During this completely wacky and totally unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, people keep talking about “when things get back to normal.” Will they ever get back to normal? It’s hard to imagine we’ll simply return to a world where the Whole Foods salad bar I love so much doesn’t feel like 1,001 pairs of tongs and touch areas where somebody may have shed the virus. *shudder*
I suppose we’ll feel a lot safer once there’s a vaccine, but will our anxiety and fear ever fully go away? COVID-19 has changed our lives forever. It is entirely possible strangers will never shake hands again. Maybe people around the world will adopt the Asian practice of wearing a mask when they’re ill (although it’s hard to imagine given that some people refuse to do so now). This pandemic could change how expensive the most expensive cities are, given that workers may be able to work from home forever as Twitter announced.
Although we’re still in the midst of heartbreak over missed graduations (we got a photo booth for Tucker’s elementary school graduation dangit!), canceled plans, and not knowing when it’ll be safe to do anything ever, it’s going to be interesting to see how we embrace some of the good that may come from all of this.
No matter how long we’ll continue wiping incoming household items and food containers with Clorox (please make it stop!) and worry about doorknobs and handles touched by others, there are sure to be things we’ll appreciate more because of the pandemic.
Things the World Will Appreciate More Because of the Pandemic
Hugging will certainly be at the top of the list. Even awkward side-arm hugs.
Teachers. Enough said there if you’ve got an e-learning kid at home. The up-side is that Tucker stopped asking me about homeschooling, and I’m pretty sure I’ll only be his teacher if we’re both forced into it.
Massage. I’m not talking about the lazy shoulder rubs you may get from somebody you live with. I’m talking about professional, scented, all-the-right-spots-feel-better-now massages. I wish I’d have gotten more in the past year and vow to regularly schedule them once they’re safe again.
OMG I so want to be right here now. I can almost smell the delicious spa scents.
Things the World Will Appreciate More Because of the Pandemic According to My Friends and Family
Because I feel like I’m being a bit cliche, I asked my friends and family what they think the world will appreciate more because of the pandemic.
Tucker said “More animals outside and less pollution.” Is it possible we’ll continue to ride bikes and walk more like we do today because of boredom?
Robert said “Vacations.” I told you we missed going to Disneyland and Universal over spring break, right? Sigh. Being able to go on vacation again one day will be so nice… Vacation memories heal your tired soul, after all.
My friend Sara said “Scientists (well…never stopped). Visiting my parents. Journalists. Face licking.
Julie replied to ask whether Sara said face-licking because she’d refrained when they saw one another and wondered whether Sara suddenly realized that a face lick would be nice.
Sandi said “Nature and clean air. Learning how to smile with your eyes because you’re worried about wearing a mask.” Argh, the smiling with a mask. I usually just do the universal head-nod while wearing a mask to say “I see you, human. I am human, too.” Or something like that.
I know the world will be better if we continue to wear uncomfortable masks, maintain social distancing, and do everything we can to keep the most vulnerable among us safe. Perhaps one day, our planet will be better because of what we’ve learned while living through a global pandemic.
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, with the prompt of “Things the world will appreciate more because of the pandemic.” When I came up with it, I had visions of deep and unique insights but my eyes are still a little blurry and shell-shocked from canceled spring break and Tucker’s 5th-grade graduation plans. Also, the Clorox wipes may be worse for my brain than wine is. Just a theory.
What about you?
Are there things you think the world will appreciate more because of the pandemic?
by Kristi Campbell
Kenya G. Johnson - My mom and I were just talking about public salad bars this week. I had a mild case of germaphobeism before this and I didn’t even THINK TWICE about the salad bar utensils. So many little things. Twice in my recent years I think I got sick from a shopping cart and the gym because in both instances it was the only place I’d been and I was sick by the end of the day. So scary about germs now. I had Christopher check the mail, and bring the recycle and trash back to the house. When he came in it had been a few minutes and I said, did you wash your hands? He said no and then I was like, what all did you touch because you just brought a thousand people in here. Oh boy I’m going to be ridiculous and get on my family’s nerves for sure.May 15, 2020 – 6:54 am
Kristi Campbell - I do miss salad bars so much. But I never thought about it either. I mean, I go into a store, wipe down the cart handle, and then touch what… like 15 different tongs, then dressing, then nut sprinkles, and now I fear they’ll never come back. I can’t ever make them as good at home. I guess it’s because I don’t have things like heart of palm (yum) on hand (which I could get I suppose) but more that I’m not gonna open a whole can of kidney beans so I can put a few on my salad, ya know? Plus, I like a mixture of spinach and kale and all the veggies – again, can’t buy small enough amounts to not waste some. Sigh. LOL to “you just brought a thousand people in here” because YES. Gah. I thought about asking Robert to strip down in the garage when he comes in from work but he’d never do it and he’d never let me forget I asked. 😉May 19, 2020 – 9:57 pm
Allison Smith - Kristi, the Jarrard Davis comments are from me:). I don’t know how or why my comments came up like that (but I was on my work computer…so….).May 15, 2020 – 7:32 am
Kristi Campbell - Allison! I MISS YOU! And thanks for telling me that the Jarrard comments are yours. I’d have gone down a long rabbit hole trying to figure out what blogger missed me and that I didn’t recognize the name of! xoxooMay 19, 2020 – 9:58 pm
Tamara - Yes, I made my own list!
I do love that Whole Foods salad bar.. or I did.
And I think we will again.
Maybe things will get better. Less overcrowding of nearly anything. Unaffordable living and living paycheck to paycheck and pollution and the rampant spreading of much lesser viruses. Maybe we’ll all be improved!May 15, 2020 – 1:46 pm
Kristi Campbell - Gah the Whole Foods salad bar was so good. Hearts of palm, artichoke hearts, feta, spinach and kale… I can never buy small enough amounts of the huge number of items they had to ever replicate at home. I hope we will again. I like your thoughts on us being improved. I so hope so. xoxoMay 19, 2020 – 9:59 pm