Hi friends! Happy Tuesday. It’s Twisted Mixed Tape day and I’ll be sharing duos and duets that I love. And what’s the difference between a duo and a duet, anyway?
I’m embarrassed to say that yesterday (from a red light because only morons text and drive), I texted Jen about today’s topic. First, I couldn’t remember what it was in the first place.
Huh. Turns out, I didn’t immediately know the difference between a duo and a duet. Which, in hindsight, seems unbelievably stupid as, once I knew, I couldn’t believe that it was briefly confusing. Still though, Jen’s reply was a little bit confusing, right?
First, yes, I know that “we’ll” in this case should be “well.” As mentioned, I was at a red light and auto-correct was being mean, making me look even dumber than I am. Anyway. See my smiley-face reply? That means that I still didn’t really “get” it and did, indeed have to Google what the difference between a duet and a duo was. Now that it’s clicked, I do realize how utterly ridiculous my confusion was. I blame it on lack of sleep, okay? Because even I am not usually that dumb. I figure that the rest of you already know, but just in case you don’t, the difference between a duo and a duet:
A duo is two people singing a song (as in Jen and moi singing this hop),
and a duet is the actual song.
Ok moving on. And, I am dumb.
I went to college in Oakland, California. My dad had this thing about how if I wanted to go to a state school, I could go to Boulder. If I wanted to leave – which I desperately did because remember me telling you about Jane? – I needed to go to a private school. Because I procrastinated in finding one, I ended up at Mills College – a private all-girls’ place. I think I may still have a t-shirt with their slogan:
“Mills is not a girls school without men
It’s a women’s college without boys”
(I totally don’t still have it because I never owned it, instead believing that college would be much more fun with boys and whatever)
To address the “we need boys” situation, the college provided free transportation to and from Berkeley by means of a van, or The Fruck. The Fruck was driven by a person named Monique (I say person because, to this day, I have no idea whether Monique was a man or a woman). The Fruck ran until 2am (I think) and then began to wrangle the walk-of-shamers the next morning at 7am, so that we could get back to campus in time to attend classes.
Why do I bring this up? Because those are the years when I relied on the comfort of Simon and Garfunkel to lull me to sleep on the nights that I was safely tucked into my dorm room and not instead at a party, telling a joke:

The type of multi-tasking I did my freshman year in college included telling a joke while holding a drink in one hand and a ciggie in the other. Ah youth.
That year at Mills was when I really began to love them. I’m not sure what my favorite song is but this one is definitely on the list. Of course, it was years before I realized that they weren’t saying “Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and I.”
Prior to living in Oakland, this duet by Human League was often playing at high school parties and in sticky, smoke-filled, overcrowded cars:
There are more duets that I’ve come to enjoy over the years. While I used to despise country music, my husband introduced me to Lady Antebellum (I love Need You Now and Hello World). He also introduced me to the heartbreak of Whisky Lullaby by Brad Paisley Alison Krauss. Warning: massively sad.
I also really like Just Give Me a Reason by Nate Ruess of Fun and Pink which I’m sure somebody else must have included today, so I won’t because I really want to make sure that you all know this next one. Have you heard Son of a Gun by the Vaselines? I love it. Catchy and awesome.
THIS has to be the best duo and duet ever though. Like ever:
Parodie Eddie Murphy & Joe Piscopo by PeteRock
This has been a Twisted Mixed Tape Tuesday production, Einsteined by Jen Kehl. Come, join us and tell us what your favorite duos and duets are!
by Kristi Campbell
Considerer - Ohhhh look at that picture! I love how you’re so absolutely cool putting that kind of internal dialogue out there, illustrated and gorgeous.
Great list and story though.
(Scarborough Fair is my favourite – I haven’t learned all the words yet, but I sing it to Niece and Neff at bedtime, snuggled in with them, to send them to bed. I love it BIGlots!)August 13, 2013 – 12:10 pm
Kristi Campbell - Considerer,
You mean because I’m moronic? I think that’s what makes it fun.
And I love Scarborough Fair BIGlots too 😉
—August 13, 2013 – 12:22 pm
Kerri - Love that you went with duos and yes Whiskey Lullaby has to the be the saddest song ever, even if it is beautiful. And what were S&G saying if not parsley, rosemary and sage?August 13, 2013 – 12:24 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - I am a fan of Simon and Garfunkel just from watching The Graduate. In watching The Graduate where they come in with the lyrics always makes me laugh. I’m not done clicking on videos yet. Just wanted to let you know that I am well rested and not sure about the duo and duet difference either.
So a Fruck is a thing? That’s how my brother used to pronounce Truck until he got his TR’s down. There were Fruck and Fractors.August 13, 2013 – 12:39 pm
JenKehl - Ahhhh….smokey overcrowded cars… how I miss that. Really. I really do. Well, I miss the smokey part. Do you know how many cigarette burns there were in my own car, right where my crotch should be? I am lucky I got out of there alive! I LOVE YOUR MIX love your story even more, because laughing is good. So good.August 13, 2013 – 12:44 pm
Quick Stepp- Melissa - Big smiles for Human League.August 13, 2013 – 12:51 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - Delayed reaction. Oooooooooh! Lol! I get it now. Choking on salad now.August 13, 2013 – 1:04 pm
Kristi Campbell - Kenya,
—August 13, 2013 – 1:45 pm
Sara - Hey, I thought *I* introduced you to Whiskey Lullaby…? Back when I was singing Alison Krauss’ praises and directed you to the album she did with Robert Plant, I thought I played it for you then. Oh well, maybe Robert needs the credit/bonus points more than I. 🙂
They are TOTALLY saying “sage, rosemary, & I.” You are SMART.
So why was it called the Fruck? I’m going to need a much more detailed explanation on that. 😉
Will have to listen/watch videos from home. Stupid work won’t let me run flash players from the office. Ugh!
Hugs!August 13, 2013 – 1:51 pm
clark - cigarettes are to booze what a cap and gown are to graduation!
(no!! wait!!)
cigarettes are to booze what ketchup and onions and grapenuts and powdered milk at 5:15 am before taking the MAT…
(still not it!)
cigarettes and booze are to the social graces as eloquence and poise are to getting lucking before ‘last call’
that’s it! (now.. duos are to duets as ‘want to see my etchings’ are to..August 13, 2013 – 2:04 pm
clark - …damn! the music thing
a hit with the Brad and Alison…liked the S&G but that was part of the polio vaccines in the lates 60’s secret ingrediant… and the SNL was excellent. (in another bit, Joe Piscopo’s Sinatra was muttering about ‘that bald chick, what’s her name, Sinbad? yeah that was it’)
you adn Jen, total girl genuae of the MixTape worldAugust 13, 2013 – 2:10 pm
Darla @ Mom's World - LOVE your mix! Pretty much all of those songs were ones that I either have never heard before or haven’t heard since the 80s! Thanks for sharing and being so awesome! <3August 13, 2013 – 3:55 pm
Muses from the deep - Hey! Loved this list, but my absolute fave is Simon and Garfunkel! First time I’m posting a Mixtape list too!August 13, 2013 – 4:00 pm
Janine Huldie - Ok, seriously now I am going to have to break out my Simon & Garfunkel CD’s, because reading all these posts those names keep coming up. Always loved them, but now I have to hear them again, because of this. Oh I am with you and feel a bit stupid,but didn’t know the difference between the two either. Thanks for sharing it isn’t just me!!!August 13, 2013 – 4:13 pm
christine - Thank you, thank you for adding SNL to your list! So funny.
Simon and Garfunkel was a great addition. I would have put them in mine, too, if I could. Unfortunately, none of their songs remind me of my husband. I even asked my husband, “Does this remind you of us? Give me something so I can include one!”
And I can’t believe your college actually had a van, promoting girls to spend their nights with the boys. That astounds me. But, what do I know about all-girl or all-boy schools? Zip.August 13, 2013 – 4:30 pm
Dream - I just love the personal stories you’re able to add to each week’s mixtape. You managed to dredge up an unfortunate memory of my own of my 5th grade choir class singing Scarborough Fair. ugh. But I’ve always liked the Human League song for some reason and of course the Joe Piscopo and Eddie Murphy was hilarious and is a classic. I vaguely remember seeing that original airing of SNL.August 13, 2013 – 5:30 pm
Stephanie @ Mommy, for Real. - That made me laugh so hard! It took me a minute to figure it out, too… Whenever I read your TMTT posts, it always makes me wish we could be young and cool and hang out in real life. I realize that is a logistical impossibility. 🙁
Also, I still kind of hate country, but I too love Lady Antebellum.
And OK, FINE. I sort of like Taylor Swift. (Running away now.)August 13, 2013 – 5:34 pm
Lori Lavender Luz - You and Jen taught me something today.
Don’t You Want Me is one of my faves. And OK, so you sent me slumping with Whiskey Lullaby, but I came out of the funk with your last entry.
Loved your choice of duets! And duos.August 13, 2013 – 5:43 pm
Tamara - Our version of “The Fruck” was “The Drunk Bus.” It ran from 2:00 am until whenever. It was driven by a hot man who probably thought we were all ridiculous. I rode the bus for only ONE of three potential reasons:
1. I was very drunk and it was a huge campus.
2. I was trying to get over my vomit phobia and someone was always yelling, “We’ve got a puker back here!” It’s cheaper than therapy.
3. I had a crush on what’s-his-name, not Monique.August 13, 2013 – 8:05 pm
Rachel - So…A duo does a duet (say that three times fast). Now, see, I had no idea that I was going to come over here for a music post and learn something that I didn’t know. You are full of surprises, Kristi! I would have had to google the difference too. We can be a stupid duo now.August 13, 2013 – 9:13 pm
Raising Reagan - Hahaha… that’s awesome! I’m pretty sure the Fruck is still tugging around Oakland too… LOL
And thank you for clarifying the duet vs duo bit. I would have gotten that wrong on Jeopardy and that would have pissed me off. 🙂
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo.
Raising-Reagan.comAugust 13, 2013 – 9:46 pm
Kristi Campbell - Kerri,
They were saying “parsley, sage, rosemary and ____ ” the last, I assumed was “I” but was, in fact thyme. Whatevs. I is better.
Um. Like I said on Twitter…not sure you want to know what Fruck is…although apparently, you are not alone…
Jen~ (jean wtf i am an asshole)
I adore you and YES to the ciggie burns in between our legs although mine were more on my shoulder from lame ash-flicking from the window that blew back in and down my shirt…
Hellz ya to Human League.
—August 13, 2013 – 10:30 pm
Kristi Campbell - SARA.
actually, yes, you did. I’m sorry. Hubs was a big fan too but now that you mentioned it, you totally played it for me and I was more caught up in trying to not cry…than in where it came from. I stand totally corrected. It was ALL YOU and no, hubs does not need props more now because we’re dealing with this weird “how to correct Tucker” thing that he’s on my shitlist for. I mean. Sorry. I adore him. But YOU SO GET credit for that heart-tearing-it-out-of-my-body song. Sigh. It is beautiful though…
—August 13, 2013 – 10:32 pm
Kristi Campbell - Clark,
Yes.and UM please you are in my head. I fear that peeps will realize that we are all the same generic clarkbot – because maybe we are??
—August 13, 2013 – 10:39 pm
Jessica - Great tunes! I love the Paisley/Krauss one, although I agree, it’s very sad. I love hearing about your younger days, too. So fun. And thanks for teaching us the difference between duos and duets. 🙂August 14, 2013 – 1:09 am
Donofalltrades - Ah oh fuck, having that classic SNL skit makes this my favorite post ever. Ever. Lol, negro amigo…geez, you can’t say shit like that anymore.August 14, 2013 – 3:08 am
Considerer - ‘Moronic’ – yeah, course. Xackly what I mean. *facepalm*
You’re so adorkable! :pAugust 14, 2013 – 4:01 am
Rich Rumple - Interesting tunes. Of course, Simon & Garfunkel are wondering how “I” ever became a spice, but I’m sure they’ll forgive you. 🙂 The Fruck was an interesting concept. It looks kind of like a van that would be transporting prisoners back to the institution. Thank God it wasn’t the 70’s so you didn’t have to worry about wearing orange jumpsuits, too! Well done!August 14, 2013 – 4:19 am
that cynking feeling - I won’t be writing my own post, but I’m going to visit everyone else to see if they are familiar with the greatest duo of all time: “Islands in the Stream” as performed by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers.
Ah, that brings back many a memory of youthful longing.August 19, 2013 – 2:10 pm