Finding Ninee » Sharing our parenting and special needs stories with heart and humor.

I can’t remember when, exactly, I developed a deep love obsession for horses, but I was young. One of our neighbors boarded them, and let me ride if I came to the barn after school to brush them and fill their water buckets. I was the luckiest girl in the world and I’m sure they […]

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  • Lizzi - Wow. You’ve sure had some amazing experiences. Did the colt get given the name you suggested? It’s pretty epic anyway. Poor Cue tho!April 27, 2018 – 1:48 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - They did keep the name I gave him. Or, at least, they told me they did. I know. Poor Cue! 🙁April 27, 2018 – 7:06 pmReplyCancel

      • Lizzi - That’s so sweet of them. I hope they kept the name. To be fair, looking at the names they give pedigree racers, your choice is almost conservative by comparison 🤣April 28, 2018 – 2:21 amReplyCancel

  • Lydia - YOURE A HORSIE GIRL!? who knew? How sweet! Thats what we called the girls enthralled by horses when we were growing up… You were and are adorable by the way!April 27, 2018 – 5:29 amReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - Awww poor Cue. I always said if I were rich I’d have a horse farm but I’d be rich enough not to have to do the gross stuff. Just have talking relationships with a bunch of animals. I’ve only ridden a horse one time and it wasn’t the best experience ever. I don’t actually want to do it again but I still think they are beautiful. My brother and his wife actually have two horses. I don’t even want to to hear the death story 🙁April 27, 2018 – 6:36 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I know. Poor Cue!! I’d love to have a horse farm (and be rich enough to not do the gross stuff). That’s cool your brother and his wife have horses. And I know. Sorry about the death story 🙁April 27, 2018 – 7:10 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - Wow, I could see how witnessing a birth of a horse, but also experiencing a death right after, could be life changing…they really are incredible animals. I am in awe of them — literally. I had a life changing experience with a horse too. I was very into horseback riding as a young camper at sleepaway camp. I was very confident, and fearless around them — until I was trying to put a bridle on one, who was eating his hay. No one ever told me not to bother a horse while it’s eating and I kept pulling his head away from his food — and he bit me on the leg. It was a more of a warning bite, but it still hurt my 9 year-old leg and bruised me for weeks. It was totally my fault and they tried to get me back on a horse a week later, but I was a mess. I cried and made all the other campers cry too.:) At the end of camp, they gave me an award, “most cheerful rider.” Haha…Long story short, I stayed away from horses for a long time after that, but did eventually get the courage to ride again a few times over the course of the next few decades – and loved every second of it. There’s even a picture of me in my wedding dress, petting a horse in Manhattan (one of the horse and buggy horses that I refuse to ever ride in because it’s mean). Anyway, despite my traumatizing experience, horses are awesome.April 27, 2018 – 9:04 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I’m in awe of them too, Emily. Truly. WOW to the horse that bit you on the leg. I’ve never been bitten but have always been nervous about it. Yikes. I’d cry too! LOL to the most cheerful rider award. I’m glad you got back on eventually. And I know right? The horse and buggy stuff in Manhattan is totally mean. Horses are awesome. But I’m sorry you had a bad story with one. That’s a bummer and life-changing I know.April 27, 2018 – 7:12 pmReplyCancel

  • Tom - I remember that! The Tates right? I remember Cue laying down, not sure at what point of your story that was, be it was burned into my memory. Good stuff!April 27, 2018 – 10:17 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Yes the Tates! Thanks, Tom! Funny how we remember some things so clearly and others? gah. xoxoApril 27, 2018 – 7:18 pmReplyCancel

  • Lisa@TheGoldenSpoons - Aw!! I never rode horses when I was younger, but my two oldest girls have been taking lesson for years.I see that obsession through them. I have always been amazed at their courage to get up on those huge, yet gentle animals and take control. They have each developed special bonds with horses at the barn – and we have said goodbye to a few as well. My girls have taken a few spills forms heir horses, but only once has it cause an injury when Megan got a mild concussion from it. Last summer, my parents paid for my three girls & me to go on a trail ride. It was a tourist-y thing and the horses were, of course, well-trained & super calm. It was fun but also nerve-wracking for me!! My horse was Jack – after I got on they told me he used to be a wild mustang! I’m still not sure they if were kidding or not! 🙂 Love this story & the photos!April 27, 2018 – 1:07 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - That’s so cool that your two older girls have been taking lessons for years although I’m sorry they’ve already had to say goodbye to a few. Wow to the wild mustang Jack! I bet they weren’t kidding. How cool that a wild animal can then become a friend to humans. Amazing and thank you! Was so glad you joined this week with such a sweet memory!April 27, 2018 – 7:24 pmReplyCancel

  • Kerri - Oh Abby would so get this and the no sense of direction, too! She got lost one time in the woods behind our house. Thankfully while she inherited my sense of direction she got her dad’s sense of survival 🙂

    But the love of horses is definitely one you two share and you put it beautifully.April 27, 2018 – 3:27 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Wow to Abby getting lost in the woods and so glad she has her dad’s survival skills! Yikes though. Scary. And aw I love that we share a love of horses. Tell her I think she’s even cooler than I used to think which was amazingly cool.April 27, 2018 – 7:26 pmReplyCancel

  • Allie - I’ve learned something new about you. I had no idea you were obsessed with horses,..nor woul I have guessed it! Gorgeous writing And beautiful pictures!April 27, 2018 – 6:16 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Well, I’m not as obsessed as I used to be but I think horses are pretty amazing for sure. And aw, thank you for your kind words! XOApril 27, 2018 – 7:26 pmReplyCancel

  • Pat B - I think it is all in how one is introduced to horses, or for that matter anything else, how you grow to appreciate that subject, animal, even person, that makes all the difference in the world. You had a wonderful beginning and I can see how you could come to love horses. I’m so impressed how you and your horse were able to make it back to where your mom had fallen off. What a painful break and long recovery.
    I enjoyed reading about your kayaking experience with Tucker too. That photo of Chief and Tucker is priceless!April 28, 2018 – 1:00 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I think you’re onto something regarding how we’re introduced to horses and everything else in life. It does make all the difference. I often wonder if Tucker grew up in Colorado rather here in DC/ Virginia if he’d be a skier but instead, he wants to make sure we visit the monuments here again before we move. I guess there’s something to all of it and thank you for reminding me of that. I’m still surprised too by the fact we were able (two horses and me) to get back to my mom. Awww to the photo of Tucker and Chief. We miss Chief (and younger Tucker too I guess). Thank you!April 29, 2018 – 11:06 pmReplyCancel

  • Kerry - I was often on my uncle’s farms growing up, but that was more cows and sometimes pigs, and even then I was skittish about walking through the barn and having the cow sniff at me. I never was around horses much, so I never developed comfort with them, from an early age.

    Don’t get me wrong, I think they are amazing animals, and I think it is beautiful how certain humans and horses bond and connect. The wild bit in them, the part that keeps them running, is awe inspiring. The history between horses and humans is, indeed, a complicated one, both good and bad.

    I had few experiences and the trust never developed in me, not that they are bad, but just that they are animals and I was afraid of falling, not seeing, just trusting. I wish sometimes I had more of the good and positive, that I could sit on one and it would take me, like a guide animal, being my ride with eyes.

    I tended to be afraid of them, sudden or unexpected moments of reaction. I was sensitive to smells. Still, I hear how most little girls wanted a pony and I was always the little girl that wanted a whale/dolphin instead, but no go.

    Funny you mention horses, as if I were to post a photo of a horse, I would post a picture I drew in seventh grade art class. I can’t remember now why I chose to draw a horse, but I used my dark pencil and my art teacher, who was good at the art thing even though he was also history/geography nd more, he helped me with the shading technique. Well, it was after that picture that I had emergency eye problems and lost my left eye and most of the remaining sight I’d had in my right. I’d never draw again, with that dark pencil. I have that old art class folder right here on the table next to me, as it was just recently rediscovered in the basement of things from the past. Funny, how these connections from one thing to another happen.

    This was one of your most beautiful posts, pieces of writing and memory Kristi. I may not be able to see the photos, but the whole link you experienced at eleven, same age I lost my ability to see that dark pencil’s line on the page, such different life stories.

    Life and death, all in a few days time. What a life lesson, in so many things.April 28, 2018 – 9:47 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I think being around horses when you’re young is everything, when it comes to horses and other animals. I’m terrified of snakes but one of my first roommates loved them. The fact that horses allow us to ride them, to tame them, and yeah, I get that that the history there is complex, but different from say snakes, right?
      I’m on a tangent. Sorry.
      I wish you’d had more good experiences with horses. But I get why you didn’t and the smells — GROSS. Interesting that you chose to draw a horse back in art class. I’d love to read more about those memories, if you choose to write about them. And wow, thank you so much for your kind words about my writing. That means so much to me, from you who is amazing.April 30, 2018 – 11:15 pmReplyCancel

We’ve talked about moving out of state several times over the past decade. “It’d be fun to live in Europe for a while,” I say. “Or Colorado.” “Tampa?” he asks. “No way,” I say. “Too many bugs. Too humid. I can barely stand the bugs and humidity here.” This year, it got more real. My […]

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  • Dana - I’m really excited for you, Kristi, and a little sad for me. I know we don’t see each other often, but I’ll miss your face in person. Bright side…one more reason to plan a trip to Colorado!April 19, 2018 – 10:05 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I’m sad too. And excited. It’s scary! And I’ll miss your face in person too and please do come visit! I’d love that so much!!!April 20, 2018 – 4:04 pmReplyCancel

  • Pat B - You did such a great stream of consciousness post about some of the angst that accompanies needing to move after being so settled in, even if it is returning to a place you once lived.

    I wish you and your family well in the days ahead. Congratulations to your husband on his promotion.April 20, 2018 – 2:28 amReplyCancel

  • Lizzi - What a handy prompt, given the circs. Five minutes though! Could be fun. Will at least be quick 😉 I think home is where your heart is…the diffculty being when your heart is in more than one place.April 20, 2018 – 5:29 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Well it just so happens that i’m pretty tight with the person in my head who thinks of the prompts and MAY have thought about this when choosing it… Yes exactly what you said about your heart being in more than one place. That’s me alright! I know it’s the same for you…April 20, 2018 – 4:06 pmReplyCancel

      • Lizzi - Ahhhh the old ‘have blog hop; shall do as I wish’ trick. Sneaksy. I like it.
        Damn hearts getting all pieced up and building homes all over the place!!!April 20, 2018 – 5:24 pmReplyCancel

        • Kristi Campbell - Yes, yes indeed. My hop, my stuff. Usually, I’m not so prepared and sit here at the last minute thinking “UMMMMM.” But this one, I knew I’d write about moving. And yeah, silly hearts getting love all over the place. Don’t they know better?April 20, 2018 – 8:52 pmReplyCancel

          • Lizzi - Always flows better when you have something in mind, even if you only get to write for five (ha!) minutes.
            Hearts? Know better? Perish the thought! I think they do it on purpose.April 21, 2018 – 7:28 am

  • Emily - Wow Kristi – I think this is so exciting! I know moving and change in general can be so scary, but it’s also so adventurous and the fact that you’ll be going back to someplace familiar, and with family living there already, makes it that much better. And, the fact that you can possibly come back — or that maybe you won’t want to — either way, I feel like it’s a win-win — you have choices! Anyway, congrats to your husband and to all of you for embarking on this next adventure — can’t wait to hear more about it!April 20, 2018 – 8:35 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Emily! It’s exciting. And scary. And stressful, but I think it can be good. The weather in Colorado sure is better than here. And there are way fewer bugs, so that’s a win. 🙂 Here’s to choices and thank you again!April 20, 2018 – 4:07 pmReplyCancel

  • Kerri - Holy crap! That is a lot to take in. You’re moving. Tucker is moving. You feel safe enough in him and you and Robert to leap half-way across the country. You are going to rock this, Tucker is going to love Colorado and cousins and grandparents. And I love the well, Robert comment 🙂April 20, 2018 – 8:39 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - It’s SO MUCH. Gulp. Thank you. And I hope so much that Tucker will be okay. It feels easier here that the same group of kids has known him since kindergarten and just accepts him. Hopefully, he’ll be fine once we get there. Gulp. But yeah, Colorado and cousins and grandparents are a win for sure. And LOL to the “Well, Robert.” So true!April 20, 2018 – 4:09 pmReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - I’m glad you didn’t stop. I imagine it’s very hard to leave the house where you came home with your baby and have lived so long. I think I’d feel the same way. As said as I am for you to leave the same timezone as me I’m excited that you’ll be close to family. That’s something I’ve missed out on my entire like – not having cousins around or grandparents one hour away and the same thing is repeated for Christopher. I hope it works out as it should, if you love it there then maybe there will always be a DOD job.

    I clicked over to ghetto carwash and had to laugh because I wrote to throw the paint away and call someone but we know that you didn’t. LOL!

    Sweet post – I feel all the feels.April 20, 2018 – 11:04 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I’m glad I didn’t stop too. Like I texted, I was relieved to read this because I was thinking how I was breaking the rules and thought you might be annoyed! 😀 It really will be nice to be close to family though. LOL to the ghetto carwash and not throwing the paint away – I did use that paint but had somebody come do it for me!April 20, 2018 – 5:47 pmReplyCancel

  • UP - Whoa! Lots to process. Best wishes and happy trails .April 20, 2018 – 3:21 pmReplyCancel

  • Michelle - I love Colorado. I lived in Wyoming for a bit. Super exciting to go back to clean air, less humidity, and hippies. Plus, the Rocky Mountains is the MOST IDEAL place in a case of a Zombie Apocalypse. It’s been well researched. I personally would like Tampa though, and I’ve been thinking, “Europe? Maybe?” a lot. But I’m a beach bum at heart. So… Don’t worry about the change part. New memories will form just as they would in the house you’re in now. Home isn’t a house. It’s the people.April 22, 2018 – 9:07 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I love Colorado too… it’w where I grew up… it’s mostly the change. The leaving friends behind. I know it’ll be fine and that we’ll make new memories and thanks for the zombie apocalypse advice. Tucker will love that fact! 🙂April 23, 2018 – 9:14 amReplyCancel

  • Allie - I still can’t believe you’re moving! But chnange is GOOD. I firmly believe that. And not selling your home always leaves the door open:)!.April 22, 2018 – 11:15 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I can’t believe we’re moving either. Gah. And yeah, good to leave the door open, especially since we might be back in a few years. But hey when you roadtrip, come to Colorado! Stay with me!April 23, 2018 – 5:05 pmReplyCancel

  • Kerry - Wow. I have never moved…well, far. I call it moving, but I don’t consider it anywhere near as brave as what you are doing. I moved into town and my family have never left a house behind for long, but I am trying to write a novel about a family member who moved across the ocean, so it is on my mind. I don’t know how anyone does it, whether they have a real choice or not. I am aware a house isn’t everything. I am so glad you will be with family though. That’s the best part.

    I really am curious about your story though, if you ever return or stay gone. Big life decisions are truly that…big!!!

    I hope that last porch end-of-school party is epic for Tucker and for you too, before the big change, but there will be more parties to come in Colorado.April 22, 2018 – 6:13 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Moving is a pain near or far. A long time ago, I moved into an apartment in the same complex and I think it was one of the worst moves ever because I thought it was no big deal. You’re writing a novel? That’s so cool! I can’t wait to read it! Thanks, Kerry. I hope there are more parties to come in Colorado too!April 23, 2018 – 5:06 pmReplyCancel

  • Tamara - WHOA. Well, congrats to you! I swear they will know him, as him. And they will know you, as you. And nothing is permanent unless you really really want it to be. And Colorado is so dang gorgeous, at least in my dreams. I’ve never actually been there. Argh. I need to start researching blog conferences I can go to out there!April 22, 2018 – 9:22 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - WHOA is exactly how I feel. Truly. And thank you for the congrats and the encouragement that they’ll know him as me, and me as me. That helps. Colorado really is gorgeous. Come visit!April 23, 2018 – 5:07 pmReplyCancel

  • Lisa@TheGoldenSpoons - OMG!! I didn’t write this week and almost didn’t read! I would have missed this big news! We have considered a few job offers that would make us move. We lived in Nashville, TN for about a year, but otherwise we have always been here. Sometimes, I think I would LOVE to move away – start over – new house, new friends, new adventures. But, then, I remember that my family is here and my kids friends are here. So many mixed emotions!!! I am excited for you and hope the move goes smoothly!April 24, 2018 – 6:15 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Lisa! So many mixed emotions for sure… and I’ll probably write more about it (maybe??? I don’t know). My brother is in Memphis right now, for a couple years to date but they want to go back to Colorado. I take that as a good sign, although I don’t know. Moving and coming back will stink a bit if that’s what ends up happening… .but wow, the housing is cheaper in the Springs than here so there’s that. Still, friends. Neighborhood. All that stuff. Thank you so much for reading anyway!April 24, 2018 – 11:08 pmReplyCancel

  • Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - Wow. I’ve been so absent from blogging, from Facebook, from everything. Look what I’m missing! And look at this freaking link-up hop I’m missing!
    I suck.
    You’re moving. So far away and we never even got to visit. Blargh.
    I wish you all the best! xoApril 25, 2018 – 11:09 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - You DO NOT suck. At all. Never. And I know. Sigh. Weep. I can’t believe we didn’t meet in person. YET. I’ll be back. I’m keeping my job here so I’ll come in now and again so they remember what I look like. <3April 26, 2018 – 7:49 pmReplyCancel

  • Kristi - Oh, wow! Moving is exciting and the pits, all wrapped up into one giant ball of stress. I feel like I’ve been in the process of moving for over a year now (probably because I have), and blogging has taken a back seat for quite a while. I’m cautiously optimistic that I will be able to become more involved in blogging in the somewhat-foreseeable future. I sat down today to visit some blogs I haven’t read in a while, and what’s the first thing I read? You’re moving to the state next to mine! It sounds like Colorado has friends and family to welcome you, but if you ever drift west into Utah, let me know. We can take Tucker to a dinosaur museum or something. 🙂May 1, 2018 – 7:36 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Moving is the pits, and exciting. Thank you for the reminder and affirmation that it’s a giant ball of stress, because YES. Wow. More so now than when I had a family for sure. I get what you’re saying about blogging, and hope you’re right about being more involved because blogging has definitely taken a back seat to this week’s yard sale, and I feel weird about it, but it is what it is. And YES, part of the “feel better about moving” thing we’ve given Tucker is that there will be a lot of camping trips and seeing the amazing out west stuff like Salt Lake, the red rocks, Glenwood Canyon… all on the way to Utah, and some in Utah. I’ll let you know!May 3, 2018 – 10:39 pmReplyCancel

  • Linda Atwell - This is EXCITING and SCARY and WONDERFUL and so much more! But you are going to do great wherever you live. If Robert, Tucker, and you are together, it will be home. I hope you enjoy this next adventure and chapter of your life! Can’t wait to hear more.May 3, 2018 – 7:37 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - It’s all of that for sure. And, I’ll be closer to you. Surely you fly through Denver on all your trips sometimes?May 3, 2018 – 10:44 pmReplyCancel

      • Linda Atwell - Yes! Yes, we do! AND, we are supposed to come to Colorado in the next year or so to visit friends….so now we can visit you too! See, this is a win/win situation for both of us. 🙂May 4, 2018 – 12:22 amReplyCancel

I’m in a school cafeteria for Cub Scouts. The kids are pretending their chairs are rockets, and it’s loud. I close my eyes and realize it’s not the noise that’s hate-worthy (although it’s close), it’s the smell. Kenya texts that she needs three more things, and I text back about school cafeteria smells, thinking I […]

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  • JT Walters - #9. You can’t hate #9 but love it because it brought you Tucker but there is a time to have it taken care of—nuff said!

    #7. I loath beets too! Puked beets would be much worse!!

    #3 They were thrilled with what you made. It wasn’t scrambled eggs.

    #2 You are keeping that stuff for a reason. I get down on myself about this too like when I had a 100 empty plastic bottles and my ex-friends told me I. need to see a psychiatrist because I was a hoarder. When hurricane Irma came, I didn’t have to spend a penny on water. I just filled my bottles up from the tap!!

    #1. I hate that voice too and it judges so hardly a person who doesn’t believe in judgement. If you could just beat that bitch voice down but then you wouldn’t be a sensitive artist. It is part of the territory over criticisizing ourselves because we think our friends are too easy on us. If you could limit that voice to your writing that would be awesome!

    Ah!! I think it is beautiful Tucker used his spy pen to write you a very secret creative message to get you to purchase it for him. Well done Mama Bear!!

    And you were worried he wouldn’t write in your article Words are important. You must be on cloud 9. At least you know you are a good Mother as written by Mr. Tucker Campbell.😊. How can you hate anything with that achievement?April 12, 2018 – 10:38 pmReplyCancel

    • JT Walters - I really hate auto-correct!!April 12, 2018 – 10:52 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - OMG WP logged me out after I typed a billion words. Ok maybe not a billion but a lot.
      9 yes, glad that it brought me Tux but OMG so done with it now. Giving some meds another chance but am thinking surgery is the best option.
      3 yes, although they may have been more happy to see scrambled eggs as a recognizable dish, the fish did end up tasting nice. Such a pain though, to have it fall apart like that. still, small world problem.
      2. Maybe you’re right – the water bottle situation is amazing. You saved people by holding on to stuff!
      1. UGH that voice, but yes, that Tucker pulled me out of it… and he’s so sweet, I know that’s such a gift.
      You’re a good mother too. Know that. What’s happening is horrible. and unfair.April 13, 2018 – 9:18 pmReplyCancel

      • JT Walters - My fail safe meal was pancakes.

        The fish was still yummy! Mission Accomplished; Mom and Wife.

        And I love you and that you. You make our differences are so small and our likeness so great. You’d be the perfect Ambassador!!😘April 13, 2018 – 9:24 pmReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - Sweeeet way to end a hate list! Now 400 little nuggets things had me laughing for a minute. Giggling as I type this. As for this prompt, as it loomed over me this week I felt like I was cranky. It further induced crankiness. I’m so glad it’s Friday. It was going to be a long week as we had to travel tomorrow for basketball but it got cancelled because other teams dropped out. I’ll have my mind ready for the next one. No more cranky prompts okay? Love what we ended up with though. The insertion of the our texts conversation – the icing. LOL! I’ve either blogged about or shared a picture about a beet smoothie. I wonder if you saw it. It was good “enough” at the time but I don’t think I could do it again. I’ve found just as healthy things that taste WAY bette. You really can’t make beets taste like anything else. It was called a Red Velvet Smoothie. GROSS. I think I shared it on Facebook. The lady I ride to the gym with is a one-sided conversation person and she tells me about everybody else (people I don’t know). So she doesn’t know any of my business. I keep it light.April 13, 2018 – 7:16 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Aw thanks! The 400 little nuggets thing was true. I have no idea what happened. Maybe it was the type of fish? It was flounder. It FELL APART. Sorry the prompt further induced crankiness but your post cracked me up and I loved all of your avitar things. NO MORE CRANKY PROMPTS (until it’s time for the next one? Maybe next year??)
      I think I remember a post about beets by you, somewhere and I may have skipped it instead of putting some type of puke-face on it. Gross. I’m addicted to the Detox Island Green at Tropical Smoothie. It’s Spinach, kale, mango, pineapple, banana & fresh ginger (and is naturally sweetened so doesn’t have tons of calories although I’m not sure about sugar as both pineapple and banana in it). There’s no Tropical Smoothie in Colorado. Thinking of asking about a franchise. Anyeay. the lady you go to the gym with. They’re too many, right?April 13, 2018 – 9:24 pmReplyCancel

  • Debi - I have to say that I love how both you and I were willing to write about the things we hate but only in the context of the things we love. It’s like the optimists in us just can’t stay down!April 13, 2018 – 9:33 amReplyCancel

  • Allison - Totally, wholeheartedly agree with you on number 8 – drives me crazy. ANd want to shake you about number one:). I’ve been way over-dosing on the inspirational self-help genre as of late and I could really get on my soapbox about being kind to yourself first, and above all others!!!! But I will spare you:). Perhaps just mail you a stack of books. Ha!April 13, 2018 – 11:31 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - One-sided conversations are the worst. Seriously. Who does that? Well, a lot of people. Sigh. Go you with the inspirational self-help focus. I do need to be nicer to me. I know this but appreciate the reminder. <3April 14, 2018 – 12:58 pmReplyCancel

  • Lizzi - I kinda hate when autocorrect or autofill doesn’t do the thing. I hate how my phone keyboard is so slow and laggy and won’t type properly. I hate that you have that voice and am glad T is providing an alternative. Hope he keeps doing that. I will, too. Hate rude people. Hate when people comment their own post in your comments (like this) and there’s so much to respond to and so little time and I feel like a loser for not addressing all the points. Hate disturbed sleep. Hate plantar fasciitis. Hate your periods for you (and mine for me). Hate being frustrated. Hate being stressed about being frustrated. Hate procrastinating and how stuff keeps building up. Hate how thinking about stuff I hate makes me feel crankier than whe I started thinking about it. Now I am going to go think of things that make me happy. You’re one. I should be back to normal soon. GEEZ this comment tho!April 13, 2018 – 1:57 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - HAHA! I hate your hates too. Sorry thinking about them made you more cranky. I didn’t think of the procrastination thing but I am way too good at putting things off until the last second when I then do them in a panic. Dumb.
      To happy – you make me happy. And I like this comment. 😀April 14, 2018 – 1:00 pmReplyCancel

      • Lizzi - I’m glad glad you like me…even though I like beets. I shall keep them an ocean away from you xoxo

        P.S. procrastinating SUCKS but it’s so addictive. I am sure I would get more sleep if I didn’t do it so much.April 14, 2018 – 4:05 pmReplyCancel

        • Kristi Campbell - I’m glad I like you too even though you like nasty beets. I did a great job procrastinating today. Epic, really.April 14, 2018 – 6:49 pmReplyCancel

          • Beetluvr - Annnnd I had roast beet for dinner. It was loooverly. And I procrastinated on sleep. Again. DOH! Glad you did some too… I am at least in excellent company 😘April 14, 2018 – 7:20 pm

  • Lisa@TheGoldenSpoons - I was cranky this week so I was glad for this prompt. It got me to write for the first time in over a month. Also, I had to look up adenomyosis, but it sounds like it really sucks, so I’m sorry. Yay for not so little boys with spy pens and great moms, though! 🙂April 13, 2018 – 2:58 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I’m glad that this prompt got you to write again. That’s a good thing. And yeah, adenomysosis sucks. I might just have the surgery and not have to worry about it any longer but I’m a big fat baby who’s scared. So we’ll see 😉 And YAY for little boys with spy pens 😀April 14, 2018 – 1:01 pmReplyCancel

  • Pat B - The only way I enjoyed beets when I was a kid was when the cooked beets had been soaked in equal parts cold water and vinegar overnight. I still enjoy them that way, but I’ve learned to eat them plain on green salads too.Roasted beets with other roasted veggies is okay too.

    I love your #1, not because of the voices in your head are saying, but because of what your son is saying to you when you needed to hear that.

    I still have some toys, and I was just thinking this week, “Why am I still hanging on to these?”

    Love the photo of your son playing with his marbles and trucks!April 13, 2018 – 3:09 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Funny, I didn’t try beets with water and vinegar (overnight, huh?) but might skip that now. I think my grandma’s good intentions made me dislike them even more. I love that you still have some toys! I guess we each keep the things that remind us of other times when they were so important to the moment. THanks, Pat!April 14, 2018 – 1:03 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - Awww..great ending. I know exactly what you mean about the cafeteria smell…sooo gross! I can literally conjure it up too, even though I haven’t been inside a school cafeteria in a long, long time. It might be one of the reasons why I could never be a school teacher!April 13, 2018 – 6:10 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - LOL to the cafeteria smell being a reason why you can’t be a teacher. It’s a good one! 😀April 14, 2018 – 1:04 pmReplyCancel

  • Linda Atwell - This.Is.Perfect.
    That is all. Just perfect.

    I too am shy (at times), hate beets, am so glad I no longer have a period, and have ugly voices in my head. See, we are cyber sisters. Forever.

    Hugs coming your way!April 15, 2018 – 6:59 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - You’re too kind. Too. Kind. But thank you and I’ll take your cyber sisterhood forever because you’re awesome and will always love your cyber hugs, too. ooxo Beets suck. My period sucks. Voices in our heads suck. xoxoxoApril 15, 2018 – 8:59 pmReplyCancel

  • Kerry - Feeling cranky a lot lately, so this should have been the perfect outlet, but I was writing other things and thinking about the other things I have to write. Then, your number one, and I heard voices in my head that were super critical of my writing efforts and plans.

    So, I love the salad I had at Burnt Toast Cafe during my visit to Whitehorse last year. MMMM, beet salad, with maple syrup dressing. Beets did keep me away for a lot of years though. I am super sensitive to lots of smells, mostly food smells, but I didn’t feel like thinking about things I hate. I hate war. That’s all that’s on my mind the last few days especially, as I imagine poor children being set on with chemical weapons, by their own country, or whomever. I don’t like to use the term hate, if I can help it, but many countries and their bravado about their political or … look how tough we are and the world will listen to us…crap…I hate so much of it. I guess I couldn’t find the light side of such a topic and so I shied away from this week’s prompt, but I do love your list. And I do hate that I get envious and jealous of other people and lives, even when I know some women struggle with pelvic pain, just because I never had a regular and functioning cycle and I thought at least they have had it…but I know that pain is horrible, and I don’t wish it on anyone, for any reason.

    Yeah, I am cranky, just as I am excited about things coming up in my life. It’s such a roller coaster, the things we love/hate and this life.April 16, 2018 – 4:43 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I’m cranky too. All the war in the world is mind blowing. How people can kill their own country’s children. I don’t understand it. I hate it.
      Oh those damn voices in our heads. When will we know that no matter what, we’re worthy and amazing and and and… ???
      So I’m glad you enjoyed your beet salad so much (maple syrup – interesting dressing) but I just can’t do it. Can’t. Just the smell of them makes me gag a little bit. I’m glad you’re also excited about things coming up in life. You’re right, it’s a complete roller coaster. xoxoApril 18, 2018 – 10:49 amReplyCancel

  • My Inner Chick - ~~~and walk away thinking that they didn’t ask how you are.— Really?
    Those people make me BOIL…but I sort of erased them from my life. I mean, how can’t somebody not ask “HOW ARE YOU?” I don’t get it. I just don’t get it, man.

    Anyhow, you are beautiful, amazing, a gifted writer, a fun friend,super mama, and

    Don’t you ever forget it!

    Xxxx from MN.April 16, 2018 – 12:37 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Some people just suck that way. You’re brilliant for being able to have erased them from your life. I’ve done that a bit, but not enough. And awww shucks, sweet friend. You’re wonderful. xoxoxoApril 18, 2018 – 10:51 amReplyCancel

  • Dana - I should have written last week, but I didn’t. I hate that. And I hate that I beat myself up about something that no one but me cares about. I also hate beets, but I love the note from Tucker. He’s wiser than that voice in your head, ya know.April 16, 2018 – 8:33 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I hate that any of us beat ourselves up for things nobody cares about too. Let’s just stop it ok? Beets are disgusting. And I love the note from Tucker too. He’s definitely kinder than the voice in my head. 🙂April 18, 2018 – 10:52 amReplyCancel

It was Christmas Eve, and the house sounded as if it were late enough that I could get away with creeping downstairs to peek at what Santa had brought. I avoided noisy spots on the stairs, paused each time I heard something, and finally reached the hallway before the family room. There was a light […]

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  • Lewis. Or Lizzi. Not awake yet. - He does some pretty huge hops. The Easter Bunny is bad-ass! I never realised he was Aussie tho. That was my big lesson.April 5, 2018 – 11:26 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - The Easter Bunny is totally bad-ass! And huh? Aussie? Really???April 6, 2018 – 6:36 pmReplyCancel

      • Lizzi - According to Rise of the Guardians…and that’s an AWESOME movie.April 9, 2018 – 12:08 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - Oh that line about Alexa not knowing everything…the best! I remember when Big Dude started to figure out Santa wasn’t real. His reasoning was that he never heard him land on our roof. So, even though my dudes are all big dudes who know “the truth,” my husband and I STILL wait every year for them to go to sleep on xmas eve and then we put out the presents under the tree so that they wake up feeling and seeing a little magic…never gets old. 🙂April 6, 2018 – 10:30 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - So cool that you still put out all the presents – that family magic will stay alive forever, and one day, when the dudes have kids of their own, they’ll remember all the great memories that you and your husband gave them. Here’s to holiday magic!April 6, 2018 – 6:38 pmReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - I saw these pictures on facebook but now with a different reaction – I’m all emotional. I just went back to read one of my posts that is so similar – a discussion about the tooth fairy. He was NINE. WAAAAAH. This was a sweet story, I’m glad you pushed it one more year. You’ll love this reflection so much four years from now.April 6, 2018 – 7:41 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Awww! (WAAAAHHHH!) I’ll have to find your tooth fairy post. It sounds familiar but now I can’t be sure that I read it or if it’s something we’ve talked about, or I’ve thought about… and yeah, you’re right. I’ll love this in a few years. It feels like childhood is slipping away so quickly though, you know? You know. of course.April 6, 2018 – 9:57 pmReplyCancel

  • Pat B - What sweet stories of keeping the magic alive in the life of your son. I love his explantations for how the Easter bunny was able to get in to deliver the candy.April 7, 2018 – 11:47 pmReplyCancel

  • Kerry - I am in a private WhatsApp group where my friend sends me videos of her and her daughter because they are far away and living in Ireland. The one this year of her almost three-year-old (with the little developing Irish accent/lilt) was going around to collect the eggs and kept saying how she was cleaning up because the Easter Bunny had made a mess.

    When I was growing up, Santa never bothered wrapping the presents he’d leave us. Waste of paper I guess he figured.

    I love that part about Alexa too. Smart kid.

    It’s such an odd ritual we do, so-called lying to our children, but I still love the magic of it all, even all these years later. It’s sad because my oldest niece has this year started sowing signs she is beginning to suspect something. She was asking questions when we all celebrated Easter a few weeks ago. She’s getting too rational for the whole thing. Smart girl.

    Happy Easter Kristi. Glad the bunny found you guys in the end.April 8, 2018 – 12:45 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - That’s so sweet that your friend keeps you updated from far away about what’s going on now in their lives. And yeah, it’s an odd ritual, the “lying” to our kids (and I don’t know why I put lying in quotes, we’re totally lying). It’s such a special thing to witness though. The excitement, the magic, I wish more adults believed in magic. Happy Easter, Kerry. <3 Love to you and yours!April 8, 2018 – 9:03 pmReplyCancel

It’s not as much as I don’t like being as old as I am as it’s that I’m old to be the mom of my eight-year-old. Or, at least older than a lot of moms who have a kid that age. That’s why I want to be younger but keep all my life experiences. I […]

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  • Emily - I remember this post from 2014! I remember your cute, little alien drawings too.:) I talk to my big dude a lot about looking towards the future, rather than dwelling on the past — or as you said, if there’s something you want to change, look at the tomorrows and not the yesterdays. Great advice!March 29, 2018 – 9:03 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Emily! This post makes me want to do more drawings again. They were fun. 🙂 Here’s to big dude and all of us looking toward the future. It’s too easy to dwell on what we think we might have messed up or what we should have done differently.March 30, 2018 – 8:03 pmReplyCancel

  • JT Walters - I think we all wished we were younger when we had our children except someone I knew that had a baby at 15 and let her Mom raise it.

    The most important thing is that you make the most of the time you have today. You really aren’t in control of your past, present or future but your attitude. That is it.

    I wish I had found love and married and not been a single Mom but that wasn’t up to me either. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t… and to some extent we are all single Moms even when married.

    I have today and tomorrow and that is it but the man upstairs is in charge of that.March 29, 2018 – 9:21 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - The 15 year old’s mom who raised her daughter’s baby probably wished she was younger raising the child. Agree that we need to make the most of today and I like the reminder that we can only control our attitude.March 30, 2018 – 8:10 pmReplyCancel

  • Pat B - This is such a great message to send out again, and again, and again.

    Now that I am at the ripe old age that I am, I have sometimes considered what my life would have been like if certain things hadn’t been done, if I’d taken a different path, etc., and you know what, I wouldn’t be me like I am now, nor have the family I have now, nor feel the love for them I feel now. I wouldn’t have learned from my mistakes, the ones I made then. It has been worth it, all of it.March 29, 2018 – 10:08 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Pat! I agree that it takes each of the paths we’ve chosen in life to be who we are now, to have learned from our mistakes, and all of that. I can’t imagine my family not being as it is so changing one thing, were I able to, becomes less appealing (even if I do sometimes wish I were younger!).March 30, 2018 – 8:12 pmReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - That freshman girl was definitely a skank is she stole your SENIOR boyfriend!

    Awww I miss seeing your drawings on the regular. The old lady peeping was funny.

    I often think about going back in time and doing something right the first time. Or even being the me who I am now back in high school. I’d like to be more interested in the stuff that was taught to me, especially History. Maybe even math because I did actually understand it when it was for a college grade even though it wore off my the time I needed to understand elementary math homework.

    I’m going click back to see if I read this post once upon a time and see if I participated. I don’t remember.March 29, 2018 – 10:27 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - She was definitely a skank! Her name was (well, probably still is) Melissa. Ugh. I’ve thought about being now-me in high school. I definitely would have been more confident and not worried about some of the silly stuff I worried about. And I’d have made Gerry take me to prom! 😀 LOL to the math wearing off by the time we need it for elementary homework. I’ve had to Google so much just for third grade. Yikes.March 30, 2018 – 8:14 pmReplyCancel

  • Lizzi - I remember this from the first time around. I liked it then, and I like it now.
    I’m glad you’re you, and have had all the experiences that made you. I’m glad none got condensed. I kinda think you’re pretty wonderful as you are.March 30, 2018 – 5:05 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Lizzi! You’re too sweet, thinking I’m wonderful. You’re wonderful. I’m glad none of it got condensed either although the desire for youth and wrinkle-free faces is a billion-dollar industry so I guess it’s not just me! 😉March 30, 2018 – 8:15 pmReplyCancel

      • Lizzi - LOL! No. Not just you. Not by a long chalk! I am beginning to wish those things about myself… it’s difficult to see wrinkles as badges of honour.March 31, 2018 – 1:20 amReplyCancel

        • Kristi Campbell - Long chalk? Here we say “long shot.” Huh. One more weird thing of Brit vs. US language I guess. Wrinkles are HARD to see as badges of honor, although that’s what they are. F’real.April 2, 2018 – 10:03 pmReplyCancel

          • Lizzi - A long shot here is more of a specific thing – it’s (I guess) the achievement of an unlikely goal, whereas I think a long chalk has more to do with volume or number of things being big…making me want to know the origin now! Funny ole language. Gotta love a good nuance.
            (Badges of bad moisturising more like!)April 3, 2018 – 1:15 am

  • Nicole Audlee - This is the first time I read this. My husband and I were just talking about this the other day! I am 45 and my husband is 49 and we wished too to be 10 years younger. We have twin boys who are 4 and both are Autistic. I would not want to change a thing about them just like you said. Now reading your blog it changed my thought and prospective on this. We are where we need to be. Thank you for sharing.April 13, 2018 – 1:29 amReplyCancel

We used to sing a song in Girl Scouts “Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold.” It’s funny how a lyric floats back to us decades later, simply because we stumbled on a photo that brought memories of so many friendships to mind. Some friendships are gone but […]

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  • Kerry - Silver and gold. I love that. Old and new. I am taking part in this photograph prompt this week because I have a specific photo of myself that was just taken. Thought I’d share, but thanks for sharing your story of friendship Kristi.March 23, 2018 – 1:01 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I’m so glad you’re taking part of the prompt this week. I read your post and WOW, so cool that you’re on TV spreading the good message of what theaters can do for people who are blind to enjoy them more. So awesome of you!March 23, 2018 – 8:04 pmReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - Wow those are beautiful braids! And looks like it was a fun wedding. That’s sweet how you all met. I remember smoking on the plane. Seems like you had to walk through it to get to coach. And I used to fly alone a lot so I’d be sitting at the front of coach and separated from non smoking by a pulled together curtain. Side note: I have an old friend who is still a friend that likes to remind me of when I christened her new apartment (in the carpet) at her housewarming party. No chance to hold my hair back. LOL!March 23, 2018 – 6:42 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - It was a fun wedding. It was untraditional, fun, personal, and perfect for the two of them, you know? LOL to your friend reminding you how you christened her new apartment’s carpet. I guess we all have memories like that! 🙂 Bummer she wasn’t next to you to hold your hair, though. 🙁March 23, 2018 – 8:06 pmReplyCancel

      • Kenya G. Johnson - My husband (then boyfriend) was with me in the bathroom. Can’t remember if he held my hair. We were officially dating but it was very new like he might have been meeting those friends for the first time. I can remember wondering if I had blown it in terms of being an attractive “mate”. LOL!March 24, 2018 – 12:13 pmReplyCancel

        • Kristi Campbell - Oh wow! That’s too funny you’d wondered if you’d still be an attractive “mate!” The stuff that’s different when you’re first dating, right? Wow. That’s actually really sweet! <3March 25, 2018 – 8:17 pmReplyCancel

  • Vickie - I see someone already mentioned those braids but seriously, they are awesome!March 23, 2018 – 11:44 amReplyCancel

  • Lizzi - Your hair looks like fairytale princess gold in those pics xoMarch 23, 2018 – 5:36 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - Aww such great stories of friendship and sisterhood! Those braids and matching cast materials are the best!March 23, 2018 – 7:27 pmReplyCancel

  • JT Walters - Dude, not all of us are as pretty as you in photos. Some of us hide from the camera. I agree but people who are no longer my friends never really were in the first place. Sadly. But my friends are my friends period although I’ve never drive to another state to help someone file a restraining order or move.

    In many ways we are constantly evolving. Our friends change and so do we. One of my dear friends hated me after I got pregnant because she was infertile. Another friend had a baby at 15 and became a grandmother when my son was a toddler.

    Sadly again I grew up wealthy and had an abundance of friends. Funny how the perception of wealth gives you friends although arguably the wrong kind. Without wealth, those people are gone which is a blessing.

    Understanding and accepting myself for who I am has made it easier to love my friends and myself and if anything that is the platinum ring of friendship but dude not picture. LOL😊March 23, 2018 – 10:16 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - So the fact I hide from myself in photos now? That was just a photo of the back of my head, 20+ years ago… I’m glad you have friends that are your friends and know the difference from them and the ones who suck… Here’s to understanding and accepting ourselves and our friends, when we can.March 23, 2018 – 11:10 pmReplyCancel

      • JT Walters - I knew when I had a lot of money that is why I had so many friends but I tried to rise above it. I look at having limited resources as clearing out the fake friends to make room for the real ones. We have met in real life so I believe we are friends.

        But yes, accepting and loving ourselves defines our relationships so cheers to that and dude don’t hide. You are beautiful. I have pictures with friends from two weeks ago at the Ruck March/Swearing in cerimony of the officer’s of Gold Star Moms. I just thought only you were suppose to post a photo. I shit the photo to you in an email.March 23, 2018 – 11:31 pmReplyCancel

        • Kristi Campbell - Here’s to accepting ourselves as we age and all that scary stuff. I love the photo you sent! What a fun group of women making a difference!March 25, 2018 – 8:18 pmReplyCancel

  • Dana - Wow, those braids! My pic this week is of old friends too, also with very dated hairstyles. P.S. That looks like it was a super fun wedding!March 23, 2018 – 10:27 pmReplyCancel

  • Pat B - I love the song that you used for your title. I can see how the three of you could have been thought of as sisters.

    That was quite the trip through all your memories, memories triggered by a photo. Time flies by whether you are having fun or think you are having fun. 🙂

    Once again, thank you for the challenges for this blog hop!March 24, 2018 – 1:28 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - It’s funny how much one photo can trigger 1,001 memories, isn’t it? And time does fly, when you are having fun (or think you are – too funny as some things were fun “back then” that seem silly or horrifying now!). Thanks again for participating in the hop. I enjoy all of your posts.March 24, 2018 – 8:52 pmReplyCancel

  • Roshni - aww! Lovely tribute to your friends! It’s so true that old friends are truly gold!
    Sorry, as usual, I have not been consistent with my visits here!March 28, 2018 – 5:30 pmReplyCancel

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