There are days when thankful is hard, until it’s not. Me, sitting here, now, procrastinating writing this post because the past few days have been less than ideal. And yet, when I stew in regret and want to blow off this post because I’m not feeling it, I realize how important it is to remind myself that I’m living in my head and that my dreams last night of being able to clip my teeth with toenail clippers – while horrifying – are not reality. I realize that I am thankful for dental care, for having teeth in the first place, and for being able to eat. Not everybody can.
So, it’s been a crap week, in some ways. But. I realize that my crap week has nothing on actual crap weeks. I’m reading a book right now about the Holocaust and have been put into my place by the fact that mourning the loss of certain teeth, due to aging, failed earlier fillings, big erosion and cracked enamel sounds bad to me. But it’s not actually bad, the way that bad is for many who are fighting to live. I am thankful that I live in a free country, and that I have the means to correct my dental errors, and our health in general. How can I not be thankful for that? I am thankful. And lucky. I’m also thankful to Rachel at Tao of Poop for making me feel less alone in my teeth woes today.
I had a meeting yesterday with some anonymous people because we realized it was bad bad bad that Tucker’s classroom was led by a substitute with three months experience. But it was good because I was reminded that my son has the opportunity to attend a classroom designed for autism spectrum disorders. Those classrooms didn’t previously exist. I’m thankful for that. I’m thankful for his teacher, who is one of the best ever, and I’m thankful for my new friend, who understands my worries. I’m thankful.
I’m thankful also for the fact that I no longer work 60-80 hours/week. That we live a life in which that’s a possibility. That’s huge.
I have not had to rely on anybody else to manage my son’s education and therapy. Grateful.
I’m thankful that my little boy had an almost-argument with me, although short-lived and lost later. That he got it when I said we could play after he ate two bites of chicken, and that he sortof ate two bites of chicken. The fact that I had to remind him 53 times? Not so important. I’m thankful he ate his chicken, for warm summer nights and for music and laughter.

I’m extremely thankful that, with the exception of the first day, when I decided to try the school bus, I was met with this face. And yes, that’s a cookie in Tucker’s hand.
Um. Yeah, I get that this isn’t a list exactly. But I’m also pretty sure that there are at least ten things I’m thankful for listed throughout. I’m thankful to you for hanging in on this post.
What are you thankful for?
Tell us, below.

by Kristi Campbell
Lisa Nelson - Hey Kristi,
I am sorry that you had such a bad week, but am happy that you find a bit of happiness out of the mess. That’s what’s important.
Life is a bunch of peaks and valley’s . The peaks are what gets you through the valleys. You have some peaks here. These are what will get you through. Focus on them – think about them – they will bring up your mood.
Being a Mother is hard enough. You have so much on your plate. It’s all about getting up and just pushing through it.
That little boy is so very cute! HUGS. I hope your Sunday gets better.June 30, 2013 – 5:13 am
Janine Huldie - Oh Kristi, I am so sorry you had a rough week and trust me I have had my fair share, too. We all have times like this, but please know I am thinking of you and hoping this week is a better one for sure for you. Sending hugs and good thoughts your way!! 🙂June 30, 2013 – 8:10 am
karen - beautiful things to be thankful for. I know when something hapens and I feel like I am being picked on by the universe, I think about those who have it worse, those who do not have options or resources.
Being a mom is hard babe, added to that extra challenges, but I think you rock as a mom and know you are giving the best in everything for your son. (HUGS)June 30, 2013 – 8:23 am
christine - Bad weeks suck. It’s a fine line to walk, our hurts and pains are real to us, but we don’t want to wallow in them. Not because others have it worse, but because wallowing is just not productive or helpful. Nor will it make us feel better. It’s why I love this hop Considerer put together. By focusing on and thinking about the good things in our lives, we feel better. By looking at how bad others have it, it seems like we’re guilting ourselves into getting over our “piddly, little” complaints.
So glad you decided to go ahead with the thankful post even if you weren’t feeling it.
That is an awesome expression on your little boy’s face.June 30, 2013 – 10:53 am
clark - well, I can tell you what I’m *not* thankful for… for reading
“…being able to clip my teeth with toenail clippers”
thanks a frickin *lot* yo
I enjoyed your Post otherwise (oh man! this is not getting out of my head), and I kinda know what you mean by keeping it in perspective (…metal clippers!!! on teeth!??!) and to have the option of not having to work constantly, which pretty much characterizes 60 to 80 hours a week.
(damn… this image is not clearing out… the sound of toenail clippers on teeth!!!)
I would say, “hey Kristi, I enjoyed your Post today but that would be a total damn lie!!!”
* no! I mean it! it’s a horrifying concept and totally messed up my morning… ayiee**
** lolJune 30, 2013 – 11:03 am
Kristi Campbell - CLARK,
Laughing at your comment and feel like I owe you an apology. Sorry for the crap imagery. It is pretty awful, huh? Yeah, sharing my nightmare with the world – a mistake perhaps?? A good topic to analyze on the Doctrine though, so there’s that.June 30, 2013 – 11:13 am
Stephanie @ Mommy, for real. - What book are you reading? Thanks for that post- I needed a little reality check myself. Oops, crying kids x 2. Crap. Love you!June 30, 2013 – 11:45 am
K - Ugh, I hate crap weeks! I hope next week is better! I second Stephanie though — I really appreciate this post because sometimes I, too, forget to be thankful for all of the wonderful things in my life.
P.S. I love love love that picture of Tucker! OMG. He is too cute.June 30, 2013 – 12:07 pm
clark - Kristi
no problem*! there is something…. cool about such a transcendently horrifying concept as your teeth things is… makes me think about what I used to call ‘the space creeps’ which came out of those childhood fever dreams where you believed you were awake but your fingers were the size of boat bumpers, really big, but still a part of your hand which remained normal size.
*no problem as in ‘no big deal’ not ‘no problem’ the way that the teenage kids at the gas station say, instead of ‘your welcome’… please stop me if I am indulging in being an old person but if I say, “why Kristi, thank you for the Comment at the Doctrine’ you would say, ‘you’re welcome’…. ‘no problem’ is just not really sounding like a equal alternative**
**damn! I *am* sounding like an old person…I stop nowJune 30, 2013 – 12:21 pm
Considerer - Likewise, I’m sorry to hear your week was rough (that dream! WHOA! I used to have braces and now my teeth are itching just thinking about dental work) but you know what, my friend, you absolutely PWNED this attitude thing I’ve been getting at. You took your crappy week by the throat and shook the good things out of it.
You are an inspiration.
And look – not only did Tucker eat, but he totally ‘got’ the bargaining thing you were aiming for (albeit in the end), and DID IT. What a star 🙂June 30, 2013 – 12:40 pm
Melissa@Home on Deranged - Sweet, sweet Kristi. Even though our logic tells us of all the things for which we have to be thankful (especially that smiling cookie face!), sometimes our emotions and even our body tell us that life is hard. And it sucks. I don’t think that’s a weakness on our parts, unless we wallow. And you, my friend, are no wallower. Wishing you happy thoughts for a better week – hey, there’s a holiday in this one!June 30, 2013 – 12:40 pm
Muses from the deep - I agree, there are times when it is so hard to be thankful. But we try! That’s what it takes, I guess. Thanks for sharing, Kristi Rieger Campbell.June 30, 2013 – 2:40 pm
Rachel Demas - I am so very thankful that you let me be there for you, because there’s nothing I’d rather do. And because I remember wanting to do anything other than be sitting in that dentist chair, but…not really, too. You are right. I was lucky to be sitting in that dentist chair. And lucky to call you “friend” with my capped front teeth. If I didn’t have them I would have to call you “fwend” instead!June 30, 2013 – 3:48 pm
Maggie Amada - Kristi Rieger Campbell I’m sorry you had a crap week. Those happen sometimes and I admire that you still have the presence of mind to find perspective and be thankful. It’s hard, but cool at the same time.June 30, 2013 – 3:58 pm
Kate - I love reading books about WWII and the Holocaust but they really do put things in perspective. It is hard to believe it happened so recently that people are still alive who lived through it. Happy weekend!June 30, 2013 – 6:49 pm
Natalia Frost - Crap weeks suck, been there, done that! I hear you! But that is why I am so grateful that you guys created this blog hop, it has helped so much in finding the good even during those not so good weeks. So… thank you!June 30, 2013 – 7:30 pm
Henriette - Ten things I’m grateful for:
1. That i was able to access healthcare while pregnant, although it was a stressful and dramatic pregnancy, and deliver a perfect healthy baby girl under the supervision of a fab gyn/ob. In China
2. That I had access to fab health care for my then two year old baby girl who was barely conscious due to a rapid onset bronco pneumonia. In China. She got the best treatment available. In a lot of countries she would died, and a lot of mothers face this daily. Loosing their kids to infections.
3. That I , as a woman, always have had access to free education from first grade until graduation from university. I was never shot at on my way to school, neither was my school burnt down. And my father has always supported me and my choices.
4. I can vote. A privilege a lot of our sisters fought for, and there are millions that still today don’t have that privilege.
5. I married the man I love. Not the man my parents choose for me. Cause they never had to.
6. That I , as a woman, can speak my mind. I can disagree with anyone whenever,
and stand up for my beliefs without facing prosecution , a death sentence or ramifications. ( I did get beaten up once here in the US for voicing my political beliefs to a redneck. I’m ok with it, taking one for the team)
7. Clean water, vaccines and antibiotics. Simple stuff that you might take for granted. Trust me, it saves lives and unfortunately a lot of people don’t have access to it. Same goes for food.
8. That I have been fortunate enough to travel and live in different countries, on different continents. Which leads me to the next;
9. People. All the different, fantastic people who have thought me something. That made me open my eyes. Who challenged me and my beliefs. The wonderful ladies in India who gave me a seat next to them on a very crowed train. The guy in Thailand who entertained my baby so I could eat my lunch. My baby sitter in China who considered my daughter as her own grand child, knowing I was far away from my own family and friends and needed support. The nurses who always took great care of my daughter, no matter what. The beggar on the street who somehow made me feel we were connected although we both knew I drew the lottery ticket. Not to forget Kristi, who came to France on a business trip. I served her rabbit. She still talks to me…
10. Wine. I’m so grateful for wine! I don’t even know how I would make it thru it all without wine and good friends to share it with! And the food! I’m in a position where I never have to question if I’m capable to serve my family a home made, nutritious meal. Food is celebration. Every day! And that is what we should be grateful for! Our friends, family and being able to share a meal. Together.June 30, 2013 – 11:01 pm
MJM - I’m very sorry to hear that you’ve had a rough few days…that’s no good…but I must say I totally love your attitude…you kick donkey.June 30, 2013 – 11:26 pm
Henriette - 11. My neighbors! A lot of them are now some of my best friends. We all help each other out, we cat sit, dog sit or baby sit for each other. We take care of each other and look after each other. Neighbors!June 30, 2013 – 11:29 pm
Kristi Campbell - Henriette,
Wow. Just wow. You should be a blogger. Your list is amazing and it’s really easy to start a blog – for real. The shit you went through IN China…in America…the struggles, the support, the friends, the food, the wine…I am totally in awe, my friend. I think you should begin a blog. You are an amazing writer and have given such a great perspective to this whole 10 things thankful post…one that I was avoiding. I’m ashamed that I was avoiding it. Voting. Freedom. We take it for granted. I hope, very much, that we share a meal and wine soon.
Huge huge huge love. And thank you for giving me such a new perspective.June 30, 2013 – 11:48 pm
Rachel - Henriette, your list should be a blog post! I am thankful that you shared it here. We need to hear your perspective. There is so much to be grateful for.July 1, 2013 – 8:20 am
Katia - Henriette, I totally agree with Rachel. Each one of these points could become such a fascinating discussion on its own and it sounds like you might have a really interesting story to share. Could you start with Kristi and the rabbit, please? 😉 In all seriousness, though, your number 9 is wonderful. You could make an Our Land post for Kristi out of that.July 1, 2013 – 8:32 am
SocialButterflyMom - Like you, I find that reading helps to give me perspective checks. Be it about the Holocaust or anything less terrible than that, my life is usually better. Great husband, great kid, and a life in which we’re healthy and can afford all that we need.July 1, 2013 – 4:22 pm
Shay - I love love love your thankful posts. And you’re right–it doesn’t matter how long it took to get those 2 little bites of chicken down; it’s the fact that he got it and understood. Good for you and good for Tucker, Kristi!! One of these days I’m going to join in with the thankful lists, b/c I love the idea and you’re right–we all have SO much to be thankful for!July 1, 2013 – 4:46 pm
Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - “There are days when thankful is hard, until it’s not.” What a beautiful way to state it.July 1, 2013 – 5:49 pm
Katia Bishofs - Kristi, even when you write about procrastination and not writing you manage to make it good and authentic. These are wonderful moments that you describe with Tucker. I can imagine the dichotomy of a huge sense of accomplishment after having that semi-argument with Tucker. Is it weird if I pray that you have so many more of those? And real, full blown ones? I just love your writing. You are so gifted, Kristi.July 2, 2013 – 12:49 am
Mytwicebakedpotato - I am thankful that I read this because this has been an emotional week w/my son’s birthday and memories of his adoption day. Those were good memories for the most part and then today happened.
I ran errands around my town with a piece of my Kind bar melted and smeared in my cleavage. No one said anything! The barista, cashier…even my son. Ugh!
Despite those up and downs of the week, I am thankful that my son didn’t have a major meltdown after the excitement of his party. 🙂July 2, 2013 – 6:00 pm
Deb @ Urban Moo Cow - Henriette… I love to read lists like yours. I have worked in some pretty tough places and whenever I return I can’t believe how self-absorbed we are… how entitled. But inevitably time passes and I forget and become self-absorbed and entitled.
I agree with Kristi that you should start a blog or some kind of forum to speak out. When I struggle to come up with what I am thankful for, I forget that there are 101 things to be thankful for that *allow* me to be thankful for what I’m struggling to come up with. If that makes sense. More people need to realize this!July 2, 2013 – 11:18 pm
Courtney - Kristi, this is beautifully said. Yes, there are days when seeing the good is hard, even when there is soooo much good out there. I am so sorry you are having a tough week. I have been trying to send you happy thoughts since I read this post the first time on Monday. Take care, my friend, every day is a new chance to see something good. Praying for you, especially as you make your way through the middle world or the high functioning word, or motherhood. Those worlds are hard.July 3, 2013 – 2:24 pm
Jak - Pfft! Who needs lists?! Walk the Path of the Doctrine 😉
Sorry to hear you had such a bad week. I feel having this hop makes one more aware and appreciative of the positives that are going on side by side with the negative, but we are just blind to them. Odd needing an “assist” but it truly helps.
At some point perhaps we won’t need reminders?
I hate dentists/drs so I try to avoid them as much s possible, but that usually isn’t the best course of action.
Can’t imagine working 60-80hr weeks weeks! I would… well, I’ve no idea what would happen to me, but I don’t ever want to find out!
Great pic, is he a little cookie monster? I love my cookies!
Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of InkJuly 3, 2013 – 4:24 pm
Kristi Rieger Campbell - There are times when it’s hard and I suppose that those are the most important times to remember what we are thankful for! Thanks, Michelle!June 30, 2013 – 3:07 pm
Kristi Rieger Campbell - I’m thankful that you shared because I am not alone. And I’m the lucky one…to call you a friend. I might be able to say friend, but without my work may have to say “sis is my good fwiend, Washel.”
July 1, 2013 – 4:02 am
Kristi Rieger Campbell - Thanks, Maggie. Just seeing this for some reason but really appreciate the comment – it is hard, but cool at the same time. July 5, 2013 – 4:43 am
Kristi Rieger Campbell - Katia,
Thank you. Nope, not weird at all. I pray that I have so many more of them, too. Thank you, friend. A lot. July 5, 2013 – 4:44 am