Thanksgiving feels early this year but I’m most likely just behind. Sometimes, you can hear time passing in calendar pages flipping, a clock’s hands ticking, and the tearing of package wrappings containing new face creams that come in the mail promising to combat wrinkles. Although I lament my wrinkles and my ugly-yet-perfect-body, I’m thankful for them. I’m thankful for much.
For my sagging body, still strong enough to envelope-hug my son when he’s upset or pleased with a new accomplishment. For my legs that walk a boy and his dog to school and back each day. For my fingers knowing the keys on my laptop and remembering how to share thoughts of thankfulness, randomness, and all the in-betweens.
Each laugh line was earned and I’m grateful that the map of my face seems to show more smiles than frowns. I can’t stand them but remember that the wrinkles between my eyes are from all the thoughts I’ve thought, and they’re each mine.
I’m thankful to have found true friendship in the blogging world and in real life, too. For people I can call when being thankful for anything feels far away; buried beneath stress, a too-long to-do list, and worries over big things and small.
“Mom, I love Nugget,” Tucker says. “I’m not lonely with her and her walk is so cute!” I’m so pleased we adopted a puppy and I love that her name is Nugget. That they got to play in the snow again this week, and that today it was sunny once again and almost 60 degrees.
It appears they both enjoy putting their faces in the snow…
Tucker’s been seeing a tutor once a week. Before Halloween, they made little monster heads on popsicle sticks with positive thoughts.
He made earphones on this one!
Thankful for Wrinkles, Popsicle Sticks, and a Tutor who Cares
This week, Tucker’s tutor and he talked about what they’re thankful for, and made sticks for that. We keep them in a glass on the table where he sits to do homework. They’re a good reminder, for all of us.
I, like Tucker, am thankful for air when California is choking, for my bed when people are fleeing to safety in a caravan, and for LIFE when the news breaks our hearts. I’m thankful for heat, cozy socks, and a warm puppy body to snuggle me on the sofa.
I’m thankful to be a mom to the world’s best boy, who is thankful for his mom (!!!) among other things.
I’m also thankful to you, for being here, sharing our lives with us and for you, sharing yours with us.
Happy Thanksgiving, friends. May you find more thankfulness than worry, more gratitude than grief, and more love than loneliness today and on all the days. <3
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post brought to you by yours truly and my lovely co-host Kenya Johnson of Sporadically Yours. This week’s prompt is a five-minute stream of consciousness on “Thankful/Thanksgiving.” My five-minute timer went off but then I spent two more minutes adding some things. What can I say – I have much to be thankful for!
BONUS! I can’t resist not sharing this popsicle stick, because LIFE, right?

“today and every day besides monday is going to be good”
by Kristi Campbell
Kenya G. Johnson - They are so cute together. Wow Nugget is growing fast. How big will she get? The lonely part tugged my heart. I’m glad Nugget has filled an empty space.
I heard a perspective from someone much older than us about time passing by and i never heard anyone have an explanation for it. It made me kind of sad. He said when you get older the time starts passing fast because you start looking at life like an hour glass, seeing how much time you have left rather that seeing that you have a whole lifetime ahead of you. :’-( Waaaaaaa. He’s been sick this year so I guess that perspective became crystal clear.November 16, 2018 – 4:40 am
Kristi Campbell - She’s growing too fast! I hope she stops soon actually. I’ve always liked big dogs but I’m loving her size now. When we got her, she was 8 pounds and now she’s almost 25 at 18 weeks. Gah. It’s like kids, I guess. We can’t stop the time. Awww to your friend and his explanation of the hourglass. I think it’s partly or mostly true. I used to think I’d live forever or want to die young or whatever and now I just want to have a LOT of years with Tucker’s kids when he has them. Morbid and totally sad. Being sick does a lot for perspective. Or losing somebody. Sigh. Here’s to being super old!November 16, 2018 – 9:14 pm
Lizzi - Ohhh he’s such a cutie with the lolly sticks! What wonderful thoughts. I love that he’s learning to be thankful out loud, and with consideration.
YAY for T and Nugget both enjoying the snow 🙂 Hope it goes soon!!!November 16, 2018 – 12:26 pm
Kristi Campbell - He’s amazing with the popsicle sticks! I love them and they make me remember what’s important too. YAY to them enjoying the snow. It’s almost all the way gone, and warm today. We’ll see what happens next.November 16, 2018 – 9:15 pm
Emily - Love those popsicle sticks! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!November 16, 2018 – 3:52 pm
Kristi Campbell - I love them too! And happy happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Emily! I hope it’s an amazing one for each of you. <3November 16, 2018 – 9:16 pm
Kerry - I love those things. They are so handy for so many things. We used to make crosses with them in Sunday School and coasters at summer camp.
Boy with his dog. Nothing better, but add some snow and it is the prettiest of pictures.
I hope you and your family have a lovely Thanksgiving Kristi.November 17, 2018 – 2:15 pm
Kristi Campbell - They really are cool aren’t they? Thank you for the happy Thanksgiving wishes! I need to find a recipe for stuffing that isn’t too dry as that’s the dish I’m supposed to bring. I’ve only ever made it using the box kind.November 19, 2018 – 5:30 pm
Debi - We used to trace our hands and cut them out of construction paper, then write what we were thankful for on them and hang them on a big construction paper tree on our dining room wall. Now we have “real art” there, and I miss the messy years of our “thankful tree.” Hold on to those popsicle sticks, mama!November 19, 2018 – 2:07 pm
Kristi Campbell - Oh too cute! I hope you saved the thankful tree or at least took a photo of it. I of course have too much of that saved stuff so shouldn’t talk but it’s hard to not miss it! I’ll definitely keep the popsicle sticks! 🙂November 19, 2018 – 5:31 pm
Kristi - It’s a FTSF and a TToT all rolled into one! I hope you consider linking this up to the TToT. 🙂
The popsicle sticks are great. Mondays are like that, aren’t they?November 25, 2018 – 8:49 pm
Kristi Campbell - I definitely will link up! I was actually going to ask you if you all wanted to combine this week but Kenya is super busy and wasn’t confident about commenting extra but I’ll link up! 🙂 LOL to Mondays!November 27, 2018 – 7:33 am