My first thought about this week’s Finish the Sentence Friday prompt of “I’m afraid of/that…” was that I could write about my fear of dying. But then I thought about the difference between fear and worry, and what that means. My fear of spiders and other all bugs (except fireflies because they are awesome and […]
by Kristi Campbell
JT Walters - I have lots of worry but when everything has either died or been taken then what left do I have to fear. If I can’t change my situation then why worry.
Fear and worry is for people who still have things to lose. I have already lost everything and frankly death will be a relief. That is how I feel and you know why.February 1, 2018 – 11:38 pm
Kristi Campbell - That breaks my heart but I understand. Although I do think that you can still change things. Maybe that’s me being naive.February 3, 2018 – 9:29 pm
JT Walters - I hope you are right. I think it is a beautiful thought and not naive.😊February 3, 2018 – 10:24 pm
Cheryl Blinston - Ha! I just dreamed of a snake biting me this week! It was scary. Thanks for hosting! Happy FridayFebruary 2, 2018 – 12:04 am
Kristi Campbell - Weird! And you’re welcome. Thanks for joining. 🙂February 3, 2018 – 9:29 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - I’m glad I didn’t read this last night because certainly that snake would have come! Is it okay that I laughed at the sinkhole. I think irrationally like that too. LOL! We had several potholes in our neighborhood after the big snow. So I was wondering if the ice had been so heavy that the road would cave in to sinkholes. They’ve been fixed. I guess I can relaz about that.
As for *that* old – that’s what I say about my parent. They aren’t *that* old. 🙁February 2, 2018 – 6:42 am
Kristi Campbell - I’m glad then too that you didn’t. Because I’d feel guilty forever! Weird about the potholes and sinkholes. I don’t think they’re related but sinkholes are scary in general and when do they happen? Yikes. Ugh to *that* old. Same, with the parents…February 3, 2018 – 9:31 pm
Vickie - I think death is a given for many of us. Snakes! I do get that!!!February 2, 2018 – 8:57 am
Kristi Campbell - I think so too. And snakes? Ew. Gross. Scary. So scary.February 3, 2018 – 9:32 pm
Debi - I was running once and nearing a woman walking two German Shepards. I knew that I shouldn’t run right up behind them and startle them, so I made a wide arc onto the grass to the left of them. The dogs were startled anyway and both of them lunged at me, snarling and growling and barking while the woman walking them struggled to put her phone away and get control of the leashes. I have never run a faster 1/10 of a mile, not before and not since. They never touched me, but they were SO SCARY that I now run wide arcs around every dog in my path: Yorkies, elderly retrievers, our neighbor’s chihuahua-and-maybe-potbelly-pig mix. I just do not want to be scared like that. I get it!February 2, 2018 – 11:58 am
Kristi Campbell - Wow. That sounds so so scary… and also LOL to the maybe-potbelly-pig mix. My last dog was a shepherd and he was the most gentle creature ever, but I now they aren’t all that gentle. There’s a reason we’re afraid of them… Thank you. I’m so glad you told me about this.February 3, 2018 – 10:27 pm
Emily - You’re right that there is a distinction between fear and worry and yet sometimes we muddle the two together. I feel as if fear is more prominent and yet momentary while worry is persistent and often nagging below the surface. Either way, I missed your drawings — they made me smile today. 🙂February 2, 2018 – 12:44 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Emily. I so appreciate you saying so about the drawings… I didn’t know what to write and sortof hated this prompt even though I came up with it… The fear and worry, they are so often tangled up together.February 3, 2018 – 10:29 pm
Tamara - I don’t think you’re at that age yet! When my grandfather died 100, we called it sad. My father at 36? Tragedy.
I’m not afraid of sinkholes or lava or satellites. But when I think of malls, I’m afraid of active shooters.February 2, 2018 – 4:37 pm
Kristi Campbell - I guess the fact that we’re all at that age every day is what scares me. Your dad, tragedy. And omg to the active shooters.February 3, 2018 – 10:30 pm
Pat B - I really enjoy your artwork here. They are so cute, and really help present your message in a great way.
I don’t really fear what comes after death, but the timing of my death is a concern because of what that might mean to others.
Having that dream for years would make me not want to go to bed.
Thanks for the prompt this week.February 3, 2018 – 12:48 am
Kristi Campbell - Thank you for your sweet words about my silly drawings, Pat. And yeah… I think I never feared death until I had a little boy who is now only 8, and I can’t imagine him not having me…. Gah. So glad you linked up!!!February 3, 2018 – 10:32 pm
Kerry - My grade eight class went to camp for a week and my sister came along, as a sort of guide for me. Well, we were playing that survival game, and I was given the distinction of being Mother Nature. We were walking in the woods on the camp’s land, just the two of us, when suddenly I heard a hissing sound in front of us. Well, it sounded like hissing, at first, but then my sister stopped walking abruptly and told me to back up, slowly. We’d come across a rattlesnake and that wasn’t hissing. It was the warning rattle it was giving us.
I was afraid in that moment. A lot of games we’d play, like that one where you run and jump over something. Not a snake though, not unless absolutely necessary.
I do see your difference between fear and worry. I have been one or the other, but sometimes, the two get kind of tangled up.
Lots of fears and worries. Not sure I can settle on what to write about for this one, but I’ll see. I am actually distracting myself with writing on my blog, when I have other writing I should be doing, some paid work that really needs to get completed.
Thanks for this distraction.February 3, 2018 – 1:50 am
Kristi Campbell - OMG Kerry, that’s terrifying. I, too, heard that sound and deleted it from this post because it was too long already and I didn’t like it but had that same experience with the rattle.. wow.
To the in general fear and worry… Yes, I get that. I need to write for some paid stuff too but gah, I just want to sleep right now 🙂February 3, 2018 – 10:35 pm
Dana - Interesting point about fear vs worry…I think fear is more motivating than worry. If I’m scared, I do something to make myself not scared. Worrying is more passive, and always less effective.
A viable age to die…ugh. I refuse to believe that until…well, until later. Much later.February 7, 2018 – 4:07 pm