Finding Ninee » Sharing our parenting and special needs stories with heart and humor.

Sometimes, when I close my eyes, I can smell Mexico although I haven’t been in years. It saddens me to realize that these days, months go by in which I forget to think about the country that introduced me to humidity, friendly strangers willing to communicate without the commonality of language, tequila, and a belief […]

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  • Chris Carter - Cancun… late night at Senior Frogs…ended up with the most GORGEOUS guy there…on the beach… far beyond midnight… can’t remember how I got home.

    EPIC fail. I thought he was going to come back the next day to “take me to dinner”…

    Oh, such a poor innocent pathetic lover I was.

    It was quite fun.

    😉January 22, 2015 – 11:52 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - OMG Senior Frogs!!! YES!!! I LOVE THAT PLACE. In fact, and don’t judge, but I still have a jean jacket (remember jean jackets) from there and one from Carols O’Brien’s also in Mexico!!! Awww to your night on the beach. I had one of those too… um, well, brothers were involved. I thought I’d dine with one the next evening as well. Enough said I think. 😉January 23, 2015 – 11:02 pmReplyCancel

  • My Inner Chick - Because of sentences like this, I really dig you:

    “Sometimes, when I close my eyes, I can smell Mexico”

    xxxx I looooooooove that!

    I smell Hawaii. Still. It was like a kind of Freedom.January 22, 2015 – 11:56 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I liked that sentence too. I was really mad at myself for not giving myself more time for this prompt to finish it so thank you!!! And yeah, Hawaii. Sigh. sniff. All of the thes.January 23, 2015 – 11:04 pmReplyCancel

  • Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - OH, I love this, Kristi. Agree with Inner Chick – the “I can smell Mexico” line is gorgeous. I also love the photo of the bed – the chips bags? Do they seriously say “chips”? That’s awesome.
    I just love these posts. I don’t know why I don’t do them because they are really terrific.
    Now, if I was participating in this week’s, I would have to share my Epic Diaper Fail story about Kidzilla and the Hub. It’s one of my best posts ever, according to those statistic things I don’t really understand. 😀
    Great story!January 23, 2015 – 12:59 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I liked that line too and would have gone more that route had I been less of an epic failure and maybe given myself time to write this for once!! GAH. But thank you and yeah, the bags just said Chips! HAHAH. You MUST link your epic diaper failure. You MUST. And that statistic things? Bah Humbug.January 23, 2015 – 11:05 pmReplyCancel

      • Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - I’m linked! But the linky thing put the wrong image up…dammit. Oh well.January 24, 2015 – 3:33 pmReplyCancel

  • karen - love the post and totally agree, if social media had been around when I was a teen, I would have been royally screwed. We sure did luck out…January 23, 2015 – 5:50 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - We so lucked out right? Thank you Sweets! (also yours is a complete win)January 23, 2015 – 11:06 pmReplyCancel

  • Allison - I am always so thankful that social media didn’t exist when I was in high school and college. Because it was all about FREEDOM, which is what Mexico is: freedom to discover and be who you are and discover who you are and just live.
    And have rattails.January 23, 2015 – 6:30 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - WHOOT to Mexico and Freedom!!! God, I wanna go to Mexico. Like now. Here’s to our pasts helping us figure out who we were. And to rattails. 😉January 23, 2015 – 11:07 pmReplyCancel

  • Allie - I concur – I’m so glad that FB didn’t exist in my youth! The poor kids of today. I’ve never been to Mexico, though. The urban legends (and Montezuma’s Revenge) always scared me.January 23, 2015 – 6:54 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - You??? Mz Travel Mama??? GO TO MEXICO!! OMG it’s the best place ever ever and I so so miss it. Seriously it’s amazing. Also I went year after year after year and ate everything and never got the revenge. Seriously.January 23, 2015 – 11:09 pmReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - I remember this post or maybe just the pictures from way back when. Still laughing at your rat-tail. I feel sorry for the teens these days with their “fails” ending up on social media. I was horrified when someone tagged me just with my senior picture hair. (so then I had to write a whole post about it) but yeah I can’t even remember much about out 11th grade trip to Daytona. I still can’t believe my dad let me go and I super glad that what happened in Daytona stayed in Daytona.January 23, 2015 – 7:14 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - The photos are all recycled although most of the post is new. It was 8pm on FTSF day and I had NOTHING so well yeah. That. And wait, laughing at my rat-tail? Dude!! I kinda miss it!! (ok only sometimes but still it was cool haha).
      I *think* I remember your hair post (ok wait I totally do) and your dad let you go to Daytona? So glad our “stuff” stayed where it belonged. Also I wish I knew you in Daytona. We’d have had some fun!January 23, 2015 – 11:21 pmReplyCancel

  • Kerri - I often think how incredibly lucky I am that the internet wasn’t invented until after I was out of school or my 20’s!January 23, 2015 – 8:36 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Um yup. The school years? The 20’s years??? Holycrap my friend. Had FB been around then I’d never have gotten a job maybe!! Or maybe a really great job??? Because our bosses didn’t have social media then either!!January 23, 2015 – 11:23 pmReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth - These are such great memories – so vivid and fun! You had *adventures*!January 23, 2015 – 10:17 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I did have adventures. They didn’t feel like it at the time but man, I miss them, a lot. I think it’s time to make some with my little boy yes?January 23, 2015 – 11:24 pmReplyCancel

      • Elizabeth - Absolutely! I am all about trying new things, broadening his circles, and having adventures!January 25, 2015 – 3:42 pmReplyCancel

  • Dana - While my Mexico stories are as fabulous as yours, there is one week in that fine country that I am so glad took place before social media! I have a few photos (maybe even one with those two guys in it), but that’s the only proof left. Whew.January 23, 2015 – 11:13 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - OMG you so have to tell me about that. I mean it’s kinda a rule now right?January 23, 2015 – 11:25 pmReplyCancel

  • Kim - Yes, glad there was no social media back in the day!!
    Loved reliving some of your Mexico experiences. That last picture cracked me up!!!January 23, 2015 – 11:22 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - thanks Kim!! I’m still REELING over your 45 mile run. You so inspire me!! I mean, I’m not going to run tomorrow like THAT, but maybe, I’ll run tomorrow….January 23, 2015 – 11:27 pmReplyCancel

  • April G - Never considered how many Epic Fails I would have before FB. Granted, I’m almost positive that there are no pictures to commemorate the occasions. Well, if I share this post, then that pic will end up everywhere!January 23, 2015 – 1:57 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - hahah to sharing the post… and the best thing? Nobody cares now because it was so long ago, and well, that. Also, I loved yours as I almost just posted about cooking failures which have been TOO MANY!!January 23, 2015 – 11:29 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - What would I do without your photos/pictures to cheer me up? I have fond memories of Mexico too – I went once or twice with my family and then for spring break during college and that’s where I met my husband. We met in a bar that sold t-shirts that said, “another shitty day in paradise.” And I couldn’t agree more about social media – sooo thankful it didn’t exist back in the day!January 23, 2015 – 2:00 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I want that shirt!!! Where in Mexico were you and how did I never know that you met your husband there??? OMG I miss Mexico and the freedom that I felt there… and also yeah, TG there was no social media. I’d never have been able to run for president.January 23, 2015 – 11:31 pmReplyCancel

      • Emily - I want that shirt too — one of my regrets in life is I never bought the “shitty day in paradise” shirt.:) We were in Cancun for spring break and at our school, we had an early spring break so there were no other colleges down there, other than kids from our school (Michigan) so I met my husband through other Michigan students that we knew down there. I almost had the James Taylor song, “Mexico” as our first dance at our wedding!January 24, 2015 – 5:43 pmReplyCancel

        • Kristi Campbell - I truly love that you met your husband in Mexico. So much. Sigh. I have a Carlos O’Briens jean jacket and a Jello Shots t-shirt (probably don’t have that one anymore actually) from Sr. Frogs… LETS GO TO MEX!!!January 25, 2015 – 8:23 pmReplyCancel

  • jamie@southmainmuse - I keep telling my daughter this when she posts less than flattering things on social media. Somethings are better just lived rather than recorded. Loved thinking about fun, free and sun in Mexico.January 23, 2015 – 2:25 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I keep telling my step daughter the same thing. She recently got a new FB account but OMG. Dumb. And what a wise saying “some things are better lived than recorded.” I love that.January 23, 2015 – 11:32 pmReplyCancel

  • Nicki - LOVE your words, your photos, your stories, sentences like “I feel the scents of humidity, choices, and freedom,” and your honesty. And you! xoJanuary 23, 2015 – 2:39 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - LOVE YOU. Your honesty. Your words. Here’s to stories and humidity and sentences that we relate to.January 23, 2015 – 11:33 pmReplyCancel

  • marcia @ Menopausal Mother - OMG the laxatives—-I had to hop over to your other post to see what that was about—TOO FUNNY!!! Okay so fess up—-did you ever get to go pee while you were in that jungle bar??January 23, 2015 – 11:03 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Marcia,
      You know what? Until you asked, I didn’t even think of that! I must have peed in the jungle there because I can’t imagine having made it all the way back down the jungle trail without having gone! HA!January 24, 2015 – 4:33 pmReplyCancel

  • Tamara - I saw a meme just this morning from someone much older than us who was saying she was glad she did all her crazy things before social media. Had to laugh.
    I’ve never really done such crazy things. Shame on me. And I’ve never been to Mexico.
    But there are many things I used to do without thinking. I miss that.January 25, 2015 – 11:52 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I love that you put “than us” being as um I’m so so much older than you 😉 which means thank you!! Also you have to go to Mexico. It’s one of the best places on the planet. F’real. So laid back and easy. You can still get crazy!!January 25, 2015 – 8:26 pmReplyCancel

  • Jolene @ Different Dream for My Child - Facebook and other social media does make our epic fails too easy for the world to see. Even so, my latest blog post lays out my most recent epic fail as a caregiver and an author. Wish I’d written the post before the deadline for the link up. But here it is: 26, 2015 – 11:29 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Oh I so wish it’d been in time – I’m so sorry!!! Going to read now!!!January 26, 2015 – 11:42 pmReplyCancel

  • Meredith - Oh my gosh! That picture is AMAZING. And, falling asleep on the horse sounds hilarious too. I’m secretly a little relieved I don’t drink….
    Funny post! 🙂January 27, 2015 – 2:31 pmReplyCancel

  • Tarana Khan - Haha! I’m glad that we didn’t have to worry about social media back then. Looks like you had some good adventures in Mexico 🙂January 27, 2015 – 3:02 pmReplyCancel

  • Jhanis - OMG the things we did back then! My kids would disown me if they were documented! Hhahhaah!January 28, 2015 – 10:18 pmReplyCancel

  • Jhanis - Loved reading this before! Love it still! LOLFebruary 12, 2015 – 2:58 amReplyCancel

  • Kristina - I love this because I had a really amazing stint in Mexico (and various other places) before social media existed. I wasn’t the brightest back then but I did have so much fun!February 12, 2015 – 8:11 pmReplyCancel

Humans have been and continue to be horrible to humans. Our history is of genocide, killing in the name of whatever is  seen as “right.” The murdering of children has been acceptable for thousands and thousands of years. I used to watch the news. Today, I can barely watch the news. I can’t keep up. I don’t […]

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  • Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - FRIST!January 19, 2015 – 1:06 amReplyCancel

  • Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - This is beautiful, Kristi. As always.January 19, 2015 – 1:07 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I’m so excited for the 20th of February. There are going to be amazing amazing awesome posts about compassion all OVER the place!!January 19, 2015 – 5:39 pmReplyCancel

  • Zoe - So beautifully written! And the bonus of one of my favorite men of the superhero variety!January 19, 2015 – 3:59 amReplyCancel

  • Mandy Carroll - I would like to participate in the 1000 voices in any way that I can…
    I also do not watch the news….I cannot bear to hear so much pain…January 19, 2015 – 5:54 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Mandy,
      Do you have a blog (the link from your name just brings me to a regular wordpress platform)? If so, you can post about compassion on Feb. 20. If not, you can help to promote it on FB, etc. and are very very welcome to write something about compassion and put it here. Just let me know!January 19, 2015 – 5:52 pmReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - How wonderful that your will share others stories here too! Your step father’s art is beatufitul! I can’t hardly watch the news. I’m often jumping up to turn something off before Christopher has any questions about it. I’ve talked to him about so many things EXCEPT the harsh realities we see on the news everyday.January 19, 2015 – 7:11 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - The harsh realities of the news are something I’m dreading talking to Tucker about. There’s just no good way to explain to a kid about the horror of what goes on in the world. People fighting people. It’s just sad…January 19, 2015 – 5:53 pmReplyCancel

  • Allie - Compelling as ever. You’ve inspired me – I’m in!January 19, 2015 – 9:15 amReplyCancel

  • Tamara - I’m excited for February 20th. I think it might be a lot more than 1,000.

    And yeah.. my grandparents talk about the good old days, and all I can hear in my head is “Spanish Inquisition”, “Orphan Train,” “Holocaust,” etc.

    It’s a big bad world sometimes but I do think we outnumber them. Doesn’t make it easier to swallow, though.January 19, 2015 – 5:19 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I think it might be way more than 1000 too Tamara! Here’s to outnumbering them. To compassion. To #1000Speaks.January 19, 2015 – 6:00 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - Love this idea – A LOT! I may send you a post, but in the meantime, I’d love to join the group!January 19, 2015 – 6:33 pmReplyCancel

  • Chris Carter - Oh Kristi- that was SO powerful. You described so much horrific humanity and the plight of so many people in your post… worded absolutely brilliantly too. From the beginning of time, oh so true. And I cringe, and nod, and sigh…

    And then I smile and nod and sigh…

    THIS.January 20, 2015 – 9:17 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I hate the horrific humanity… and yet, here we are right? I mean it’s HERE. Closing my eyes to it helps but still… what if we can make a difference??January 20, 2015 – 10:11 pmReplyCancel

  • Kerri - I’ve already joined but this is a great way to get the word out! And can I say how much Tucker looks like you in this picture? He has your shit-eating-grin my friend. The very best parts of you….in all ways.January 20, 2015 – 10:55 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Aw, I love that you think he looks like me in this one. I see him sometimes and wonder where he’s from, he seems so himself and yet, there are things about Robert that are so there… I guess it’s harder to see ourselves in them huh? Although his eyes – they are totally mine 😉
      Thanks friend and this whole #1000Speak thing is gonna ROCK.January 20, 2015 – 10:13 pmReplyCancel

  • Kristi - It is definitely easy to get overwhelmed by all the atrocities in the world. I’m so excited to join together with so many other bloggers to advocate for compassion and goodness.January 20, 2015 – 12:20 pmReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth - Count me in! This is inspired and brilliant! I, too, refused to read and watch the news. Bad news sells and there is simply too much of it to get an accurate read on the world. This project will counterbalance that nicely!January 20, 2015 – 4:14 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - YAY so glad you’re in, Elizabeth! I truly think it’s important. Obviously the horrible people won’t read anything BUT what if somebody feeling alone and like they want to join something does? Baby steps right? MLK stuff right?January 20, 2015 – 10:16 pmReplyCancel

  • Angel the Alien - Sometimes what I think is that the world is sort of a battle between good and bad, and imagine the default is 50-50, with 50% good and 50% evil. Like a Tug-0f-war. So our job is to try to fight the bad stuff by doing good… so maybe for every one person who hurts or kills a child, there will be at least 2 people who are actively trying to help and heal traumatized children; for every one starving person, there may be at least 2 people volunteering at Feed My Starving Children to get food to them. That way the good, in the long run, can win over the bad. If you just do nothing, you are neutral, neither good nor bad. So everyone should TRY to choose something good they can do to help the world. Maybe that is my brain over-simplifying it, but it makes sense to me!January 20, 2015 – 4:35 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I love the idea that the good keeps getting more powerful, Angel. Like love love. I don’t think it’s your brain doing anything more than being your brain which is really great at figuring these odds out and I so so want to believe that you’re right because it DOES make sense!!January 20, 2015 – 10:17 pmReplyCancel

  • Dana - I thought of Our Land when this group first formed – it’s kinda like spreading Our Land out for everyone to see. I love it. I’m all in, and I really like the idea of inviting non-bloggers to share on your page. I may have to do that!January 20, 2015 – 9:08 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - You did? I love that you thought of Our Land! I need to start publishing them again – got so many lame sponsor requests that I got frustrated by it but there’s still some amazing stories out there… need to get back. But yeah, I’m so happy that we’re doing this! I don’t know if any non-bloggers will post but I wanted my friends (some who have done OL posts before) to know that I’d publish them here.January 20, 2015 – 10:20 pmReplyCancel

  • Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - That face paint thing is a BIG DEAL! Baby steps, baby steps, step backwards, then BOOM. Good for Tucker. And good for you and your advocacy for him.January 20, 2015 – 9:34 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Dyanne! The face paint? HUGE DEAL. I mean just a few months back, he started crying when he realized that a temporary tattoo doesn’t wipe off with a “nakin.” So yeah, HUGE!! I’d have let him keep it for days if it wouldn’t have ruined my couch and his bed 😉January 20, 2015 – 10:21 pmReplyCancel

  • Yvonne Spence - Kristi, your point that the world wasn’t different when we were growing up, that violence has been around since Biblical times and beyond, is such an important one. Oddly, it gives me hope rather than the opposite. I see so many great initiatives, like Non-Violent Communication (NVC), mindfulness and self-inquiry, and I do honestly think people’s thirst for compassion is growing and that we will be part of that, making a difference.

    I want your son’s world to be beautiful too. Thank you for joining in with 1000 Voices -let’s make that beautiful world happen!January 21, 2015 – 10:58 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - You know, it gives me hope as well. I think you’re right that we are evolving (when I think about kids and special needs, I think about how they were once killed, and then hidden, and now mainstreamed as much as possible) and yeah. We ARE making progress!!!January 23, 2015 – 11:51 pmReplyCancel

  • Roshni - So many amazing bloggers like you on’s going to be epic!!January 26, 2015 – 4:48 pmReplyCancel

Years ago, when I was eight or nine years old, I read the words that parents will always love their children more than children love their parents. The realization that I meant more to my mom and dad than they meant to me immediately made me feel both treasured and guilty. I made a conscious […]

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  • Dana - I think you are right. It’s not If, it is That. Parenting is hard, and it can make you feel very alone. But we are not, even if our challenges are different. Our love for our kids is the equalizer.January 15, 2015 – 10:11 pmReplyCancel

  • Echo - You nailed it again, Kristi. I worry. I worry all the time. I worry about when my son will notice that people look at him a little different. I worry about him succumbing to his diagnosis because it’s too present or too hard. I will worry about him for the rest of my life, but I will also love him for the rest of my life. With that love comes great embarrassment, not always intentional, but it happens.January 15, 2015 – 11:01 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Aw my Ride the Lightning friend… Carpe Diem Baby!! And the bell tolls not for us just yet thank goodness 🙂
      Ugh to the people looking at our sons differently.. and yay for us for getting it and getting them… here’s to loving them the very best, because you do. I do. We do. We deserve some whisky in a jar every day.January 16, 2015 – 11:19 pmReplyCancel

  • Michelle AKA Crumpets and Bollocks - You know if you don’t lick breakfast off your kid’s face, the school will think you are neglecting him. Total time out for mom. Meanwhile, don’t worry so much. I can tell you give parenting your 100% all, and it doesn’t matter what comes at you, and what you mess up for a minute, because you care. And that caring is what makes you fix your mess ups, it’s what helps your child grow and overcome his obstacles eventually, and it’s the very reason you don’t need to worry about being imperfect. The smartest person knows that he doesn’t know, and he still needs to learn. The wisest person knows that we parents are only human, and mistakes are part of it, and that’s ok. A person with great understanding realizes flaws are what makes us unique and beautiful in our own way. You are on the right path and doing the right thing. Sleep at night, because you earned it.January 16, 2015 – 3:37 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Michelle. Fuck time out for moms for not licking our kids’ faces! And yeah, here’s to being wise and dumb and human and all of it, because you’re right. It’s okay! We’re unique and beautiful. xxooJanuary 16, 2015 – 11:20 pmReplyCancel

  • Marcia @ Menopausal Mother - Great post, and one that would truly benefit new moms in particular. It’s interesting, because when I became a first time mom, I had the same thoughts—-that I’d be the cool mom, the popular mom, the Martha Stewart of the group. And for awhile, I fooled myself into thinking I was with the first three kids. Then came #4, the wild child, and even though he is 19 now, I still feel as if I have failed this boy. I keep looking back, wondering what I did wrong, what I might have missed. I’ve learned over time that no matter how many kids you have, you can’t parent them all the same way. Some take a different kind of parenting. I wish I had known that when my son was young. All I can do now is strive to keep the bridge of communication open between us, to make sure he knows every day how much I love him no matter what he does, and to be here for him whenever he needs me.January 16, 2015 – 9:09 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thanks so much, Marcia! It’s funny how different parenting really is from what we thought it’d be huh? I’m convinced, too, that you definitely did not fail your youngest – every kid is different and honestly I was a tool when I was 19 years old and I turned out okay!! xxooJanuary 17, 2015 – 3:41 pmReplyCancel

  • Kerri - What if….see that is where I trip up. I think WHAT IF (insert most outrageous and untrue thing that might happen here). I need to stop the what if and begin living this is the way it is. Yet I so get where you went with this prompt.

    Awesome job my friendJanuary 16, 2015 – 11:14 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thanks Kerri! I can let myself get so dang carried away with the what if (horrible awful bad bad thing here) but I’m really trying to not let myself do it…January 17, 2015 – 3:43 pmReplyCancel

  • My Inner Chick - ——Kristi,
    every single time I read your words, my heart fills up with joy, hope, and abundant love.

    xx kisses and appreciation from MN.January 16, 2015 – 11:19 amReplyCancel

  • Rena McDaniel - I had two healthy babies and I worried constantly but 2 1/2 months ago I had my first granddaughter is she has special needs. She wears a heart monitor and breaths through oxygen every second. I’ve never seen her little face without it. I worried about my babies but it wasn’t the life and death stuff that we have to worry about with my granddaughter. I could walk out of the room while my children slept but somehow because she is so little and helpless I can’t leave her alone for a second when she is in my care. There is to much at stake and I think after I have done this for awhile that weight that comes from every single decision being life or death will definitely be a lot bigger weight than whether or not I embarrassed my son by licking my finger. It’s like a worry on top of a worry sort of way.January 16, 2015 – 12:25 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - That makes sense, Rena. When it’s a true life of death worry, that’s something much much bigger than the usual worries. I get so many people who say things to me like that they don’t know how I handle things that I feel like they feel that they’re not allowed to worry just because their kids don’t have special needs and I want them to know that I understand that their worries, in their own homes, are as big to them as mine are to me, if that makes sense. Hugs and prayers for your sweet granddaughter!January 17, 2015 – 3:48 pmReplyCancel

  • Allie - Beautiful and heart felt,as always. but I hate that you feel that way at the bus stop. We need to get you hooked up with some of those moms, because I think you’re right. We’re all scared. And I do know what you mean about the mindless chatter. It can get on the nerves when you have bigger things to worry about – but sometimes that’s a defense mechanism, because they don’t want to let anyone know they’re not perfect. Give them a couple glasses of wine and I am sure you will go home and be grateful worries.

    Miss you!January 16, 2015 – 1:27 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I do need to find a way to drink wine with some of the moms in the neighborhood but I dunno – they’re younger than I am and it seems that they already have established friendships. Plus I am a dork!!January 17, 2015 – 3:56 pmReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth - I agree with the person above that you should reach out to the moms at the bus stop. Yes, some of them may be rude – then you will know. The others could be people you like, invite over, your kids get along because they accept each other, and the next thing you know your son has a cadre of friends that can help carry him through the difficult social issues of childhood.

    Pick the parents of the kids you genuinely like. 🙂January 16, 2015 – 2:32 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I have tried a little to reach out to the bus stop moms – maybe I need to just try more often or something. Because you’re right – having more friends in the ‘hood would be nice for me and for Tucker… thanks, Elizabeth!January 17, 2015 – 4:01 pmReplyCancel

  • Deb - I liked the line about knowing it all before you did it. So true. And for all the people saying you should try to talk to the moms at the bus stop, I totally get why you wouldn’t want to. I wouldn’t want to, either, and there are no special needs in my family. xoJanuary 16, 2015 – 3:48 pmReplyCancel

  • Sarah - Maybe you could say it for me too. Until I believe it.
    Lovin those pigtails.January 16, 2015 – 4:50 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Ok let’s make a deal – we keep saying it to each other over and over and over until it sticks. I can do that.January 17, 2015 – 4:03 pmReplyCancel

  • Kim - I have gone out of my way to try and be as different from my mom as I can – the worst thing anyone could say to me is, “You are just like your mom.”
    I hope with every part of my being that my boys don’t one day feel the same (except they will be dads:)!!
    I can’t think of a day since I had my first son (over 16 years ago) that I haven’t worried – some days and some situations are worse and harder but it is always there.January 16, 2015 – 6:39 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Well I can tell you that you’re awesome so I’m sure your sons won’t feel like they don’t want to be like you! Truly! Thanks, Kim!January 17, 2015 – 4:04 pmReplyCancel

  • Tamara - Ack, exactly what Dana said! Our love for our children is our great equalizer.
    We are all scared, and we all struggle. It’s not just about what our kids are, but what we are. And I have anxiety so I just assume parenting is hell on earth for me, but my kids.. they don’t struggle. And if they did, would I be different? I don’t even know.January 16, 2015 – 6:44 pmReplyCancel

  • Chris Carter - Oh Kristi… how I just adore your every word, always. They speak to ME and to EVERYONE who reads them.

    What if… oh how I know that looking up at the ceiling wonderings and awful dread of ‘what am I doing??!!!”

    I can’t recall all that my mom did. I think that is a good thing actually. I believe that truly, I am beginning a new generation of parenting from a new perspective. Coming from a very broken home, I thank GOD for guiding me in this new and endless arena of what ifs and I can only hope and pray that THAT is exactly on purpose. But we all worry. We ALL worry.

    Special needs moms, broken moms, moms with sick kids and moms who ARE sick… just trying to navigate this motherhood journey as best we can.

    *I bet those moms would hug you if you told them your story.*

    Sometimes what seems so detached and isolating and waaaay out of our realm of connecting is just that. It seems. I’ve been there, oh so many times. Afraid to approach, to engage… and most often it turns out- JUST how you so beautifully describe.

    We are ALL in this together.January 16, 2015 – 11:40 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Chris,
      Your comments never ever fail to uplift, comfort, and inspire me. Thank you for having such love and for putting it out there. You’re amazingly wonderful and you know – I’m pretty sure we’re doing just fine in the parenting stuff. It’d be weird if we don’t worry right? Also, I know what you mean about rising above the broken home…
      We truly are all in this together. Truly and completely.January 17, 2015 – 5:05 pmReplyCancel

  • Jen - We’re all in it together. It’s a long story that will be a post next week. But I just came clean to all the Cub Scout leaders about Isaiah’s special needs and they were like, he’s fine, he’s no different than anyone else.
    I was so worried about how he was behaving, and they said he seemed like a typical 9yo to them.
    You’re an awesome mom, and you’ll never stop wondering anyway. But what matters is how fiercely we love our kids. Enough to worry.
    JenJanuary 17, 2015 – 11:25 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - WHOOT!! I’m so excited that the Cub Scout leaders were all just “he’s a kid!” That’s so encouraging and nice… I guess we “see” things that maybe are run through the fearful lenses too often, huh? Can’t wait to read the long post. TTTx10January 17, 2015 – 5:32 pmReplyCancel

  • Lily Lau - I hate all the “what if’s” that come with parenting… people think they are in the right when judging parents, when we should all respect more!January 17, 2015 – 1:22 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - We so should just respect one another more. Support one another. Lift one another up. Thanks so much for coming by and commenting!January 17, 2015 – 5:36 pmReplyCancel

  • Sandy Ramsey - My daughter recently told me that when she’s a parent she will this or she won’t that. I just gave her a smile and said, ‘That’s nice, honey.’ I remember saying the things I would or wouldn’t do when I was younger, before I became a parent and still knew everything.

    I go to bed some nights feeling like the worst parent in the world. Hell, some mornings I feel that way before 8 a.m. So to read these words written here, as much as it pains me, I say thank you. Because in those moments that I feel like I’m failing (or at least flailing) I need to know I’m not alone. That just makes it worse.

    I just licked my finger and smooshed something off a face today. That’s just damn good parenting right there!January 17, 2015 – 4:52 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - It was nice knowing everything about parenting before we became parents, wasn’t it? I sometimes miss that. This is better though. Ultimately, this is much much better and more real even with the worry and the fear.
      You’re not alone. Which means that neither am I. We can be superheroes together. Totally.January 17, 2015 – 5:45 pmReplyCancel

  • JT Walters - What is when we went to bed we counted all the things we did right for our child instead of year ourselves down making us weaker?

    I get it. I do it and my son doesn’t get to ride the bus. I have had bad care takers for my son and will not trust again readily. I think inherently all Mother’s worry and have way to much they have not accomplished in their lives. I am looking at my house and thinking my son needs a hazmat suit.

    But when we go things will be in out in box for certain. connecting is hard with other Mother’s because their lives are so different than yours. When I see Mothers’ of typical children it seems they neglect theirs and live life for themselves. In many ways I wish I could but then I would never giver up on my commitment to my son who has special needs. I am certainly not the coolest Mom but the Mom my son needs every day of his life and it is exhausting!!

    Great article! Hit a home run!!January 17, 2015 – 8:08 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - You are an awesome mom. I think staring at our ceilings thinking about how we were right and awesome is a WAY better idea than worrying about the stuff we might have done less than perfect. I’m so sorry that you’ve had bad caretakers – that sucks. So far (knock on wood) I’ve been lucky that way. Of course, Tucker’s only five… sigh. Thanks JT!!!January 18, 2015 – 7:09 pmReplyCancel

      • JT Walters - Thank God you can read in “exhausted Mom”!!!! Great translation as you knew exactly what I was saying! Count what you got right as that list is longer especially if counting intention.

        The truth is we only know if we were right over time. No one knows what is really, right or even wrong. The parent I might think us neglectful may have a much more self sufficient child.

        Again writing in, “Exhausted Mom”, I think we need to be kinder to ourselves, stop judging ourselves so critically and really stop judging each other. The right Mom is with the right kid….I have to have faith that is true 95% of the time.

        You are the awesome Mom! Thanks for translating!

        JTJanuary 19, 2015 – 2:02 amReplyCancel

        • Kristi Campbell - True that we can’t know what is right or wrong until after but I think it’s mostly right enough… You are an awesome mom and happy to translate “exhausted mom” speak anytime!!!January 19, 2015 – 10:32 pmReplyCancel

          • JT Walters - My confidence interval is 95% of the time the right Mom is with the right child making the mostly right decision. Faith Kristi…I have to have faith in that especially since we live in the world of rate disorders were very little is known. Doctors do not give advice in things they do not know. A lot of the time the Mom takes a leap of faith.

            Parenting is a leap of faith. Had I known what I was getting myself into I’d never had sex. My son has me completely wrapped and I find his humor hysterical! Never have I loved anyone so much, never have I wanted to do something so perfect…parenting, and never have I ever had so much to lose.January 19, 2015 – 10:46 pm

  • Katia - As usual I’m overwhelmed with emotion and am trying to sort out my thoughts into something coherent, because this really resonated with me for so many reasons. I’m a worrier. I constantly want to be there and act as a shield for my kids.Your worries do seem bigger to me as they involve things beyond your control and maybe beyond the control of Tucker, as well, but the way we experience our worries is probably very similar. I am that mom, too, who feels like she’s screwing it up while everyone else has got it together. I fear new social encounters.I think that while the details of our stories are different and we may be experiencing parental challenges in very similar ways. I wish there was a support group/online community for parents of “typical” (and you know how I feel about that word) and “non-typical” kids, where everyone would share their challenges. I’m sure we’d all be able to relate to each other much better than we may assume.

    You’ve got an amazing soul depth.

    xoJanuary 18, 2015 – 2:29 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I love you friend and know you’re a worrier and that you so get this and I do think that the worrying part IS very similar. I mean, ok maybe some of it’s different but when I started writing this, I was thinking that I want my son to be loved, accepted, happy, content, and then I realized that NONE of those worries were due to Tucker’s special needs… ya know? Your soul. You. You’re light and sunshine. For real.January 18, 2015 – 7:11 pmReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - You ended on a note that dredged up the memory of my dad spit shining my face before going into kindergarten. He smoked at the time so I clearly remember THAT smell on me. You would think it would make me remember to clean my face good before he had to do that. But now that I’ve written that I’m thinking of my dad not wanting his little girl to go in school with crud in the corners of her mouth. Awww. But ewww.

    We all have our legitimate worries as mom or as parents to our children. Our children ‘collectively’. You are definitely not alone. (((hugs)))January 18, 2015 – 2:56 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - LOL Kenya – as a kid, um yup. EWWWW. But still, as a parent? He just wanted you to look your best right? I mean AWWWW. For real. Thanks so much for the hugs too. I appreciate them. And you. And your dad spit shining your sweet little girl face.January 18, 2015 – 7:13 pmReplyCancel

  • Jen - As I read this, two refrains looped through my head:
    “Mirror, mirror on the wall, I am my mother after all.”
    “If we hung our troubles out on the line, you would choose yours, and I would choose mine.”
    I think it’s true that parents of special needs children shoulder a different kind of worry than parents of typical kids. There are big worries about the future, about self-sufficiency, about acceptance, that we parents of non-special-needs kids, just don’t face.
    However, I think we do all share the BIG FEAR. The fear that we are not doing enough, that we are not good enough, the fear that we are failing our children. The fear that, whatever challenges our kids will face, we did not do all that should have been done to help them. Of course, by “shoulding” we are implying that there is someone out there who IS better, who WOULD HAVE done more. We are all comparing ourselves against an invisible and impossible standard. Moms at the bus stop and all. Rock on mama.January 18, 2015 – 10:59 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - What an awesome comment Jen! I love that line “If we hung our troubles out on the line, you would choose yours, and I would choose mine.” It’s so true. And just overall awesome. It’s true that parents of special needs kids have worries that typical parents just don’t. But yeah the BIG FEAR. So much the same. Thanks so much!January 19, 2015 – 6:05 pmReplyCancel

  • Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - God, you always make me think so HARD when I come here, Kristi!
    But you know what? I feel you. Completely. (Do people even say that? I’m a dork.) I really do think special needs or not, we all feel like that at some point. I don’t do idle chatter and camaraderie that well with other moms. I feel like the outsider (is my Clark showing) and I wonder why in the world they even talk to me at all. Some days I feel like my kid is so very like theirs…and other days I feel like she is so very not. Then I get all “but am I even allowed to think she’s special or exceptional? Do I want to say that? Of course I do. Or do I?”
    The truth is, I am my own worst enemy in all of this and I suspect so are we all. We worry about our kids. We worry that we are like our parents. We worry that we are not like our parents. We worry that we suck as parents. We worry that our kids think we suck as parents.
    We just worry.
    And that’s OK.
    Where it becomes bad, I think, or dangerous even, is when we let that consume us, when we let it shut us off from people who might help us, might show a little compassion, might just understand us a bit more than we think.
    In the end I think we’re all very much the same, special or regular or exceptional or whatever. And we’re all pretty normal in that.January 19, 2015 – 12:10 amReplyCancel

  • Kristi Campbell - Lisa! What an awesome excellent comment, Sweets! YES! What you said, exactly and completely. Also that you feel me isn’t dorky at all. I think it’s cool because you’re so right that it’s totally normal to worry and that it only becomes a problem when we let it shut ourselves off from others. Brilliant and insightful you. Thank you.January 19, 2015 – 6:26 pmReplyCancel

  • Linda Atwell - Out One Ear - I wonder about this too. I know Lindsey has issues but I see friends who are struggling with a daughter with a drug addiction and friends who have typical kids with other issues. And they worry. So we all worry, but just in our own way. We are probably more the same than different. But for some reason, it bothers me when someone says that raising a special needs child isn’t any different than a typical kid. I’ve raised one typical and one special needs and believe me, typical was a million times easier.

    Your description of wiping egg off a face with a little spit made me laugh. I did that more than I wanted. It’s amazing what you can see in outside light that you couldn’t see while in the house. That might be why I now carry a set of tweezers in my car for my 56 year old chin!January 19, 2015 – 6:37 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Linda,
      I believe that we are all the same more than different BUT am horrified to think that somebody actually told you that parenting is the same whether our kids have special needs or not and that’s not what I was trying to imply here. Did somebody say that to you??? OMG.
      So – parenting with special needs is way way harder the end. I mean parents of typical kids may need to avoid some situations but really? I mean do they have to bring an ipad to a funeral? No. Do they have to worry about their kid getting lost and not being able to tell an adult/policeman what his mom’s name is? His own name?? NO!!! Ugh. I was just trying to say that I think that the worry is more alike than not.
      Also, the tweezers. On Saturday, I bought a new pair for my car. I’ve got really light eyebrows and don’t really tweeze them but noticed IN THE CAR (and not in the bathroom mirror) that there were these weird rogue hairs like 1″ away from the end of my eyebrow??? WTF.January 19, 2015 – 10:30 pmReplyCancel

      • Linda Atwell - Out One Ear - I totally understood your post and didn’t think you were implying that at all. But yes I did have somebody say (when I told them something Lindsey did) that her child did exactly the same thing. And maybe her kid did, but her kid did not respond/act anywhere near the way Lindsey acted. It was a very long time ago. But it is still one of my pet peeves about being a parent of a kid with special needs. On the other hand, I’m not trying to whine about my lot in life. It is what it is. Anyway, your post made perfect sense and I just went off on my own little tangent. 🙂

        I think I’ll go check the mirror for rogue hairs. 🙂January 20, 2015 – 1:33 amReplyCancel

        • Kristi Campbell - OMG that somebody said that to you. That’d stick with me as well because HOLYCRAP. Also I can relate to the “all kids do that” stuff. Because maybe? But um totally NOT. I need to bring tweezers into my car.January 20, 2015 – 10:35 pmReplyCancel

  • April G - How do you not worry? This precious being came out of your body, you spend every waking hour with him or her for the first few weeks, then you’re supposed to just let them learn their own lessons? Ones we’ve already learned and dealt with and some we haven’t. It’s hard and confusing, but it’s love.February 8, 2015 – 3:58 pmReplyCancel

In fifth grade, along with the rest of my class, I made an autobiography. I still have it. It’s frayed and yellowed and falling apart, but I have it. There were pages for family history, special interests, and travel. One of the pages was reserved for goals. In mine, I said that when I grow […]

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  • don - I don’t want to join because it sounds like a lot of work, but if the pay is good enough, I’ll listen. Also, before I panned down I was all, “holy crap, Kristi’s dad looks EXACTLY like Lyle Alzado!!!” Lol. I guess I was sort of right.

    I wish you well in your pursuit of Our Land and making this shitty world a better place to be. I could get behind that, and not in a doggy style sort of perverted way either. Gosh, have I gone too far now? Lol Okay, by for now, dear.January 8, 2015 – 10:07 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Awesome that you knew who Lyle was. I was all bummed out when I googled him and saw he died so young and thought it was because of steroids and stuff when it was like brain cancer (which was maybe from steroids who knows). Sad though. You already make the world a better place to be ya know? I mean for real. Doing Don stuff and doing the cop thing – you make the world better. And hahah to getting behind that either way. Here’s to making the world better in all the ways.January 8, 2015 – 11:43 pmReplyCancel

      • jaklumen - Well, the Wikipedia article says he was one of the first athletes to admit using steroids, and I do remember that he decided to be an advocate AGAINST steroid use. I remember he appeared in an ABC Back to School special as such, in a story that featured a slightly older Peter Billingsley as a character abusing steroids in high school. (Billingsley is a producer for actors like Vince Vaughn today; a long shot away from his A Christmas Story and Messy Marvin for Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup days.)

        Lyle reminded me of some professional wrestlers of his day; aside from his known temper on the field, his anger and aggression seemed like an act to me. I mean, the photo you’ve shared– his eyes seem to say to me, “I am honestly a man that cares.” What an honor that you got to meet him.January 11, 2015 – 1:07 amReplyCancel

        • Kristi Campbell - Jaklumen, it’s my understanding that he believed that his brain cancer was caused by his steroid use and yeah, you’re right that he became a huge advocate agains their use, which is great. I didn’t see those movies but agree that it was a true honor to meet him. He was nice to my brother and me for the few minutes we got to speak to him 🙂January 11, 2015 – 8:14 pmReplyCancel

  • April Grant - I wouldn’t want to run for President either. The job looks horrible! I would love if we had more understanding towards each other!January 8, 2015 – 10:07 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - President’s job does look horrible and yeah, I hope that we can all have more understanding! For ourselves and everybody else. Somehow.January 8, 2015 – 11:51 pmReplyCancel

  • Lisa @ Golden Spoons - “Each of us has the power and the bravery to accept ourselves.” You know that’s something I’m really trying to work on. You are right – we are ALL imperfect, yet perfect at the same time. Even me. And you. And Tucker. And everyone. I think you would be a great President of all the things and I would absolutely join you!January 9, 2015 – 5:57 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thanks Lisa. Here’s to us knowing we’re going to accept ourselves more freely this year and always!January 9, 2015 – 6:56 pmReplyCancel

  • Allie - Amen sister:). I have never wanted to be president, and therefore could not think of anything to write about – other than I would make it a law that bookstore had to always exist. And a minimum reading requirement for all:)…and then I’d repost my Favorite Books of 2014, from the day before. How lame is that?!?!?January 9, 2015 – 7:40 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - A law that a bookstore always needs to exist is a pretty good one! And yeah, I didn’t know what to write either… it’s not lame at all – I loved your end of year best books post!January 9, 2015 – 7:01 pmReplyCancel

  • Linda Atwell - Out One Ear - This rocks Krisit! Looks like you are going to have a fantastic 2015. I’m glad I’m coming along for the ride.January 9, 2015 – 11:24 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thanks Linda! I want to go along with you for your (airplane) rides!!! 🙂January 9, 2015 – 7:05 pmReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth - You are brilliant, Madam President! Very well said and well taken. Signed, the President of My UniverseJanuary 9, 2015 – 12:45 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Here’s to us being presidents of our universes! Happy 2015 Elizabeth!!!January 9, 2015 – 7:06 pmReplyCancel

  • Kimberly - I love you and all of your things.
    Boobs too.
    Cause I’m a pervert.January 9, 2015 – 1:17 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I love you too and especially for saying that you love my boobs because it’s really about time that somebody did here on this blog.January 9, 2015 – 7:06 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - Those childhood pics are awesome…you were such a cute little blonde! 🙂 And, I wanted to be a vet too…but never President. I’m with you – way too much work and stress and if I couldn’t wear yoga pants on most days, it just wouldn’t work for me. But, yeah president of all the things sounds right to me – I’m in!January 9, 2015 – 1:44 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - HAHA to the pics Emily and thanks for ignoring my pants that were way too small by then but my favorite forever. Yay for president of all the things!! 🙂January 9, 2015 – 8:13 pmReplyCancel

  • Kim - I think you are a great person for President of any and all things!!! I’m with you – no desire to be President of the US but I like being President (or maybe Queen:) at home!!! I think that if everyone respected others for their uniqueness life would be so much better!!!January 9, 2015 – 2:31 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Yup. Queen (or president) at home works just fine!!! And yeah, I wish everybody would respect one another and realize we’re unique but more the same than not ya know?January 9, 2015 – 8:14 pmReplyCancel

  • Tamara - Your brother is pretty cute.
    And I think your tracing is just fine!
    I often talk about how it would be if I ruled the world, as the President of the Universe. Gosh, it would be a lot of fun. For you all.
    I’d probably be stressed at making everyone happy, which is pretty much how my real life is anyway, without any of the perks.January 9, 2015 – 6:55 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - HAHAH to my brother being cute 🙂 He’ll like that. Gah to being stressed about making everybody happy without the perks. Read the part that we’re all enough as we are m’kay? Because you ARE.January 9, 2015 – 8:15 pmReplyCancel

  • JT aWalters - Fucking hysterical and touching! Rules are made for men and women are the womb of civilization!

    I am with you!! But you know this!

    I do not know how to do your finish the sentence but here is my try. You should vote for me for president because I can teach you love is the most power catalyst in the universe. But you have to start with loving yourself first. Bigotry and discrimination is a projection of what people hate about themselves.January 9, 2015 – 8:14 pmReplyCancel

  • Kristi Campbell - JT YES bigotry and discrimination is crap and not about the people they’re hating on. Maybe they all need to remember they are President of All Their Things!January 9, 2015 – 8:16 pmReplyCancel

  • Sandra - This is a great link up. I’m recently returned to the blogging world, making my way back to the bloggers who gave me so much hope and picked me up when I didn’t feel like I wanted to. I love this post. I would like to eat a kazillion nachos without gaining weight, but you’re right, that’s not really helping anyone. But kindness; taking five minutes to make a difference is so true. I work in an occupation where I see how little time it takes to make someone breathe a sigh of relief, and when I feel low and want to feel sorry for myself, I remember those sighs of relief. Wonderful post.January 10, 2015 – 1:48 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Hi Sandra,
      As far as the link-up, it’s open until Sunday at noon if you’d like to join and I host it each week. It used to be a lot bigger but we took a break and it’s just building back up. It’s great though – very interactive and supportive. All the linkers are great about hopping around to everybody’s post. Here’s to giving five minutes to helping somebody breathe a sigh of relief… and I look forward to getting to know you better!January 10, 2015 – 7:26 pmReplyCancel

  • My Inner Chick - ***Perfectly imperfect***

    Yep, sounds like me.

    Kick Ass, Gorgeous piece, Kristi.

    Your “WORDS” are NEVER empty. xxxJanuary 10, 2015 – 10:46 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thanks Kim. Here’s to 2015 and no empty words. Except when they need to be which is probably never right?? xxoo.January 10, 2015 – 11:53 pmReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - Lyle looks like someone who would have been on a Wheaties box. He looks familiar.

    Ugly toes made me LOL! I can doctor mine up pretty good for the summer butt OMG to them right now.

    Let’s have a vision that Our Land is possible in our lifetime, no matter who is President. I had to laugh at Don’s comment. I have to agree that you’ve loaded up your plate!January 10, 2015 – 11:27 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I don’t know if he was on a Wheaties box or not but he probably could have been!! He was kinda a big deal football player back when…
      HAHAH to you having ugly toes in the winter. Mine are pretty much ugly all the time, even when I doctor them up. The second one is too short and a little under the first and I’ve always ALWAYS hated it… dumb though right because TOES!!!
      and Yeah, Don. 🙂January 10, 2015 – 11:55 pmReplyCancel

  • Darcy Perdu (So Then Stories) - Damn, girl – I love your list!
    I’m definitely voting for you as President of All Things!!January 10, 2015 – 12:53 pmReplyCancel

  • Dana - You could not pay me enough to be president. Even president of the PTA. Silly, I know – but I’ve been asked multiple times. I don’t like the buck to stop with me; I like someone else ahead of me. Is that horrible? Probably, but it’s the truth. I’m happy to be VP though, so if you need a VP of all things, let me know.January 11, 2015 – 1:54 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - UGH to the PTA president! That sounds almost as bad as the US president. I think I’d be okay with deciding on the buck but not at listening to everybody whine and disagree with me 😉
      You can be my VP any day!January 11, 2015 – 8:17 pmReplyCancel

  • Eli@coachdaddy - Lyle Alzado was a big deal. Remember that Orange Crush defense? I was just thinking about it … that all these years later, I can name so many players. Louis Wright, Steve Foley, Rubin Carter, Tom Jackson, Lyle Alzado … and how sad was it to see him wind up in silver and black?

    As for the rest of this … I went 17 different places as I read you. Yes, we’re in charge of it, aren’t we?

    Everybody would know, without a doubt, that they are perfectly imperfect, exactly as they are. Crooked smiles, big ears, fat butts, ugly toes and self doubt. We’re all okay. Better than okay even. Perfectly imperfect.

    I’ve gotten a better grip on imperfection. Of stopping the noise from polluting all good things. Of knowing the days of feeling inadequate won’t ever go away, but I can learn to navigate them being kind to myself.

    I’ve said too much here, and I’m sorry about that. But thank you for the words you used here to get right to how I felt. And for inspiring me with how you’d lead.

    You have my vote.January 13, 2015 – 1:12 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I so so so remember Orange Crush. I remember when Craig Morton went to the superbowl and we lost… and going to school the next day with friends saying “we’re number two!” and just being bummed. I didn’t enjoy watching football as much in 3rd grade but totally remember watching the playoff game that led up to it and loving it… and the crap of us sucking then. I also grew up living next door to Winston Hill – do you remember him? He was retired by the time I met him but he came to my wedding and so many of my work colleagues that were older than I was were in line to meet him. Such an honor for sure.
      Also you can never say too much here. Let’s make a little Old Mile High pact that we have to have to have to stop the noise from messing with the Good Things. That we can be kind to ourselves even when we want to punch ourselves in the faces. Deal?January 13, 2015 – 10:49 pmReplyCancel

      • Eli@coachdaddy - Norris Weise came to the Greeley Mall to sign autographs that year. Remember him? He was Craig Morton’s backup. We had all the Orange Crush T-shirts, one that said, “Rolling to the Dome,” and then Dallas smacked them.

        It’s a deal. Kind to ourselves. I like that.January 14, 2015 – 8:23 amReplyCancel

        • Kristi Campbell - I wish I had an Orange Crush t-shirt now and I vaguely remember Norris Weise. How cool that you got to meet him and yeah, Kind to ourselves.January 15, 2015 – 7:01 pmReplyCancel

  • Roshni - It certainly seems to be a fun job though I would probably be drunk with power…or just drunk by Day 2!!January 14, 2015 – 7:26 pmReplyCancel

  • Jhanis - Oh, yes! So with you on this one!January 15, 2015 – 5:22 amReplyCancel

  • Meredith - Ummm, I’d totally nominate you to be president of all the things if it meant I could eat nachos for every meal and never gain weight. Seriously, my favorite food!January 15, 2015 – 10:18 amReplyCancel

Where has the time gone? It feels as though this year passed in a single breath. And yet, when I slow down and focus on the minutes and the hours and the adventures, I remember many breaths. Some were spent anticipating. Living. Others, worrying, and waiting. Getting through. Some of my breaths were held and […]

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  • zoe - Did my other comment work?! Argh! Phone!!!January 4, 2015 – 7:19 amReplyCancel

  • Cynthia - So awesome! It’s been so neat watching Tucker grow. I hope you had a great New Year! I hope that you and yours have a fabulous 2015! xoJanuary 4, 2015 – 10:32 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Same to you Cyndi!!! Here’s to 2015. I can’t wait to read your books!January 4, 2015 – 9:32 pmReplyCancel

  • Michele - Haha, we have a phone/iPad kisser here, too! Though he was blowing kisses to Tucker as you were instructing. 🙂 Great videos! Happy New Year!January 4, 2015 – 11:53 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Teddy was blowing kisses to Tucker? I can’t even put into words how much I love that! Happy 2015, Michele!!!January 4, 2015 – 9:32 pmReplyCancel

  • My Inner Chick - ***For all of the breaths. For the hard ones that made us stronger and for the beautiful ones that made us better***

    l o v e l y

    Fabulous videos. Fabulous kid!

    Wish he were in our class at MacArthur Elementary. xxJanuary 4, 2015 – 12:30 pmReplyCancel

  • Echo - This is beautiful and Tucker is adorable. Yes, this year passed by in a seemingly quick breath, but I am damn happy that it did! I learned so much and made so many connections! I am beyond excited about what is to come! Carpe Diem, Baby!January 4, 2015 – 4:09 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Carpe Diem, Baby!!! Here’s to what’s to come and to riding (and writing) the lightning, Sweets.January 4, 2015 – 9:36 pmReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - Lol! Love the video! If you don’t know their names you should at least know what they look like. Too cute! I saw the first one on FB. Also nice family pic!January 4, 2015 – 4:27 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Right? I love that he wants to know what they look like. I figured some people would have seen the video on FB but well, you know FB… also I was feeling lazy and just wanted to publish something after not doing anything for 2 weeks!January 4, 2015 – 9:41 pmReplyCancel

  • Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - “It feels as though this year passed in a single breath. And yet, when I slow down and focus on the minutes and the hours and the adventures, I remember many breaths. … Some of my breaths were held and some were taken away.”
    Good God, woman, that is beautiful. So true, right? One of these days, I am going to figure out how to make words like that come out of me.
    You have had quite a ride this year and I think it’s been beautiful to tag along! (And by tag along I mean run like an idiot behind the bus because I missed it at the stop…I’m always so behind!)
    I know some adults who can’t sing the Twelve Days of Christmas that well, so that’s pretty impressive! And YES to kids “getting” Christmas. It’s so magical, isn’t it?
    Huge hugs to all of you! I wish you a happy, healthy, and deep breath-filled new year!January 4, 2015 – 4:43 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Happy new year, Lisa!!!! And sweets – you already make words like that come out of you. Perfectly perfect. HAHA to the running behind the bus. I’m so that person too – always behind and never really sure what exactly is going on!!!
      Kids “getting” Christmas is so so magical. I loved it this year. Hugs to you and I hope that your 2015 is full of deep breaths and tons of laughter.January 4, 2015 – 9:43 pmReplyCancel

  • Dana - I never get tired of Tucker videos, especially when they include your laughter.

    Joy within the minutes without grieving them while they happen. Yes – that is what my goal is for this year too.January 4, 2015 – 5:14 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Here’s to not grieving the moments while they happen and to a billion (too many???) more Tucker videos. He loves them too. I blame Evan Tube (your kids are probably too old for that and you should just thank the universe now for that). 🙂January 4, 2015 – 9:44 pmReplyCancel

  • Chronicallysickmanicmother - And that’s it isn’t it. remembering to appreciate each moment for whatever it brings. Each moment for what it is.January 4, 2015 – 5:33 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I think so. I hope so anyway. Happy 2015. I hope this is a wonderful year for you!January 4, 2015 – 10:22 pmReplyCancel

  • Kim - I love your “resolution” for the year! I’m working on letting go of unattainable standards this year so basically the same thing – you are enough, I am enough, we are definitely enough every single day!!!January 4, 2015 – 6:01 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Here’s to letting go of impossible standards and just living and being, Kim. I can get behind that. That, and being enough as we are and as we do – even when it’s less than what our idea of perfect is!!! Happy 2015!January 4, 2015 – 10:27 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - Cutest video ever! And I love love love that he asked what Eliana’s kids looked like…I KNOW what a huge deal that is, that he’s inquiring, that he’s making conversation…awesomely awesome. Happy New Year and thank you for making me smile after a very LONG (and kinda boring) winter break with the dudes…back to school tomorrow – yippee!January 4, 2015 – 7:35 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Emily,
      I love love love that he asked what her kids look like too! It’s like he’s becoming more and more aware of the world around him and I’m in awe and SO thankful for it!!! I’m so glad you get it – thank you for that 🙂
      I’m kinda excited that tomorrow is Monday too even though I have a company meeting at 8am and have been taking naps almost daily recently (at least when hubs is at home too which has been quite a lot). Happy 2015!!January 4, 2015 – 10:29 pmReplyCancel

  • Angel the Alien - Tucker is so cute! And so funny when he tried to kiss the phone! He looks like he’s grown a lot since I first started reading your blog. 🙂January 4, 2015 – 8:40 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - He’s grown so much I can’t even believe it!!! And he’s talking so much more too which is wonderful. Happy New Year, Angel!!January 4, 2015 – 10:34 pmReplyCancel

  • Tamara - Ahh, he has the sweetest talking and singing voice!! I love it.
    2014 was a weird year. I haven’t been so big into calling them resolutions this year. Maybe just a lot of thoughts joined together. Into one word.January 4, 2015 – 8:45 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I can relate to a lot of thoughts joined together in one word for sure. And yeah, he really does have the cutest voice. I want to remember it when he’s a teenager and giving me the attitude. Happy 2015 Tamara!!January 4, 2015 – 10:52 pmReplyCancel

  • Sarah - I may borrow your things to remember. The video of Tucker–OMG!!! Sweetness personified.January 4, 2015 – 9:14 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Please feel free to borrow my things to remember. I might need to borrow it back when I forget. And yeah, I love watching videos of him!!! Happy 2015 Sarah!!January 4, 2015 – 10:53 pmReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth - Happy 2015! I am thankful I found you this year and look forward to continued learning from you. 😀January 5, 2015 – 12:26 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Looking forward to learning from me??? I love learning from you and The Nav. Happy 2015 my friend.January 5, 2015 – 10:43 pmReplyCancel

  • Chris Carter - OH that precious BOY!!!! I want to EAT HIM!!!!

    I love all your breathtaking and breakthrough moments you have embraced with such passion and truth, my dear friend. What an inspiration you are to me, and to all of those you reach.

    Here’s to another year of more living. ON PURPOSE. MWUAH!January 6, 2015 – 12:11 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I want to eat him up too Chris!! Isn’t he sweet (not always by the way but mostly he is). Here’s to living on purpose and to you my sweet friend!!January 6, 2015 – 5:28 pmReplyCancel

  • Sarah @ Thank You Honey - Happy New Year! I love that video and all the kisses! (((Big Hugs)))!January 6, 2015 – 8:33 pmReplyCancel

  • Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - I love that video of Tucker singing! How stinkin’ adorable can he be?! I have had several kids from our local autism center in my pre-k class. They like to transition them into kindergarten by having them attend preschool with typical kids three mornings a week with an ABA therapist (they attend the autism center 5 days a week, all day, otherwise). I had one boy two years in a row. He was sharp as a whip, had been reading since he was 3, but was such a turd sometimes! He wouldn’t sing when we practiced our songs for the Christmas program, but one day, during center time, he had to sit at the table for some reason for a few minutes before he could go play (can’t remember why now), and he sat there and sang EVERY WORD OF EVERY SONG, knowing full well we were listening. My assistant recorded him and we listen to it every now and then and remember how much we loved that kid!January 6, 2015 – 9:36 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - How awesome that program seems!!! And you ROCK for being involved in it. I also agree that it’s pretty unknown what these little dudes pick up – so so so much more than we think!!! I had no clue he even knew this song!!!January 6, 2015 – 11:06 pmReplyCancel

  • Brittnei - Oh my! Tucker is so cute! I always enjoy reading the truths that you state about life in your posts. It’s true. Many of the resolutions like those will most likely not be in our thoughts when we are about to go. I think this is part of the reason that my outlook on everyday is pretty much like yours. I can resolve to make plans for the months to come or I can just try to be the best person I can each day, cutting myself some slack because I know I won’t get it right all the time. And going with the flow has been less stressful for me, too!January 7, 2015 – 10:20 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Here’s to just going with the flow and cutting ourselves some slack, Brittnei. The plans never work, at least for me…January 7, 2015 – 10:50 pmReplyCancel

Just before drifting off to sleep, my son rolls over to check that I’m still there and grips my hand more tightly in his. I like to think that he’s locking my presence into his dreams. Sometimes, while lying in the dark or playing in the light, I think about all of the things I […]

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  • Janine Huldie - Aww, I keep telling myself this too as I don’t want to ever forget this time or what my girls were like either when they grow up, because as crazy as it all is this really is (as Billy Joel sang) “The Time to Remember”.December 18, 2014 – 10:10 pmReplyCancel

  • April Grant - I would love to keep my babies babies, but looking at them now, the joy that I see of them growing together. I hope it stays that way.December 18, 2014 – 10:14 pmReplyCancel

  • Allie - Amen. Yes to it all! I want it all, but it is so bittersweet. I cannot imagine my children as old, I just can’t it given vertigo:(. And I too hope to be really, really super-duper old. I have to be.December 18, 2014 – 10:14 pmReplyCancel

  • Dana - Five minutes ago, I hugged my not-so-little but still little boy, and I breathed in deep as if to save that moment. I can’t save it, but I can remember. Love this, Kristi – made me sigh big (in a good way), as your posts often make me do.December 18, 2014 – 10:29 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I love that you just hugged your not so little but still little boy and breathed him in. THAT. That’s what it is for and thank you so much Dana!December 19, 2014 – 11:29 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - This post appeared at just the right time for me. I just found out a few hours ago that my across the street neighbor tragically died suddenly (I don’t even know the circumstances). She was in her 60s and had 2 kids as well as 2 grandkids. When things like that happen, it really shakes me up and of course I immediately think of my own kids if something were to happen to me. And when you said this, it really rang true to me: “I want to live long enough so that I feel okay when leaving. I don’t know that there’s ever a time that any parent feels okay leaving this life but I have faith that some of us manage to do so in peace. That we leave knowing that we did enough.” That is a beautiful statement and I truly hope I leave knowing I did enough. I believe my mom died feeling that way and that also gives me peace in return.December 18, 2014 – 10:47 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Aw Emily! I’m so sorry about your neighbor 🙁 and yes to the hoping that we live long enough to know that we did enough. I love love that you feel your mom reached that point I want us to be there. First though we need some boys of ours to grow oldish and have the grandbabies right?December 19, 2014 – 11:31 pmReplyCancel

  • Heidi N. - you always make me cry! thanks for the timely message as we all get so caught up in the holiday craziness, I’m also dealing with a sick Dad who must be thinking all of this himself as he waits on more test results from doctors…I too have a hard time thinking of my special boy as an adult, we always want to do more, get him ready for the real world as best we can, protect him for as long as we can, savor as much as we can. Happy Holidays.December 18, 2014 – 11:08 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with a sick dad and yeah, thinking of our kids as adults is so so hard…especially when they have needs beyond the typical. Thank you so much for your sweet comment!December 19, 2014 – 11:33 pmReplyCancel

  • Kerri - wow. just wow. thank you for getting it, as always. that it is so important to remember the NOW. that we need these memories for when we are cleaning puke, when we are dealing with IEPs or when we worry about the future.December 18, 2014 – 11:25 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Here’s to the now sweets, even when it seems that it is in the ER??? So sorry about that…December 19, 2014 – 11:34 pmReplyCancel

  • Out One Ear - Linda Atwell - Beautiful! I’m so glad you tell yourself to remember. I used to do that all the time and still, I can’t always remember, but I try. I like to try to remember the smells, the smiles. But you have even one more thing–the writing. You will have that. Always. Forever. And you’ll be able to come back and reflect and again, remember.December 19, 2014 – 12:23 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I’m sure I’ll forget too. I’ve already forgotten some of the baby moments I told myself to remember. But at least wanting to makes it easier to focus on the now and not on the to-do?December 19, 2014 – 11:49 pmReplyCancel

  • Susan Zutautas - What a beautiful post!December 19, 2014 – 5:27 amReplyCancel

  • Vidya Sury - And as usual, your post made me cry! So beautiful, Kristi. It is what every Mother wants in her heart, no? Hugs! Your boy is beautiful. And looks so much like you. Each time I see a parent with a child who looks like him/her, I marvel at the miracle, the joy of creating another human being and nurturing them.

    Your post got me all choked up. Right now, I am already freaking out over the fact that he only has another 4 months left in the school he’s been going to since grade 1. Whether or not he feels sad, I know I’ll miss it. ♥ How quickly life goes on!December 19, 2014 – 6:40 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Hugs right back, Vidya!!! And thank you!!! You’re so so right about how quickly life goes on. Here’s to the sentiments in your post – the life in the years, not the years of life…. so lovely.December 20, 2014 – 12:48 amReplyCancel

  • Rachael Boley - This is absolutely beautiful!!! Something I think about daily!December 19, 2014 – 9:17 amReplyCancel

  • Shailaja/ The Moving Quill - This was so incredibly beautiful. Can I just say that this is all exactly what I want for my child too? I know that sounds cheesy, but it’s true. What a lovely set of wishes.December 19, 2014 – 9:22 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Aw thank you so much! And I think it’s beautiful that you want the same for your child. Maybe all mothers do when we think about it…December 20, 2014 – 4:07 pmReplyCancel

  • Kelly L McKenzie - For this prompt I briefly mentioned I could have written about how I want to be looking back on my life from an old age. And then I moved on to pie crust. Just TypiKel. But there’s more to it. My sister lost a dear friend two weeks ago to a 5 week battle with cander. She was 68. I learned this week that a good friend of mine is also threatened by it at 64. She’s had a biopsy but hasn’t told me the results and there’s been no word from her family. I’m thinking the news isn’t good. Some of us like Mom reach 92 but the majority of us don’t. Thank you for the reminder to treasure every single day.December 19, 2014 – 10:18 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thanks Kelly. It’s so so hard….all of it. Your sister’s friend – just 5 weeks? How awful… sigh. My husband’s mom lost her battle to cancer a couple of years ago. She was only 65.December 20, 2014 – 4:10 pmReplyCancel

  • Kim - I love this post and so agree!!
    When my boys were younger I spent many days just hoping to make it through the day instead of treasuring the time. Now that they are teens I try to make the most of every minute because soon they will fly away:(December 19, 2014 – 10:50 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Kim,
      It’s easy to get stuck just hoping to make it through the day. I think that’s why it’s even more important to try to treasure the moments. Believe me there are days when, at 3pm, I wonder how I’m going to get through/fill up the next 5 hours!December 20, 2014 – 4:11 pmReplyCancel

  • Mike - This was absolutely incredible, Kristi! I really like the hand holding through Tucker’s mind before falling asleep. That struck a chord in me as I’ve worked really hard the past 4 months to fill my mind with happy, repetitive thoughts before falling asleep. It’s SO awesome how you are thinking, feeling and envisioning this beautiful tomorrow that both you and Tucker will have! It only gets more beautiful each and every day. I think about getting old too and always hoping and praying I will be in good health with my wits about me. Loved this post 🙂December 19, 2014 – 12:26 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thanks Mike! I hope you keep your health and wits as you get old too. I hope I do too. I hope we all do….December 20, 2014 – 4:12 pmReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - Oh this one got me all gushy flash forwarding to knowing my old man son. Wouldn’t that be so cool!

    I love though how you’ve put remembering this moment into perspective. I’m starting to see that “in the blink of an eye” people talk about. 🙁December 19, 2014 – 1:04 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Yeah, I’m starting to see that “blink of an eye” thing too Kenya. Sigh… and here’s to us knowing our old man sons!!December 20, 2014 – 4:13 pmReplyCancel

  • Allison - YES, love love. It is perfect, so perfect. xoDecember 19, 2014 – 1:56 pmReplyCancel

  • Tamara - well now you made the entire blog world sob into their sweaters!
    I think of that so often. Every time a whole day goes by and I haven’t been present once. Shame on me.December 19, 2014 – 2:01 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Shame on me too. I need to read this more as well… to you know, remember this.December 20, 2014 – 4:17 pmReplyCancel

  • Michele @ A Storybook Life - Kristi, this is such a timely post. It seems like this is the time of year when we’re supposed to be making memories, but it’s so easy to get caught up in the to-do list that the memories themselves fall by the wayside. I hope we are all fortunate enough to know our children’s children, and to be able to tell them stories of when their parents were little. That kind of family storytelling is priceless. (And although I know you’re thinking about how much of Tucker’s story to share here moving forward, the fact that you’ve written down so many memories makes it more likely that you’ll remember them — writing things down ingrains them on your memory in a unique way!)December 19, 2014 – 3:32 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I so relate to getting caught up in the to-do’s and not being present!!! I so so so so SO hope to know my grandchildren and that all of us do!!!! Family storytelling is priceless and while I don’t know how much of Tucker to share I so love that you get it and very much appreciate your reminder.December 20, 2014 – 11:38 pmReplyCancel

  • Becky Holland - So beautiful. You make me think of my little man and when he reaches out and touches my cheek to ensure I am still there or opens his eyes, smiles and goes back to sleep. Such precious memories.December 19, 2014 – 8:34 pmReplyCancel

  • Roshni - No words, Kristi!! No words for this beautiful post!!December 19, 2014 – 11:25 pmReplyCancel

  • Sandy Ramsey - I can’t find words to express how insanely gorgeous this is. I know this feeling too well especially as I am watching my youngest son walk that fine line between boy and young man. He still hugs me and tells me he loves me, misses me when we aren’t together but I feel the pull already and I know it’s near time to start letting go just a little. I spend a ridiculous amount of time smelling his hair and feeling the warmth of his hand in mine these days because I want desperately to remember how it feels. Once again, you have written my heart. Thank you.December 20, 2014 – 7:25 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thank you Sandy! Here’s to holding on to the smell of their hair and the warmth of their hands. <3December 21, 2014 – 2:34 pmReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth - I had just kissed my son’s hand after holding it before I read this post. Thanks for the tears! Gather those golden moments and hold them close!December 20, 2014 – 2:09 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Yay for kissing our little boys’ hands, Elizabeth!! It goes so quickly doesn’t it? The time I mean.December 21, 2014 – 2:45 pmReplyCancel

  • My Inner Chick - ***I want to remind them that breathing the summer’s night air or the crispness of a freezing winter evening while looking at the stars has felt the same since forever and will continue to do so. For all of us. For everyone. Forever.***

    O, my heart. xxDecember 21, 2014 – 4:36 pmReplyCancel

  • Shay from Trashy Blog - Kristi, I tell myself this so much that sometimes I fear I’m ruining the moment by telling myself to remember it…it reminds me that it won’t always be there, and then that makes me sad. I know that wasn’t the point of your post, haha, but that’s where my mind took me. When my “living in the moment” makes me reflect too much and, in turn, become sad that these moments will pass, I remind myself that other sweet moments are in store for the future, too. And that makes me happy. 🙂December 22, 2014 – 10:47 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Shay,
      I so get what you’re saying. Sometimes? I even cry when thinking about how much I’ll miss a moment when it’s gone even when it’s happening. Stupid, but yeah. Here’s to the moments remembered and the ones coming up that make us happy <3December 22, 2014 – 11:28 pmReplyCancel

  • Nina - As usual, another one that had me holding my breath while I read it. Beautiful, Kristi! I love how you write.

    I do the same with my kids sometimes, especially with the younger twins. I don’t plan to have more kids, so I try to treasure every little thing about them and soak it all up. And I’m one of those people who want to live really really long and old and meet grandkids and who knows great grandkids.December 23, 2014 – 9:42 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Here’s to us living so so long, Nina. So long. It’s almost impossible to imagine NOT telling our grandchildren stories… and thank you.December 30, 2014 – 12:21 amReplyCancel

  • Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - Oh, yeah, Kristi – me too! All of it.
    Happy Christmas to all of you from all of us!December 23, 2014 – 6:42 pmReplyCancel

  • Out One Ear - Linda Atwell - I’m so glad this piece was picked up. It is beautiful. And Merry Christmas to all of you on the other coast. Unless of course you are celebrating elsewhere. Then find your joy where you are. Love and hugs sent your way.December 24, 2014 – 1:02 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thank you Linda! I’m just now catching up from being out of town and al that good stuff – we celebrated in TN with my husband’s family. I hope that you had an amazing Christmas and are having a great New Years Eve!December 31, 2014 – 7:09 pmReplyCancel

  • Marcia @ Menopausal Mother - So beautifully written, Kristi. I often feel the same way when I look at my children. They’re all grown now, but thankfully I have dozens of photo albums to remind me of all the wonderful times we have had together. It never ceases to amaze me though how fast time seems to pass the older we get.December 28, 2014 – 6:05 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I’m so grateful for photo albums and yeah, the time truly does speed by more and more quickly. I hope you’re having a wonderful New Year’s Eve!!December 31, 2014 – 7:10 pmReplyCancel

  • Tracie - This is so very beautiful.January 4, 2015 – 10:47 pmReplyCancel

  • Meredith - YES! I want to remember it all too. It’s one of my biggest fears. Forgetting. Beautiful post!January 6, 2015 – 10:42 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Mine too. Forgetting is so scary. Already, I have forgotten some things…January 7, 2015 – 10:43 pmReplyCancel

  • Jhanis - Daily conundrum can certainly get in the way of spending real quality time if we let it. When I grow old and wrinkly, what shall I remember of my kids’ childhood? Thank you for the reminder. I heart this so much!January 7, 2015 – 7:27 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I so so hope that when I grow old(er) and wrkinkly(er) that i will remember too!!!January 7, 2015 – 10:48 pmReplyCancel

  • Bronwyn Joy - Gorgeous. Thanks for this. Your timing is just right 🙂January 7, 2015 – 7:33 amReplyCancel

  • April G - Such a beautiful post.. I’m not sure that I think I’ll be an awesome parent, but I want to do better. I completely see their struggles, but I certainly know that I need to overcome them. I love just sitting next to them and I hope I’m here for a long time too!January 20, 2015 – 9:10 amReplyCancel

N e v e r   m i s s   a   n e w   p o s t !