Today is Thursday.
Today is Thursday. I mention this because today is also a day that I thought was a Wednesday that feels like a Friday. For regular folks, I suppose a day when you think it’s Wednesday but feels like Friday would make it easier to understand that it really and truly is an actual, for-real Thursday. My calendar laughs at me from the kitchen counter, flapping its pages as if there were a breeze. Swish, swish. Time enjoys mocking me now and again.
All week, I’ve been planning to write for the Finish the Sentence Friday (FTSF) prompt of “I see the light in…” Then, boom. It’s Thursday, and while I pretty much always start these posts at the last minute, I hadn’t even remembered to let the good folks in the FTSF Facebook group know there was a prompt at all.
Today is Thursday, in case the rest of you are as confused by this week as I am.
Here, I insert a special thank you to the brilliant and wonderful Tamara of Tamara Like Camera for co-hosting a “Currently” prompt this week.
*thank you, Tamara*
Currently, it’s Thursday in spite of what my brain and body decided sometime between last night and now about it NOT being Thursday. Also? It’s somewhere mid-January, I’m pretty sure.
Today is Thursday. What am I doing?
Stephen King’s Duma Key. It’s an older book but before we mostly read on devices, Robert and I toured bookstores each weekend. I found many amazing books on the bargain rack and have a couple boxes of them sitting in the basement crying because they haven’t been picked up in so long. I mean, devices happened and all that. So did me wanting a less cluttered home, after donating so much when we moved from Virginia to Colorado a year+ ago (hence, less books but of course I kept the ones I knew I’d eventually read, and am very slowly getting through them).
California Disney for Tucker’s spring break. I cannot wait, in spite of hearing from my sister-in-law that the new Star Wars attractions offer lightsabers that cost like four times as much as Harry Potter wands do from Universal in Florida and you can’t even see one before you buy it. We’ll have fun though, I know. It’s Disney, after all.
Well, what am I not stressing about, always? At the top is Tucker has six (SIX!!!) middle schools to choose from for sixth grade next year. As if having sixth grade in middle school wasn’t enough? CHOOSING from six (!) schools? I much preferred the herd we had in Virginia where all the neighborhood kids went to the same bus stop, same school, and it didn’t involve actual work to figure out.
Same old. Jeans, a sweater, and bare feet because I’m in my own house and I think people who wear shoes in their own homes are weird and anal. That’s just me though – no judgment if you like to click-clack around your house in shoes. *shrugs*
Hm. I click around a lot and none of my favorite-favorites are on with new seasons. I’m a binge-watcher and tend to lose interest in shows that are less than highly engaging. Not like in a snobbish way or anything – more in a “I’ve seen this somewhere else already” kind of way. But currently, I’m finishing up this season’s Shameless and Ray Donovan, while looking forward to Billions coming back. Oh! Tucker and I binged Stranger Things over winter break. Gah. Amazing.
Again, hm. Tucker’s making a Nerf bullet contraption and I adore hearing how his sweet, creative brain decides the next steps for his random projects. The other day, he made an experiment involving an old film canister, water, and pop rocks. You can guess what he heard when we realized what a mess it’d become.
Too much.
It wouldn’t be fair to say I’m loving January, because now that school is in full swing (along with 10 extra minutes each day because we used too many snow days in October and November), I miss the lazy mornings of winter break.
I’m trying to love myself at least some percentage of the amount I love Tucker, so there’s that. Turns out, my 2020 word of the year “Heal” is harder than I thought because healing requires figuring out what hurt us in the first place.
Also, January can be good. I mean, look at the sky.
And Pikes Peak as the sun came up.
But also, this, in the dark hours of the night (he’s fine, but we were worried)…

Optimistically hopeful that I can actually heal and like/love myself while trying to give myself the grace and care I give my no-longer-little little boy. Oh, and he’s starting to smell like a tweenager, so I’m feeling all the feels about that. Admiring his new self while grieving the tiny person I once carried on my hip.

Hoping for a less busy week next week, and hoping to know a Thursday as a Thursday when I’m not convinced it’s a Wednesday that feels like a Friday.
Hoping (as newly found) to heal, to love myself, too, knowing it’s in addition to loving those I care about most.
What are you currently doing?
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. This week, I’m honored to have Tamara as a co-host and her prompt is “Currently…” (reading, planning, stressing, wearing, watching, listening, eating, loving, feeling, hoping) <3
by Kristi Campbell
Kenya G. JOhnson - Speaking binge watching, I downloaded the trial to AppleTV when it was new and they only publish their new shows once a week! So I got into The Morning Show which was excellent btw, and I was going to get the subscription to AppleTV but we got it free for a year when Christopher got a new phone. The Morning Show season is finished but I’m still watching one of the shows that’s stringing me along each week.
Six schools? Chandler Bing voice, “OH MY GOD”. That’s a whole year’s worth of OMG.
Oh my husband is weird. Once he’s up up, like going to stay in the bathroom to brush his teeth etc, he puts on REAL shoes. It’s so weird. What is even weirder to see him barefoot for second to get a towel out of the hall closet.
This skies are GORGEOUS. It’s nothing more depressing than a clouded sky with ugly weather underneath.January 17, 2020 – 4:43 am
Tamara - Well. You’re welcome! (takes a bow) Next week we’ll all see the light in..
So we’re doing Galaxy’s Edge and just know you can get two free Disney passes as a blogger. Look into that! (or just email me.. haha)
We told the kids they had to make a Droid because making lightsabers would be too expensive and they had wanted to make Droids anyway, BUT, there are two of them. One kid would be different.
SIX middle schools? Sheesh! We just have the one. Well, that’s not true. There are charter schools and performing arts ones for free, but that has its own repercussions.January 17, 2020 – 7:12 am
Dana - Currently I am working on my post about our Death Valley vacation, so I am not posting this week. But I’m happy to catch up on reading! Six schools? Yuck. It’s like college – too many choices.
Btw, that smell doesn’t go away. My son’s room still has a particular teenage boy smell even though anything stinky is gone and I deep cleaned. Maybe it’s seeped into the walls and carpet?January 17, 2020 – 11:02 am
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - Believe it or not, I actually got a post in! I’ll link up when I’m finished reading here. Sadly, my eyes are too tired to read any more posts, but I’ll get back here later and check them out.
So you guys binged Stranger Things? How did you like it? Did Tucker love it? Zilla is a huge fan.
What is this six schools to choose from thing? Why does that happen? Around here a district has X number of schools, but it’s not usually a choice thing, it’s a geographic thing. I’m curious.
Tweenagers stink. Not to disparage my poor girl, but they just don’t smell like sweet babies anymore. WTF? LOLJanuary 20, 2020 – 7:38 pm