I’d forgotten how much I love driving. Often, I avoid going places at all. But sometimes? Being on the road when the sun hints the end of the day is near, the world feels like endless possibilities. These moments make me feel as if we can each go anywhere. Driving on a road becomes a path to more.
Maybe it’s that there’s nothing to do other than drive and listen to a good audiobook or a favorite song. Possibly, it’s knowing that at any time, you can simply keep going and see where you end up. Maybe it’s choosing to return home anyway.
On The Sheer Joy Of Driving A Jeep
The first car I bought was a used 1984 Jeep. A CJ7 Renegade. It had 99,000 miles on it and needed some work. I loved it. Like, loved loved loved it. Driving a Jeep made me happy. At first, I got too many speeding tickets, and once, when the top was off, a cop pulled up beside me at a light and asked why I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. “They get dusty,” I said. “And leave a mark on my shirt.”
“I’ve scraped the leftovers of people off the pavement with a shovel,” he replied. I’ve worn my seatbelt since, even back when my open-top Jeep’s seatbelt was filthy and I put a bandana between it and my shirt.
11 years later, that Jeep caught on fire after I replaced the engine. It lived in my garage for another year before I could bring myself to sell it.
Over the years, I’ve had a few cars. Some, I’ve even been excited about, like my VW EOS – I decided the convertible top was built because the designer liked Transformers.
Not one single vehicle I’ve owned or leased over the years has brought me the sheer joy my 1984 CJ-7 Jeep did.
Each time we consider a new car, I mention a Jeep. “Too loud, too bumpy, bad gas mileage, too impractical,” Robert reminds me. I remember how my CJ7’s windshield leaked into the stereo when it rained, that it was broken into at least eight times, and I concede.
Lease a Honda. Another Honda. Practical. Good gas mileage. Leaky windshields aren’t an issue with the Hondas I’ve had anyway.
Three years ago, Robert and I leased two Hondas on the same day. The best part was the dealership gave us license plates one digit apart. The Virginia plates hang in our game room (having been replaced with Colorado plates after we moved). Both leases were due this month. At first, I thought I’d buy my lease and keep the CRV. He thought maybe he’d get a hybrid.
But on Monday?
Friends, I bought a new Jeep. A fancy-schmancy beautiful badass lovely wonderful amazing I FEEL TOTAL JOY Jeep. I’m pretty sure the model I got means leaky windshields won’t be an issue, although when I remove the hard top this summer, getting caught on the road in a hail storm might be.
OMG Jeeps Make Me Happy
It’s not the most practical vehicle for sure. But I’ll say this – after we signed the papers at the dealership, it’s the first time I did a little hop-skip to see my new car since 25-ish years ago with what I may now refer to as my starter Jeep.
Because I’m pretty sure I’m never going to be a Honda girl again. Don’t get me wrong – I think Hondas are awesome and safe and they have served me very well time and again.
My Honda purchases (and leases) have never found me foolishly grinning when I greet them in a parking lot. When I ask myself “Where are you going?” in life and on the road for errands or for fun, I think I’d like to be going there while driving a Jeep.
Tucker feels it too. On Tuesday, as we got ready to leave for school, he was dragging his feet like always. That is until he went into the garage and saw the new Jeep. The smile on his face was priceless. “Want to ride in the front?” I asked. He did, and had the window down the whole way, in spite of the freezing temperatures.
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, using the photo prompt the amazing and talented Mardra Sikora supplied with the caption “Where are you going?”

by Kristi Campbell
Dana - She’s beautiful! (Is the Jeep a she? I feel like all my cars are, but my son named the Honda Civic he drives “Dick the Civic” so I guess cars are gender fluid.)
I feel like at our age (cringe) we’ve earned the right to have our vehicles make us grin foolishly. May you drive many miles together, safe and happy.January 24, 2020 – 6:57 am
Kristi Campbell - HAHA to Dick the Civic! It’s funny you ask whether it’s a she… I was thinking about that the other day. At first I was thinking a “he” but think it’s a better self-care thing for such a bad@ss vehicle to be a she. Her name though? She hasn’t yet told me lol.
And yeah, the our age (cringe) thing about deserving a vehicle that makes us grin is perfect justification. Thank you for getting it! 🙂January 26, 2020 – 12:00 pm
Debi - I understand your love of your car only by proxy through my husband’s love of HIS car (a 2001 Firebird Formula). I have no love of driving, but boy oh boy do I have a love of riding my bike. It’s not the vehicle itself but the feeling of freedom, right? I can feel your thrill in all these words — congrats on your new joy-mobile!January 24, 2020 – 7:38 am
Kristi Campbell - Thank you Debi! And yes, I think the feeling of freedom comes in different forms and am glad you get that feeling riding your bike. I appreciate the congratulations!January 26, 2020 – 12:01 pm
Emily - Awww, congrats on your new Jeep — he/she is a beauty! We are probably going to lease another car for my middle dude next year and he needs a car good in snow… I’m kinda pushing for a Jeep Wrangler! (P.S. My brother just bought an orange Jeep. 🙂January 24, 2020 – 8:21 am
Kristi Campbell - Thank you! And yay for Jeeps. Definitely go Jeep for middle dude, and congratulations to your brother. I think Jeeps are the only vehicles that look cool in orange, lime green, etc. Oh, I guess that’d go for VW Bugs too but no thanks to them for me at least.January 26, 2020 – 12:03 pm
Tamara - Aww! What a great story! I love that he got to sit in front with the window open.
My uncle had a JEEP years ago and it was like.. you could use a zipper to take the cover on and off or something. It was wildly fun. He drove us to NH in it.
Des wants a JEEP when he grows up. He talks about it. I need to show him this.
CONGRATS!January 24, 2020 – 12:15 pm
Kristi Campbell - My old one was the soft top where you could snap and zipper it off. It was easier when it was warm out because it got more stretchy but who puts the top back on when it’s warm? Mine now still has the removable top but it’s going to mean building a winch thing in the garage, which will be totally worth it! Thank you!January 26, 2020 – 12:04 pm
Linda Atwell - Yay! I love my Benz but it is no where near a JEEP! But when you love, love, love a car, you enjoy driving it all that much more. Although I generally believe a car is for getting you from point A to point B, if the drive is in a vehicle you love, there is definitely MORE JOY! Congratulations on your NEW BABY! Hugs!January 26, 2020 – 10:43 am
Linda Atwell - P.S. Two years ago, we had the opportunity to buy a boring vehicle from my mother–and we did. But it meant we had to sell one of our vehicles, either the truck or the Benz. When John said it should be the Benz, I cried. His truck is long gone. And I’ve never, ever regretted not getting rid of my 2008 Mercedes. I plan to drive it until it falls apart–mainly because it has no resale value at this point–it is worthless, but I still love that car. I love the way it feels on the road….so I truly know how you feel. Drive on my friend!January 26, 2020 – 10:47 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks Linda! It definitely makes me wildly happy so I think it’s worth it for sure. I mean, we each need ways to feel like skipping and if one of them comes from a vehicle, let’s go for it. I’m glad you know how that feels with your Benz. And I totally get crying when John said it’d be the Benz to go and LOL that “his truck is long gone.” 🙂 🙂January 26, 2020 – 12:06 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - Love it love it love it! There was no spoilers in my reading so when I got to the jeep I am sure my face lit up like Tucker’s. I am so excited for you! I want a Volkswagen Beetle. It’s nothing that I’ve ever had to drive but we had several growing up but I’ve never driven one. Somehow I just KNOW it would make me happy, though it won’t be practical and I’m sure it won’t happen – a girl can dream. Beaming for you!January 26, 2020 – 12:57 pm
Kristi Campbell - YAY I’m so glad about no spoilers, and you lighting up. I light up just thinking about you doing so.
My friend Julie had a VW Beetle years ago. It was periwinkle blue, and she named it Marlo. It was adorable, and I totally get it. I’m not a Beetle person but I think there’s a similarity with Jeep and Beetle people – maybe it’s that in a sea of similar-looking vehicles in the world, they stand out. I mean, HumV and Minis came out since but Jeeps and Beetles have been around forever and there’s no mistaking them ever (I say this about the Jeeps that have the tops that come off because the other ones are more like my Honda in my opinion).
Ok so hours later – I will not be surprised at all when I hear you tell me you got the Beetle. I hope it will happen. I mean, as Dana said, at *our age* (cringe), there’s so much to be said for the small big things that bring us huge grins. And again, Robert said no a billion times when I said JEEP! and then he was … I’m not sure. I guess he gave up or gave in or just knew it was time because life is short.
Thank you so much for the beaming for me. I hope I’ll soon be beaming for you with the Beetle. I’m a couple years older so there’s time. Just saying. xoxoJanuary 26, 2020 – 9:29 pm
Kristi Campbell - PS was that the longest comment reply ever? Wanted to jump back and say Jeeps aren’t practical either but I justify it because I don’t commute to work. Something to file away for you, too. 😉January 26, 2020 – 9:30 pm
Kenya - LOL. I’m glad I came back. I have to figure out how to get your replies in my email. I better start saying out loud then I want a Beetle considering how long it took Robert to “give up”. I have said Mini Cooper over the years because they are adorable too but the Beetle is my first love. I whined more to my dad about it than anyone else. My practical first car that he cosigned on was a Nissan Sentra.January 27, 2020 – 4:51 am
Tom Rieger - I have your old license plate hanging on my shop wall!February 1, 2020 – 6:48 am
Little Bro - Congrats and welcome back to the club sis! 🙂February 1, 2020 – 10:41 am