Yesterday, I wrote a letter to my son. Not to him now, but to him as an old man. Reading it reminds me to be thankful for:
- The time that I do have. It is limited, but it is here. I’m thankful for the minutes that I have and am committed to making each one matter. Matter more.
- Lizzi making me laugh like a loon last night. She’ll share the hilarity with you, I’m sure. It involved Carol Burnett.
- I found friends, hope, support and understanding.
- Tucker eats. While I get annoyed that he has about six go-to foods, they ARE food. They include chicken nuggets, strawberries, cheese pizza, watermelon, milk (only in a bottle and yup, he’s almost four) and orange juice. Sometimes, we can include grapes, bread, bagels, and cheese. Other times, not so much. While parents of typical kids think this list sucks, I am thankful for the progress and the understanding that we’ve made. If it were not for friends who are in feeding therapy and friends who are dealing with g-tubes, I’d not have realized how lucky and thankful I am. Tucker eats. That’s big.
- Flip-flops. They are awesome. I don’t even care that my toes are ugly (and they actually are quite ugly – this is not some weird self-deprecating humor thing). Flops rock.
- I’m thankful that some days, this list is fucking hard, reminding me of how much I actually have to be thankful for. Because hello, first world problems. I’m thankful for first world problems.
- I’m thankful for the Otter Case who has saved my fifth (yup) iPhone from it’s predecessor’s similar destructions. I’m going to drop your ass again tomorrow. Thanks for not breaking (again).
- I haven’t seen a single cicada. Weird, given the invasion prophecies that were. I was even quoted in the NYT for my crazy ass paranoia.
- Seeing the light. Even when I want to focus on the blame, the what-ifs and the despair. I’m thankful that the light is so bright that I see it. Thank you, light. Thank you, life.
- Summertime and water play.
What are you thankful for? Tell us, and join the party.

Your hosts
A Fly on our (Chicken Coop) Wall, A Woman’s Place, Bringing the Sunshine, Considerings, Finding Ninee, I can say mama, Shoved to Them, Steps into Parenthood, The Wakefield Doctrine
by Kristi Campbell
Janine Huldie - Love, love, love that picture of Tucker!! And please don’t feel bad about the food, because Lily is about as normal as you can get and is such a picky eater that there are times I am ready for a padded room trying to get her to eat something or just anything!! So, can relate on that. And yes totally to flip-flops and love the summer for this and so many reasons!! Happy Sunday and great thankful list. Thank you for co-hosting, as always!! 🙂 🙂June 23, 2013 – 11:53 am
clark - hey, Kristi, that otter case… I just ordered a tablet (online through my phone company) and I saw the Otter case (among the accessories for $89.00 and I was like, ‘what the hell! that’s 20% of what I’m paying for the damn device!’ so I didn’t order it.
you be saying that it’d be a sound investment like?
I totally want to give props to Considerer (aka Lizzie) for going with a 2 day time period for this blog hop. At first, I thought to myself, I thought. ‘oh man! a weekend and 2 days! how do we build the urgency to submit a Post? I am (now!) seeing this format as adding a dimension to this hop that others don’t always have… a sense of conversation (among the Comments and such)
very cool photoJune 23, 2013 – 12:43 pm
Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - My daughter begged for a Lifeproof case for her iPhone, so we got her one for her 14th birthday. And not a month after it was on, she came into my bathroom while I was getting ready, started to sit down on the toilet and *plop* the phone fell out of her back pocket and landed in the toilet. Had it not been for the case, it would have been the end of the phone!
I love flip flops, too, and I have big, ugly man feet. (Hey, I doll them up with some nail polish and then they just look like big, ugly transvestite feet!)June 23, 2013 – 1:06 pm
jhanis - totally agree about the flip-flops! <3June 23, 2013 – 2:47 pm
Joy - Oh Kristi, I love your list!!
I understand your no. 4 so very well because we have feeding issues as well. But as much as I would like that to change I am glad that Sunny is able to eat and to swallow. You get really thankful if you become aware it could be much worse.
It is SO COOL you were quoted on the NYT!!!
I only wear flip flops as soon as the temperatures allow it. There are no other shoes for me in summer.
No. 6 and 9: YES and yes and yes!!!
Hugs, dear friend!! xoxoxoJune 23, 2013 – 2:58 pm
Kerri - Flip flops, agreed! I have been holding off due to lack of a pedicure, but this weekend I said forget about self-conscious toes.
Ditto on feeding therapy. I don’t care if they only eat 3 things, they are eating!
And I am dying to know about the Carol Burnett story.
Have a great weekend!
PS–I’m thankful for all your help this weekend 🙂June 23, 2013 – 4:20 pm
Lori Lavender Luz - That pic is like an instant dose of happiness.
LOVE CAROL BURNETT!!June 23, 2013 – 4:24 pm
Melissa@Home on Deranged - Naturally, I love #1 because I have the same thoughts almost every day, even if I didn’t do it well that day.
Agree on #4 as well, not just because of g-tubes and buttons, but also because I know people who have kids that only like tortillas with melted cheese and ketchup.
And of course, #10, because I can’t resist the sheer joy that water play brings.
Thank you!June 23, 2013 – 4:42 pm
Kristi Campbell - Janine,
Thanks for joining and for the reminder that typical kids can be extra-picky eaters as well. We’re all lucky! And double yay for flip flops!
Well, you know that you’ve now posed the question, that you’ve allowed doubt to seep into your mind — which will lead to less surety in handling your new tablet which will lead to a greater likelihood of dropping it which then will lead to you mentally kicking yourself in the ass for MONTHS about not shelling out another 20% to ensure your new friend’s safety. Or, um. That might just be me. I happen to be clumsy and did not previously purchase the Otter Case. I broke FOUR phones before going AH HA! Time for protection. I do recognize that you may not be as clumsy as I. In which case, I’d still buy it. Peace of mind, dude. Peace of mind.
And I agree that having this open for two days has led to greater conversations among the comments. I’ve felt that as well and didn’t join until today.
—June 23, 2013 – 5:59 pm
Shay - I’m LOVING these thankful posts…oh, and come on. A picture of the toes, please. (And I know that totally sounded pervy and foot fetishy, but whatever. You can’t just say that and then leave us hanging!! Haha)June 23, 2013 – 6:32 pm
Considerer - These are as gorgeous as ever! Loving the photo of water play – is that the new camera? Me likee.
I loved our conversation last night and Carol Burnett truly made my day – though I confess, it was Christine who introduced her to me – I owe her two lawn-mows now!
Lookit you in the NYT! Props on the quote there – that’s awesome!
And yes – your son EATS. Four of those six are even wonderfully healthy, as are his ‘sometimes’ things. If he lives on those his whole life (he won’t – he’ll improve – maybe slowly, but he will) he will be healthy, happy and FED.
When you first said Otter Case I thought it was some awe-inspiring ecological thing about actual otters. I am such a troglodyte – I just have never heard of these things!June 23, 2013 – 6:37 pm
Kimberly Choquette Pugliano - Did you know I have an app on my iPhone that’s really pretty and since March I’ve used it every day. You can pick different fonts and bullet points and there are quotes you can use. It says what city you’re in and the time you start it but when you’re ready to post it you can update the time. At the time it says, “Today I’m Grateful for” It’s the most amazing wonderful app I’ve ever used, because even on the worst most awful days, I am forced to find things that I am grateful for that day. I go to it a few times a day and I ALWAYS feel better. Good job my friend. I bet you feel fantastic.June 23, 2013 – 6:42 pm
Kristi Campbell - Dyanne,
HA HA to big, ugly transvestite feet! Love the image – thank you! And also, big thanks for the reminder on why it’s important to invest in the Otter Case. Glad your daughter’s phone was okay!
Flip flops rule!
Hugs back, lovely friend. You’re so right that the feeding issues can be so challenging until we remember that so many people are fed 100% by g-tubes and the like. Hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend!
I’ll DM you on Facebook with the Carol Burnett video – it’s an awesome one! And yeah, pedicures are so not necessary to enjoy flip flops. Who will care, ultimately?
—June 23, 2013 – 7:18 pm
Kristi Campbell - Lori,
That picture makes me smile huge as well! And I’ll DM you the Carol Burnett video as well!
It’s fascinating and wonderful how much people enjoy the water. Tucker can spray the hose for hours really. It’s amazing. And cheap!
Tortilla with cheese = YUM! The catsup? Eh, not so much…
You are in fact a total perv for wanting to see a photo of my feet. But that’s okay because your weirdo perviness is part of what makes me lurve you. Because I’m pretty sure that it would be a massive turnout for everybody else, I’ll refrain. However, I may draw ou a photo of them – JUST FOR YOU.
YES! That’s the new camera and it takes such better photos than my trusty iphone! I love it. Love love. I am able to capture action shots that I’d never have been able to previously!
Our convo last night was awesome and I appreciate the share of the video! Hilarious!! So wait – you owe Christine lawn mows? So if I show you something cool, you’ll come mow my lawn? You have no idea how badly it needs it. Just today I said on Facebook that others may see another rainy day but that I see another excuse for hubs to not mow the lawn. Seriously, we’re going to need to add a car on blocks to it soon.
And yes, Tucker eats. We truly are blessed. Thanks for the reminder also that he is FED. Too many people in the world are hungry.
HA to the Otter Case! Nah, it’s just a protective thingie for the iPhone.
Thanks again for sharing your awesome idea with us and allowing me to co-host (even though I was so late to the partay!).June 23, 2013 – 7:31 pm
Enedina St Sebastian - To First world problems, Here here!June 23, 2013 – 9:53 pm
christine - I will be the lone dissenter and say I hate wearing flip-flops. I can’t walk in them. I always have to have my toes curled to make sure they stay on my feet.
Carol Burnett is one of the funniest women ever, and she was brilliant at finding funny people to perform with her.
My oldest and I were just talking yesterday about the lack of cicadas. Are they coming or not? (I’ll click on your quote in a second.)
Water play on a hot day is always fun.June 23, 2013 – 10:39 pm
Out One Ear - I love your list. Of course, because my generation is older, you call them flip flops. We called them thongs. But I have to quit doing that since some people get a bit confused. 🙂 Thanks for your reminder today about participating. I really appreciated it and am glad I was able to put my list up there. I truly treasure your help and blogging friendship, Kristi. You are awesome. BTW, I used the link, but not all the posts showed up on on my blog. Should they? Or only on the hosts blogs will the other posts show? Did that q make sense?June 23, 2013 – 11:52 pm
Sarah Almond - Today I am thankful for family. 😀
That food list doesn’t suck at all! My son has branched out a little from his “foods that start with ‘CH’ list”, which I’m also thankful for. Think I’m kidding about that? I’m not (can you say OCD…) 😉
I love this concept for a link up!June 24, 2013 – 12:19 am
Anita @ Losing Austin - I adore that picture of him! And I promise you, even typical three year olds are very picky on the food!June 24, 2013 – 4:52 pm
Lisa Nolan - Pinned it! I’ll come back and enter a post! Great link up!June 25, 2013 – 6:21 am
Kenya G. Johnson - Love your list! I haven’t seen or heard anymore about the bug thing and I am not a bit disappointed.June 25, 2013 – 4:18 pm
Jak - Another great, heartfelt list.
I know it can be hard at times, but at the end of the day being appreciative of the time you do get to spend with your son, friends, and family is important. It’s one of those things some [read: many] take for granted. Even I struggle with it sometimes.
Your #4 is anything but sucky!
I maybe snuck a peek at the comment about flip-flops being called thongs. How saddened I would be if someone I was taking on a date expressed they would be wearing thongs only to find she meant footwear 😉 lol
Let’s go a week without dropping your gadgets mmmkay? Kthxbye!
Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of InkJune 25, 2013 – 9:45 pm
Deb @ Urban Moo Cow - I like this hop idea, a lot. I’ll have to do it next time. It’s the same idea as smiling in the mirror to make yourself happy; it actually works. And saying you’re grateful makes you be grateful. Win-win.
I was recently thinking of you and the cicadas for some reason. Glad you haven’t even seen one. 😉June 26, 2013 – 8:05 pm
Kristi Rieger Campbell - Kim,
That app sounds awesome! You should pick 10 that you like and link up with us. It’s still open for 6 hours. And you know, I appreciate you saying that even on crap days, there’s something to be thankful for. I originally had this long intro about how I’m not always thankful and that I’m bummed this week about x, y, and z…and then I thought “nah – that defeats the purpose! I have first world problems!” And I do feel great. Hope you’re having a good weekend!June 23, 2013 – 9:50 pm
Kristi Rieger Campbell - Here, here, indeed!June 23, 2013 – 10:52 pm
Kristi Rieger Campbell - Hey Linda,
You’re pretty awesomely excellent yourself! Funny story – I used to call them thongs as well. Until about 9 years ago. I was in Sweden on a work trip. Almost everybody else was European. A friend had told us that we could do a midnight walk around an island (Grinda) (it was MidSummer celebration) and we all got VERY lost. I yelled out “you guys! I can’t believe we’re climbing rocks and stuff! this was supposed to be a beach stroll and I’m wearing thongs!”
Well. The next day, my Swedish friend confided that she was so confused as to why me wearing thongs (underwear) would make it harder to climb rocks and it wasn’t until later she realized I was talking about my sandals. HA. Thanks for that awesome memory – an amazing trip with amazing people that I really miss after typing this story.
Regarding the link things – they only show up on the host’s site. I can ask Lizzi if you can be a co-host too if you’d like to be?
June 24, 2013 – 1:24 am
Out One Ear - Lol on your thong story. No need to ask about linking up. I just wanted to make sure I was doing the blog hop right. And love hearing your (behind the scenes) stories. You really do have a way with words. I can visualize EVERYTHING! June 24, 2013 – 3:44 am