It’s that time of week again. No, weirdos, I said WEEK, not month. Sheesh. It’s the time when we force ourselves, occasionally less-than willingly, to acknowledge the things for which we are thankful.
This week, I’m thankful for the following:
- Friends who don’t mind my kid totally violating her kids’ bedrooms when a six-kid playdate is supposed to be downstairs, because she gets when Tucker needs a break. That she encourages breaks, even.
- That we all survived, and managed to enjoy a six-kid playdate.
- I’m old enough to remember when Jorts were cool. Ditto to mullets and fannypacks.
- That I remember a time when nobody had cell phones, kids played outside until dusk, and safety warnings consisted of staying away from windowless white vans, because the men who drove them might give you a sticker laced with acid, or poisoned candy, and then steal you. In other words, staying away from windowless white vans was enough, friends. I’m thankful to have had that perspective while sitting in a bounce-house place for 2.5 hours.
- Bounce-house places, and that Tucker has a For Real Friend that he gets excited to see. A friend that he hugs, when his friend is upset. Even when friend’s upset is Tucker’s fault. Which it sometimes is.
- That there’s pee on my wall.
- My dorky husband is okay when I give him massive amounts of shit for being a total dork. Like when he walks around the house in gym shorts, black socks and summer sandals (for real and I have a photo but I can’t find it).
- I’m truly thankful for the Internet. Because, well, DUH. The Dewey Decimal system was a pain in the ass.
- That just mere months ago, I worried about Tucker ever having imaginative skills. Tonight, he put his new Ninee Transformer in the refrigerator. I asked why. “Bepaush, he has bwoken awwwwm.” WHOOT.
- That you’re here, reading this boring list. I’m thankful for you.
- OOH OOH, I have a number 11! Squee! I’m thankful that I’m secretly a ninja.
For reals. What? I am! I’m totally a ninja, damnit!
What are you thankful for this week?

Your hosts: A Fly on our (Chicken Coop) Wall, Considerings, Finding Ninee, Getting Literal, I Want Backsies, Mother of Imperfection, Rewritten, Thankful Me, The Meaning of Me, The Wakefield Doctrine
by Kristi Campbell
Janine Huldie - You are so totally a ninja and love you for that and more. But seriously, love that Tucker has a wonderful imagination and he sounds similar to both my girls who come out with similar stuff like this all the time now. Hope you had a great weekend and wishing you a wonderful week ahead, too!! 🙂February 23, 2014 – 9:59 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Janine! Some of the stuff he comes up with is just mind blowing. Weird, but adorable. Like really, how would the refrigerator heal the transformer’s broken arm? Maybe because it’s cold? Too funny. I hope you have a great week, too!February 24, 2014 – 12:44 pm
Sarah - I have complained about it before, and I will complain about it again? Why do I have to enter my info Every Time I Comment? Why Can’t This Site Remember It?
I’m over it. Nothing like a good rant.
Imagination. Yes. I have felt the same. So huge! SO HUGE!!!! I want to hug you and Tucker! For the life of me, I can’t think of a single example, but Maggie has started doing that, too. I understand.
What are Jorts?
My mother’s rule was, “Come home when the streetlights come on.” Just the memory of that statement conjurs of the smell of cut grass and sweat. So sweet.February 23, 2014 – 10:45 pm
Kristi Campbell - Ok hm. I don’t KNOW why it won’t remember you! What browser are you using? Maybe switch to Chrome (because yeah, you’re totally going to switch browsers just to make it better for ME but really I’m just trying to look out for YOU and I’m sorry it’s a pain :()
YAY and thank you for the Tucker and me hugs! I’m pretty impressed with his imagination and love that you’re seeing the same in Maggie.
Jorts are jean shorts. They used to be cool.
Love that the streetlights expression reminds you of cut grass and sweat. So so so sweet.February 24, 2014 – 12:46 pm
Courtney - I always love your list and drawings. I LOVE ninjas! They are super cool in our house and so are you. I’m so excited for BlogU, because then I get to meet you in person!February 23, 2014 – 10:47 pm
Kristi Campbell - Cheers to ninjas, Courtney and I can’t WAIT to meet you in person!!!February 24, 2014 – 1:08 pm
clark - I love the concept of bounce house (maybe therein lies a treatment for drug addiction!… bounce crack house(s)!!… same as a regular crack house but not only do the floors bounce when you walk or fall on them, but they can be remotely bounced by the team of Addiction Therapists/(retired)gymnastics judges lead by Bela Karolyi
damn! what a great idea!
(remember: italics! they’re not just for Posts anymore!February 23, 2014 – 10:54 pm
Kristi Campbell - HAHAHA what a weird idea is more like it. But hey! Maybe it’d work. You could have Doc branded bounce addiction houses and the therapists/judges people could all wear DocTanks! Whoot!February 24, 2014 – 1:12 pm
cyndy - I say if you wanna be a ninja, then you’re a ninja. I mean, who’s to say otherwise?!
I remember all those things…mullets and fannypacks, etc. And the time when nobody (at least not regular people) had even heard of a cell phone!February 24, 2014 – 12:44 am
Kristi Campbell - While I adore my phone and the convenience it affords me, there’s something about the days before cell phones that I feel nostalgic for. Glad I’m not alone in remembering mullets and fannypacks!!February 24, 2014 – 1:13 pm
zoe - Omg Clark. ..are you ON crack? Go fix the fever, man!
You know before you start thinkin youre a ninja or somethin!
As an aside….all boys pee that way…I practically had to repaint the bathroom when my kid learned to stand and pee….good luck!February 24, 2014 – 1:23 am
Kristi Campbell - Zoe! HAHA to Clark being on crack!! It was a massively weird idea, and I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking so. Thanks for consoling me that it’s just a boy thing. Maybe I should hang up plastic and make the bathroom like Dexter’s kill rooms.February 24, 2014 – 1:16 pm
Lizzi Rogers - Ahhhhhhhh my darling friend, you can most definitely be a ninja if that is what is in your heart to be.
Now wait there while I get your Temazepam….Bepaush, you might has bwoken bwainn….
(srsly tho, adore you, and Tucker, and YAY! for his achievements. Especially perhaps driving you round the bend doing those things he’s learning)February 24, 2014 – 6:40 am
Tamara - You are a ninja.
And I remember fearing white vans. And wouldn’t you know it? I have one now! Somehow I think my white Honda Odyssey with a little snow on the roof (I’m not tall enough!) blasting Tori Amos isn’t going to fill anyone with fear.
This is very thankful stuff.February 24, 2014 – 7:43 am
Kristi Campbell - You have a white van? You’re so cool. And thanks for letting me be a ninja.February 24, 2014 – 1:17 pm
christine - I understand your excitement for pee on the wall. Good for Tucker. I, however, am so far past being excited about pee on the wall. There is entirely too much pee on the wall at my house. At what age do they learn to aim???
I miss the days of neighborhood kids playing outside all day, every day. Desperately. Because guess what the moms were doing while the kids were playing? Having coffee together. Helping each other. Being the support system for each other we all need.
Yah for Tucker using his imagination!February 24, 2014 – 7:43 am
Kristi Campbell - Christine, do they EVER learn to aim? Boys can be gross. And yeah, it’s too bad that we no longer can just say “Come home when it’s getting dark” any longer. Although, maybe where you live? Here, it’s just crazy traffic and stuff, and life’s just different now I guess. But remembering those days DID make me a little less of a helicopter at Monkey Joe’s yesterday, so there’s that. At least I got to sit on my butt for a few minutes.
And I agree – yay! to Tucker’s imagination. Not sure how the fridge would help a transformer’s broken arm, but I’ll take it! 😀February 24, 2014 – 1:23 pm
thedoseofreality - Love it! You are adorable and are totally a ninja! 🙂 Is there anything better than a good friend who will let your kid chill out where he needs to? I think not. And I do think you should try a little harder to find that picture of your hubby! ;)-AshleyFebruary 24, 2014 – 8:51 am
Kristi Campbell - Ok Ashley, I’ll try to find the pic of hubby. Or take another one because he walks around that house like that ALL THE TIME. I keep telling him that he looks like an 80 year old but he doesn’t care. Which is cute in a dorky way, I guess.February 24, 2014 – 1:25 pm
Emily - Burgeoning imagination skills and a for real friend? As far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t get much better than that – huge stuff my friend! Oh and please find that photo of your husband – my dad dresses like that too sometimes – always good for a laugh!February 24, 2014 – 8:56 am
Kristi Campbell - I agree, Emily!!! Imagination and a for real friend is pretty much perfect! I’m going to just take a new photo of the hubs walking around the house like that. He’s such a dork. But fun to laugh at, so there’s that!!February 24, 2014 – 1:26 pm
Susan Zutautas - There’s always pee on my wall and on the bathroom floor but I’m not happy about it at all. It pisses me off :)Price I pay for living with 3 grown men. Augh!!!! But I can totally understand why you’re happy about it and congrats to Tucker!February 24, 2014 – 10:00 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Susan! And yeah, the pee on the wall can get pretty annoying. I’m just trying to make myself feel better about it. It’s already wearing thin, though…February 24, 2014 – 1:27 pm
Nicole @ Work in Sweats Mama - You are totally a badass mama ninja! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!February 24, 2014 – 2:21 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thank you! I really am a ninja!!!February 24, 2014 – 10:17 pm
Kristi - Bring a part time ninja myself (when I’m not a robot, of course) I know a ninja when I don’t see one.February 24, 2014 – 2:29 pm
Kristi Campbell - Weep, you don’t see a ninja? Huh.February 24, 2014 – 10:18 pm
Mike - Great list and I love your Ninja-ness, Kristi! I hope Tucker’s Ninee Transformer is recovering. The Dewey Decimal System sucked…remember that well. I LOL’d to your husband’s attire. I’m totally unpresentable for public consumption in my weekend home attire – slippers (if they haven’t been stolen by you know who), ratty sweats, rattier sweatshirt and the rattiest ballcap! But, I’m comfy 🙂February 24, 2014 – 3:24 pm
Kristi Campbell - OMG the Dewey Decimal System SO SUCKED, right? Ugh to the fact that I still remember the codes on the front of the books that categorized them. and YAAY to being comfy on the weekends, dude. We have to take the wins where they exist.February 24, 2014 – 10:37 pm
Kristi Campbell - The Dewey Decimal System SO SUCKED and I love that you remember it!!! HHAH to your weekend attired. I’m no better. He just looks more dorky. Or so I tell myself.February 25, 2014 – 12:33 am
Dana - That is why I never bought a white van, windows or not. But if I were with you, my ninja friend, I would not be afraid. And so happy that pee on the wall is a good thing for you.February 24, 2014 – 4:47 pm
Kristi Campbell - I’ll never be able to buy a white van. And the pee on the wall? It’s getting older. Also he puked on me, and his bed, and himself, and maybe has a flu, tonight. Whoop.February 25, 2014 – 12:34 am
Mandi - I want to be a Ninja, and I want to be able to make those cute ninja photos. I don’t always comment, but I’ve read some of your post. #6 and #9…that’s awesome.February 24, 2014 – 6:57 pm
Kristi Campbell - Aw, thanks, Mandi. Here’s to us being Ninjas.February 25, 2014 – 12:41 am
Stephanie Smith Sprenger - Hooray for a successful 6-kid playdate! (Seriously, that is epic.) and for your urine-speckled walls. Livin’ the dream…February 24, 2014 – 9:44 pm
beth teliho - I hope you really love pee on your wall cuz it never ends.
oh God. Mullets and fanny packs. I hope those never come back.
shit, I would need a break in someone’s bedroom during a 6 kid play date. Glad it went well!
yay to lists of eleven! woot! yay to transformers in the fridge! double woot!
NINJA!February 24, 2014 – 10:53 pm
Kristi Campbell - I already hate pee on my wall. I’m just trying to be thankful and shit. Damnit. HAHAHA to mullets and fannypacks.February 25, 2014 – 12:42 am
Sarah Almond - I wish I was a ninja.February 24, 2014 – 11:09 pm
Kristi Campbell - Sarah, wishing is enough. Granted. You’re a fucking ninja. You’re welcome.February 25, 2014 – 12:45 am
Jessica Herndon Worgul - I love this. So happy for Tucker’s achievements! Is it weird that I think fannypacks are still the best when I’m on vacation at the beach? Fannypack = Easy access to my wine opener, wet wipes, gummy bears, and cell phone while walking down the beach in my bathing suit. I have no shame.February 26, 2014 – 3:13 am
Christine Carter - LOVE YOUR LIST!!!!! First of all, I HAVE a fanny pack still and use it OFTEN. Yup.
LOVE that Tucker has a friend and is now into imaginative play!! WOOT.
And most importantly- that you truly are a NINJA!!!!!!February 26, 2014 – 4:58 am
Christine Carter - Crap… I always forget stuff. The pee on the walls!! The pee on the walls!!! YIPPEE FOR PEE!!!! (On the walls and not in the pull ups)February 26, 2014 – 4:59 am
Brittnei - 6 at a playdate sounds super duper fun. LOL. Friends are really great to have too! I second that! Wow the decimal system. I remember when I was working, there was one program we used that was still DOS. Hilarious! I like the internet too. 🙂February 27, 2014 – 4:58 pm
Heather Thomas Lian - Pee on the wall…eh, it happens. I know all too well…we have four little boys, plus four other little boys I babysit. Sometimes I think I need a maid just for the bathroom!March 4, 2014 – 8:35 pm