I wanted to do thankful earlier this weekend, and just couldn’t. Real life happened, and I’m thankful that it did. (one) Because real life? It matters so much more. Most of the time, anyway. This party lets me be thankful even when I’ve messed up Lizzi’s (so thankful for HER as are all of you because […]
by Kristi Campbell
Just by WRITING.
I love, love, love your numbers, Tucker eyelashes, Tu-uck present and SO glad that you left this til now. And left Christmas til late. And did Real things.
Yeah, I’m glad your hand’s better too 😀
(not that I even want to bring the game cos this was so good…first?)January 13, 2014 – 1:39 am
Kristi Campbell - FIRST! I knew (fist pump) that you’d get the numbering! Thanks for noticing and yeah, his eyelashes are pretty incredible. I hope that they stay as long as they are forever (do all little kids have amazing eyelashes? Maybe it’s because their faces are smaller??).
I’m glad I did real things, too. But one of these weeks, I AM going to post my TToT on a Saturday. I AM I AM.January 13, 2014 – 11:03 am
Considerer - First INDEED!
Also *gasp* is this…could it be…surely I can’t dare to hope??
NESTED COMMENTS?January 13, 2014 – 6:42 pm
Kristi Campbell - YUP. It is. It is indeed, nested comments with the ability to receive replies via email. I know. I thanked Captain Picard and Star Trek, too. And gave my money willingly. Also? Thanks to Dana for the reply notification plugin thing.January 13, 2014 – 11:15 pm
Brittnei - I loved the way you presented your list this week. It was so uniquely you. It’s the sort of thing that I expect and like about coming to your blog- your wittiness, your spontaneity…your personality and ability to show how awesome of a kid Tucker is…I just love it all. So glad that your hand is looking better! Tucker is the cutest for not wanting Christmas to end. I love that the neighbors are on the same page! 🙂January 13, 2014 – 1:49 am
Kristi Campbell - Aw, thanks Brittnei! I think I was still editing as you were typing your comment – sorry if it got wonky for you! I think it’s strange how many neighbors have their lights still up but I’ll take it because it makes me not look like a total slacker.January 13, 2014 – 11:04 am
Yvonne - I used to be totally with Tucker on Christmas, just hated when it was time to take the tree and all the decorations down (do you refer to them as decorations in the States or is that a British thing?) Now, I’m just about able to handle it, so Tucker’s doing way better than me if he can handle it at 4 and a half!
This is a lovely post Kristi, full of your joy and love for Tucker, and so a pleasure to read. Thank you.January 13, 2014 – 6:11 am
Kristi Campbell - We do refer to them as decorations here! Well, at least I do… Thanks so much for the sweet comment, Yvonne! I was actually a little bummed myself that the tree was gone this morning…so I guess he’s not alone!January 13, 2014 – 11:06 am
Janine Huldie - So much to indeed be thankful for Kristi and love how you told Tucker he is your best present ever. Seriously, I know what you mean and truly feel the same about my girls even when they are being (as I call them) my beastly ladies! Yay to a great weekend and by the way here is to an even better week now!! 🙂January 13, 2014 – 7:31 am
Kristi Campbell - HAHA to beastly ladies – Tucker can be that way as well but yeah, overall, I’d say that they are truly the very best presents ever. I hope you have a great week, too!January 13, 2014 – 11:07 am
christine - I’m kinda happy for you and Peyton Manning. I’d be happier if Indy didn’t kick him to the curb, but since he’s such a good guy, I’ll be happy for you. 🙂
So much wonderful for you and Tucker this week. Watching a child break out new skills, new words, new abilities, and new discoveries is just plain marvelous, regardless of his age. A child’s brain is fascinating.
Wrapping himself up as a present for you is precious. Don’t feel bad about keeping Christmas around. Liturgically, Christmas just ended yesterday, so you were right on time.
I hope this week is just as wonderful for you.January 13, 2014 – 7:32 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks for being happy for me and Peyton Manning, Christine! He really does seem like such a great guy. Hey thanks for letting me know that Christmas just ended yesterday and that I was right on time. I hope your week is awesome, too!January 13, 2014 – 11:08 am
thedoseofreality - I had a really hard time letting go of Christmas, too. We actually still have all our cards up. But taking down the decorations was sad to me. I already miss them. I am with Tucker.-AshleyJanuary 13, 2014 – 8:36 am
Kristi Campbell - I miss them too, Ashley!January 13, 2014 – 11:08 am
Emily - The imaginary play and the counting are HUGELY awesome and to top that off with discovering Orange is the New Black, it doesn’t get much better than that (and not just bc I recommended the show but so glad you like it). I agree that you have so so much to be thankful for – your year is off to a great start!January 13, 2014 – 9:10 am
Kristi Campbell - Emily – I’m completely addicted and will need another recommendation because I’m almost out of episodes already! And yeah, imaginary play and counting are pretty amazingly awesome.January 13, 2014 – 11:09 am
That Girl Ryan - I think we should have Christmas all year round. Tucker has the right idea…keep the trees and lights up so we can all stay in the Christmas way of thinking.
Ps: Orange is the New Black is by far my new favorite show. I just finished up the series about two weeks ago and am so bummed it ended…enjoy it!!January 13, 2014 – 10:33 am
Kristi Campbell - Ryan, I think we should have Christmas year-round as well. I didn’t even think about the fact that having the lights and decorations up changes our ways of thinking – cheers to that. Also, I’m running out of episodes!January 13, 2014 – 11:12 am
Tamara - Ack, the sadness when they leave friends and family. And then my own sadness at leaving friends and family, mixed with theirs. It’s..astonishing.
I’m thankful for Tucker’s eyelashes too, and I’m thankful that I have a photo job tomorrow that will most likely (finally) pay for my BlogU ticket!
Photos for everyone! Like candy!January 13, 2014 – 10:47 am
Kristi Campbell - YAY to paid photo jobs, Tamara! And to BlogU where we can be IRL friends! And yeah. The sadness is just sad…January 13, 2014 – 11:13 am
Mytwicebakedpotato - You have a beautiful son! How blessed you must feel…most of the time 🙂
We had two trees ( I wrote about this in A Tall and a Small) and just took the small one down. At 8, my son had a few rough moments about it. It almost stayed and I guess could have-really, no one else’s business, right?!January 13, 2014 – 11:05 am
Kristi Campbell - My TBP, I remember your Tall and Small post and I love that you have two trees. And yes! Nobody else’s business. I’m already missing my tree a little bit so maybe Tucker had the right idea making us wait to take it down.January 13, 2014 – 11:14 am
Kerri @ Undiagnosed but okay - My heart is swelling right now. He counted and gave you a present and WAS present. I am just over freaking joyed for you.January 13, 2014 – 11:47 am
Kristi Campbell - Aw thanks, Kerri! I’m pretty overjoyed too. So much so that I might even get motivated to take down the lights outside so that I can finally have an excuse to put away the Christmas wrapping paper that is all over my office.
xoJanuary 13, 2014 – 4:20 pm
Kate - So, you need to watch House of Cards. It is another Netflix original. Different than Orange is the New Black (which I can’t wait to start again) but equally good.January 13, 2014 – 12:16 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Kate! I’ll check it out. Only a couple more OITNB and OMG I am so hooked. So hooked.January 13, 2014 – 4:21 pm
Jennifer Steck - Mommy presents are so wonderful! He’s so cute. I love all the pictures, Kristi. There is lots to be thankful for and just as the icing on the cake, the Broncos even won!!January 13, 2014 – 12:56 pm
Susan Zutautas - Isn’t the The Orange is Black fantastic? I sat one day last week and watched the entire season on Netflix. Now I’m frothing for season 2 to start. Tucker has the right attitude you know …. never let Christmas end. Once all the decorations came down and the tree was put outside for the garbage guys, I felt a little sad that Christmas had ended. I’m glad that all the work that goes along with Christmas is over and done with but miss the warmness. That’s not the word I was looking for but you get me right? January 13, 2014 – 1:36 pm
Sarah - Seriously, why do I have to enter my info every time I comment? What’s up, WordPress?
Kristi, what a beautiful, beautiful post. I loved it start to finish. The images you’ve drawn of Tucker tug at my heart. I love to hear what he is saying these days! That present story?!?! My heart! It seems he’s making some great progress in a lot of areas!
I think watching a child pretend is one of the sweetest things a parent gets to do. I love it so much! I watched Leo “vacuum” with a car scraper the other day.
So excited you are watching OITNB. I was so addicted to that show I started playing the Regina Spektor song on repeat. Wait until to get to the cliff-hanger ending. Cannot WAIT til the next season. The long wait is the problem with binge-watching.
If you need a new binge show after finishing that one, I highly recommend House of Cards. I liked it even better than OITNB, but I am a sucker for political dramas. Robin Wright is jaw-droppingly amazing in the show, and I think she won a Golden Globe last night, too.January 13, 2014 – 1:49 pm
Kristi Campbell - Sarah,
Try just typing the first letter of your name and blog maybe? That works for me but I’m not sure if it’s browser specific (on Chrome because Safari was making me mad). I agree that watching a child pretend is one of the best things ever ever and AWWW to Leo “vacuuming” with a car scraper. So adorable! And yeah, binge-watching makes it so much harder to wait for the next season, although considering how many episodes I’ve watched in such a short time, maybe I need the break!!
Kate recommended House of Cards, too. I’ll definitely check it out – thanks!!January 13, 2014 – 4:35 pm
Sarah - Completely forgot: Sunshine award for you! See my blog.January 13, 2014 – 1:52 pm
Kristi Campbell - Aw! You’re the best! Thank you! Going now!January 13, 2014 – 4:35 pm
Dana - Why do boys get the great eyelashes? Gorgeous. And so is your hand, because it is out of the cast. 327 is a lot of thankful. You are a lucky woman, and I love that you know it.January 13, 2014 – 5:06 pm
Kristi Campbell - Why DO boys get the eyelashes? It’s just not fair. It’s wrong and I think maybe the makeup industry genetically coded DNA so that they’d be able to sell more mascara. Jerks.
327 IS a lot of thankful, and I am a lucky woman for sure…January 13, 2014 – 11:17 pm
Kristi Campbell - Also? Sorry for the double but now I know you can actually read them. There’s like a whole new level of pressure and coolness that I know you read the replies now. It’s awesome (thank you) and weird (weird). Thanks again!!!January 13, 2014 – 11:19 pm
Don Re - He’s a cute little booger for sure. I saw some Christmas lights on in the hood as I left for work this morning and rather enjoyed them. Good for you!January 13, 2014 – 7:36 pm
Beth Teliho - I am so crazy about this post! Love that you’re keeping the lights/tree up cuz who the fuck cares?? They mean happiness. I wish they were up all year.
I’m so glad you got some quality time with your family, and just resting, enjoying life. It’s so important. I did that over the holidays and it was truly magic.
Ok that’s IT. I absolutely HAVE to watch Orange is the new black!! I keep hearing about it and I want to be hooked onto a new show!January 13, 2014 – 7:42 pm
Kristi Campbell - Aw Beth!!! I was totally ready to take the lights down again, tonight, but the neighbors did not and I pretty much need them to do so first so that Tucker gets that this whole thing is over!
You SO NEED TO WATCH.January 14, 2014 – 12:57 am
Manal The Go Go Girl - OMG!! I just love this post..it’s so special. You will go to the moon and back for Tucker. What truly matters in life is the time you spend with the family whether you watch TV or break the Christmas tree ornament. Everyone else can wait. Hugs 🙂January 13, 2014 – 9:03 pm
Kristi Campbell - ACHJanuary 14, 2014 – 12:58 am
Kristi Campbell - I want to go through the moon and back but well, thank you huge for getting it and sorry for the dumb comment duplication – still getting used to this new system!January 14, 2014 – 12:59 am
clark - hey your hand is no longer green! what the hell! (I saw the pitcha on ‘the Facebook’, and tell me they had some kind of guide for that circular blade? damn! I would not have been overly comfortable.
you know, if you would try to stick to the conventional, accepted and normal format, these Posts would go *so* much smoother. lol
(I liked the numbering).January 13, 2014 – 9:51 pm
Kristi Campbell - Clark! Well it’s green but not in the cast way. It still sucks and is sore beyond belief, but yeah, wheee geeen be gone!
And Ah Hem. Really? You think I’m going to go conventional now? 🙂
Maybe I will. Maybe, I just will. Oh. Did you predict that too? Shit.January 14, 2014 – 1:01 am
Kari - My boys (ages 14 and 16) STILL have their LONG eyelashes…so hopefully, that will encourage you to know that they do last. My oldest often complains that his lashes hit his sunglasses–he hates them (the lashes, not the sunglasses). I love them (the lashes, not the sunglasses) 😉
And… wow. LOVE LOVE LOVE the positives and improvements and strides Tucker is making! Awesome! My oldest is “on the spectrum” (Asperger’s specifically). He is on the much much milder end of the spectrum, but I do know that feeling a mother gets to see when the child finally “gets it”, when the progress is finally SEEN and FELT! Ack! So wonderful! Thank you for sharing this great list of Thankfuls!January 14, 2014 – 2:42 pm
Kristi Campbell - KARI! They do??? They still have the eyelashes? OMG I hope Tucker keeps his, as well. i didn’t realize that your oldest is high-functioning Asperger’s. Thanks for letting me know because what a small, small world. Thanks for getting the huge and small and they’re huge even when they’re small milestones! SO WONDERFUL, indeed. xoJanuary 14, 2014 – 11:02 pm
Sandy Ramsey - Lord, Kristi, but Tucker is gorgeous!That sweet, sweet face! And, yes, the eyelashes (I’m totally jealous of all my kids’ eyelashes too!) I think you are an amazing Mom and you must be because Tucker gives you the best presents, EVER!
I am so glad that you have your cast off and your hand is almost back to normal. Bet it’s easier to put that bra on now, isn’t it?
I love Netflix and am currently addicted to Once Upon A Time. Orange Is The New Black and Breaking Bad are on tap.
I am so tired and was heading to bed when I saw this post and had to read it. Super glad I did…it was fantastic!January 14, 2014 – 10:46 pm
Kristi Campbell - Ok Sandy, can I admit the truth? My hand is still swollen and sore and I STILL have to step into my bra. But dude. I’m typing. Almost the same as I used to and that’s huger for me than the bra. I mean, I type A LOT. The bra? Once/day. 😉
I’ve not heard of Once Upon A Time (UGH because now that’s a new one for the list) but you’re going to (I think) love OITNB. Hang in there for two episodes. The first one made me feel like “HUH???” but OMG worth it. Thanks for reading before bed and sleep well, my awesome friend.
Oh. Um. Yeah, I think Tucker is pretty gorgeous too but I’m pretty sure I’m just a wee bit biased. 😉 LOVE that your son’s eyelashes annoy him b/c they touch his sunglasses.January 14, 2014 – 11:06 pm
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - OH, Kristi, this is like the best list ever! So many wonderful things here and I just kept getting all teary over and over again. I’m so far behind on my reading this week and I was about to quit because I have a headache (day THREE now), but I’m so glad I clicked one more!January 15, 2014 – 10:40 pm
Kristi Campbell - I’m so sorry to read about your headache and hope you feel better SO SOON!!!January 16, 2014 – 1:27 am
Kimberly - There is always at least one Christmas ornament to perish every year. I’m still trying to figure out how mr. bear riding a red snowboard lost an arm…looks at husband with the hockey stick that he bought for kid at Christmas.
Tucker is so cute and I love it when they cry over things that make their hearts truly happy (being with friends.)January 16, 2014 – 7:04 am
The Monko - what a beautiful post. It made me smile (and then cry a bit because anything heartfelt makes me cry – hormones are a terrible thing). I like Orange is the new black as well. Can’t wait for another series. (See I can only focus on the least serious thing or I will splash tears on my lap top and that could be disastrous!)January 16, 2014 – 8:29 am