People write for a lot of reasons. I write because when I don’t, my histories gather together and stick like magnets inside of me. Combined, they’re heavy and awkward and fall down to my feet and then climb back up to churn my stomach, clog my lungs, and hunch my shoulders. I write because while […]
by Kristi Campbell
Dana - People write…”To build a nest for the stories that stick together like magnets and sink to their feet.” Damn, Kristi, sometimes your words take my breath away. I’m glad you didn’t delete this and start over – I always appreciate your insight on social issues, and I thank you for sharing your #metoos. Because none of them are too small, or not important enough, or too long ago.October 19, 2017 – 10:30 pm
Kristi Campbell - Damn, Dana. Thank YOU for giving me faith that the bloggers in our worlds still read, sometimes. I so so so so so so sssssssssoooooooo appreciate your comment. And you saying that the #metoos are real. Gah. Love you. October 22, 2017 – 11:15 pm
JT Walters - I write about being a Mom of a special needs child too and someone referred me to you. Funny, I do not recall who because that was many years ago.
And it has been wonderful not being alone. So thank you Kristi. You have brought so much advocacy to families of children with special needs. Thank God you write! For some of us it is just too painful.
Love you and thank you!!!October 19, 2017 – 11:16 pm
Kristi Campbell - Funny to think how long ago that may have been… I’m glad you’re less alone because of HERE, and I understand, that sometimes, it’s too painful. Hugs. October 22, 2017 – 11:23 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - And thank you too by the way. You’re one of the reasons I stick around. I love your beginning I feel all of that, I like how you were able to write exactly what it feels like to have not written and then how it you write to see how you feel about something. Wow. Anyway sorry I’m late. Who knew it’d be so hard to write about why you write.
I hadn’t heard about the, “Me too”. I’ve been off facebook for a couple a weeks and that’s where I find out stuff too. Excellent conclusion to your post. Last night I when I was trying to brainstorm I was reading quotes for writers, one quote was “You get to live twice”. That’s a great quote for perfect moments but not so great for so many other reasons people write.October 20, 2017 – 8:02 am
Kristi Campbell - I’m one of the reasons? That’s SUCH a HUGE honor, because I feel the same about you. I’d be so bummed if you just called it quits. Ugh to the “me too” stuff. You’re probably better off, being away from FB with all that crapola. “You get to live twice” is haunting to me, in the best of ways. Thank you HUGE for sharing that with me. I think I needed to read that. It’s really true, right? I mean like REALLY. Wow. Wow wow wow. October 22, 2017 – 11:38 pm
Kristi Campbell - Sorry, I keep thinking about this… for other reasons, it still seems to matter. It’s like if you live it twice, even if it’s bad, you get to own it or something. October 22, 2017 – 11:40 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - For the record it looks like the quote is “Writer’s live twice.” – Natalie Goldberg. I could have sworn I read one that said, “You get to live twice.” Same thing though.October 23, 2017 – 3:48 pm
Emily - Your words about why you write are so poetic and descriptive…pure beauty! And yeah, it’s amazing how we suppress certain things and yet, the #metoo movement sort of gave us permission to not only speak out, but to let those suppressed memories surface. It hurts to recall those moments (and for others, it’s more than moments and so much worse), but there is some comfort in knowing we are not alone…October 20, 2017 – 8:25 am
Kristi Campbell - Emily, SO much comfort in knowing we’re not alone but still… the whole Facebook think gutted me, and I delete “killed” me because too dramatic, even though that’s how it feels, a little. And thank you so much for the kind words about my writing!October 22, 2017 – 11:41 pm
My Inner Chick - Hello, Sweets,
you forgot one: You write so Kim S. R. can savor and learn from your words!
I write to “Survive.”
xxx from MN.October 20, 2017 – 9:41 am
Kristi Campbell - I love you. Writing to survive is amazing because you know what? Your stories help in a for-real way, to help for-real people survive. And that is huge and beautiful and perfect. October 22, 2017 – 11:43 pm
Kerry - Wow. This:
Often, one thought leads to another I thought I’d forgotten.
Brief and so true.
I am glad you can write about all the things you want here Kristi. Of course, inclusion and special needs children is important and mostly what this blog is, but I am happy you can use your platform here to speak about gender issues and social issues and so much more.
I have been observing quietly this #MeToo movement. For many it goes so much deeper and not all are able to think about what they have been through, let alone to write about it for anyone to read. I admit I’ve been rather sheltered in my life, but I want society to do better, for my nieces and your son and so many others.
Thanks for writing this.October 20, 2017 – 1:54 pm
Kristi Campbell - SO true, right? About the one thought leading to another, I mean. I do this all the time, and suppose we all do. It’s like we remember one moment and that brings us to another and another and another… Thank you for you kind words about changing what this blog is, and for sharing what this whole #metoo thing means. It’s so hard, for so many, including us who don’t “have it bad,” I guess. But it’s still ugly, and scary… OH AND you ARE doing better. You’re an amazing role model for your nieces and everybody! I know this to be true!BTW ,did you ever see/hear (hear is more important) that video from Facebook? I’d wondered, after your comment, whether you heard anything from it. October 22, 2017 – 11:51 pm
Debi - #MeToo and #youtoo and #hertoo and #mydaughterstoo and #mymothertoo and #yesallofthem. I don’t think there’s a woman’s platform out there that doesn’t include potential for #metoo. I’m just sorry we have to drag these memories into the sunlight for anyone to take the problem seriously.October 20, 2017 – 3:45 pm
Kristi Campbell - #metoo to being sorry that we have to drag them into the sunlight, but what a beautiful way to say that. Thank you. October 22, 2017 – 11:57 pm
clark - I liked your post. I liked so much that I wrote a FTSF post.
(damn! that, implied in those two sentences, is a much more succinct expression of what it is about writing that keeps me coming back, no matter how much that ‘they will laugh or scorn’ voice in my world might whisper.)
as always you have said, in part, what I might have; you have selected the words that shape tangled thoughts into something simple, direct, yet in no way lacking the depth of inference and meaning.October 20, 2017 – 6:54 pm
Kristi Campbell - I liked. Nope, scratch that, I LOVE that you wrote a FTSF post. And yeah, I get it. This part of it is why I keep coming back, too. The YOU the all of it. Also? I adore you and will never laugh or scorn anything you write. Here’s to showing up, to doing it, to doing it over and over, even when it feels like nobody cares. Love you, by the way. October 23, 2017 – 12:00 am
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - I love the part about the magnets – yeah, that’s definitely what it feels like. I get that.
I’m so glad that you wrote at first and that you write still and that I’m one of the people who got found in all of it. I can’t imagine not knowing you now and that is definitely one of the best things my own writing has brought me – some wonderful people.
Keep writing, my friend. Write about it all.October 23, 2017 – 3:20 pm