Yesterday, I cleaned the fish tank again. They’re all still alive. I know. I was surprised, too. Cleaning the fish tank is a big deal for me. I hate it, and even worse, I’m shockingly bad at it. Honestly, Tucker would probably do a better job. Okay, that might be a stretch considering that even […]
by Kristi Campbell
Emily - I’m just like you — totally impaired when it comes to taking care of a fish. I once wrote a post about this on my old blog a few years ago. I couldn’t even keep a fish alive in a BOWL. One fish. I hated cleaning his bowl so I’d pour some water out and put in new water because I didn’t want to even put a slimy fish into a net to remove him. That fish swam around in green slime for a YEAR until he went to that big ocean in the sky. I swear dogs are much easier to care for than fish! Hope you don’t have to make that run to the pet store either. 🙂February 5, 2013 – 3:47 pm
admin - Well, so far, he’s still alive. I say “he” because I want to. Not because I actually know, by the way. And you’re right – dogs are easier than fish! And fish are kind of gross, too, if you think about it.
Cracking up about your fish BOWL. That’s hilarious he lasted so long.February 5, 2013 – 5:57 pm
Josie Bisett - My sis got a fish tank a few years back with a bunch of exotic fish and over the space of a few weeks they started vanishing one by one. She’d find pieces of dead fish floating. It was real sinister. Nothing would happen through the day them during the night she’d lose one. Eventual just these black mean looking fish were left and they turned on each other. The pet shop owner had sold her some evil mini shark creatures. It was all very traumatic. I don’t think she bought any replacements. She’d already spend a bundle on her exotic torture tank.February 5, 2013 – 9:37 pm
admin - Mini shark creatures? That’s actually fascinating and horrifying all at once. Wow. Talk about traumatizing.
I wouldn’t buy replacements, either.
And when I went to buy these fish in the first place, I asked the guy what the easiest, least likely to die fish were. Guppies and Tetras. He hasn’t been wrong. So far.February 5, 2013 – 11:35 pm
Jennifer P. - Haha that’s so funny.
And how did you draw all those rock things in the bottom of the tank? Wow.February 6, 2013 – 8:12 pm
Mama Meerkat - I’m always really afraid that my fish is going to die when I clean the tank! Mini Meerkat loves helping to clean the tank, which mostly involves watching me do it and watching the fish panic in the temporary home.February 6, 2013 – 10:19 pm
admin - Ah, Mama Meerkat! So glad I’m not alone! They do panic, don’t they? ugh.February 6, 2013 – 10:37 pm
Rachel - The poop-contaminated fish water on the floor made me gag a little bit. By the way, I’ve been voting three times a day for you, and I had Menopausal Mother pimp you on her FB page for votes. It’s helping, right?February 8, 2013 – 10:23 pm
admin - Holy crap! You did? WOW. You are truly awesome. And yes, it’s helped a TON. Thank you thank you thank you! I need to thank Menopausal Mother, too!February 8, 2013 – 11:31 pm
admin - I just Liked her page – can’t see it…will look more. And thank you again!February 8, 2013 – 11:32 pm
Jen - seriously, you’re high-sterical! Thanks for sharing your wacko-ness so the rest if us can see we’re not alone. I found you through mom’s who write and blog. Pretty glad I did 🙂February 12, 2013 – 6:53 pm
admin - Wow, hi Jen! You’re the first visitor from moms who write and blog. I just joined and haven’t had a chance to check out many other blogs but I’m going to check yours out RIGHT NOW. Thanks for visiting. As a blogger, and new to Finding Ninee, you might like “The evolution of a blogger, part 1 and 2.”
Thanks so much!February 12, 2013 – 6:57 pm