The Story of MeeBee who Reminds Us of Thankful
Somedays, it’s hard to be thankful, not glad.
Those days it’s easy to be grumpy and sad.
On days such as this, is when Meebee comes out
to remind you to play and get rid of your pout.
At first when we see him, we wish him away,
we’re in no mood to frolic or play!
Why is it that he refuses to see
that life is too busy and scheduled for glee?
Can he not see that the crowds are too thick,
that people are shoving in line for St. Nick?
Meebee reminds us to look, to take in, and to breathe
that wonder is for those who choose to believe.
He shoves us and dances his silly dumb jig.
Sometimes, we giggle, forget he’s a prig.
We see his advice is important and true –
get out of your head, and stop feeling blue!
Thankful is what we make it, a choice to be chose,
up to us to be happy or an ugly dicknose.
Meebee comes to remind us that this is Our Land,
that we’re offered bright colors or the crappy damned bland.
It’s hard to be thankful until its just not.
Look around at your life and all that you’ve got.
Too many have nothing or even less so.
You’re so much luckier than even you know.
It’s that way on purpose. Meebee says so.
Get out there and dance and admire the show!
To be thankful and free, and happily me
is Meebee’s silly gift to all of us, see?
A thankful to blog friends for picking me up,
sending hugs and advice and a happy full cup.
This is the lamest Thankful ever to be,
but I don’t care ‘cause I heart you, from me!

Your hosts: A Fly on our (Chicken Coop) Wall, Considerings, Finding Ninee, Getting Literal, Home On Deranged, I can say mama, I Want Backsies, Rewritten, Thankful Me, The Wakefield Doctrine
by Kristi Campbell
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - Not lame at all – totally darn cute! I loved it. MeeBee gave me the little lift I needed just now to plow ahead and finish the pile of paperwork in front of me – do or die tonight.
Thanks! Have a great week!December 15, 2013 – 11:11 pm
Sarah - Ugly dicknose?!?!? Hilarious illustration! And fabulous poem.December 15, 2013 – 11:25 pm
Kristi Campbell - Lisa,
Lame and dumb, but thanks 🙂
Have a great week, too!December 15, 2013 – 11:25 pm
Sarah - I keep forgetting to ask: how’s your hand?December 15, 2013 – 11:26 pm
Kristi Campbell - Sarah,
Wow, thanks!!! It’s mostly okay…typing w one hand sucks @ss…as does buttoning my pants, but it’s here, and will heal… so there’s that 🙂December 15, 2013 – 11:42 pm
Considerer - I love this to forever and back 😀 Ohmigosh you’re so completely amazing XD This made me smile so, so, so very much. And made me realise I’m a total dicknose! (thanksforthat!)
*FAVOURITE*December 16, 2013 – 1:33 am
zoe - so, I have been such a dick wad all week… then I decided I was more of a dick head…it progressed to dick assedness and just clean out prickishness… and when the elephant started following me I just couldn’t figure it out until I looked in the mirror and saw how whiney I was being and had turned into a dick nose… elephants just aren’t as smart as we give them credit for….of course then again, neither am I. A lovely little ditty and who could argue with someone who could rhyme like Nipsy Russle on a good day?! Happy Holidays!December 16, 2013 – 6:51 am
zoe - Glad the hand is progressing BTW… and I recovered my computer about 5872 times so I think I may be able to comment now!December 16, 2013 – 6:53 am
thedoseofreality - Love it so much! Meebee is exactly who I needed to see this morning! 🙂 Woke up feeling a little grumpy cat like, but now I am happy again!-AshleyDecember 16, 2013 – 8:51 am
Emily - I used to write rhyming poems like that all the time…I can’t say my poetry has progressed much either, but at least my writing has, or so I hope…thanks for the smile. And I just love the words “dicknose” and “prig.” 🙂December 16, 2013 – 10:36 am
Kristi - Thanks for the reminder; I needed that. (And I don’t think your post is lame at all!)December 16, 2013 – 10:47 am
Dana - Any post that makes the reader smile is not lame – I loved it! And if you drew those pictures with one hand, then you are even more talented than I thought. Oh, and I also love how you make up words in your posts. You should make a Kristi dictionary…there’s a post idea for you!December 16, 2013 – 11:28 am
Tamara - Not AT ALL the lamest Thankful ever, and not even lame. It looks heartfelt and it’s a good reminder. And I like your drawings. And you’re a poet. And why haven’t your written a children’s book yet?December 16, 2013 – 11:57 am
Kristi Campbell - Considerer –
YAY that this is your favorite and I am so glad that it made you smile!! And you weren’t really a dicknose.
You made me laugh out loud with “elephants aren’t as smart as we give them credit for!” Glad too, to hear that you’re no longer a dicknose!
Dose –
YAYY for Meebee!
My poetry hasn’t exactly progressed, either…obviously! 😉 I’d say that your writing is most excellent so rest easy there!
OOH a Kristi dictionary!!! Love that idea! And honestly, drawing with one hand is easier than typing because I just use the mouse…maybe I should pretend that it’s hard though. Hm.
I’d love to write a children’s book. Any book, really…
—December 16, 2013 – 12:25 pm
zoe -
This is the link for making the book you saw on my blog… Its about three quarters down the page if you really want a good tutorial on it….Zoe 🙂December 16, 2013 – 12:56 pm
Julie Chenell DeNeen - I envy people who can write poetry. Cute and inspirational all in one.December 16, 2013 – 1:18 pm
Anita Davis Sullivan - Anything that can make me laugh and remind me of something real and needed is a winner in my book! 🙂December 16, 2013 – 1:31 pm
christine - I do believe you are the only person I know who can write an awesome poem about being thankful while making me crack up about the phrase “dick nose”. All at the same time!! You are so enjoyable, Dear Kristi. And smart, too!December 16, 2013 – 1:38 pm
Kari - No …not lame at all…. VERY cute! Love it!December 16, 2013 – 5:09 pm
Lisa @ Golden Spoons - Not lame – very creative! I am terrible at poetry and illustrations! Thanks for the reminder. We could all use a little more MeeBee!December 16, 2013 – 9:59 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Zoe!!!
You are awesome…xo and thank you!
HAHAHA…YAY for dicknose and thankful, eh?
Meebee rules!!!December 16, 2013 – 11:46 pm
Clark Scottroger - once again… ‘I am not worthy!!!’ your clarklike nature makes us all proud*
* I am, of course, referring to the Ninth Stanza December 17, 2013 – 1:33 am
meeshie - Dicknose? Amazeballs 😉December 17, 2013 – 12:33 pm
Stephanie @ Mommy, for Real. - Oh. My. Gawd. I am shaking with laughter at the dicknose drawing. I love that word, as you might imagine, and I was already laughing at the word before I saw the drawing. That totally made my day. And psst, I get to meet you!!! Squee! (Sorry, couldn’t help the squee there. It won’t happen again.)December 17, 2013 – 2:02 pm
Brittnei - This is such a sweet poem! So many hosts for TToT post. I am looking forward to creating more bonds with the faithful bloggers who join in on it every week when it returns in 2014!December 18, 2013 – 2:41 am
Denise Farley - You cool ass woman. Yeah, that’s my comment today. Running late but staying to read this makes it worth it:) December 18, 2013 – 10:23 am
Rachel - I need a little Meebee! Your drawing of him? her? made me smile.December 18, 2013 – 2:31 pm
Out One Ear - Linda Atwell - It’s not the lamest one ever because it made me smile. I don’t think it is possible for you to do anything lame!!! I’m sorry that I missed this week’s TToT. Getting back into town, just had too much to catch up on. 🙁 But one of the things you mentioned in this poem was that we sometimes forget how lucky we are. That’s one of the reasons I love travel. It reminds me (constantly) that not everyone in this world is as fortunate as those of us who live in the United States of America. I regularly say a silent prayer of thanks that I was born here and not in a 3rd world country. I’m grateful that I have running hot water in my kitchen (unlike the place I stayed in Costa Rica) or that my children have had food on the table every single night of their lives–unlike some of the kids in Mexico who beg for money on the streets. For me, travel opens eyes and hearts.
Kristi, I’m so glad you’re my friend. Happy holidays to you and your amazing family. P.S. Lindsey and Nick answered one of your questions and it’s on my blog now.December 20, 2013 – 1:38 am
Nina - That is SO clever! I love the poem!December 20, 2013 – 9:33 am
Mike - This was great Kristi and this line here, “up to us to be happy or an ugly dicknose” can be so me on Monday mornings. NOT to anyone else…just inwards at myself. Interesting. Good post 🙂February 28, 2014 – 1:00 am