Finding Ninee » Sharing our parenting and special needs stories with heart and humor.

Remember when I told you that Josie at Go Mamma tagged me with that “here, answer a bunch of stuff about yourself game?” And that although there were 53 questions (because she misplaced question seven which is still nagging at my soul) I only answered this one? Well, I’m back with a few more answers.  I […]

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  • Emily - Well, since you mentioned scurvy, I’m going to have to share this story with you: When I was about 8 years old, my parents sent me away to sleep away camp.(which I loved, so no, it was not cruel). During the summer, I developed these sores in my mouth so I went to the camp doctor. He joked with me that it was “just a little scurvy.” Naturally, my 8-year old self took him literally, had no idea he was joking, or even what scurvy was. So, I wrote a letter home to my parents (both in the medical field) and told them that the camp doctor told me I had “just a little scurby.” (I thought he said scurby and not scurvy). My parents immediately called the camp in a panic. Needless to say, I did not return to that camp the following summer. Just wanted to make you smile! 🙂February 17, 2013 – 8:05 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - OMG that’s so funny! What an awesome camp story. I’ll bet your poor parents were horrified! “Just a little scurby…” Awesome smiles 🙂
      I went to sleep-away camp, too. Most years it was for four and five weeks. I loved it but now I know what an awesome break that probably was for my parents.February 17, 2013 – 8:11 pmReplyCancel

  • Mama Meerkat - Captain Feathersword! I have a bunch of vitamin deficiencies but never scurvy for real.

    I’m with you on the bungee jumping. No thank you!February 17, 2013 – 11:59 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Glad it’s not scurvy that gets you! And yeah, no thanks to bungee jumping. Skydiving feels much safer (but maybe that’s just because I’ve done it). Thanks for the comment!February 18, 2013 – 7:45 amReplyCancel

  • mombo - you are fucking brilliant – pardon my french, little missy – but I just love love love reading and looking at your creative art!
    let’s do a book
    no – you do the book. I’ll “advise” (I have too many “starter” books that seem oh-so-dumb when I re-read what I’ve written……..) you advise me, and visa versa or if not, I’ll just read and giggle out-loud while reading yours, and not wanting to ever end!

    the point is: you are a bright star in my universe! Love LoveFebruary 18, 2013 – 6:08 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Brilliant? Why, me? Blushing. And I guess it is creative. Bad, but creative. And YES, let’s do a book! I have too many starter books, too, and need to just finish one so that I can make a living writing what I want to write. Now wouldn’t that be nice? And AWE how sweet are YOU?? Bright star?? Melting! Love, love back! <3February 18, 2013 – 7:47 amReplyCancel

  • Courtney - Ha! I agree with your list, exactly! I hate to bake too. I am so good at finding items that look like they were homemade and then never actually own up to the fact that they are store bought. Not deceitful, just not completely honest I guess. 🙂February 18, 2013 – 7:51 amReplyCancel

    • admin - That’s hilarious that you find items that look homemade, clever girl. I usually swing by Starbucks or something and bring over-priced goodies to play dates and just pretend that I’m too busy to bake. Ha!February 18, 2013 – 7:58 amReplyCancel

  • Josie Bisett - Hey girl!! YES! You should do a book! You are mega creative and your pics are too funny for words.. haha!! Oh, and Kristi I really appreciated your FTSF frustration post. I like to mix the funny with serious, after all that’s life!!!!February 18, 2013 – 2:44 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Josie! Thanks for the reaffirmation that the FTSF frustration post was all good. And for the awesome encouragement!February 18, 2013 – 6:00 pmReplyCancel

  • Rachel - Oh, my, Kristi, you are so funny! I really dislike these q & a’s, but you find a way to make them so entertaining. The food in the teeth one is genius! And…the pictures. No one else has the pictures!February 18, 2013 – 10:03 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - I dislike them for the most part, too, which is why I skip so many questions. So…in part three, I have to tag three bloggers. I’m guessing you don’t want to be one? Or, should I tag you and you can just choose ONE question to answer?February 18, 2013 – 11:21 pmReplyCancel

  • Joy - Great post! Looking forward to the next part! xoFebruary 19, 2013 – 5:26 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks, Joy!!February 19, 2013 – 6:15 pmReplyCancel

  • Stephanie @ Mommy, for real. - Way to set the bar high for the tagging posts…mine is going to suck ass compared to this unless I come up with something funny- fast! I loved the crazy-eyed food in the teeth lady, but the top picture had to be one of the funniest ever. I also loved how you answered the worry question with the word “Um.” first. Yup. I too would answer “Fuck no” to the bungee jumping. Seriously. I have enough problems with my body. On our weekend getaway, I had more medications than the cast of Betty White: Off Their Rockers. (OK, that was funny. Don’t be surprised if I use that line again. Pretend I never wrote that.) Love this post and you as always, my funny friend!February 19, 2013 – 2:23 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Ha, yours never suck. Mine sometimes suck. So shuddup. And haha to the Betty White line! I promise not to come comment when you write it saying something like “whatever, reused material. featured on finding ninee first” or anything like that. Because, you know, I’m nice. Plus I think you’re awesome. 🙂February 19, 2013 – 6:17 pmReplyCancel

  • Kate Hall - I like the pic of the food in the teeth. Awesome. And “I think I have scurvy again.” Hilarious!February 20, 2013 – 5:05 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - 😀 love that you liked “I think I have scurvy again” because that’s the one that made me laugh. Great minds…February 20, 2013 – 7:51 pmReplyCancel

Friends, I have to admit that although this sentence has been in the back of my mind since last week, it’s now 9:30pm on Friday and I still have no idea how to answer. All week, I’ve considered skipping this. In recent posts, I’ve positioned myself as a some wanna-be-funny-writing-while-drawing-stupid-pictures-blogger person. Which is great, and […]

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  • Kerri - urgh I feel your frustration. I hate, wait, HATE when people say Boo is normal, spoiled, whatever…by the way you don’t always need to bring the funny. We like you the way you are!February 15, 2013 – 11:10 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks, Kerri…I have a hard time being honest about Tucker…as you know..February 15, 2013 – 11:37 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - I’m still reading you, whether you are drawing funny pictures, making me laugh, or ranting about your frustrations (which I completely get as you know). I commend you for getting this post up tonight, while I wasted time trying to join some Twitter wine party. I blew off FTSF because I just couldn’t think of anything to write. How lame is that??February 15, 2013 – 11:11 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Twitter wine party??? And I missed it??? So not lame, at all…LOVE the twitter wine parties!!! <3February 15, 2013 – 11:49 pmReplyCancel

  • jillsmo - I have a number of things to say in response to this post!

    Thing the first! You aren’t the only blogger to have struggled between being a serious, autism blogger and a funny, stupid drawings blogger. NO, I’M SERIOUS. Have you seen my blog? Well, yes, you have. I’ve been at this for a few years now and I’m constantly going back and forth between those two things, and I have struggled with that whole “blogger identity” thing for a long time. But the truth is that life is not always funny, and life is also not always serious, so you’re going to write whatever is in your head at the moment. What you need to figure out is WHY you blog. What is your purpose here? Is it just to get shit out of your head? Is it to promote yourself? Is it to generate revenue? You need to find your purpose, and then you will be able to come to terms with what you post here. My blog is what I call the dumping ground for the bit of stuff in my brain: Brain Bit Dumping Ground. Seriously, that’s what I call it. And since that is the purpose of my blog, that is what I will do with it. And it’s true that I have readers who are only interested in one or the other, and those people will come and read the parts they like, and then probably not read the others, but that’s just how it goes. But what I think is important to remember is that you (or I) don’t owe anybody an explanation for what you have chosen to do here. You do what you want; be true to yourself. That’s the only way this will ever feel *right* to you.

    And thing the second!! I think your struggles with your son are made more difficult by the lack of a clear diagnosis. It’s hard to know what to feel when you don’t have a name for what’s going on. Give yourself a break. You love him, you don’t really care what’s going on with him because that’s not going to change how you feel about him or how hard you fight for him. Choosing not to talk about something that is not clearly defined does NOT make you an asshole. Trust me, I’ve seen assholes, and you ain’t one.

    And, finally, thing the third: Other people are assholes, and they don’t know your life like you do.February 15, 2013 – 11:12 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Jillsmo,
      Wise you are. You are wise. Yoda thinks so and I know so. Thank you so much for the advice, reassurance and reassurance. Did I say I appreciate the reassurance?
      I really should decide what Finding Ninee is going to be, or what I want it to be. I like the Brain Bit Dumping Ground but it’d be excellent if it were to generate revenue as well, although that seems a lot harder to make happen than simply wishing for it.
      I <3 you and I <3 your blog - all of it. Because it rocks. I suppose after I've been doing this for as long as you have, I'll have a better feel for what, exactly, I'm doing here. Thank you. 🙂

      PS - SO relieved I'm not in the asshole category!February 16, 2013 – 9:32 amReplyCancel

  • Henriette - Here is the funny thing; if you didn’t spend your time helping Tucker with his speech therapy, ABA therapy etc. some people would hold that against you too! Sometimes you can’t win, haters are gonna be haters. At the end of the day none-NONE- of it matters because the only thing that DOES matter is what feels right for you and Tucker! So simple, but yet sometimes so hard… Hugs! xxFebruary 15, 2013 – 11:44 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Henriette,
      You’re so right! How did I get so lucky to have such amazing friends, anyway? Thank you! You totally ROCK.
      xoFebruary 16, 2013 – 9:33 amReplyCancel

  • Janine Huldie - Kristi, neither of my kids has autism, but my first (Emma) spoke a bit late and I remember worrying and also feeling like it was something I did wrong. Emma has a cousin who is the same age (5 months older) on my husband’s side and she was speaking in sentences by before 2 years old. For me, it drove me crazy and made me feel awful at times. We tend to want to beat ourselves up don’t we? I am a stay at home mom, so much falls on me, too and during that time I felt like I was possibly lacking and not doing enough. I also had just given birth to my second and being torn in half. Talk about mommy guilt. Kristi, I think you are the best mother to Tucker and please don’t feel anything but. Know that you are his biggest advocate and strongest supporter. Thank you seriously for sharing this and know that if you ever need a friend to talk to I am pretty good listener. Thanks again for linking up and have a great weekend!February 16, 2013 – 7:11 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Janine,
      Thank you so much- you are SO sweet to offer your ear! I may just take you up on that 🙂
      And yes, we do tend to beat ourselves up…I guess blaming ourselves just comes naturally as moms. Thanks for hosting the link-up and have an awesome weekend!February 16, 2013 – 9:35 amReplyCancel

  • Cathy - When you have kids, they become the center of your universe. Period. In an instant, they’re all grown up and gone. You’re a great mom. Don’t let anyone’s opinions influence how you raise Tucker. Trust your gut.

    As for Finding Ninee, it might get boring if it was the same every day. Again, trust your gut! And stop trying to second-guess yourself. I for one love reading whatever you choose to share. <3 UFebruary 16, 2013 – 11:23 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Cathy! <3 YOU! I have the most awesome friends on the planet. Thank you so MUCH!February 16, 2013 – 12:37 pmReplyCancel

  • Kate Hall - I love this! You don’t have to write funny and draw all the time. People like you and you’re writing and that’s why they follow you. I think it’s good to be serious sometimes and write random things. It helps us to get to know you better. Maybe I should take my own advice.
    Also, I’m always beating myself up b/c of my children’s speech issues. They were all born with cleft lip/palate, so they’re going to have speech issues, but I always feel like I’m not doing enough – not paying enough, not getting enough speech for them, not practicing with them enough. Then when I do ask them practice and they hate it, am I doing it wrong? Are they going to hate me for making them practice? Gah!February 16, 2013 – 12:53 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Ugh, Kate, I know exactly what you mean when you wonder whether your kids will hate you for making them practice. It’s SO hard. When Tucker first started speech therapy, she began with some compliance games, like putting a blue box on the floor, placing objects around and directing him to “put the red bird in the blue box.” He had to do them one at a time in the order we gave him. It was horrible at first. Seriously awful. He threw the biggest fits, scratched at his face, awful crap. After about five days (and the day I’d said to my husband that we weren’t doing this anymore because I didn’t think it was helping), he GOT it. It was amazing to see. Almost 9 months later and we still occasionally play it. And he likes it now. Hang in there. Even when they hate it, they’ll hate not having tried to overcome as much as possible even more.
      Hugs.February 16, 2013 – 4:57 pmReplyCancel

  • Brett Minor (@brettminor) - I don’t have to deal with the issues you mentioned, but I believe you finished the sentence well. Whether tackling the issues of one person’s household or another, it is incredibly frustrating when people who are not part of your unique situation don’t pause to try to have some understanding about something they do not know. It is even more frustrating when they think they know.

    As for the content of the post, it was real. I am a humor blogger and 90% of the stuff I write is to get a laugh. I have a lot of fun with it, but every now and then life just sucks. The first time I let that show on my blog, I was offered lots of support from the blogging community. They said that they felt they had been given a more genuine peek into my life. I still write humor, but don’t shy away from getting serious every now and then.February 16, 2013 – 2:40 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Brett, thanks so much for the comment. And you’re right – every now and then, life does just suck. I’ve found that it’s impossible to make other people laugh when I can’t find my own smile some days. Love that you got so much support from everybody when you first shared the sucky moments with your readers. I’m feeling really lucky for all the support with this post, too.February 16, 2013 – 4:59 pmReplyCancel

  • Courtney - I get what you are saying. People think saying: I can’t tell this and that about your child, is encouraging to us. However, what they don’t understand is that it discounts your struggle, your journey, your search for answers. When you have a typical kid, the journey to get there is so different. The struggle matters, and makes the triumph great. We don’t want our victories squashed. If you don’t have a kid with special needs it’s hard to relate.February 16, 2013 – 9:41 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Courtney, well said, sister. Well said. Saying a kid is FINE when he’s not might feel like a compliment. I might have made the same mistake before…but you’re so right. If you don’t have a kid with special needs? You can’t get it. Which, I suppose, is how it’s supposed to be…

      Thanks for the comment <3February 16, 2013 – 9:49 pmReplyCancel

  • Joy - Oh Kristi, I so get what you mean with your frustration. In our case it is clear by now that Sunny is not typical and nobody would ever tell us that he is normal and not delayed and that is so frustrating, too. 🙁
    As for your blog, I willingly repeat myself: blog what you want to blog and don’t give a thing on whay anybody expects from you. I am sure that you will find your blogging identity as the time passes. Just don’t feel compelled to write something just to please other people.
    Huge hugs!
    JoyFebruary 17, 2013 – 4:12 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Joy! I’m so glad you’re back from your trip! How was it??
      And yeah, I think the older they get the more obvious it is. At Tucker’s age, it’s not obvious right away that he’s delayed or on the autism spectrum. That becomes clearer when you hear him talk…sigh…
      Hugs back XOFebruary 17, 2013 – 8:44 amReplyCancel

  • Mama Meerkat - I’ve had well meaning people tell me that Mini seems fine or they would have no idea or that she’ll grow out of xyz, and I think they are usually trying to make me feel better… It is really frustrating. I don’t think people realize how dismissive it can feel to be told your kid seems fine when they are anything but fine, especially when you are in that diagnosisless limbo. But then some people get weird when she doesn’t respond or react how you would expect a typical child to, so I think we just can’t win…

    Anyway, I enjoy your blog when you write funny things with illustrations and when you delve into more serious topics. I’m also in the process of trying to figure out where I’m going with my blog, and I think it is okay for the the process to be an evolution. 🙂February 17, 2013 – 10:56 amReplyCancel

    • admin - You are wise, Mama Meerkat! Thanks for the comment. And yeah, it’s pretty much frustrating either way…sigh…February 17, 2013 – 2:47 pmReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - Awww, well I love your pictures but we have to keep it real sometimes, and you didn’t lose me because you did. I’m frustrated for you and don’t understand why your choices are any of your colleagues business.

    Congrats on the caption that, I’ll have to go see which one it was.February 17, 2013 – 7:41 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks, Kenya! You’re right. My choices shouldn’t be colleague’s business. Sometimes it’s like I disappointed them by not going with the nanny option. Glad you’re still here regardless of no terrible drawings 🙂February 17, 2013 – 8:05 pmReplyCancel

  • Stephanie @ Mommy, for real. - Hey friend, I”m back! I’ve got a lot of reading to do to catch up… I for one am SO glad you finished the sentence this way. I think it would be a tragedy if you felt like you had to make everyone laugh and tell funny stories and draw for us all the time. A really wise person I know made some comment on a serious post of mine that I didn’t have to be funny all the time, that everything I wrote was REAL. And ME. You should remember that. She’s a fuckin’ cool chick… I loved this post- thanks for sharing with us.February 18, 2013 – 5:34 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - YAY, I’m so glad you’re back! And thanks for the awesomeness. YOU ROCK.February 18, 2013 – 6:01 pmReplyCancel

  • Alicia - Lost In Holland - What I adore about your blog is you can be funny and irreverent one minute and poignant and deep the next. Parents to special children are not all ‘one thing’ and I applaud you being able to show all sides of yourself here. Keep being you – ALL the pieces of you. It works and it’s real… that’s all that matters 🙂February 21, 2013 – 6:29 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Alicia! Wow, I really appreciate the super-sweet comment! Thanks so much for the validation. And you’re so right – parents of any children aren’t all “one thing” only although sometimes those of us with special kids have lives so focused on them and their needs that it’s hard to remember…and not feel guilty sometimes. Thanks again 🙂February 21, 2013 – 8:18 pmReplyCancel

  • MMO - Some really wonderful posts on this website, thank you for contribution. “A man with a new idea is a crank — until the idea succeeds.” by Mark Twain.March 5, 2013 – 1:18 amReplyCancel

Apparently, there was some really stupid enticing to people other than me because who cares Facebook friend factoid exchange going around five years ago.  Friends answered 20 questions, passed it on, and everybody got to know all of this useless, boring really fun stuff about one another. Guess what?  It’s baaaaack!  And with 50 (or 49 […]

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  • The Insomniac's Dream - I <3 you so fucking hard right now. Like, I'm totes in love. I wanna ask you to be my Valentine, and marry you sort of falling in love.

    I laughed so fucking hard.

    Your vampires are hot.

    You are funny.

    Love.February 14, 2013 – 1:01 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Awe, does that mean we’re Valentines now? MWAH!February 14, 2013 – 1:04 amReplyCancel

  • The Insomniac's Dream - I have to leave another comment to check the notify me of followup comments box.

    Again, I loved this.February 14, 2013 – 1:03 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Notify this. Love you hard right back. TOLD you that I thought of you this whole post. BUT it’s still 100% dedicated to my friend Julie who was there, if she reads this, cause this shit actually happened! For real!February 14, 2013 – 1:10 amReplyCancel

  • Andy G. - Congratulations! You’ve written a more stirring vampire narrative than Stephanie Meyer could ever dream of.

    And this whole time, I thought vampires had a pee fetish. Shows what I know.February 14, 2013 – 6:58 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Andy,
      I wouldn’t have thought they’d be turned off by us peeing in the street, either. Shows what I know.February 14, 2013 – 8:11 pmReplyCancel

  • Julie - You forgot the cross-legged and rather urgent debate on where to pee. We didn’t want to disturb/wake/”piss-off” the regular dead, just the un-dead! Luckily Chris was with us too. Thx-February 14, 2013 – 7:22 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Julie! I know…I tried to figure out a way to put that in there without it getting too long and then just gave up as I was at my mental limit for drawings in a post 😉February 14, 2013 – 8:12 pmReplyCancel

  • Josie Bisett - Hahahaha! You are awesome! And I can just picture it, you and your mate squatting and peeing in a graveyard! I wonder just how many vampire close calls I’ve had in the past……. The hubs came up with the idea of answering them one at a time – which I thought was super cool, but we went with the kid interview instead! Man you could get sooooo much mileage out of this if you keep going! You and your pics rock. Love it!!!February 14, 2013 – 8:36 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Josie, I love the kid interview idea! That turned out perfectly and SO CUTE!February 14, 2013 – 8:12 pmReplyCancel

  • Roshni - hahahhahah!!! That was awesome in a creepy way!! Totally hate the idea of scary movies too!February 14, 2013 – 8:42 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Roshni, glad I’m not alone with preferring funny to scary these days. Thanks for the comment.February 14, 2013 – 8:13 pmReplyCancel

  • Henriette - Girl, EPIC! So…Classy! 🙂February 14, 2013 – 9:02 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Yes, I can be quite classy. Go figure.February 14, 2013 – 8:13 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - Don’t you love those crazy times in our youth when we did/said the dumbest things…although in this case, I wouldn’t call it dumb — I’d call it brave! I’m waaay too freaked out to go into a graveyard at night, probably because I did see lots of scary movies when I was a young chick. As for the peeing part, well that’s just plain hilarious!February 14, 2013 – 1:48 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Emily,
      You are so nice. I think I’d still just call it dumb but I felt really cool for the 10 seconds I’d convinced myself that it was bravery.February 14, 2013 – 8:14 pmReplyCancel

  • Rachel - You know what’s really scary? When you remind me that my daughter will someday be a teenager and do exactly this with her time! I LOVE that you ignored the rest of the questions. When I got tagged with this one, I just said “no” and then felt horrible about it and prayed that my friend would still love me anyway (still worried)! Way to make it work for you. And I love that your friend had her kids answer the questions. That’s very creative.February 14, 2013 – 2:22 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Rachel,
      First, I’m sure your friend loves you anyway (you are quite lovable you know). Second, hopefully your daughter will be much smarter and more classy than I was. She’s got a pretty good shot at that, I’d say.February 14, 2013 – 8:15 pmReplyCancel

  • Kerri - And still friends after all these years. Who knew that vampires and pee would be a bonding experience. You crack me up! And congrats on making the top 50. You totally deserved the top 10 🙂February 15, 2013 – 10:28 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Vampires and pee combines is the ULTIMATE bonding experience! 😀
      And you’re so sweet about the top 10…<3February 15, 2013 – 6:55 pmReplyCancel

  • Kate Hall - LOL! I love how you took her list and did this. You and Josie are both so creative and innovative! Way to go! I always love your drawings. So fun!February 15, 2013 – 4:16 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks, Kate! 50 (or 49) questions seemed like a lot. I’m pretty sure nobody cares where I was born. I’m going to pick a few more though I think because doing it this way was fun.February 15, 2013 – 6:56 pmReplyCancel

  • Joy - This is insane! Hahaha! Love it!February 17, 2013 – 4:16 amReplyCancel

Robert was kind enough to spend a couple of hours hanging out with Tucker this afternoon so that I could go to a meeting.  He learned a valuable lesson and I thought I’d pass it on, in case you’re ever in my house when Tucker’s awake.  It could happen. If you see this: Run the […]

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  • Josie Bisett - HAHAHAHA! Boys are gross. I think I’m going to find out soon enough that girl are gross too.February 10, 2013 – 8:39 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Josie, boys ARE gross. I’m just happy I wasn’t home.February 10, 2013 – 8:45 pmReplyCancel

      • Josie Bisett - 600 votes for you – you’re at 51! Awesome blossom 🙂February 10, 2013 – 11:50 pmReplyCancel

        • admin - ARGH. This is why I SUCK though. Until you said that, I realized I never even voted for my own self though. And because my OWN vote happened after midnight, I lost a whole day. SOB.
          I’m so ready for this contest to be over. But thank YOU for the vote! xo! hugo.February 10, 2013 – 11:57 pmReplyCancel

  • Courtney - Ha! valuable lessons for sure! However, as a teacher, it is important for people to learn such things on their own. You could tell your husband about those behaviors, but now that he has experienced them, he will NEVER forget them! 🙂February 10, 2013 – 8:52 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - So true, Courtney, so TRUE! As a teacher, you have word up on this one. 🙂February 10, 2013 – 9:22 pmReplyCancel

  • Rachel - My daughter does this; however, she is not equipped with a sign that serves as a warning. I’m usually ambushed by her poop-smelling hands. Hence, I’m jealous!February 10, 2013 – 9:33 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Ha, Rachel! Husband also is not observant enough to SEE boy coming (and notice the fact that he just pooped in the first place)…so a little his fault and you’ll get there! It’s a blast! (cough)February 10, 2013 – 11:44 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - Hahaha!! Those illustrations were as hilarious as this post…boys = gross stuff whether they are 3, 13 or 30!!February 10, 2013 – 9:55 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Ha! I keep reminding myself about a time when I was probably 24…and hanging with a bunch of boys who were farting. At the time, I didn’t have the courage to give it back but somebody brought up women and periods and stuff (NOT ME – SHUDDER). One of the boys said “wow. I never thought about it, but girls are actually really gross.” To this day, every time I get my period, I think of him saying “girls are actually really gross.” Word.February 10, 2013 – 11:46 pmReplyCancel

  • Kate Hall - Gah!!! I haven’t had the poop on the finger happen yet. Although, I’ve had the poop all over the couch cushion and I find it with my arm happen. Bleh.February 10, 2013 – 10:11 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Kate! Finding it with your arm? EVEN BETTER! Yay, you! 😉
      Ach.February 10, 2013 – 11:46 pmReplyCancel

  • Stephanie @Mommy, for real. - I am reading this in bed and when I got to “Argh”I started shaking with laughter. Glad it wasn’t you, mama! I think you will break 50!February 11, 2013 – 12:57 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Yay, I’m relieved. You know how it’s easy to love some posts but others, you’re thinking “Is this DONE?” This was one of the ones I wondered about. And I hope you’re right about the 50! I’m 3 votes away, but you know…these things can change drastically in a day. Sigh.
      Thanks for reading in bed! 🙂February 11, 2013 – 7:40 amReplyCancel

  • karen somethingorother - Oooo! The SURPRISE FINGER! It’s like a super fun WHEEL OF FORTUNE–give it a spin, you never know WHAT will come up! Still, good warning!February 11, 2013 – 9:39 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Ha! I like the Wheel of Fortune reference!February 11, 2013 – 5:08 pmReplyCancel

  • Roshni - Aargh!! Indeed!!!February 11, 2013 – 2:05 pmReplyCancel

  • Sara - Really expressive Tucker eyes in that first pic! You can feel his excitement!
    …and I love that he’s reaching up on tippy-toe to let Robert smell his poopy finger. Aaah, the wonders of children.

    When I read your posts like this one, I am reminded of back before you had any children and how you would complain that children’s hands are always sticky, or how gross they are when they eat. And now look at you and what you tolerate. I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say “willingly” tolerate, but certainly without much complaining!
    My, how you’ve grown!February 11, 2013 – 6:27 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks for digging Tucker’s eyes in the first excited picture! You know, the hardest part was his hand, pointing toward the “camera.” I had to look at “We want you!” posters because I couldn’t get the perspective right.

      So funny of you to remind me that I used to complain about sticky hands! I don’t remember ever saying out loud that kids are gross when they eat, but they sort of really are. And yeah, I totally tolerate. Dr. Seuss was right. I went places. 😉February 11, 2013 – 6:32 pmReplyCancel

      • sara - I was impressed that you did the pointing finger perspective. That’s hard. Nice work!
        That’s funny you don’t remember saying out loud that kids are gross when they eat b/c I remember many rants about how gross they are when they eat and why do parents think it’s adorable and why do parents always take pictures of kids eating, smeared in their own lunch, etc, etc. In fact, it amused me no end the first time you showed me a picture of Tucker with food all over his face.
        Life is funny like that. It likes to teach you that a lot of things you used to think matter a lot, really don’t matter at all. (I’d love to include a link to your awesome post about not caring about the little things anymore, but alas, I ain’t got the skillz). Rock on, girl. (#49!)February 12, 2013 – 8:45 amReplyCancel

        • admin - With that said, I should clarify that OTHER people’s kids with food smeared all over their faces still isn’t my biggest turn-on. Tucker? Well…he’s still cute with poop on his finger. Gross, yes, but cute.February 12, 2013 – 10:26 amReplyCancel

  • Mama Meerkat - I get 1 and 2 all the time, but thankfully not 3! Yuuuuuck. When Mini had the flu I was basically a tissue 24/7. Not too surprising that I got sick.

    I’ve been voting for ya!February 12, 2013 – 5:47 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Yes, the third one is highly disgusting. Thanks for the votes! I appreciate them. I’m tied at 49 right now and it’s driving me nuts because how cool would 49 be? 😉February 12, 2013 – 5:50 pmReplyCancel

  • Alicia - Lost In Holland - oh my gosh, hilarious!! in, ya know, a kinda gross way… 🙂February 13, 2013 – 9:37 amReplyCancel

    • admin - I’ll take funny where I can get it. Gross or not. Thanks so much for the comment! 🙂February 14, 2013 – 12:42 amReplyCancel

  • Meredith - Ha! My daughter always brings the weirdest “offerings”–good advice to just run the other way!February 13, 2013 – 3:51 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Like a cat right? “Offerings” needs to be defined early. We failed.February 14, 2013 – 12:43 amReplyCancel

  • Joy - Tucker is so smart! Tee hee!February 17, 2013 – 4:17 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Smart and gross 😉February 17, 2013 – 8:41 amReplyCancel

The most memorable Valentine’s Day I ever had was when I was 16.  Or maybe this one, if you help me out.  Here’s why. First, some background. I love my husband.  I know that he loves me.  But holidays?  Not a strength.  He’s just not good at them.  Or…he’s not that good at them with […]

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  • Linda Atwell - Out One Ear - Awwww. I’m crying. Why’d you make me do that? Lovely, lovely piece. Thank you for being my blogging friend. You are an awesome person. BTW, news stations were here today. Newspaper ran it on the FRONT page in this morning’s paper. I hope they get a few Valentine’s from all over. Right now, the newlyweds are giddy and grateful. They can’t believe they deserve so much attention. Again, Wow. I have no more words and my keyboard is getting wet.February 8, 2013 – 9:09 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Aw. Stop or you’re going to make me cry, too! And WOW, to the newspaper running their story. They’re going to get so many Valentine’s cards! How awesome for them. I can’t wait to see photos of them wearing huge smiles surrounded by tons of cards from all over.
      XOFebruary 8, 2013 – 9:17 pmReplyCancel

  • christine - You were one lucky little girl to have such a nice mom. (I’m assuming your stuffed animals didn’t give you gifts to make up for a lack of friends at your parties.) Surprising your husband didn’t understand your subtle hints. 🙂
    What a sweet thing to do for NIck and Lindsey.February 8, 2013 – 9:46 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - I know, right? And ha! to not having friends at my parties. Funny because I wondered if I should have clarified that she didn’t do it because nobody liked me (maybe they did, maybe they didn’t, but they did come to the parties).
      And I hope Nick and Lindsey get more Valentines than they know what to do with!February 8, 2013 – 11:14 pmReplyCancel

  • Janine Huldie - Kristi, you were adorable as a little girl and what a cute story from your youth. Thank you also for sharing the love story of Nick and Lindsey here. I went over to her mom’s blog (the link you included) and left a message and am now following. So thanks a ton for sharing that, as well as linking up with us again!! 🙂February 8, 2013 – 9:49 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Oh, so cool that you’re following. I am a total sucker for special needs kids finding true love. I think it’s one of the biggest concerns all special needs moms have – wondering how functional and how able to be in a relationship, etc. their babies will one day be.February 8, 2013 – 11:15 pmReplyCancel

  • Rachel - I love that you got presents from your furry friends! What an awesome mom thing to do. I’m going to have to remember that…I like your Valentine’s Day idea better than celebrating with my one and only. Not because I don’t love him. I just really don’t like to have to be nice to anybody, because it’s a certain day of the year. It brings out my passive-agressive side!February 8, 2013 – 10:21 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Yes, remember it and copy it. I’ve already done it for Tucker. He doesn’t “get it” yet, but he will, one day and think “holy shit! my dog gave me a present!” which is just awesome.
      And yeah, Valentine’s Day is kind of dumb for so many of us. We should be extra-thoughtful for the heck of it. Now that’s romantic. And not because Hallmark said so.February 8, 2013 – 11:17 pmReplyCancel

  • Josie Bisett - Haha! Your Mom spoiled you rotten you lucky lucky seven year old! Loved the drawing of you getting prezzies from your toys Seriously, your blog illustrations are hilarious! I appreciate your spin on this FTSF and the super thoughtful sentiment. Happy Valentines Day to you and Robert. And Happy Valentines Day to Nick and Lindsey! 😀February 8, 2013 – 11:18 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Ha you, Josie! She did, indeed…
      And thanks for the Valentine’s wishes. $20 says Robert doesn’t even know when it is, yet. And SHIT speaking of, I’m supposed to make really cute ones for my kid’s class. Guess I better get on that. 🙂February 9, 2013 – 12:52 amReplyCancel

  • Jennifer P. - Wow. I will send a valentine. You are so talented to be able to write moving things with funny things and I love the birthday hat “I love me.” Such a perfect thing for a 7 year old to display.February 9, 2013 – 12:08 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks, Jenny! Love that you caught the birthday hat. 🙂
      I was actually SUPER crazy shy at 7 (and a lot of the other years but I eventually got over myself) but wish I were confident enough at 7 to feel that way. It is as it should be, in the drawing 😉February 9, 2013 – 12:54 amReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - First of all, LOVE that photo of you. And as much as I don’t do Valentines Day as a married adult, I want you to get a over the top one. I pretty much got Easter baskets until I got married and moved away. So lets say my last Easter basket was at age 26. I still miss that! And I absolutely will send a card to Lindsey and Nick. That is SO sweet.February 9, 2013 – 8:05 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Kenya, that’s awesome that you got Easter baskets until you were 26. Seriously, I’m jealous.February 9, 2013 – 4:33 pmReplyCancel

  • Stephanie @ Mommy, for real. - OMG, “BIg Dolly” gave you a present! That is so sweet- your mom is the cutest mom in the whole world! That picture is perfection- the expressions on both your faces! Love it.
    Also, what a cool opportunity to help that couple celebrate. I went to the link, and that is just so awesome. OK, friend, I will save the rest of my comments for our “private” conversation! 😀February 9, 2013 – 3:04 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Big Dolly was pretty considerate, actually. For a doll.February 9, 2013 – 4:34 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - That’s so sweet…going to send a card to Lindsey and Nick right now! (We don’t make a big deal about Valentine’s Day either…as long as I get some chocolates, I’m happy.)February 9, 2013 – 5:06 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks for sending them a card! And I hope your chocolates this year are especially amazing.February 9, 2013 – 6:46 pmReplyCancel

  • The Next Step - Super awesome blog post – I think I love everything about it! I too grew up in a house where present-giving was a big deal, and my husband though it was ridiculous. We still don’t see eye-to-eye on that one, but now my “gift” to him is always that he doesn’t have to buy me a gift. But I make a big deal out of the girls’ birthdays and Christmas. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing the story of Nick & Lindsey – I am going to follow the blog and send them a card!February 9, 2013 – 7:18 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks! Glad I’m not alone in saying “forget about the gift!” because really, this house has too much stuff in it and somebody is going to have to sort it one day.

      thanks for following Nick and Lindsey!~February 9, 2013 – 10:28 pmReplyCancel

  • Kate Hall - It’s good that you and your husband seem to have an understanding about gifts and special days. My expectations are always way too high and I get disappointed. I feel so selfish. My post for Monday is 10 gifts my husband got me that really weren’t what I wanted – part of Monday Listicles. I asked him to remind me of some and he had a big list. Oh gosh. I’m such a turd. I’ve been following all the other comments on your post about finding balance. I really think cutting down on the # of posts is a great idea. I know a lot of people will miss you, but even just cutting back a couple days would give you so much more time. Good luck!February 9, 2013 – 10:14 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Aw, Kate!
      I think part of the reason we have an understanding about gifts has to do with our ages. Even just a few years ago, I made it VERY CLEAR that he had to get me a “push present” when our son was born and that it damn well better be a good one (he did – a lovely bracelet from Tiff’s). Since then, though, I look at my only son, at my jewelry and wonder what the point was with these gifts. First, some of them were expensive and I’d rather have that money in Tucker’s college fund. Second, the most beautiful and special and pricey ones in the bunch are worn so infrequently that it seems selfish to even own them. Does that make sense?
      Anyway, I’m not actually going anywhere. Just posting less 😉
      Thanks for hosting the FTSF!February 9, 2013 – 10:31 pmReplyCancel

  • Rachel - Hey Kristi, I’d like to link to your blog to alert people to this cool project. Can I steal the image for it? You know, I do so love the pictures! I’ve now found a way to get one on my blog. That is, if you agree….February 10, 2013 – 7:57 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Hey Rachel,
      Do you mean the one of cartoon Tucker and I in the airplane? Sure! I’ve added a Finding Ninee URL to the bottom (you know, in case somebody steals it from you). Thanks for helping to spread the word! Let me know if you want me to email it to you.February 10, 2013 – 9:30 amReplyCancel

      • Rachel - Yay! Yes, the one with the airplane. I can copy it from your site, so no need to email it. Thanks!February 10, 2013 – 10:00 amReplyCancel

        • admin - Cool! You should let Linda know too – she’ll be super excited 😀February 10, 2013 – 10:13 amReplyCancel

  • Meredith - This is such a sweet, cool idea. We aren’t huge on Valentine’s either, and what a great way to use the day to bless other people. Awesome! And the picture of you as a little girl is so, so adorable!February 10, 2013 – 4:00 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks, Meredith! I appreciate the visit and the comment!February 10, 2013 – 5:44 pmReplyCancel

  • Mama Meerkat - That’s so sweet!

    My Valentine’s celebrations are usually decorating for Mini, because there *must* be decorations at all times, and doing crafts with her. I’m a single mom, so no romantic stuff to bother with!February 12, 2013 – 6:04 pmReplyCancel

  • Joy - Awww, I love this post about Lindsey and Nick! <3

    And your picture is soo cute!!February 17, 2013 – 4:20 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Lindsey and Nick ended up getting television interviews and everything – so cool! Linda did an awesome job promoting this. I’m looking forward to seeing all of the photos of them getting tons of Valentines. 🙂February 17, 2013 – 8:42 amReplyCancel

I need a time management class.  Or, better yet, a super-helpful fairy to put an extra couple of hours into each day.  The fairy would be a big help.  If you have one in your acquaintance, I’d really appreciate an introduction, people.  I’m not above bribes on this either.  Just saying. In life Before Tucker, […]

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  • Alana Terry - Voted!! And hope that you really really enjoy your new job and find that extra time because you’ll be doing three things you love – blogging, chasing Tucker, and working! Good good good good luck to you. I hope you look back in two months and giggle at yourself for feeling so nervous. And if that doesn’t work, you can hop on your mobile device and blog while you poop, right?February 6, 2013 – 11:51 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Ah, Alana, from your lips. I hope so, too. It just feels so overwhelming right now…
      And OH how I wish I could blog while I poop! 🙂February 7, 2013 – 12:17 amReplyCancel

  • Mama Meerkat - First off, congratulations on getting a paid gig!

    I’m afraid I’m no help on the balance. Most of my time is spent Mini Meerkat wrangling and in appointments, and I squeeze in power bursts of writing here and there. I don’t know how I would add a regular job in there at this stage.February 7, 2013 – 12:13 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks so much for the comment. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, either…sigh…wish me luck. <3February 7, 2013 – 12:18 amReplyCancel

      • admin - The fact that it’s 12:25am and I’m here doesn’t say much for my time management skills, considering I have to wake up in 6 hours, get the boy ready and go to work, does it? Oof.February 7, 2013 – 12:19 amReplyCancel

        • Mama Meerkat - Good luck! <3 I'm sure there will be an adjustment period, but I think you can do it!February 7, 2013 – 12:45 amReplyCancel

  • Kate Hall - When you get some answers to this, let me know because I SUCK at balance. I find myself on a roller coaster all the time. Somedays I’m totally focused on my kids and not caring if anyone reads my blog, then the next day I’m tweeting frantically in hopes of getting more followers because maybe, just maybe, a few of them will read my posts.

    I am ok with posting only three times per week, one of those only being my capture that photo. If I find extra time then I’ll add an extra post in. I post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, almost always.

    Hootsuite. Do you use Hootsuite? That’s for marketing your blog, that saves me a LOT of time getting the word out about my blog.

    And I voted for you…even before I saw your post tonight. 🙂February 7, 2013 – 12:25 amReplyCancel

    • Kate Hall - Ask Stephanie at Mommy, for Real. She works PT outside the home.February 7, 2013 – 12:26 amReplyCancel

      • admin - Ha! I brain-dumped on poor Stephanie just 2 days ago before I started the job! Funny that we both thought of her.February 7, 2013 – 12:34 amReplyCancel

        • Stephanie @ Mommy, for real. - OK, first of all, Kate has a great idea with Hoot Suite. (BTW, I finally figured it out, Kate. 😉 ) It has saved me some time with promoting and tweeting my posts. I personally can only post 3 times a week and not have sucky content. I feel like i have let myself off the hook by reducing the number of times I post, and when I do write something, I make sure it is good. I don’t think you should have waited to post this; first of all, it’s on your mind and you needed to get it out, so that makes it the perfect time to publish it. Second, the drawings were NOT less awesome than usual. This post was great, and it didn’t seem like you wrote it hastily and slapped it on your site. Don’t second guess it- it’s a really good, honest post, very well-written, and the pictures were perfect! I really do think that limiting the amount of time I spend reading and commenting on other blogs is important; it makes me feel bad, and guilty, but otherwise I would be up all night. Maybe read the same number of blogs, but less frequently, or maybe cut down on the people you regularly follow. I know how hard it is to do that. I think cutting yourself a break with how often you post is a good first step; honestly, I can’t manage to read my friends’ blogs who post more than 3 times a week, certainly not 7 posts a week. That overwhelms me as a reader. You can do this- and vent to me anytime, ok? Love and hugs!February 7, 2013 – 9:49 amReplyCancel

          • admin - Stephanie, thanks HUGE. You guys. Gonna make me cry. I love that you said 7 posts/week overwhelm you as a reader. I’d read early on that it’s important to post every day and often have but love the idea that three is the goal. More? Great. But not necessary. I know I have a few that hope to see something here every day but you’re so right about waiting until we have something worth posting. I’d much rather have fewer posts that I’m proud of than some BS thing that is up to be up.
            And thanks so much for the reassurance that the drawings are up to my usual level of awfulness. Funny bad is well, funny. Bad is just bad.
            I HEART YOU! Thanks again. Really. <3February 7, 2013 – 7:04 pm

    • admin - Thanks so much, Kate! YOU are awesome. I like the idea of posting only three days each week. Knowing this job was coming up, I’ve been up late (worst was 2:30) every night recently. I should have just waited to post. I think it panics me a little bit mostly because I’ve always posted almost every day. With that said, some of the posts recently have contained a LOT of drawings each, when they used to contain one or two (just started this in September so I’m still figuring it out), and people must realize they take time???
      thanks HUGE for the comment. I’ve never heard of Hootsuite. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks!February 7, 2013 – 12:38 amReplyCancel

      • Kate Hall - I can only imagine how long those pics take because I know how long it takes for me to just go in and add a watermark or my blog address to a photo. And if I have a lot of photos, it adds up. What software do you use for the pictures anyway? They’re so cute! And funny!February 7, 2013 – 10:05 amReplyCancel

  • Rachel - Congrats on the job! I am no help on the balance front though. I have gotten pretty good at balancing work /home. I make a conscious effort to shut down at 5 every day and not even look at work email until the next morning. But I used to have a blog (actually still do) and I had to stop posting so I could get everything done and still spend time w/my family. I keep the blog in hopes that one day I’ll be able to pick it back up again and all the post ideas I have been saving up will not go to waste (lol). I am sure you will be fine though! Good luck.February 7, 2013 – 7:02 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks, Rachel. I didn’t know you have a blog. Can I read it?
      I think if I can find a way to get more than the 5 hours of sleep I got last night, that I’ll feel a lot more optimistic about balancing. Just feels like a lot right now. Job is new though, so hopefully as I settle into the groove, I get better and figuring out how much time to spend, on what…
      🙂February 7, 2013 – 7:37 amReplyCancel

  • Joy - Congrats on your new job!! Woo hoo! This is awesome!
    As for the balance I am no great help unfortunately as I am struggeling with my balance, too! :-/ I am also about to refrain from blogging daily. It just puts too much pressure on me and I do not want to write anything without any substance.
    But of course I do hope that you will keep Finding Ninee up and running! Otherwise I would miss your terribly!! xoxoFebruary 7, 2013 – 8:18 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Joy, I think we shouldn’t worry about blogging every day. Sometimes, we are able to but other times, we need to just be with our kiddos. And of course I will keep Finding Ninee up! It makes me cry to even think about not having this amazing outlet where I’ve met so many beautiful people like you.
      XOFebruary 7, 2013 – 7:09 pmReplyCancel

  • Kerri - If you manage to capture the balance fairy, please give her my number. I have found that working provides some sanity. It is harder to blog, attend all therapy appointments and forget about cleaning the kitchen on a semi-regular basis. But it gives me something other than being Boo’s mom/therapist/advocate. It lets me escape and remember what life was before the girls. I say go for it! Oh and dude you are up to 426 votes. You go girl!February 7, 2013 – 9:45 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Kerri, that balance fairy is an elusive beotch, as it turns out. I think I’ll have to employ my magic unicorn, ride him during the full moon and find her hiding out at a biker bar or under a mushroom. I’ll be happy to hold her hostage and have you all come demand she fixes your balancing acts, too.
      And yeah, cleaning the kitchen? Forget it.
      Thanks so much!February 7, 2013 – 7:11 pmReplyCancel

  • karen somethingorother - Oh man…I can RELATE! Why, here I am reading your blog and enjoying your “bad” art, all comfy cozy and my room is…well, it’s disgusting. There, I said it. I have come clean about it. I haven’t cleaned it, but I have come clean.February 7, 2013 – 12:28 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Karen, glad I’m not alone. And I think coming clean about your room being disgusting is good enough. Sometimes, good enough is good enough.
      Thanks for the comment 🙂February 7, 2013 – 7:12 pmReplyCancel

  • Maura - Here are my “tricks” (btw – I don’t even attempt to keep up a blog but I do lots of other stuff)
    1. Cleaning people – trust me
    2. Grocery delivery
    3. for everything grocery delivery wont bring
    4. Saturday morning enrichment. Daddy takes baby for 2 hours on Saturday mornings – it makes all the difference in the world!February 7, 2013 – 1:19 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Maura,
      I love your tips! We do actually have a cleaning crew come every other week. Maybe it’s time to step it up. And I’ve never tried grocery delivery. I’ve always wondered if they’ll purposely give the the almost expired stuff.
      Especially love the Saturday morning enrichment! That one is happening this Saturday no matter what. Thanks so much!February 7, 2013 – 7:13 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - I think it’s AWESOME that you got this part-time gig — good for you!! I wish I had the answer to your question. I can’t even seem to find the balance with my blog and my book, so I’m the wrong person to ask. However, what I do know is that all those other blogger/moms/part-time/full-time people somehow seem to find a balance. It may take some time, but you’ll get there. It’s funny because I ALMOST had the opportunity to do a 2-week adult internship at a magazine and I was wondering how I was going to manage for those 2 weeks…i know, ridiculous. Good luck with this new opportunity — hope we get to hear more about it on your blog too!February 7, 2013 – 1:35 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Emily,
      Thanks! I think it’s awesome too. It’s just really overwhelming sitting here at viewpoint “day 2.” I know I’ll find a way and that I’m actually really lucky. After the first couple of weeks, I’ll be able to mostly work at home which will save the time of looking professional in the morning, driving to the office, driving back, etc.
      That’s funny that you were wondering how to manage for those 2 weeks, but you know, it really is a valid concern. I realized this morning as I was trying to get Tucker dressed, fed, myself dressed and fed, make him a lunch, pack it, etc. that us moms sometimes have so much more little stuff than dads. I was completely jealous that my husband gets up, plays on the computer, showers and leaves.
      Thanks for your awesome comment.February 7, 2013 – 7:16 pmReplyCancel

  • Josie Bisett - Kristi – you are BRILL! I love your blog. And you know work expands to fill the space right? You’ll find time and balance no doubt. And if you wait longer to post, you’ll just fill us all with suspense and when you finally publish you’ll have a massive barrage of comments and response oozing with “we’ve missed you!’ and such 🙂

    Oh, I almost forgot to say CONGRATS on getting a job!February 7, 2013 – 8:12 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Aw thanks, Josie. Might be worth it just to read a bunch of “I missed you” comments 😉February 7, 2013 – 8:25 pmReplyCancel

      • Josie Bisett - I just scrolled up and down on that Circle of Moms list like three times and I couldn’t find you to give you your click? Where dya go? Or am I as blind as a bat??February 8, 2013 – 9:18 amReplyCancel

        • admin - You’re so cool! I think I’m number 54. Thanks much!February 8, 2013 – 9:37 amReplyCancel

  • Courtney - I wish I had something witty or inspirational to share, but I would be a hypocrite. I fell in love with my blog and writing as a stay at home mom and now that life has been turned upside down, my creative side is dead. I don’t even post what I write because it’s sad and depressing. I hope you find your balance and CONGRATS on the job! It is super hard to stay at home and to have a job is a blessing for the soul!February 8, 2013 – 9:17 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Aw Courtney…maybe you should post what you write. Maybe it would help. You can treat your blog like an online journal?
      And I hope you find your own balance with everything that’s going on in your life. Huge hugs.February 8, 2013 – 9:27 pmReplyCancel

  • Rachel - NOOO! What am I going to do without you! Are you going to start writing posts with weird marketing language in them? Please say it isn’t so? I do appreciate that you broke it to me gently, and I am sorry to make it all about me. But, really, I wish I could pay you to write Finding Ninee! 🙁February 8, 2013 – 10:19 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - ha. I’m not quitting Finding Ninee, silly woman. And hells to the no about them containing weird marketing language in them. Although, now that you mention it, the ROI on this blog is astonishingly low. Perhaps we should run a campaign, get our sales people to re-evaluate their KPI’s and tag our campaigns back to our pipeline.
      And I really wish you could pay me to write Finding Ninee, too. 😉February 8, 2013 – 11:20 pmReplyCancel

  • Jamie - Congrats on the new job! 🙂

    I just tried posting almost every day in January and realized it was too crazy for me. I am not letting go of my blog but will only be posting 1-2 times a week. However, I do consider my blog a hobby. To my understanding if you want to have a huge following + make some money, you would need to spend 40+ hours a week. I think it goes back to the purpose of your blog. For me I blog to connect with others and therapy. I don’t need to spend that much time on it to obtain my goals.

    My only suggestions would be :

    * hire out other non-important things to others
    * write down the next three things you need to do in every area of your life, helps to keep you focused
    * streamline anything and everything
    * decide what is the 5 things that is most important in your life ( example: (1) mom (2) another space for mom because of the extras (3) wife (4) self care (5) work ), if it doesn’t fit then be prepared to say No! ( blogging could go under self care but you need to determine how much of your self care hours you will dedicate to it)

    I hope it all works out for you! 🙂

    Take Care,

    JamieFebruary 10, 2013 – 3:00 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks so much, Jamie!
      Sadly, I don’t really have time to spend 40+ hours a week doing this, although I would LOVE to do exactly that. So I suppose I’ll just do what I can, when I can…
      I really appreciate your advice. I definitely need to do a better job of streamlining things…even the simple things like making mealtimes more efficient. I especially appreciate the advice of writing down the three things I need to do. I definitely could use some focus.

      You’re the best!February 10, 2013 – 5:56 pmReplyCancel

N e v e r   m i s s   a   n e w   p o s t !