It’s a running joke that Miss America wishes for world peace. I’m not sure why it’s funny; maybe because it’s impossible to imagine actual world peace. Maybe, because the overly-made-up women saying that world peace exists live in what seems to be a bubble to the rest of us who live mostly in yoga pants […]
by Kristi Campbell
Kerri - Oh my friend I literally just says to a friend just bc your struggle isn’t the same as mine doesn’t mean it’s not just intense. We all have battles. I love your wish for more compsssion
And if we can get world peace you get bonus points!December 14, 2017 – 10:43 pm
Kristi Campbell - So true. It’s hard to not feel guilty BUT something can pretty much always always be worse. So then what? We’re not allowed to feel like a struggle is a struggle? Your friend is lucky to have such a wise friend in you! December 15, 2017 – 9:16 pm
JT Walters - I wish for Alex to come home!!December 14, 2017 – 11:41 pm
Kristi Campbell - I wish for that too. So much. December 15, 2017 – 9:17 pm
Lisa@TheGoldenSpoons - Beautiful wishes!! I have loved watching Tucker’s progress through your blog. Parenting is such journey no matter “what kind” if kids we are given. Like most journeys, it’s harder for some and seems easier for others. There’s a quote somewhere about being kind because “everyone is struggling with something.” I think that’s true. Often, we can’t see the struggles of others so we assume we are the only ones, or that our struggles are insignificant. But, our struggles are ours – whatever they are, big or small – and we have to acknowledge them and appreciate them for what they teach us.
Merry Christmas!!!December 15, 2017 – 7:11 am
Kristi Campbell - Merry Christmas, Lisa! And you’re so right – our struggles are our struggles. Just because somebody struggles “MORE” doesn’t negate what we’re going through. December 15, 2017 – 9:18 pm
Emily - Those are wonderful wishes! And those videos of Tucker? Wow — so amazing! You make me want to look back and find old ones of my big dude…I still remember and laugh at how high his voice was and now he’s got this deep man voice! Happy Holidays Kristi!!December 15, 2017 – 11:58 am
Kristi Campbell - Oh you so should find old videos of big dude! I was surprised by the one of Tucker. I’d honestly forgotten that it was so hard for him to say his name. When he gets close, he looks for the smile and approval too – LOVE that (and sometimes fiercely miss little him!). Happy Holidays, Emily! December 15, 2017 – 9:19 pm
UP - If only more of thought this way…sighDecember 15, 2017 – 4:16 pm
Kristi Campbell - I know, right? Sigh. December 15, 2017 – 9:20 pm
Roshni - I’m just so touched by the videos to see how far he has come!! There is much to be thankful for once we count all the little things that are alright in our own lives!December 15, 2017 – 6:24 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Roshni! He really has come SO FAR. Here’s to remembering to count all the things right in our lives. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday! December 15, 2017 – 9:21 pm
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - Amazing how much these kids of ours have grown, isn’t it? I’m still amazed by that kind of thing every single day.
I know what you mean about the guilt! I often feel like I have no business wishing for this or that when others have it so much worse. But it’s very true that our struggles are all real and should never be measured next to another person’s. It is in those moments when I catch myself saying “but this person…” and think there but for the Grace of God go I and I remember to be grateful for what I do have. As for world peace, I don’t know about that one. Maybe the key is more compassion as a step toward that hope.December 16, 2017 – 9:32 am
Kristi Campbell - I can’t believe how much they’ve grown, Lisa. Truly and really. I like the idea of the key being more compassion as a step toward hoping for world peace, although wow, it’s hard to imagine it ever actually happening, you know? December 17, 2017 – 7:20 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - “Sorry when I said, Hi Justin.” Love it!!! Love seeing him grow up! I also that he’s not shy in videos and doesn’t mind you recording.January 7, 2018 – 5:22 pm