – 10:03 pm
Christine Carter - Oh gosh, this is just so frustrating and discouraging to hear!! I’m anxious to see how things went. You are such an amazing mama to plan such an EPIC party for Tucker and I’m sure it will be a HUGE HIT like last years- it just might look a little different…
And that’s okay.May 28, 2019 – 8:12 am
P.J. - I hope the party turned out as epic as you wanted it to be!June 3, 2019 – 10:02 am