Time passes quickly up here at my age. For the younger me’s (I so want to type me’s because I know that’s what you need to see, but I’m fairly certain that mes is correct), though, it passed much more slowly. Perhaps time, in youth, passes more slowly because we change, so much, from one year to another. I think back now on the 80’s as a decade. But in reality, the 80’s was so much more.
I’m going to use me’s from here because although that’s not correct, mes looks too much like a typo for me to persist with it. Also, in the title. Moving on…
They were a lifetime, and, in that lifetime, there were a lot of me’s.
It was 1980 when I left sixth grade. A little kid. I looked something like this.
This is what happens when you go to horse camp and don’t have access to hair products. Oh, and braces. See my jacket? Yup, that’s my name sewn above the horse. In all caps. I rocked awkward.
Please, God, tell me I wore this because my mother made me. Really??? Please.
The 80’s were long, friends. They were there when I matured enough to move on to middle school and bring homemade suckers to school, hopeful that I’d come home wealthy from my lucrative business venture. In reality, I gave them away for free to pretty much anybody I deemed as cooler than I was. Which was pretty much everybody.
The 80’s also encompassed my highschool years. They include the year I lost my virginity. The 80’s were there for my awkward freshman year, when my parents got divorced. They were there for braces and puberty and boys.
It was 1985 when I went to Mexico and found boyfriend number x, who I loved for x weeks.
#1 My roommate got pissed at me – this photo was on my bulletin board (do you remember bulletin boards???) and took a thumbtack (do you remember thumbtacks??) and scratched my photographed face with it. Bitch.
# 2. I had a rat-tail. For real. That is, until Bob C cut if off at a party and hung it from the rear-view of his yellow Camaro, which was considered a sweet ride back then.
#3 Check out my boyfriend’s pants! And they were cool!
Here’s some of what I listened to, back then…
1983. The Eurithmics and The Violent Femmes…Who doesn’t remember hearing “When I’m a walking, I strut my stuff, and I’m so strung out…” wondering if it was a joke or for real and loving it because you didn’t know? Dude was so bad, he was good. Ah. Blister in the Sun. I love you forever.
I’m saving my ultimate 80’s favorite song for next week, because it’s more of an 80’s #2 thing – but (foreshadowing), one song was the inspiration for my license plate for a while. And OMG Duran Duran. Those douche bags deserve a mention here because hello, huge cultural influencers. Plus, I really dug their music.
Also, I’m not bragging or anything (I’m so totally bragging), but I was at the Under a Blood Red Sky concert at Red Rocks (those not in the US or not in the music world or not familiar with Red Rocks can skip this part). It was the summer after my freshman year. I went because a friend told me they were amazing – I’d heard them but hadn’t really “known” them at that point. We got general seating tickets, which, back then meant that you camped out in line overnight, drinking and living the good life until the gates opened up and everybody who was friends an hour ago then competed for the best seats in the house.
We camped out, sat in the rain, and waited for this…the finale. I’ve seen U2 live five times now (but not recently because their new stuff sucks) and can tell you that this concert was the most memorable of all concerts, ever. After they blew us away, their final encore was 40. “How long…” was sung by everybody leaving, drifting slowly to the parking lot, hanging on to what would become one of the best memories of their lives. A memory that that is tied completely to one of the me’s I’ve been before. This, my friends is the 80’s. And if you haven’t been to Red Rocks – I recommend you put it on your bucket list. It’s that awesome.
Oh. And this. When it was still cool to have sunburned cheeks, a perm, and a shaved “step thang” going on on the side of your head:
I’m hooking up with my pally Jen, over at My Skewed View (formerly Break the Parenting Mold) for Twisted Mixed Tape Tuesday! Wanna link up with us? Enter your post below and happy Tuesday!
by Kristi Campbell
clark - holy shit!*
I’m the first Comment!!
(hurry up and post this Comment before someone else get in!!
Nice Post
Loved the music
*feel free to edit out the impulse statement for the sake of decorum
** suspect this is a Y-Chrome thing…. me? competitive?? no fricken wayJuly 2, 2013 – 5:34 am
GirlieOnTheEdge - I AM so damn jealous Kristi! I love U2. How cool to have seen them at Red Rocks. Damn cool.
Thumbs up on the hair cool chick:)* I myself had half my head shaved – early ’86 I think. Called it my “modified mohawk”. LOL
As it grew out, I had it dyed blonde, you know, as a lovely counterpoint to my otherwise darker hair. Weren’t the 80’s so very fun?:D
*Don’t you let anyone tell you, you ain’t no clark lololJuly 2, 2013 – 6:53 am
Dani Ryan - OMG, you TOTALLY brought me back to middle school with this post!!!! Too funny! I never did the head-shaving thing, but you and I could be sisters with the big hair. 🙂
And FYI…I hate U2s new stuff, too!!!!July 2, 2013 – 7:53 am
Dream - I so wanted to do the side head-shave thing. I wasn’t enough of a rebel to break the school’s rule about that sort of thing though. They were pretty strict on any displays of originality.
I didn’t care much about U2 at the time, but love them now. Pretty awesome that you got to see them at Red Rocks!July 2, 2013 – 8:45 am
SocialButterflyMom - Did you ever, in your wildest fantasies, think that all of these trends would come back?! God help us…July 2, 2013 – 8:50 am
Kerri - Love your mix tape! Duran Duran, sigh. U2 (the 80’s one not the 2013) were awesome. But how can you forget that Boy George? After all I think he inspired your haircut 🙂July 2, 2013 – 9:47 am
donofalltrades - Not gonna lie, 80’s you was pretty hot! I had some bad thoughts about what 80s don would have done with all those you’s. At the same time too, unless that screws up the space time vortex should two you’s occupy the same space at the same time. I think I saw something on Big Bang Theory where that’s a bad thing.July 2, 2013 – 9:51 am
Jen - Dude you were so gorg! I mean totally! And I am not just talking 80’s speak. You rocked the rat tail and the 80’s step. Mine kept growing, until it was a mohawk, because I wanted to piss off my mom. Then I died it green. That sealed the deal.
I love your take, because you are right on! Forget bulletin boards! Who even prints out their photos anymore??!!!
I did the Dead at Red Rocks once…it was AMAZING. I can’t believe you were at that concert, how awesome to be part of history!July 2, 2013 – 11:08 am
Considerer - Awwwwwwwwwwww look at all the ‘you’s! And did you know that Cher Lloyd has brought the shaved step thing back? (Or, she did for a while).
1980….hmm….I was -3.July 2, 2013 – 11:12 am
Michelle Liew - The shaved step is so cool!July 2, 2013 – 12:40 pm
K - You never fail to make me smile! I loved seeing all of the you’s.July 2, 2013 – 12:45 pm
Jessica Smock - The 1980s were simply a fashion travesty. Isn’t it amazing how GOOD we thought we looked? I’m glad that not many photos of me during the 1980s teen years survived. You were such a blondie!July 2, 2013 – 12:58 pm
Slu - Ha… Always love your lead in Story. Great song, SluJuly 2, 2013 – 1:47 pm
Diane Tolley - How can you think you were not cool? You were so cute!July 2, 2013 – 2:03 pm
Lori Lavender Luz - Oh, you are SO totally bragging!
Or I am so totally jealous.
Blister in the Sun is a great pick (all the other ones are, too, but this is the one I’ll have in my head the rest of the day).
I think you’re adorable in all the pix.July 2, 2013 – 2:31 pm
Tatum - Do college students still listen to Violent Femmes? I’m (a couple of years less than) a decade behind you, but they still were mainstay in my college CD collection. Maybe Kerry can do an Our Land contemporizing (is that a word) the rest of us into what’s cool now. It fits, right? Wondering and empathy of teenage angst and the impact of music.
PS – I lived in Milwaukee after college. The Violent Femmes are from Milwaukee. I was so cool driving along lake shore drive with my windows rolled down blaring Violent Femmes.July 2, 2013 – 3:15 pm
Anita @ Losing Austin - Your 80’s hair rocked! It wasn’t the giant embarrassing to look back on later kind, but the fresh and young variety.July 2, 2013 – 3:37 pm
Jennifer - Love it, nice looking horse! I was young in the 80’s, so I mostly had torn up kitten calendar “posters” tumb tacked around the top of my ceiling.July 2, 2013 – 4:02 pm
Janine Huldie - So jealous that you got to see U2 in concert not once but 5 times and back when there music was absolutely phenomenal. Seriously, so cool and loved the hair, too Kristi, because I also had a similar hairstyle back in the day!!July 2, 2013 – 6:29 pm
Julie Chenell DeNeen - Love the hair! Epic!July 2, 2013 – 7:32 pm
Kate Hall - …I’m high as a kite, I just might, stop to check you out! Loved that – although I never got into that song until college even though it had been out a while. Loved seeing your pics and reading about you growing up in the 80s. Can’t wait to see next week’s list. I love these 80s posts!July 2, 2013 – 9:04 pm
Middleage Monologues - I am lovin’ the hair! My mother owned a chain of beauty salon’s in the 80’s so I can totally understand how you feel about some of the hair styles that you rocked! OH and U2 is just a given…NICE!!!July 2, 2013 – 10:01 pm
Jean - Kristi, this was such a “get to know you” without feeling like a “Hello, my name is” I agree with Jen, you were adorbs and I cannot believe that people didn’t see that in the 80’s!July 2, 2013 – 10:47 pm
Troy Patrick-Michael - When the Femmes come on the radio (OK, fine! Aux hooked up to an iPod), I STILL am forced (regardless of the weather) to roll down the window, crank up the volume, and sing along at full tilt.
Makes me miss my rat tail, I can tell you that.July 2, 2013 – 11:25 pm
Sarah Almond - I think if you and Jen had a contest of who was rocking the best look in the 80s you would win with that rattail! We should have an 80s photo contest complete with an 80s musical montage!July 3, 2013 – 12:32 am
Linda Atwell - You were so cute at every age. I think Tucker looks like his mama!July 3, 2013 – 5:06 am
Rachel Demas - Beautiful girl who turned into a beautiful woman! I would comment on the music, because your choices are, of course, epic. But I’m just so caught up in loving the photos!July 3, 2013 – 1:55 pm
Katia Bishofs - 😀 There are some writers that I read who always make me feel like this is the post I wanted to write but wap-wap-waaaap (or is wop-wop-woooop). You’re one of them. I say that with no resentment 🙂July 4, 2013 – 12:03 am
Jak - Aaaaaaah the 80’s! I’ve been looking forward to this era. Gotta love the fashion and hair styles!
I love the Violent Femmes (or at least that song lol). It sounds like you had some badass times and attended some sweet concerts! I’ve never been, or heard of, Red Rocks so that may call for some investigating.
I personally like U2 a lot, but most of what I’ve heard is the mainstream releases (except Joshua Tree I think the album was). Haven’t really heard anything new by them, though.
I was just telling someone how time seems to be going by so much faster now compared to when in school/as a kid. That shit dragged on forever lol Now I wish it was like that again.
Looking forward to Part 2 of your 80’s me’s!
P.S. I think I’d have to have paid for a sucker >.<
Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of InkJuly 4, 2013 – 6:33 am
Kate - Awww love all these photos! Memories!!July 4, 2013 – 7:08 pm
Donetta - I remember coming back from the beach my 7th grade summer in 1988 and my face being burnt, and that ‘summer beach hair’. Those days were pretty cool and the music was too!! Enjoyed your post!!July 4, 2013 – 11:03 pm
Melissa@Home on Deranged - I knew we were kindred spirits from the 80s! I had that exact same hairdo, only in very dark brown, seeing as I hadn’t stepped into the world of color just yet. And Red Rocks…how many times did I try to convince my parents to let me go? And then my best girlfriends went to UC-Boulder and I thought – now is my chance. But alas and alack, still hasn’t come to pass. And I still pride myself on loving U2 before they became U!!friggin’2!!
And I dated a guy with a burnt orange t-top Camaro. Because that was the coolest thing to do. Even if he was a complete tool.
Thanks for the road trip down memory lane!July 9, 2013 – 3:13 pm
Kristi Rieger Campbell - Aw, thanks, Diane! And congratulations on having taken Kris Kringle’s Magic to seven schools so far! That’s wonderful!!July 2, 2013 – 11:24 pm
Kristi Rieger Campbell - Still not as cool as yours. But I’m okay with that. July 2, 2013 – 11:24 pm