Hi, friends. So, it’s Sunday and there are voices in my head today. Here are a few of them:
- My own voice: “You’re too busy to participate in Ten Things of Thankful this weekend. It’s already after 7pm on Sunday and the fact that you haven’t even thought about it means you’re either thankless or unworthy.”
- Lizzi’s counter “Which is exactly why you should remember what you’re thankful for. Just ’cause I’m on holiday is no excuse for you to slack off and not remember how lucky you are. I mean, there are people in the world with nothing and you’re not one of them!”
- Clark’s voice: “Hm. I wonder where Kristi is. We’ve had such a lovely community back and forth conversation this weekend, from the bookstore to the coffee shop to the cafe to the bar…I was sure I’d see her in the bar…”
- IRL guy I work with’s voice in response to me saying that I’d have time to work on something on Monday: “So you’ll have a draft done Monday then?”
- What I didn’t say but wanted to and was certainly implied: “Well. We can hope, right? But let’s face it. There’s a reason that I said I have time to work on it and did not, in fact say, that you’ll see anything on Monday.”
- “I should really start doing that presentation now, because it would be nice to not stress about it tomorrow. A head start would help.”
- To which I reply “Fuck that,” and then, immediately, “I know. Right after I finish this other stuff. I still need to gather the items for tomorrow’s donation pick up as well.” “And write a blog post.”
- “Well, I don’t have to write a blog post.”
- Lizzi, again: “You don’t have to but you should.”
- The voice of Guilt: “I can’t believe you’re paying a babysitter to go do all that fun stuff with Tucker. Didn’t you see those videos of him two years ago just yesterday? He’s already changed so much and you’re totally missing out.”
- “sigh…”
- Another IRL project “I need to get that social media plan done for dude. At least it’s paying decently.”
- “You don’t even have a social media plan for your own blog.”
- “Winging it is working just fine. Shut up.”
See? I told you that there are voices in my head. Plus, I’m really busy. Too busy. But, I’m still thankful. I’m going to make this a quick list today. I hope you understand.
- I’m thankful that I scheduled a donation pickup for tomorrow because it means that I am forced to go through the too-much-crap crap that I have that’s actually not crap but unused by me and will be appreciated by others who need it. In fact, there’s a brand-new coat in the bag that I’m particularly happy will help somebody feel less cold this winter.
- I’m thankful for old photographs because there is almost nothing that brings back the moment than reliving it through a forgotten photo.
- I’m thankful that my pants are too tight from overeating this weekend, because it means that I have food when too many don’t.
- I’m thankful for the annoying voices in my head.
- I’m thankful that although it makes me really sad and jealous to send Tucker off with a sitter to experience airplanes and farms, that we’ve found a young woman who I trust to take Tucker off to experience airplanes and farms.
- I’m thankful that he loves her and that she genuinely seems to adore him back. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t even think he’s a little bit weird. Or, if she does, she’s okay with that.
- I’m thankful that I had the wisdom to stop what I was doing this morning to play ball with Tucker. We both had a blast.
- I’m thankful that nobody in my house thinks it’s weird that it’s past 7pm and I have not put on underwear or changed clothes from the ones that I woke up in this morning.
- I’m thankful that the stress I’ve been feeling the past few weeks has inspired me to take some time off during the last week of August to catch up with myself and to dance in the cooler nights of summer’s end with my little boy.
- I’m thankful that I stumbled into blogging 10+ months ago now, searching for moms like me. I continue to get emails and comments from parents wondering about their sons’ speech delays, worrying whether it’s autism and feeling less alone because they stumbled here. Although I cannot help them to figure out what’s going on with their children, I can tell them that I know it’s terrifying and worrying and lonely. Telling them also tells me. I’m thankful for that.
What about you? What are you thankful for this weekend? And did I inspire you to put on underwear or schedule a donation pickup? No? That’s okay. Sundays are for lazy.

by Kristi Campbell
Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - You’re not wearing underwear?August 18, 2013 – 7:48 pm
Janine Huldie - Damn, what are the voices doing visiting your head. I guess they took a break from mine, lol!! But seriously, you do have tons to be thankful for and I know this feeling though very well at this point trying to indeed keep up! Here is to a great rest of Sunday night and a great week too now my friend!! 🙂August 18, 2013 – 8:30 pm
Kristi Campbell - Dyanne,
Glad I’m not alone with these pesky voices! I hope you have a great week, too!
—August 18, 2013 – 8:32 pm
Kate - Forgotten photos found are the best! You are good getting this done. I didn’t feel like I had enough thankful things to list but will try next week. Good luck with work tomorrow!August 18, 2013 – 8:35 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - Girl you are doing so good! “Winging it is working just fine.” And I love #2 – so true. That’s why I try to dig in the picture box and old photo albums when I go home. The sneezing, itching and rash is so worth it.August 18, 2013 – 8:44 pm
Jean - I’m thankful I got to meet you.August 18, 2013 – 8:58 pm
christine - My favorite part is that you stopped to play ball with Tucker. Sometimes, with so much to do, it is hard to stop to do those little things. But the little things are so important.
Funny, I almost thought Lizzi was here, the way you had her talking to you. 🙂
I’m glad you took the time to get the list done this week. Good luck with all still to do. Hopefully, underwear is on the list somewhere before you leave the house.August 18, 2013 – 9:02 pm
Natalia Frost - Great list! I hope you have a great week at the end of August and have some quality time with your little one.August 18, 2013 – 9:13 pm
Lisa Nolan - Hey Kristi Rieger Campbell, how did MY voices get in YOUR head? Huh? Seriously, I want to know. (Confession: I skip nightly showers to get my to-do list done! I’m not sure if I’m proud of that, tho, but as long as hubby doesn’t mind; ).August 19, 2013 – 1:00 am
Rich Rumple - I completely understand where you’re coming from. I’ve had to give up several hops simply because my time just isn’t there. Didn’t like doing it, but I felt my quality was suffering as I was forcing posts instead of creating them. Hang in there!August 19, 2013 – 1:07 am
Mary K. Hill - Hi, I am glad you found someone nice to take care of your son, and I hope you get the break too. Wow, I thought you were more of a veteran blogger. I am so new. I started in February and feel like I have a long, long way to go. Trying to decie stuff life sponsors, advertising, product review ect. Glad you are on in the same realm of the blogosphere as I am. 🙂August 19, 2013 – 1:19 am
Thankful Me - I have to agree with #1–not because I have a donation scheduled (I don’t), but because I remember seeing a little girl wearing a coat that one of my daughter’s had outgrown. The coat kept this little stranger warm during the cold winter, and it made me happy.August 19, 2013 – 1:36 am
A Morning Grouch - Hah. I love this. I love the voices and I love the back and forth (I’m not alone!) and I love the GRATITUDE. And the fact that I’m not the only one who happens to not have changed clothes in 24 hours.August 19, 2013 – 2:36 am
Sylvia Mumford-Phillips - I only had 5 things so not sure if I qualify for this party! You have a lot going on and a lot of voices in your head!August 19, 2013 – 3:24 am
Amy Carlson - Finding a babysitter you can trust is a godsend! I’m glad you found the time to post today. 🙂 It’s hard being a busy mom, isn’t it? Kids first, always (says the mom with an overflowing sink of dishes!)August 19, 2013 – 4:57 am
clark - (and without re-reading and trusting* my own clarklike instincts)
a) sure, you’re welcome
b) no! we were alright
3) no! clark that is not a good blogger-citizen thought! stop it! you’ll get our X-Chrome passport revoked for sure
d) really, stop that …besides, that’s Rich’s thing
We did miss you down at (fill in the temporary name of the virtual community that we have not yet had a contest for to come up with a name for) this weekend.
But it’s kinda like the new school year (lets stay in the high school for the metaphor… and be Juniors this year… same Homeroom, but different classes.., you know… those Doctrine Varsity jackets idea is starting to sound attractive again…)
in any event
congratulations on your promotion over to the FTSF organization…totally deserveded
see you on the virtual campus, yo**
*you know what happens when we do that… somewhere between: extremely good and oh my god what have I done?
** we all know how that would go: you be hanging with the crowd that smoked and had their own cars, but you wouldn’t laugh at me when the rogers among the group you were in (during lunch period) tried to start something (for that matter neither would the scotts…they would know me from a separate class and suspect that I was secretly cool)August 19, 2013 – 7:42 am
karen - it;s amazing how much guilt we push on ourselves…I am glad you saw all the amazing things you are doing and are thankful for what you have. You are an amazing mom…cheers you one…YOU ROCK!August 19, 2013 – 8:30 am
Yvonne - Kristi, you did better than I did this weekend! I said no thanks to thanks! Actually I didn’t totally, I just didn’t want to post a poor quality piece or for my blog to be nothing by 10 T of T (haven’t posted since last week) so I posted 11 gratitude posts on Twitter instead.
I’m very impressed that you managed to come up with this in so little time. You do a great job of showing how the mind works and I think it’s actually going to be useful to many people!August 19, 2013 – 8:44 am
GirlieOnTheEdge - ….”Ray is hearing voices?”…..
I for one am glad of your “voices” Kristi =D
Who ever said you HAVE to wear underwear? LOLAugust 19, 2013 – 9:15 am
Tamara - Crap, it’s Monday and I’m still wearing underwear from Saturday night. Kidding! I have many voices in my head this morning, as well as many reasons to be thankful. I am thankful that you stumbled into blogging 10+ months ago.August 19, 2013 – 10:02 am
Jak - Bleh, I read this last night and passed out right after!*
Jak’s voice: Where the hell is Kristi? Is she seriously attempting to win last place again?! Oh Hell no…**
You’ve been pretty busy for some time, but I’m really glad you were able to take some time out to play with your son. I’m sure he greatly appreciates it, regardless if he has a caretaker he is fond of and vice versa***
Hopefully at the end of August you get that free time and can spend more time with your family!
Glad you got your post in!!****
No comment about no underwear*****
*This is definitely not to say you are boring, just that I was exhausted.
**Not that you need another voice rummaging through your head or anything…
***Which is definitely something to be thankful for
****I knew you would 🙂
*****Well, maybe just one******
******On second thought, never mind…
Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of InkAugust 19, 2013 – 11:20 am
Maggie Amada - Good post, Kristi. I’m glad you found the time when so many of us didn’t. Thanks for reminding us to be thankful. 🙂August 19, 2013 – 12:29 pm
Michelle Liew - And it’s great that your blog is reaching out to others so well, Kristi!August 19, 2013 – 1:05 pm
Ruchira Khanna - I am glad you could find some support. It always helps and the good news is that we will see you more 🙂
To be touching civilization in a positive way…is good karma 🙂August 20, 2013 – 12:49 am
Out One Ear - Love them all, but especially #8 because I love waking up and never getting dressed. To me that is a successful, relaxing day. Glad you took the time to write this list, but since I didn’t, I’m just grateful I got to read yours. Happy Monday.August 20, 2013 – 6:17 am
SmackOfHam - At home with two kids, I always feel like I’m cheating when I get a shower and put on fresh clothes. It’s tough to fit in all you want to I and usually that’s the first activity to sacrifice. Enjoy the “time off!”August 21, 2013 – 10:13 am
Kevin Dickson - FWIW, Geoffrey, my oldest, didn’t say a word until he was 3-1/2. But when he was 4, we told him “the letters make the sound that they start with when you see them in a word”. With that information, he taught himself to read.August 22, 2013 – 8:22 am
Considerer - My voice in your head is a total bitch!
And Christine agrees it sounds like me (thanks buddy)
I apologise wholeheartedly for coming across so badly.
Love your list, and BEST THING ON IT is you taking time off to spend with lovely Tucker, doing fun Mom-and-son things. Enjoy every second 🙂August 24, 2013 – 4:23 pm
Kristi Campbell - Lizzi,
Your voice is not a total bitch and you didn’t come across badly at all. It was me writing it – my guilt!
Smack of Ham,
Yeah, best not to shower really!
We do need to be thankful!
HAHA, winning last place actually sortof sucks a bit!
You were totally not kidding, were you 😉
Me too. usually.
Well it’s now the following weekend and I’m thinking of saying no thanks!
Aw. Thank you friend!
HAHA to number 3! You have the best comment on this one for sure!
Yeah, finding the time is a beotch.
Thank you!
Playing with Tucker was my favorite part, too!
Aw. Ditto.
Winging it is mostly doing just fine 😉 and YES the ha-choos are so worth the photos!
I love forgotten photos!August 24, 2013 – 4:45 pm