Four and a half decades ago, there was a young woman, who became pregnant, but not on purpose. She carried a baby inside of her body and inside of her heart for nine long months. She sang to that baby, she prayed for her, and, when the time came, she touched her cheek, not even knowing if she were a she or a he, and let a nurse carry her to her family, waiting anxiously outside.
On the same day, that baby’s mom, who has never birthed a baby, had a party, to celebrate life, and her new daughter. They shared cigars with the neighbors and marveled over tiny toes while the other woman, alone, shared grief and relief, with nobody but herself.
On too many days, there are other women, saying goodbye to their mothers. Too often, to their children.
On all of the days, mothers experience frustration, pride, relief, boredom, laughter, and indefinable joy. Often within a period of mere minutes.
These are stories of motherhood.
If there is a word that exists within the human psyche that raises more emotions and feelings than the word Mom does, I’d like to know what it is.
What do you think of when you see the word Mom? Do you think of your youth, summer barbeques, your Mom drinking Tab, her funny hairstyles, or of the smell of freshly cut summer grass while living in the day when we played outside until dusk?
In just a few hours, I, along with 13 other women, will be reading a story. Some are about moms, and some are about being a mom. In themselves, they’re not particularly unique or perfect. But each is full of magic and power.
In preparing for today, I admit to moments of self-loathing. Regret about not losing some weight for today’s show. Self-doubt. Wishing I’d had that surgery to remove the suitcases that have permanently taken residence beneath my eyes. Wondered what was wrong with me for not making an appointment to learn about wrinkle fillers that I may not be allergic to.
My pants are too tight, my face betrays years of holding it to the sun, and I haven’t gotten enough sleep in, well, ever, it seems.
I am not perfect.
Which is really the point. While none of us is perfect alone, we get close to it through shared experiences. Stories. We become more powerful, bigger, and more aware when hearing about other women’s struggles, successes, embarrassing moments, doubts, and celebrations.
Stories. They’re what bond us and bind us.
Come laugh, come cry, come be a part of the bigger connection. The show is Listen to Your Mother. In DC, it’s at 2pm today. I’m thankful to be able to share this day with imperfectly perfect people. Some of them will be telling a story. Others will be hearing them. Each will leave affected, and a little closer to perfect.
I’m thankful to be a part of Listen to Your Mother. x10.

Your hosts: A Fly on our (Chicken Coop) Wall, Amycake and the Dude, Considerings, Finding Ninee, Getting Literal, I Want Backsies, Mother of Imperfection, Rewritten, Thankful Me, The Wakefield Doctrine
by Kristi Campbell
Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - FRIST. I’m NEVER frist.
I wish I were in the DC area to hear you, Kristi! Your words always touch me.May 4, 2014 – 10:37 am
Kristi Campbell - I wish you were too! Been meaning to talk to you about something else…will email. And thank you!May 5, 2014 – 8:14 pm
Robin - So wish I were there to hear it, and this was a beautiful post…good luck today! Oh, and I can so relate to suitcases under eyes….if you have a solution, please let me know!May 4, 2014 – 10:48 am
Kristi Campbell - Thank you so much, Robin! I’ll let you know if I find a solution for the under-eye suitcases!!May 5, 2014 – 8:27 pm
Tamara - I do want to come. So badly!
It’s going to be amazing.May 4, 2014 – 11:27 am
Kristi Campbell - I wish you were there!! <3 It was amazing. Everybody was absolutely incredible.May 5, 2014 – 8:28 pm
Janine Huldie - Absolutely beautiful Kristi and wishing you a ton of luck today!! 😉May 4, 2014 – 11:51 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Janine!!! You should audition next year – it was really wonderful!!May 5, 2014 – 8:40 pm
Kristi - Beautiful–the post, and the person, bags or not. May today be a wonderful experience for you and the others in attendance. (Will the show be taped?)May 4, 2014 – 12:56 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Kristi, and yes, they taped every performance and will be releasing them on YouTube, but I’m not quite sure when (somebody mentioned July?? which is SO FAR AWAY).May 5, 2014 – 8:47 pm
Nicole @ Work in Sweats Mama - You are going to rock that stage with your badass, awesome-just-the-way-you-are self! Wish I could be there!!May 4, 2014 – 1:45 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Nicole!! It was so awesome. I didn’t look good but I was fine with that. For real fine.May 5, 2014 – 8:58 pm
Collette Merritt - Beautiful … best of luck for today …
Collette in Cape Town (South Africa)May 4, 2014 – 2:48 pm
Drun Kenman - Have fun! Mom’s are the best! At least, mine is.May 4, 2014 – 3:09 pm
Michelle Liew - It’s going to rock, Kristi!! You will!May 4, 2014 – 4:17 pm
Michelle Liew - It’s going to rock, Krosti!!May 4, 2014 – 4:18 pm
Michelle Liew - It’s going to rock, Kristi!May 4, 2014 – 4:19 pm
Clark Scottroger - Go!!!! Kristi!
Kris…tee!! Kris…tee!!!! Kri….s…tee!!!!
( lol. Yeah, probably just as well that I’m not there in person.)
Knock ’em … and, yeah. You can picture them all in they underwear. ..except for 2, in the back, who, for reasons not understood are wearing fruit-based clothing…just sayinMay 4, 2014 – 4:59 pm
Yvonne - Well done you for being a star! The show will be over now, and I am sure you looked great just as you were.
Beautiful post.May 4, 2014 – 5:26 pm
Kristi Campbell - It was so much fun, Yvonne. Like big fun, and just so inspiring. The readers were incredible.May 5, 2014 – 9:02 pm
Lizzi Rogers - So proud of you, my lovely, for doing this. And for going ahead in spite of all the worries and concerns. Yes you’ll be nervous. Yes you’ll be worried about how you look. Yes you’ll cry when you read it, because your words have IMMENSE POWER and should be cried over. Yes you’ll probably get offstage and immediately think about all the ways you could have been better or should have done it differently, because that’s what you’re like. But you know what? It’s going to be incredible. It’s going to be perfect, and in it, YOU will be. Because this is YOUR story and YOUR time, and I’ve seen it, and been moved. How could anyone not be?
WELL DONE YOU! Can’t wait to hear how it went. And I hope the pedi lasted 😉May 4, 2014 – 5:56 pm
Emily - I’m so excited for you – I hope today was an amazing experience (how could it not be?) and I bet you did great with what you read. Can’t wait to hear more about it!May 4, 2014 – 6:43 pm
Kristi Campbell - Emily,
It was SUCH an amazing experience. I hope you’ll consider it next year. It really was so powerful and affirming and humbling, all at once.May 5, 2014 – 9:03 pm
Dana - Kristi, the show was wonderful. You were awesome. Your words were powerful as always, and you looked beautiful. Each of you were perfect in your honesty and your imperfection – that is why each story was one that every woman can relate to in some way, no matter how small. I’m so glad I was able to be there!May 4, 2014 – 8:18 pm
Kristi Campbell - Dana!!! I so regret not seeing the Baltimore show!!! Here’s to imperfection and trying out and DOING IT. xo
and to lunch 😀May 5, 2014 – 10:07 pm
Stephanie Faris - What a great event. Sounds like something that almost every woman would enjoy.May 4, 2014 – 8:41 pm
Kristi Campbell - I think so too! You should check it out and see if it’s in your area.May 5, 2014 – 10:10 pm
Linda Atwell - You rock. I’m sure you broke a leg–maybe even an arm. I know everyone loved you. Congrats. And relax and have fun. (easy to say, harder to do). Am with you there in spirit. May 5, 2014 – 4:01 am
christine - I can’t wait to hear how the LTYM went. I’m thinking tears and laughter were involved. 🙂May 5, 2014 – 7:09 am
Kristi Campbell - Big tears. Big laughter. Big community. You have to do it next year.May 5, 2014 – 11:04 pm
Sandy Ramsey - How I wish I could have been there! I imagine it was such an experience for all involved. There is something so absolutely wonderful about being in a room full of people who get it, who understand, who nod their heads saying,Yes!!! And laughter through tears is a wonderful thing! I am proud of you and all the ladies (and men) who took part in this. Amazing! Truly! XXMay 5, 2014 – 8:55 am
Kristi Campbell - Sandy! It was incredible. You should write something for it! I keep saying this but it’s so true!! Laughter through tears might be the Very Best Thing. Like for realz, and forever.May 5, 2014 – 11:06 pm
Sandy Ramsey - I almost forgot…..I saw your pic with Sarah and I think you looked beautiful 🙂May 5, 2014 – 8:56 am
Kristi Campbell - xoxo Sarah just made me look good because she’s so adorable. also? lighting.May 5, 2014 – 11:07 pm
Joanna - Awesome! The show was amazing, you were amazing! Congratulations!! Everyone had such powerful, poignant stories. The show was one hell of an emotional roller coaster- laughing, crying, even both at the same time. I had to drop the roller coaster analogy- (my apologies) but if you have been hearing about roller coasters as much as I have, you would feel compelled as well. Thanks for inviting me, I loved it.May 5, 2014 – 11:06 am
Kristi Campbell - I am so honored that you came. Your support meant the world to me, and I don’t ever do a good job of saying that, IRL, but it really did. Thank you. And I’m SO glad you liked the show, and had to laugh at the roller coaster reference because of COURSE it’s on your mind! 🙂 I even asked Robert if he remembered which fairs had them last year and he thinks most, so we’ll have to do them all. Only a few more weeks until they start right? I really liked the show, too. More than I ever imagined that I would. Thank you again you. Also? My blog friends remembered your awesome post 😀May 5, 2014 – 11:13 pm
Callie Feyen - Kristi, I LOVED sharing the stage with you yesterday because you are so brave and so funny and so BEAUTIFUL! I am thankful to call you friend, and I’m so glad you didn’t listen to the voice of imperfection because I needed your story. I needed to see that someone else who is scared and sad and DAMN SLEEPY and the rest of it to stand up and tell a story and show me how to be brave so I could do the same thing. You are lovely and I’m so glad to know you. Cheers to you!May 5, 2014 – 11:54 am
Kristi Campbell - Callie!!!! I LOVED sharing the stage with you, too!!! You are brave. And powerful. And make me closer to perfect. I am SO so so glad to know you. LTYM is just, well, all that plus the chips and champagne (even though there were no chips but Michelle’s cookies were damn good).May 5, 2014 – 11:28 pm
Lisa @ Golden Spoons - Sp proud of you for participating! I’m sure you did awesome!May 5, 2014 – 12:29 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks so much Lisa!!!May 5, 2014 – 11:36 pm
Lady Lilith - Looks like a great idea. Good luck.May 6, 2014 – 1:07 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, it was a blast!May 7, 2014 – 11:54 am
Robbie - I REALLY REALLY wish I could go!!! I hope you’ll share what you read with us here!!May 6, 2014 – 2:30 pm
Kristi Campbell - Robbie, there will be youtube videos of all of the performances released sometime this summer. I’ll definitely share them!May 7, 2014 – 11:56 am
Amber - How awesome!
If I were closer, I’d have gone.May 6, 2014 – 3:49 pm
Kristi Campbell - Aw, thanks, Amber! I’ll post the youtube video once the Listen to Your Mother people release them – they taped all of the pieces in all of the shows across the US.May 7, 2014 – 12:00 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - I missed you writing about your experience. I just clicked over from one a recent post. I had no idea you’d already been there done that. Sorry I missed throwing a virtual shoes at you. That means good luck in my family. I have no idea where we got that from or if it’s a thing. Definitely let me know when it’s on youtube.May 19, 2014 – 1:02 pm