Didn’t Thanksgiving feel like a long time ago, now that we are week-deep into 2014? It feels like a really long time ago to me. I’ve had a cast since Thanksgiving, and it feels like toolong.
Most of the time, we don’t think about the mundane daily tasks that are usually completed using two hands. That is, until we need to do them using only one hand after defending ourselves from Caillou freaks, or something. Today, I’d like to share some One-handed skills with an arm in a cast that I’ve acquired while living with an up-to-my-middle-knuckle cast (which renders my opposable thumb well, not opposable).
- You can type with one hand. You will have more typos, because you can’t look at the screen and the keyboard, but you can do it. Hang in there. Also. It sucks.
- You’ll have haters, like DR, who make you feel badly when you mention, in a very not-complaining way, that stuff is harder with one hand. Ignore him. Or, suggest that he duct tape his hand to his ass for 24 hours and see how easy it is to open a Bud Light Lime then.
- Pour your face soap and shampoo onto your arm or your leg, rather than directly onto your face, or your head. Trust me, you’ll misjudge your squeezing power, and be scrubbing thick bubbles from your locks for a long time.
- It is still possible to shave your other armpit.
- Wear sweats as much as possible. You will not be able to button your pants, and, even if you’re super resourceful and loop a hair band from the button through the loop and back, when you use the bathroom, it will take you so long to redo them that people will wonder what you were doing in the bathroom in the first place. And yes, they will notice how long you were in the bathroom.
- Hook your bra together and step into it. It’s awkward and weird but necessary. Your biggest challenge will be proper adjustments, so that it doesn’t look like your back has mini boobs.
- If your partner is a man, he likely does not know how to do a ponytail. Teach him now, or blow your own hair out of your face, while cursing for 6-8 weeks.
- Feminine hygiene. Practice. You’ll be surprised how much harder this shit is with one hand.
Why am I sharing having a broken hand with you now? Isn’t it Thankful time? Why yes! Yes it is!! I’m thankful because all of the crap I just said I’m doing above will mostly be gone, on Tuesday!! I get this horrid, itchy, stinky cast off on Tuesday and I am SO Thankful!!! I know my hand will be weak for a while, but I’ll be able to move it, on purpose!!
I’m thankful!

by Kristi Campbell
Ilene - Feminine hygiene, stepping into a bra? Typing? I had no idea you had a cast on! At any rate, I am so glad it will come off this week! Wishing you many great ponytails and face washing sessions to celebrate!January 5, 2014 – 11:05 pm
Kristi Campbell - Ilene,
That just makes me an even better sister wife, yes? UGH to the cast, here: https://www.findingninee.com/how-bargain-hunting-on-thanksgiving-and-black-friday-went-wrong/
Also XOJanuary 5, 2014 – 11:09 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - That is a super long time. I don’t know what this black girl would do with one hand and her hair. I’ve got burns on my ears as it is. I gotta tell you your title have me the giggles.January 5, 2014 – 11:14 pm
christine - Oh Kristi, I completely forgot about your cast! I cannot believe you’ve not only been writing all of these great posts, but replying to the gobs of comments with only one hand!!!
My 11yo was in the same cast as you, but for only three weeks. It didn’t seem like too big a deal for him, so I never thought about how terribly awful it would be if I had the same injury. Good to know about the shampoo and bra and hair and, well, all of it. It’s remarkable how resourceful we women can be when we have to be.
Here’s to freedom and the use of opposable thumbs!January 5, 2014 – 11:21 pm
Kristi - You are a one-handed wonder! Happy Tuesday to you!January 6, 2014 – 12:03 am
JenKehl - My Skewed View - How can you make having your cast on your arm forever sound funny? HOW? But I am SO HAPPY for you that it is coming off! Yippee! Hopefully the world won’t shut down that day for freezingness.
I am thankful you will be able to clean your feminine areas after Tuesday. Whatever that means…January 6, 2014 – 12:34 am
Linda Atwell - Out One Ear - I’m so sorry you are still dealing with everything, one-handed! But I’m thrilled that the end is near. Your struggles, as painful as they sound, added a chuckle (no disrespect intended) to my evening. I guess I also find humor in the things we take for granted. I don’t think I will try these things–all though I should prepare in case this happens to me. (I sure hope not!) Thinking of you (from Mexico). Sorry to rub it in. 🙂January 6, 2014 – 12:39 am
Donofalltrades - Oh my god, what will you cry about when this cast is off? I can see what this DR is saying! Wait! Im DR! I can open a beer bottle with one hand, don’t you worry! It was pert of the police academy training back in the day. I’m using my phone or I’d give you more shit. Bye!January 6, 2014 – 12:43 am
Considerer - HUGE THANKS FOR TUESDAY! *phew*
Glad your life can begin to return to unbroken normal 😀January 6, 2014 – 2:17 am
Janine Huldie - Seriously, not sure how you did it, but god do I give you huge props and my heart went out to you repeatedly and here even more so when you did list all that you had trouble with, but still somehow much to overcome with your broken hand. God bless you for this and so much more. And seriously just hoping your hand is on the mend now. Is the cast off yet? I font I hope you are getting it off anyway now.January 6, 2014 – 7:26 am
thedoseofreality - I can think of zero times of the year that having a cast would be convenient, but I have to guess that the holidays were the ABSOLUTE worst time ever to be in one. I think I will try stepping into my bra today just for fun! ;)-AshleyJanuary 6, 2014 – 8:18 am
Emily - I hope I don’t jinx myself by saying this but I’ve never had a cast..I can see how it would be really annoying (love the ribbing you gave to DR too btw). Anyway, congrats on Tuesday and I expect your typing to return to normal.:)January 6, 2014 – 9:18 am
Tamara - I love that you either know or speculate that your DR drinks Bud Light Lime. And also..all that jazz about how we humans can get used to anything. And we’re really good healers, so…healing vibes to you! I need you to have two working hands for our college weekend. Double fisting drinks and all that. (I tend to have a decaf coffee in one hand and a water in the other, but I’m a lightweight)
You should see my husband try to give my daughter ponytails! He’s learning fast.January 6, 2014 – 10:27 am
Brittnei - This is so hilarious but I can see how annoying and true it is! You’re right! We don’t really think about how much we need certain things or they may seem minute until we actually need them. I hope the cast comes off soon. I know you are probably used to this but I can see how at times it can still be frustrating. 🙁January 6, 2014 – 11:16 am
Lisa @ Golden Spoons - Ah, the little things we take for granted, right?? I played basketball in high school and, in one game my sophomore year, I dislocated the pinky finger on my right hand. No cast, but I had to wear one of those metal splint things for three weeks. It was ridiculous how much harder it was to do stuff! Good luck on Tuesday!January 6, 2014 – 12:59 pm
Kerri - You should be thankful you can blame the wearing of sweatpants on the arm and not well…just because you like to. So happy for Tuesday! You will now be ready to deal with DR and the those crazy Calliou typesJanuary 6, 2014 – 12:59 pm
Chris Carter - I am SOOOOO HAPPY you get that damn thing OFF!!!! I can’t imagine how hard it must be with not being able to use your hand!!! I would be spitting out some serious ugliness through it all- and yet, you didn’t! (Or maybe I didn’t hear it!)
You will be like a flash of LIGHTENING when you get that thing off!! you will be SO clean *down there* and your hair will be in a perfect pony and you will type a hundred miles a minute!!
WOOHOO!!!!January 6, 2014 – 1:52 pm
Sarah - Yay for losing the cast! Tomorrow!!!January 6, 2014 – 2:44 pm
Yvonne - What a great thankful post! You’ll be dancing and typing and shaving your armpit while hooking your bra once you’ve put it on tomorrow! Yay!
A few years ago one of my sisters broke both her arms when we went ice-skating! She didn’t get casts because of the type of break, but she definitely had lots of trouble doing all of those things you listed!January 6, 2014 – 4:49 pm
zoe - Woohoo! now you won’t have to soak that sucker off!January 6, 2014 – 5:11 pm
Dana - Yay – happy almost cast-off day! I hope you at least got out of cooking and cleaning while it was on. Although I don’t do much of either and I have full use of both hands.January 6, 2014 – 5:15 pm
Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - I knew you dropped your phone in the toilet, but somehow, I missed the one-armed Kristi story. I guess the only worse time to break your arm (other than during the holiday season) would be during the heat of summer. Glad you’re soon to be cast-free and no longer at the mercy of your husband for all toiletry-related things. I will say that is one time being married to a former funeral director would come in handy; he could at least fix my hair and do my make-up, although he would make me look like a 90 year old dead woman in the process.January 6, 2014 – 5:42 pm
Kristi - More reasons to love you, Kristi Campbell! You have figured out how to be awesome with one hand! Is there nothing you can’t do?January 6, 2014 – 8:53 pm
Katia - Oh, I remember! #6 – you’re a genius! Couldn’t we have just met in 2011 and be broken together?
Ponytail and yoga pants. Ouch. Remember. Hang in there, my friend!I so love the topic of the post and can so relate. <3January 6, 2014 – 9:33 pm
Courtney Tjeerdsma Fitzgerald - Oh that stinks! I’m glad you were able to learn those important skills though! Here’s to a quick recoveryJanuary 6, 2014 – 11:08 pm
Sandy Ramsey - Well, today is Tuesday and I’m late but right on time! Today you shall be cast free and able to shave your other armpit! Hooray! This post was both funny and informative so way to kill two birds with one stone!
Seriously, though, I’m so happy that you are getting that darn thing off today! XOXOJanuary 7, 2014 – 9:49 am
Johnny Knox - Nice post, entertaining 🙂January 7, 2014 – 11:43 am
Joy Christi - I never thought about all of that with one arm, maybe to a SMALL extend having hands that crack and bleed all the time, there is always one covered in a band-aid in the winter, and I’m forever trying not to get it wet, but I don’t think that’s the same thing.
This is making my mind race with questions. I like the garbage bag over the cast for shaving, good idea!January 9, 2014 – 4:06 pm
Mike - I’m still hung up on #6 and so bummed there wasn’t a video demonstration for this, Kristi! I broke my right hand (and I’m right handed) at baseball camp when I was a kid. Worst. Summer. Ever. You are so right at how you can and WILL adapt when you lose the use of a hand temporarily. And all kidding aside there are some female “things” that men never have to concern themselves with. So, kudos to you that you obviously got through it well! 🙂March 10, 2014 – 6:21 pm
Kristi Campbell - Haha and ew gross to having a video for number six, Mike. Honestly, it was such a pain to do anything at all. The cast came up so high on my fingers and I couldn’t even touch my thumb to my index finger, at all. Sorry you know first hand how sucky it really is.March 11, 2014 – 7:53 pm
doudi sayed - hi.. your advice really works.. thank u so much 🙂 . I’d like to ask u if u know any method of waxing or hair removing for my left arm coz i didn’t find any video for this case… thanks in advanceMay 17, 2016 – 12:22 pm
Kristi Campbell - I’m sorry, I don’t. I basically let my waxing go the time I had the cast! Such good luck to you!May 17, 2016 – 9:25 pm