I cried at the end of Toy Story 3 when Andy brought his toys to the little girl and walked her through each one’s name and special abilities. “Now, you gotta promise to take good care of these guys. They mean a lot to me.”
I felt like a more sentimental version of Andy’s mom this week.
The Journey of The Baby Jeep
Years ago, I listed old baby items on Craigslist. It was time.
Tucker, like Andy, was growing up and out and no longer needed his baby Bjorn, the tummy mat, or his baby Jeep. The baby Bjorn sold. The tummy mat, too, as did everything else.
Except something weird happened with the Jeep. I think I’d listed it at $35 maybe. Somebody expressed interest in it, and then somebody else. I let the second party know it’d been spoken for but that I’d reach out if the first party was a no-show. Then it went into a bidding war. A third person said she was interested and ended up offering me $60!
What didn’t I know about this magical baby jeep? I don’t think I paid more than around $100 for it in the first place!
I Googled to see if this was a situation like selling a GI Joe doll was for me years ago. I was thrilled to sell him at the Flea Market for $3 until a couple weeks later, I saw a bin of GI Joe dolls in a vintage shop going for $20 each.
I’d learned my lesson and wasn’t about to let go of this obviously magical baby Jeep that people were basically fighting for online!
Except, I couldn’t find anything about baby Jeep walkers being vintage and valuable or anything so decided I’d better wait to be sure. The GI Joe doll incident still stings, 20+ years later.
I ended up putting the Jeep in a closet in the basement, forgotten about until I started packing and organizing over the past few months for our move to Colorado.
I listed it on Craigslist and Facebook for a few weeks, and didn’t get any interest at all. I guess it’s not a GI Joe doll situation after all.
Tuesday, Tucker and I took the baby Jeep walker to a local playground where people bring loved but no-longer-needed riding toys. It felt like full-circle bringing it there. We used to go a few times a week at least. It’s a really nice park, mostly sand on the ground but a path and some picnic tables. It’s shady, and when Tucker was little was one of the few places we could hang out at for hours in the summer heat.
And that’s the journey of the baby Jeep walker. Except this. Last night? I got this message on Facebook.
Yup. Somebody wanted to buy it for $20 the day after I took it to the park.
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, hosted by yours truly and the fabulous Kenya Johnson of Sporadically Yours. On the fourth Friday of each month, we share a photo and the story behind it. This particular story about the journey of a baby Jeep wouldn’t be complete without sharing how totally and utterly adorable Tucker looked in it back in the day.

I don’t know what I love more – his silly little grin, tiny toes peeking out, or his little sock that looked like a shoe!
by Kristi Campbell
Emily - OMG, I sobbed at the end of Toy Story 3! My middle dude was a Toy Story fanatic and even though he’s 18 years-old now, he is STILL waiting for Toy story 4 to come out (I think it’s soon — we had heard there was a delay..). As for that baby Jeep Walker — so cute! I used to donate a lot of toys to our school carnival every year (they had a booth of used toys that people could buy), but I still have all of our Woody dolls and Buzz Lightyears — just can’t let them go. 🙂June 21, 2018 – 11:12 pm
Kristi Campbell - Anybody who does not sob at the end of Toy Story 3 may possibly have zero emotions. Because omg so so sad. And also you just made my day. We’re in Illinois on the move road-trip and I didn’t know Toy Story 4 was coming out but now am completely excited. Thank you for that. We never had Woody but I kept Buzz after he was originally in the yard sale. I just could NOT.June 24, 2018 – 12:10 am
Lizzi - Well done for letting it go, and DOH! for letting it go too soon. Both pics are adorable. Plus…he’s HUGE AND SO GROWN UP!!!!! WOWEEEEEEE.June 22, 2018 – 1:26 am
Kristi Campbell - DOH is right to the too soon and OMG he’s too grown up. I’m not ready. WEEEEEEEEP.June 24, 2018 – 12:11 am
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - I love that Tucker donated his jeep to a place he loved to play. Zilla does that sort of thing. It’s definitely a full-circle kind of moment and puts good and love out there in the world. I’m sure I’ve said this a million times, but we have great kids.
Your move is going to be great and I’m thankful for Facebook (even though I hate it) because we can still be in touch.
Also? They REALLY need to stop growing.June 22, 2018 – 10:14 am
Kristi Campbell - I love that part too. It felt full-circle for sure. And kinda sad. A family was watching us carry it into the park like “OH! This is where these toys come from!” which felt good too. And jealous, because they had a tiny baby in a carrier and a maybe-three-year-old. Not that I don’t love these moments too but sometimes I miss littler-Tucker that it’s like a gut suck. I’m thankful for FB too. Even though I hate it. Also my phone # is still the same so text anytime. Tell me when you find the soup cure to make the time slow down when we need it to.June 24, 2018 – 12:13 am
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - I’ve been very lax in keeping up with people via phone (or at all). Since Z’s concussion, it’s just been one thing after another.
I often miss littler-Zilla, but I love now-Zilla too. It’s a crazy mixed-up thing. I would like it to go a bit slower, though. For sure.June 24, 2018 – 11:00 am
Kristi Campbell - Is she doing better, I hope? And yeah, the crazy mixedupness of missing littler them while really digging now-them… xoJune 25, 2018 – 11:45 pm
Debi - This is so sweet! That Jeep toy is really adorable. I love the idea that someone who might not have been able to afford it in a bidding war got it for free at a recycling event. And I also know the sentimental attachment to certain toys — my girls each have a baby doll that their great-grandmothers gave them, and the day that they leave it home for good is going to break my heart!June 22, 2018 – 11:01 am
Kristi Campbell - I love that little Jeep toy. It was many hours of fun for a long time. Well, a short time really, but it felt like day after day was long back when Tucker was tiny and learning to walk. I like the idea that it’s available to everybody now. Aw to your girls’ baby dolls!June 24, 2018 – 12:14 am
Kenya G. Johnson - I said awww twice – at the day late inquiry and at the baby Tucker in the baby jeep. I love that you took one more picture with him standing by it at the park. Glad you were able to let it go and make one more memory with it. I’m not very familiar with the Toy Story’s. Seems like they came out in the summer and my mom took him to see the first one and then it was her thing taking him for the others. It was “their” movie. So when he watched it at home on the DVD 1000 times I’d always be in and out – the way we do when they are little and occupied and we can do something else. I’ve never seen one of them from beginning to end.June 22, 2018 – 11:26 am
Kristi Campbell - I said awwww to your comment. I’m glad we made one more memory with it too. It feels better that way, and I don’t regret not having the money I could’ve gotten back then (or the day after we dropped it off) as much anyway. If you’re ever bored, bribe Christopher to watch them with you. So many of these kids movies are so enjoyable. But also, it’s so sweet that that became his thing to do with your mom. Emily commented here that there’s a Toy Story 4 coming out this year. I hope he’s not too old and cool to go with your mom for it!June 24, 2018 – 12:17 am
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