Some weeks, it’s hard to know what thankful is. It hides among the leaves and today’s between winter and not winter and too-cold mornings and too-hot afternoons.
The too-cold mornings and the too-hot afternoons are annoying, but, between them, there is comfort and peace and the perfect temperature and the perfect blend between errands run, playing, doing, not doing, dining, living, and being.
In many ways, that sums up my thankful for this week but of course I need to elaborate, especially given that I’ve been missing from it lately. Not in my heart or mind, but here, for you to witness.
And the power of witnessing thankful is almost as good as owning it, so here goes.
Recently, I enrolled my son Tucker in a Tao Kwon Do class, very, very unsure about his abilities to keep up (and still feel reluctant). When enrolling, I talked to his teachers about his delays and decided to try it. Again, I was reluctant, especially given that some of these kids have been doing this for the past 18 months and are younger than Tucker is.
But then this happened, where I realized that although he’s definitely developmentally delayed in comparison to his peers, he’s paying attention, and knows the names of kicks that I don’t know, as honed into the lessons as I am.
His teacher, in this video takes a break to redirect another student and yet Tucker stays focused. (EEEP!!)
That video, with its shitty sound, makes me unbelievably happy. I mean, Tucker’s getting it. The fact that he told me today that he is broken because he can’t say “L” is for another day. Because he gets Tae Kwon Do. And he likes it. He’s already begun learning the Korean alphabet for his white belt test.
(totally already 10, right? but wait! there’s more!)
This week, I found out that I was accepted to a new anthology about Mothering Through the Darkness, and share thoughts about my own experience – one that cannot be classified as diagnosed PPD or anxiety, but one that I look back on and realize wasn’t necessarily what typical new mothers experience.
My essay is entitled “His Baby Watermelon Head,” and is one that I think some of you may relate to. The book is scheduled to release this fall. I think it’s going to be amazing and am so very honored to have been accepted for it from more than 200 essays submitted.
The cover is gorgeous, as you can see:
Our little family went looking at houses today. That’s not really something to be thankful for except for that it is, considering the circumstances of us buying the home we live in today. When we purchased our home now, we were in a panic of sorts, my husband’s step daughter newly living with us, and newly in trouble and the suburbs beckoned.
Today, though, we’re in a new place, not literally, but thinking of one, maybe. And either way, it’s fun to look. To see what’s out there and to bear witness to how other people live, if only imagined based on their backyards.
I’m thankful for other people’s backyards helping me to know what I’d like my own to look like, and I’m thankful for martial arts helping my little boy realize that he’s a Ninja, in whatever way he can be, and that in whatever way he can be is more than enough.
This has been a Ten Things of Thankful Post created by the amazing Lizzi.

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group
by Kristi Campbell
Dana - The video made me smile – which is tough to do at 6:45 in the morning! That is big. Congrats on the book – you’re going to have your own section in the bookstore soon! And I think you should move closer to me:)April 13, 2015 – 6:52 am
Kristi Campbell - Whoot so a win for little Tuck Man who is maybe almost as tall as you and freaks me out every day how much taller he is than his friends no offense love you etc.April 13, 2015 – 11:16 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - Awww I love the video. He’s doing good! I know you were beaming on the inside! The cute bow. I know there’s a name for it but we’ll call it the cute bow. Happy house hunting. I LOVE looking at houses. Except for when I was nine weeks pregnant and we were looking for this one and seemingly everyone’s house smelled bad. This one had plug-ins all over the place and was vacant. I was able to smell past that 😉April 13, 2015 – 6:57 am
Kristi Campbell - I love the video too and he IS he IS doing so so good. Sigh. I was huge beaming. I don’t know that there’s a better word than cute bow so that’s official now.
You were pg when house hunting??? ME TOO although I didn’t know it and was like 2 weeks but the smells and the thes?? OMG . Glad you found yours that had smelling past it with it!! LOL 🙂April 13, 2015 – 11:18 pm
Kate Hall - So much here to comment on! Congratulations on getting into the book. I’m still kicking myself for not trying – but life always seems to get in my way…or I’m just lazy. I think this book is going to be awesome. I think it’ll help a lot of new moms.
Yay for Tucker and Tae Kwon Do! My kids just started taking it in February – they love it. It’s already improved their lives – that sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. They’re obeying more and being more respectful and they’re self-esteem seems to be higher too. They’re participating in ways they didn’t before. It’s expensive, but we’re seeing that it’s totally worth it. So excited for Tucker! And don’t you keep thinking they’re saying “ass-kick” all the time? Haha!
Good luck on the house hunt. I quite enjoy looking for houses. Selling, not so much, but the hunt is fun. Are you looking in your same city or elsewhere?April 13, 2015 – 8:42 am
Kristi Campbell - Well Duh you should come more often and stuff. I kicked myself for not trying for the last one so had to for this one and yeah.. I think it’ll help, too. And really about the TKD?? It’s seriously doing amazing things for Tucker, too!!! It’s SO expensive (we just paid for a year after a cheap trial month) but OMG really it’s amazing. It doesn’t sound ridiculous at all that it’s improved your kids’ lives – I completely believe that. Tucker has new respect and confidence that he didn’t have just a month ago!!
HAHAH to “ass-kick!” You SWORE (sortof) 🙂
I love looking for houses to but yeah, the selling? Sucks to hide a freaking hair dryer much less the cheetos and the mess…April 13, 2015 – 11:22 pm
Kristi Campbell - PS Same city. Town house now with crap back yard. I want a yard. And a stupid garden where I can grow stuff or something like it 😉April 13, 2015 – 11:24 pm
Kerri - OMG that is freaking incredible. Go Tucker!!!! I’m thinking that is a wicked milestone to be celebrated. Just like you, published author again. Congrats on the book, my friend. You so deserve it!April 13, 2015 – 9:04 am
Kristi Campbell - IT IS SO a wicked (love Boston and Cape for this word) milestone. HUGE big. Especially after he told me he’s broken because he can’t say L. Fuck.April 13, 2015 – 11:25 pm
Janine Huldie - I can’t stop smiling after seeing that video of Tucker and definitely something to be oh so very proud over. Huge congrats on being in the new book and on the new house possibly, tooApril 13, 2015 – 9:41 am
Allie - I love the video – he’s doing it. As for the L comment – :(. I cannot even imagine what that did to your heart, but please assure him that is not so! My youngest, almost 8 – still can’t say his “ch” sound. But we keep on trying. Finally, I didn’t know you were thinking of moving?!? Where? When? Why? Email me!April 13, 2015 – 12:47 pm
Kristi Campbell - Yeah, the L comment has me broken a little bit although not HIM because he just rolls with it. Still, that he said that tears me apart. sigh.
The house – here, we live in a town house bought in 2008 when it was the WORST time to buy. Now is a good time to buy so shopping for better backyards even though we put way too much into this remodel (walls torn down new kitchen and 4 new bathrooms) I hate moving but LOVE looking at houses… Let’s just talk on phone?April 13, 2015 – 11:28 pm
Emily - Video – awesome. Tucker – even more awesome. My middle dude did Tae Kwon Do for a few years. I love them in those white outfits – so cute, but I guess that’s not the point. Anyway, HUGE congrats on the anthology! I can’t wait to read your piece! And, we always house hunt – mostly online, but my husband (who is in real estate, although the commercial end) loves to look at houses. He says it relaxes him. 🙂April 13, 2015 – 1:43 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Em and yes, Tucker – awesome. You and the three dudes – awesome. Also the point is a little bit at least the outfits because Tucker needs that to even go..
You always house hunt??? I kinda love that about you even more. It’s really fun actually.April 13, 2015 – 11:31 pm
Lisa @ Golden Spoons - Oh, yay for Tucker!!! That video made me smile – he is awesome. Congrats to you on the book, too!!!April 13, 2015 – 4:52 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks Lisa. He is awesome for sure.April 13, 2015 – 11:38 pm
Pattie Thomas - Tucker is a Ninja! FTW! I managed a TKD school for several years and with the right instructor a kid can thrive. I am convinced that it is the combination of focus, physical outlet, and an adult other than a parent expecting good behavior. Kids want to do their best and as long as the do jang is focused on teaching the students should do well. Congratulations on finding a good fir for the Tuck-Man!April 13, 2015 – 6:22 pm
Kim - Love this – so awesome that Tucker enjoys TaeKwonDo and is learning all the kicks. I love the discipline that martial arts teaches any of us who are willing to learn!!
And, it is always fun to look at houses!April 13, 2015 – 7:15 pm
Kristi Campbell - I LOVE LOVE that he’s learning the kicks, too. There’s something about a person besides me (weep?) asking him to do stuff that just WORKS. Thank you!!April 13, 2015 – 11:54 pm
Dana Schwartz - Love this post Kristi for so any reasons! One for the opener which so aptly expresses how I’m feeling lately, two for the kickass (literally!) video of your awesome son, and three for your contribution in this incredible book, which I can’t wait to read because I feel it shares similarities to my own. Congrats!April 13, 2015 – 7:22 pm
Ivy - Betcha he can say L in Korean!THere are a million ways to say L! HOW AWESOME IS THAT FREAKING VIDEO???? He stayed on task and didnt stray even when the teacher had to! MY MAN!!!!April 13, 2015 – 8:46 pm
Kristi Campbell - LOL what the eff is L in Korean and you’re probably right – I should mention that to him because duh confidence. He’s so your little man – I told him earlier this week that I hadn’t heard back from you and he asked about some random dude named Skip?? Who Dat? 😉
(and for real, he did and how awesome is that)April 13, 2015 – 11:56 pm
ivy - Go to google translate. Put in L ….choose korean and hit the little megaphone. I did it it works. HOOPLA skip makes his mark! Sorry I didn’t get back. Crap lately. ….gets me tired just thinking about it. Its stabilizing though.April 14, 2015 – 5:50 am
Kristi Campbell - WHOOT to the Korean L! Glad to hear stuff is stabilizing… xoxoApril 14, 2015 – 6:04 pm
Valerie Newman - I’m so proud of Tucker. Tae Kwon Do can help with focus and confidence in a way that classroom experiences cannot. I am sure you are thrilled (and Tucker as well). Congrats on the book, I’m heading over to your link to read.April 13, 2015 – 8:49 pm
clark - (hey, I took martial arts… back in the day… he is getting it (the flexibility etc comes with time, in my case a very long time)… you can see the focus (even through a video camera frame)….
congrats on the being in the (new) Anthology!! v cool, yoApril 13, 2015 – 9:15 pm
Kristi Campbell - Martial arts is awesome – my brother is a triple black belt. I think Sho De kawn (spell??), juditsu and um something else but whatever Tucker totally rocks. The flexibility is HARD right??? Thanks yo 😉April 13, 2015 – 11:58 pm
Lizzi Rogers - LOVE LOVE LOVE that video. There’s all ten right there. GORGEOUS. Way to go him. I’m so glad you’re persevering with it in spite of not being sure, because it looks like Tucker’s LOVING it.
Well done on the book. I think it sounds like a really important one and I know your experience and your writing will be wonderful contributions to it.April 13, 2015 – 10:05 pm
Sandy - Awesome video! And Lord, woman, but you write like a dream. I love the intimacy of it. You’re amazing.April 14, 2015 – 7:59 am
Kristi Campbell - Can I frame this quote and put it on my wall to hug me when I feel like a loser who can’t think of anything to write? Yes, yes I can. Thank you Sandy. You win my favorite comment.April 14, 2015 – 6:22 pm
Yvonne - Well done to Tucker. And well done to you, getting an essay in the anthology. And, just for being you!April 14, 2015 – 9:01 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Yvonne! YAY for being ourselves!April 14, 2015 – 7:12 pm
Elizabeth - Congratulations on your essay being accepted, that is awesome! I hope Tucker continues to enjoy the martial arts!April 14, 2015 – 10:14 am
Kristi Campbell - I hope he continues to enjoy martial arts, too, Elizabeth. He never really wants to go when it’s time but always has fun once he gets there!April 14, 2015 – 7:13 pm
Kristi - Ninja Tucker! That is so wonderful! I’ve been thinking of you lately and hoping the best for your step-daughter.April 14, 2015 – 10:32 am
Kristi Campbell - Aw thanks, Kristi! I’ll send you an email 🙂April 14, 2015 – 7:14 pm
Tamara - You’re a ninja too. I wanted so badly to submit to that book but my story belonged elsewhere. Maybe next time I’ll find one within me.
Kids are funny. Scarlet needs to take extra reading classes at school because she’s always daydreaming. She won’t eat her dinner because she’s always daydreaming.
She’s me!
We’re all ninjas.April 14, 2015 – 7:14 pm
Kristi Campbell - We’re all ninjas. Love that. Love that Scarlet is you!April 19, 2015 – 7:45 pm
My Inner Chick - –What a blessing Tucker is.
And God knew you’d be a KICK ASS Mommy, an advocate, and a voice for many.
Also, Congrats on your essay!
Yes, I do love the cover of that book! xxxApril 15, 2015 – 10:41 pm
Kristi Campbell - He IS such a blessing! Thanks for the congrats and for loving the cover of the book and for being just so awesome overall!! xxApril 19, 2015 – 7:45 pm
Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - Oh, how I love watching Tucker kick! He is SO obviously following directions and waiting patiently when the teacher talks to the other boys. Way to go, you darling boy!April 17, 2015 – 1:06 am
Kristi Campbell - Right? He’s doing so so well!!!! Thanks, Dyanne!April 19, 2015 – 7:46 pm
Christine Carter - Oh Kristi Rieger Campbell!!! Your ten things are truly in that video! GO TUCKER!April 17, 2015 – 1:59 pm