Hi, friends. While I have littles and not-so-littles to be thankful for this week, including Facebook having more value than it does on any other day of the year due to its ability to make a person feel birthday love from all-over-the-world friends (thank you, all), this week I’m going to do this thankful thing a bit differently. I hope you’ll understand.
First, I think that those of us who have our health – right now – should take a rightnow moment and be thankful for it. Be thankful for your spouse or partner, if you have him or her, warming the couch.
(thank you) (rightnow thank you)
Some of you may know my friend Courtney from Our Small Moments. She was one of my very first blogging friends, ever. Although I cannot remember how I found her, it was after I’d been blogging for about a month, and prior to the days of realizing that there are writing groups, networks, communities, and the fact that we end up becoming actual friends. Before I knew any of that, I knew Courtney.
Courtney is one of those people who is able to share her world through writing and photographs and makes you feel like you were just sitting in a playground together, watching your children and talking about life and motherhood, careers and family. Although I have never met her in person, I have cherished her friendship, valued her advice, and her lifelines, many times. She’s helped me to see autism with hope because autism lives in her house, too. She’s helped me to see so many things.
She is thankful.
She has stayed thankful for God, for her family, for her laughter and for health insurance. She linked up with us here, recently. Her attitude and her faith is awe-inspiring.
Her life has just drastically changed. Courtney’s husband Scott was diagnosed with cancer in December.
Last week, he died.
He was 34 years old. He has two young children. One of them has autism. Neither of them will ever understand why God didn’t answer their mother’s, or anybody else’s prayers. I can’t stop thinking about her. I can’t stop feeling like it’s not fair. Because it’s not. And I want to do something. I want to do something meaningful. But what?
I have faith that Courtney, and her children will continue to live a wondrous and blessed life. I have faith in that, because although I know that Courtney will have dark, sour moments, that her belief in the magical and the moments will carry her, and her children through. That her community will rally around her and envelope her in love and meals, when she needs them. I have faith in that.
I also know that cancer is hard. And expensive. And that insurance doesn’t cover everything. And that even if it did, that Courtney just became a single mother with one income. And I know that I want to help. I thought you might want to help, too.
If you are not able to help financially, I’m sure that Courtney would appreciate a well-wishing from you on her blog. A prayer for her children, Ana and McCartney. A prayer for her. For Scott’s family. For everybody who thinks about checking in with him this morning, and can’t.
To donate to help cover Scott’s medical expenses, click here.
I am thankful this week. I’m Thankful for my friend Courtney. And I want to help.
I am also thankful that Robert is, right now, upstairs. And that Tucker is, too.
Certainly that’s way more than 10 things. And infinity things.
Here is Scott, happy for Movember, just 10 months ago. Please consider helping my friend and her family.

by Kristi Campbell
Courtney - Kristi, I am speechless. This post about us is beautiful. Thank you spreading awareness about being Thankful for this moment. I am struggling with that these days, although I do say thanks for my kids’ health. I pray for you and I am so touched. thank youAugust 25, 2013 – 10:34 pm
Kristi Campbell - Courtney,
I don’t know how to even say how sorry I am that Scott is not warming your couch right now, or that I am so so so so sorry for your loss. I have thought about you all week – well, for months, really. As you know.
Huge hugs and prayers for you and Ana and McCartney. huge. And you know what? It’s okay to struggle with being thankful for the moment right now. It is. And your magic and wonder will carry your children through. Truly. Also, please get a hold of me if I can do anything.
—August 25, 2013 – 10:39 pm
Considerer - I’ve had tiny, tiny contact with Courtney and loved her blog when I found it a while back.
Good for you for this. Thank you.August 26, 2013 – 3:50 am
Out One Ear - Oh. My. Goodness. This post was not at all what I expected and now I’m speechless–almost wordless because what does someone say or write when a person loses their spouse, the father of their children. There are no words. Of course I will help with what I can financially. It would be an honor. We have lost (or are in the process of losing) several close friends from this ugly disease. Although I don’t know what it is like to lose a spouse, I do know what it is like to lose a dear friend. That is painful enough in my world. Can’t imagine Courtney’s pain/despair. I can’t imagine those children growing up without the physical presence of their father. This is so sad. So very, very sad. At least I am fortunate to truly appreciate that my husband is a great man, a great husband, a great father. I can’t imagine life without him. I hope I never have to experience that. My heart goes out to Courtney and her family.August 26, 2013 – 6:01 am
Sarah | LeftBrainBuddha - Oh, Kristi -My heart just goes out to Courtney and her family. What a loving post you have written, and such a powerful reminder to be thankful for our health, and all that we have.August 26, 2013 – 6:09 am
karen - OH MY…how tragic…how do you help children to understand why their prayers weren’t answered? wow.
Going to keep them all in my prayers and thoughts.August 26, 2013 – 6:46 am
christine - Oh, this makes me cry. My biggest fear in all the world is that something would happen to my husband. I can’t imagine how difficult times are for Courtney and her family right now. I have been praying for her and will continue to do so.August 26, 2013 – 7:22 am
Janine Huldie - I have read quite a few posts about Courtney and Scott now and must say your post was beautiful and you did them both justice here. My heart breaks for Courtney and her kids and still can’t wrap my brain around this. Keeping them all close in thought and prayers now, too.August 26, 2013 – 7:35 am
Carol - Love Dexter - Wow… I wasn’t expecting that. Nicely written post. Our thoughts go to Courtney and her family xx (And, happy birthday to you.)August 26, 2013 – 7:58 am
K - I can’t even imagine what she and her family are going through right now. Sending prayers! xoAugust 26, 2013 – 10:33 am
Tamara - Thank you for that introduction – I did go to her blog and I’m sitting here crying. I’m keeping their whole family in my heart. My father passed away very suddenly when I was nearly four, leaving my mom with two kids. I kinda understand it, while not understanding it at all. I didn’t get it when I was four, and I barely get it now. I just wanted to write and tell you I read every word. And I want to help too.August 26, 2013 – 10:35 am
Rachel - You are a good friend, Kristi. Thank you for sharing Courtney’s story, the fundraiser and the pictures of her beautiful family.August 26, 2013 – 12:10 pm
Lori Lavender Luz - You are such a compassionate woman, a good friend.
Clicking over to offer support.August 26, 2013 – 12:28 pm
Dana - I’ve read quite a few posts lending support and expressing sympathy for Courtney and her kids, but yours is the one that made me click over and help in a small way. I’m thankful for that, Kristi.August 26, 2013 – 12:46 pm
Anita @ Losing Austin - Oh Kristi… I’m headed there now to try to find a few words of love.
I’m currently trying to find ways to stop drowning in our medical bills that never end, and can’t give $ at the moment, but will give prayer. Beautiful family…August 26, 2013 – 1:34 pm
Eli@coachdaddy - I regret not having found Courtney’s wonderful blog before now. I’m proud to help, and thankful for people like you in the blogging community who will do their part. Courtney has a great friend in you.August 26, 2013 – 2:14 pm
catherine gacad - Hello after reading this post, I feel so sad, I don’t even want to read any other blogs today, reading about people’s vacations and makeup and cleaning supplies. It all seems so frivolous compared to this. Praying for your friend and her family during this time.August 26, 2013 – 7:14 pm
Kristi - Wow. What a heavy, important TToT. Thoughts and prayers for Courtney and her family.August 27, 2013 – 12:13 am
Stephanie @ Mommy, for Real. - That brought tears to my eyes. You are awesome to do this. I didn’t know Courtney in the blog world somehow, though so many of my blog friends did, and I too keep thinking about her and her family. I’m so glad you are participating in the effort to help. Thanks for that reminder to be grateful and STOP bitching about the way the dishwasher was loaded. Seriously. Shut. Up. and just be grateful.August 27, 2013 – 2:31 pm
Joell @ Red Van Ramblings - This is so heartbreaking. My heart goes out to your friend and so do my prayers. What a blessing you are to her right now.August 27, 2013 – 2:44 pm
Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - Life isn’t fair, but cancer is. It doesn’t play favorites. It takes young, old, adult, child, man, woman, Muslim, Christian, Jew, and everything in between. There’s something so very unfair about that kind of fairness.
My condolences to Courtney and her children. I am so, so sorry for their loss.August 27, 2013 – 6:44 pm
Elizabeth @ Rocks, No Salt Mommy - This is a fabulous TToT post. My heart breaks for Courtney and I feel very selfish for writing a TToT list about having my husband back after 8 weeks apart. I didn’t even make the connection – even after writing about Courtney for Margarita Mommies earlier last week. This is a beautiful tribute to her. Congrats to you for being such a great friend.August 27, 2013 – 10:31 pm
Chris Carter - Oh my… my heart aches so deeply for your precious friend and the loss of her husband to cancer. Heavy heart. So heavy.
Praying for her now, and will continue to lift up her children and her grieving heart to Him- the God of comfort and peace and compassion.August 27, 2013 – 10:55 pm
Jak - I was skimming down (I do this to see how long posts are, it’s habit) and stopped on the picture, because I remember it from when she did the TToT you linked. Then I saw the info just above it and began to cry. That is so tragic.
I remember coming across Courtney’s blog when she made a quick visit during TToT (the name kept looking like marshmallows to my eyes for some reason) and explored some, but I don’t believe I ever kept up 🙁
Even when knowing, and whether two soon or prolonged, it’s never easy. It is very sweet of you to do this for her and help. I’m sure she greatly appreciates it and I hope many are able to donate and/or visit and give a kind word.
Definitely be thankful for the now
Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of InkAugust 28, 2013 – 3:43 am